--- /dev/null
+#include "MEDMEM_Grid.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+ * Constructor of a block topology from a grid.
+ * This preliminary version simply splits along the first axis
+ * instead of making the best choice with respect to the
+ * values of the different axes.
+ */
+BlockTopology::BlockTopology(const ProcessorGroup& group, const GRID& grid):
+_proc_group(&group), _dimension(grid.getSpaceDimension())
+ vector <int> axis_length(_dimension);
+ // idim + 1, because MEDMEM numbering of the axis start at one.
+ _nb_elems=1;
+ for (int idim=0; idim <_dimension; idim++)
+ {
+ axis_length[idim]=grid.getArrayLength(idim+1);
+ _nb_elems*=axis_length[idim];
+ }
+ //default splitting along 1st dimension
+ _local_array_indices.resize(_dimension);
+ _nb_procs_per_dim.resize(_dimension);
+ _local_array_indices[0].resize(_proc_group->size()+1);
+ _local_array_indices[0][0]=0;
+ _nb_procs_per_dim[0]=_proc_group->size();
+ for (int i=1; i<=_proc_group->size(); i++)
+ {
+ _local_array_indices[0][i]=_local_array_indices[0][i-1]+
+ axis_length[0]/_proc_group->size();
+ if (i<= axis_length[0]%_proc_group->size())
+ _local_array_indices[0][i]+=1;
+ }
+ for (int i=1; i<_dimension; i++)
+ {
+ _local_array_indices[i].resize(2);
+ _local_array_indices[i][0]=0;
+ _local_array_indices[i][1]=axis_length[i];
+ _nb_procs_per_dim[i]=1;
+ }
+ _cycle_type.resize(_dimension);
+ for (int i=0; i<_dimension; i++)
+ _cycle_type[i]=ParaMEDMEM::Block;
+ * Creation of a block topology by composing
+ * a geometrical topology and a component topology.
+ * This constructor is intended for creating fields
+ * for which the parallel distribution is made on the
+ * components of the field rather than on the geometrical
+ * partitioning of the underlying mesh.
+ *
+ */
+BlockTopology::BlockTopology(const BlockTopology& geom_topo, const ComponentTopology& comp_topo)
+ // so far, the block topology can only be created if the proc group
+ // is either on geom_topo or on comp_topo
+ if (geom_topo.getProcGroup()->size()>1 && comp_topo.nbBlocks()>1)
+ "BlockTopology cannot yet be constructed with both complex geo and components topology"));
+ if (comp_topo.nbComponents()==1)
+ {
+ *this=geom_topo;
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _dimension = geom_topo.getDimension()+1;
+ if (comp_topo.nbBlocks()>1)
+ _proc_group=comp_topo.getProcGroup();
+ else
+ _proc_group=geom_topo.getProcGroup();
+ _local_array_indices=geom_topo._local_array_indices;
+ vector<int> comp_indices = *(comp_topo.getBlockIndices());
+ _local_array_indices.push_back(comp_indices);
+ _nb_procs_per_dim=geom_topo._nb_procs_per_dim;
+ _nb_procs_per_dim.push_back(comp_topo.nbBlocks());
+ _cycle_type=geom_topo._cycle_type;
+ _cycle_type.push_back(Block);
+ _nb_elems=geom_topo.getNbElements()*comp_topo.nbComponents();
+ cout << " Nb elems "<<_nb_elems<<" topo elems "<<geom_topo.getNbElements()
+ <<" comp_topo "<<comp_topo.nbComponents()<<endl;
+ }
+/*! Constructor for creating a one-dimensional
+ * topology from a processor group and a local
+ * number of elements on each processor
+ *
+ * The function must be called only by the processors belonging
+ * to group \a group. Calling it from a processor not belonging
+ * to \a group will cause an MPI error, while calling from a subset
+ * of \a group will result in a deadlock.
+ */
+BlockTopology::BlockTopology(const ProcessorGroup& group, int nb_elem):_proc_group(&group),_dimension(1)
+ int* nbelems_per_proc = new int[group.size()];
+ const MPIProcessorGroup* mpi_group=dynamic_cast<const MPIProcessorGroup*>(_proc_group);
+ const MPI_Comm* comm=mpi_group->getComm();
+ mpi_group->getCommInterface().allGather(&nb_elem, 1, MPI_INTEGER,
+ nbelems_per_proc, 1, MPI_INTEGER,
+ *comm);
+ _nb_elems=0;
+ //splitting along only dimension
+ _local_array_indices.resize(1);
+ _nb_procs_per_dim.resize(1);
+ _local_array_indices[0].resize(_proc_group->size()+1);
+ _local_array_indices[0][0]=0;
+ _nb_procs_per_dim[0]=_proc_group->size();
+ for (int i=1; i<=_proc_group->size(); i++)
+ {
+ _local_array_indices[0][i]=_local_array_indices[0][i-1]+
+ nbelems_per_proc[i-1];
+ _nb_elems+=nbelems_per_proc[i-1];
+ }
+ _cycle_type.resize(1);
+ _cycle_type[0]=ParaMEDMEM::Block;
+/*! Retrieves the min and max indices of the domain stored locally
+ * for each dimension. The output vector has the topology dimension
+ * as a size and each pair <int,int> contains min and max. Indices
+ * range from min to max-1.
+ */
+std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > BlockTopology::getLocalArrayMinMax() const
+ vector<pair<int,int> > local_indices (_dimension);
+ int myrank=_proc_group->myRank();
+ int increment=1;
+ for (int i=_dimension-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ increment *=_nb_procs_per_dim[i];
+ int idim=myrank%increment;
+ local_indices[i].first=_local_array_indices[i][idim];
+ local_indices[i].second=_local_array_indices[i][idim+1];
+ cout << local_indices[i].first << " "<< local_indices[i].second<<endl;
+ }
+ return local_indices;
+/*! Serializes the data contained in the Block Topology
+ * for communication purposes*/
+void BlockTopology::serialize(int* & serializer, int& size) const
+ vector <int> buffer;
+ buffer.push_back(_dimension);
+ buffer.push_back(_nb_elems);
+ for (int i=0; i<_dimension; i++)
+ {
+ buffer.push_back(_nb_procs_per_dim[i]);
+ buffer.push_back(_cycle_type[i]);
+ buffer.push_back(_local_array_indices[i].size());
+ for (int j=0; j<_local_array_indices[i].size(); j++)
+ buffer.push_back(_local_array_indices[i][j]);
+ }
+ //serializing the comm group
+ int size_comm=_proc_group->size();
+ buffer.push_back(size_comm);
+ MPIProcessorGroup world_group(_proc_group->getCommInterface());
+ for (int i=0; i<size_comm;i++)
+ {
+ int world_rank=world_group.translateRank(_proc_group, i);
+ buffer.push_back(world_rank);
+ }
+ serializer=new int[buffer.size()];
+ size= buffer.size();
+ copy(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), serializer);
+/*! Unserializes the data contained in the Block Topology
+ * after communication. Uses the same structure as the one used for serialize()
+ *
+ * */
+void BlockTopology::unserialize(const int* serializer,const CommInterface& comm_interface)
+ const int* ptr_serializer=serializer;
+ cout << "unserialize..."<<endl;
+ _dimension=*(ptr_serializer++);
+ cout << "dimension "<<_dimension<<endl;
+ _nb_elems=*(ptr_serializer++);
+ cout << "nbelems "<<_nb_elems<<endl;
+ _nb_procs_per_dim.resize(_dimension);
+ _cycle_type.resize(_dimension);
+ _local_array_indices.resize(_dimension);
+ for (int i=0; i<_dimension; i++)
+ {
+ _nb_procs_per_dim[i]=*(ptr_serializer++);
+ _cycle_type[i]=(CYCLE_TYPE)*(ptr_serializer++);
+ _local_array_indices[i].resize(*(ptr_serializer++));
+ for (int j=0; j<_local_array_indices[i].size(); j++)
+ _local_array_indices[i][j]=*(ptr_serializer++);
+ }
+ set<int> procs;
+ int size_comm=*(ptr_serializer++);
+ for (int i=0; i<size_comm; i++)
+ procs.insert(*(ptr_serializer++));
+ cout << "unserialize..."<<procs.size()<<endl;
+ _proc_group=new MPIProcessorGroup(comm_interface,procs);
+ //TODO manage memory ownership of _proc_group
--- /dev/null
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+namespace MEDMEM
+ class GRID;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class Topology;
+class ComponentTopology;
+typedef enum{Block,Cycle} CYCLE_TYPE;
+class BlockTopology: public Topology
+ BlockTopology(){};
+ BlockTopology(const ProcessorGroup& group, const MEDMEM::GRID& grid);
+ BlockTopology(const BlockTopology& geom_topo, const ComponentTopology& comp_topo);
+ BlockTopology(const ProcessorGroup& group, int nb_elem);
+ virtual ~BlockTopology();
+ inline int getNbElements()const;
+ inline int getNbLocalElements() const;
+ const ProcessorGroup* getProcGroup()const {return _proc_group;};
+ inline std::pair<int,int> globalToLocal (const int) const ;
+ inline int localToGlobal (const std::pair<int,int>) const;
+ std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > getLocalArrayMinMax() const ;
+ int getDimension() const {return _dimension;};
+ void serialize(int* & serializer, int& size) const ;
+ void unserialize(const int* serializer, const CommInterface& comm_interface);
+ //dimension : 2 or 3
+ int _dimension;
+ //proc array
+ std::vector<int> _nb_procs_per_dim;
+ //stores the offsets vector
+ std::vector<std::vector<int> > _local_array_indices;
+ //stores the cycle type (block or cyclic)
+ std::vector<CYCLE_TYPE> _cycle_type;
+ //Processor group
+ const ProcessorGroup* _proc_group;
+ //nb of elements
+ int _nb_elems;
+//!converts a pair <subdomainid,local> to a global number
+inline std::pair<int,int> BlockTopology::globalToLocal(const int global) const {
+ int subdomain_id=0;
+ //int local=global;
+ int position=global;
+ int size=_nb_elems;
+ int size_procs=_proc_group->size();
+ int increment=size;
+ vector<int>axis_position(_dimension);
+ vector<int>axis_offset(_dimension);
+ for (int idim=0; idim<_dimension; idim++)
+ {
+ int axis_size=_local_array_indices[idim].size()-1;
+ int axis_nb_elem=_local_array_indices[idim][axis_size];
+ increment=increment/axis_nb_elem;
+ //cout << "increment "<<increment<<endl;
+ int proc_increment = size_procs/(axis_size);
+ int axis_pos=position/increment;
+ position=position%increment;
+// if (_cycle_type[idim]==Block)
+ // {
+ int iaxis=1;
+ // cout << "local array "<<_local_array_indices[idim][iaxis]<<" "<<axis_pos<<endl;
+ while (_local_array_indices[idim][iaxis]<=axis_pos)
+ {
+ subdomain_id+=proc_increment;
+ iaxis++;
+ }
+ axis_position[idim]=axis_pos-_local_array_indices[idim][iaxis-1];
+ axis_offset[idim]=iaxis;
+// }
+ // else
+ //{
+// int size = axis_nb_elem/axis_size;
+// if ((position%axis_size)<(axis_nb_elem%axis_size))
+// size+=1;
+// subdomain_id+=proc_increment*(position%axis_size);
+// local -= (axis_nb_elem-size)*increment;
+ //}
+ }
+ int local=0;
+ int local_increment=1;
+ for (int idim=_dimension-1; idim>=0; idim--)
+ {
+ local+=axis_position[idim]*local_increment;
+ local_increment*=_local_array_indices[idim][axis_offset[idim]]-_local_array_indices[idim][axis_offset[idim]-1];
+ }
+ return make_pair(subdomain_id,local);
+//!converts local number to a global number
+inline int BlockTopology::localToGlobal(const pair<int,int> local) const {
+ int subdomain_id=local.first;
+ int global=0;
+ int loc=local.second;
+ int increment=_nb_elems;
+ int proc_increment=_proc_group->size();
+ int local_increment=getNbLocalElements();
+ for (int idim=0; idim < _dimension; idim++)
+ {
+ int axis_size=_local_array_indices[idim].size()-1;
+ int axis_nb_elem=_local_array_indices[idim][axis_size];
+ increment=increment/axis_nb_elem;
+ proc_increment = proc_increment/(axis_size);
+ int proc_axis=subdomain_id/proc_increment;
+ subdomain_id=subdomain_id%proc_increment;
+ int local_axis_nb_elem=_local_array_indices[idim][proc_axis+1]-_local_array_indices[idim][proc_axis];
+ local_increment = local_increment/local_axis_nb_elem;
+ // if (_cycle_type[idim]==Block)
+ //{
+ int iaxis=loc/local_increment+_local_array_indices[idim][proc_axis];
+ global+=increment*iaxis;
+ loc = loc%local_increment;
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ //cout << "cyclic Not implemented yet"<<endl;
+ //exit (2);
+ //}
+ }
+ return global;
+//!Retrieves the number of elements for a given topology
+inline int BlockTopology::getNbElements()const {return _nb_elems;}
+//Retrieves the local number of elements
+inline int BlockTopology::getNbLocalElements()const
+ int position=_proc_group->myRank();
+ int nb_elem = 1;
+ int increment=1;
+ for (int i=_dimension-1; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ increment *=_nb_procs_per_dim[i];
+ int idim=position%increment;
+ position=position/increment;
+ //cout << "i idim dimension"<<i<<" "<<idim<<" "<<_dimension<<endl;
+ int imin=_local_array_indices[i][idim];
+ int imax=_local_array_indices[i][idim+1];
+// cout << "position imax imin "<<position<<" "<< imax <<" "<< imin<< " "<<idim<<endl;
+ nb_elem*=(imax-imin);
+ }
+ return nb_elem;
--- /dev/null
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
--- /dev/null
+#include <mpi.h>
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class CommInterface
+ CommInterface(){}
+ virtual ~CommInterface(){}
+ int commSize(MPI_Comm comm, int* size) const { return MPI_Comm_size(comm,size);}
+ int commRank(MPI_Comm comm, int* rank) const { return MPI_Comm_rank(comm,rank);}
+ int commGroup(MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group* group) const
+ {return MPI_Comm_group(comm, group);}
+ int groupIncl(MPI_Group group, int size, int* ranks, MPI_Group* group_output) const
+ {return MPI_Group_incl(group, size, ranks, group_output);}
+ int commCreate(MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group group, MPI_Comm* comm_output) const
+ {return MPI_Comm_create(comm,group,comm_output);}
+ int groupFree(MPI_Group* group) const {return MPI_Group_free(group);}
+ int commFree(MPI_Comm* comm) const {return MPI_Comm_free(comm);}
+ int broadcast(void* buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)const
+ {return MPI_Bcast(buffer, count, datatype, root, comm);}
+ int send(void* buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int target, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) const
+ {return MPI_Send(buffer,count, datatype, target, tag, comm);}
+ int recv(void* buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status* status) const
+ {return MPI_Recv(buffer,count, datatype, source, tag, comm, status);}
+ int allToAllV(void* sendbuf, int* sendcounts, int* senddispls, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
+ void* recvbuf, int* recvcounts, int* recvdispls, MPI_Datatype recvtype,
+ MPI_Comm comm) const
+ {return MPI_Alltoallv(sendbuf, sendcounts, senddispls, sendtype,
+ recvbuf, recvcounts, recvdispls, recvtype,
+ comm);}
+ int allGather(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
+ void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype,
+ MPI_Comm comm) const
+ {return MPI_Allgather(sendbuf,sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+/* Generic constructor for \a nb_comp components equally parted
+ * in \a nb_blocks blocks
+ */
+ComponentTopology::ComponentTopology(int nb_comp, ProcessorGroup* group):_proc_group(group)
+ int nb_blocks=group->size();
+ if (nb_blocks>nb_comp) throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION(
+ LOCALIZED("ComponentTopology Number of components must be larger than number of blocks"));
+ component_array.resize(nb_blocks+1);
+ component_array[0]=0;
+ for (int i=1; i<=nb_blocks; i++)
+ {
+ component_array[i]=component_array[i-1]+nb_comp/nb_blocks;
+ if (i<=nb_comp%nb_blocks)
+ component_array[i]++;
+ }
+/* Generic constructor for \a nb_comp components equally parted
+ * in \a nb_blocks blocks
+ */
+ComponentTopology::ComponentTopology(int nb_comp, int nb_blocks):_proc_group(0)
+ if (nb_blocks>nb_comp) throw MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION(
+ LOCALIZED("ComponentTopology Number of components must be larger than number of blocks"));
+ component_array.resize(nb_blocks+1);
+ component_array[0]=0;
+ for (int i=1; i<=nb_blocks; i++)
+ {
+ component_array[i]=component_array[i-1]+nb_comp/nb_blocks;
+ if (i<=nb_comp%nb_blocks)
+ component_array[i]++;
+ }
+//!Constructor for one block of \a nb_comp components
+ComponentTopology::ComponentTopology(int nb_comp):_proc_group(0)
+ component_array.resize(2);
+ component_array[0]=0;
+ component_array[1]=nb_comp;
+//! Constructor for one component
+ component_array.resize(2);
+ component_array[0]=0;
+ component_array[1]=1;
+int ComponentTopology::nbLocalComponents() const{
+ if (_proc_group==0) return nbComponents();
+ int nbcomp;
+ int myrank = _proc_group->myRank();
+ cout << "nbLocalComp "<<myrank<<" "<< component_array[myrank+1]<< " " <<component_array[myrank]<<endl;
+ if (myrank!=-1)
+ nbcomp = component_array[myrank+1]-component_array[myrank];
+ else
+ nbcomp=0;
+ return nbcomp;
--- /dev/null
+#include <vector>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class ComponentTopology
+ ComponentTopology(int nb_comp, ProcessorGroup* group);
+ ComponentTopology(int nb_comp, int nb_blocks);
+ ComponentTopology(int nb_comp);
+ ComponentTopology();
+ virtual ~ComponentTopology();
+ //!returns the number of MED components in the topology
+ int nbComponents() const {return component_array[component_array.size()-1];}
+ //!returns the number of MED components on local processor
+ int nbLocalComponents() const ;
+ //!returns the number of blocks in the topology
+ int nbBlocks()const {return component_array.size()-1;}
+ //!returns the block structure
+ const vector <int> * getBlockIndices() const {return &component_array;}
+ const ProcessorGroup* getProcGroup()const {return _proc_group;}
+ std::vector<int> component_array;
+ ProcessorGroup* _proc_group;
--- /dev/null
+/*! Data Exchange Channel
+ * Interface class for creation of a link between two
+ * MPI groups for exhanging mesh or field data*/
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+#include "DEC.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+void DEC::attachTargetField(const ParaFIELD* field)
+ _target_field=field;
+ if (field!=0)
+ {
+ BlockTopology* topo=dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*>(field->getTopology());
+ _comm_interface=&(topo->getProcGroup()->getCommInterface());
+ }
+void DEC::attachSourceField(const ParaFIELD* field)
+ if (field!=0)
+ {
+ BlockTopology* topo=dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*>(field->getTopology());
+ _comm_interface=&(topo->getProcGroup()->getCommInterface());
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef DEC_HXX_
+#define DEC_HXX_
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class ProcessorGroup;
+class ParaFIELD;
+class CommInterface;
+class DEC
+ DEC():_source_field(0),_target_field(0){}
+ void attachTargetField(const ParaFIELD* field);
+ void attachSourceField(const ParaFIELD* field) ;
+ virtual void prepareSourceDE()=0;
+ virtual void prepareTargetDE()=0;
+ virtual void recvData()=0;
+ virtual void sendData()=0;
+ virtual void synchronize()=0;
+ virtual ~DEC(){}
+ virtual void computeProcGroup(){};
+ const ParaFIELD* _source_field;
+ const ParaFIELD* _target_field;
+ //! Processor group representing the union of target and source processors
+ ProcessorGroup* _group;
+ const CommInterface* _comm_interface;
+#endif /*DEC_HXX_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "ExplicitCoincidentDEC.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+/*! Synchronization process for exchanging topologies
+ */
+void ExplicitCoincidentDEC::synchronize()
+ if (_source_field!=0)
+ _toposource = dynamic_cast<ExplicitTopology*>(_source_field->getTopology());
+ if (_target_field!=0)
+ _topotarget = dynamic_cast<ExplicitTopology*>(_target_field->getTopology());
+ // Transmitting source topology to target code
+ broadcastTopology(*_toposource,*_topotarget,1000);
+ // Transmitting target topology to source code
+ //broadcastTopology(_topotarget,2000);
+ //checkCompatibility(_toposource,_topotarget);
+/*! Creates the arrays necessary for the data transfer
+ * and fills the send array with the values of the
+ * source field
+ * */
+void ExplicitCoincidentDEC::prepareSourceDE()
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ //Step 1 : buffer array creation
+ if (!_toposource->getProcGroup()->containsMyRank())
+ return;
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(_toposource->getProcGroup()->getCommInterface());
+ int myranksource = _toposource->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ vector <int>* target_arrays=new vector<int>[_topotarget->getProcGroup()->size()];
+ //cout<<" topotarget size"<< _topotarget->getProcGroup()->size()<<endl;
+ int nb_local = _toposource-> getNbLocalElements();
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem< nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ pair<int,int> target_local =_distant_elems[ielem];
+ target_arrays[target_local.first].push_back(target_local.second);
+ }
+ int union_size=group->size();
+ _sendcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _senddispls=new int[union_size];
+ _recvcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _recvdispls=new int[union_size];
+ for (int i=0; i< union_size; i++)
+ {
+ _sendcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvdispls[i]=0;
+ }
+ _senddispls[0]=0;
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc < _topotarget->getProcGroup()->size(); iproc++)
+ {
+ //converts the rank in target to the rank in union communicator
+ int unionrank=group->translateRank(_topotarget->getProcGroup(),iproc);
+ _sendcounts[unionrank]=target_arrays[iproc].size();
+ }
+ for (int iproc=1; iproc<group->size();iproc++)
+ _senddispls[iproc]=_senddispls[iproc-1]+_sendcounts[iproc-1];
+ _sendbuffer = new double [nb_local ];
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //Step 2 : filling the buffers with the source field values
+ int* counter=new int [_topotarget->getProcGroup()->size()];
+ counter[0]=0;
+ for (int i=1; i<_topotarget->getProcGroup()->size(); i++)
+ counter[i]=counter[i-1]+target_arrays[i-1].size();
+ const double* value = _source_field->getField()->getValue();
+ //cout << "Nb local " << nb_local<<endl;
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ int global = _toposource->localToGlobal(make_pair(myranksource, ielem));
+ //int global=_toposource->localToGlobal(ielem);
+ int target_local =_topotarget->globalToLocal(global);
+ //cout <<"global : "<< global<<" local :"<<target_local.first<<" "<<target_local.second;
+ //cout <<"counter[]"<<counter[target_local.first]<<endl;
+ _sendbuffer[counter[target_local]++]=value[ielem];
+ }
+ delete[] target_arrays;
+ delete[] counter;
+ * Creates the buffers for receiving the fields on the target side
+ */
+void ExplicitCoincidentDEC::prepareTargetDE()
+ if (!_topotarget->getProcGroup()->containsMyRank())
+ return;
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(_toposource->getProcGroup()->getCommInterface());
+ //int myranktarget = _topotarget->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ vector < vector <int> > source_arrays(_toposource->getProcGroup()->size());
+ int nb_local = _topotarget-> getNbLocalElements();
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem< nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ pair<int,int> source_local =_distant_elems[ielem];
+ source_arrays[source_local.first].push_back(source_local.second);
+ }
+ int union_size=group->size();
+ _recvcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _recvdispls=new int[union_size];
+ _sendcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _senddispls=new int[union_size];
+ for (int i=0; i< union_size; i++)
+ {
+ _sendcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvdispls[i]=0;
+ }
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc < _toposource->getProcGroup()->size(); iproc++)
+ {
+ //converts the rank in target to the rank in union communicator
+ int unionrank=group->translateRank(_toposource->getProcGroup(),iproc);
+ _recvcounts[unionrank]=source_arrays[iproc].size();
+ }
+ for (int i=1; i<union_size; i++)
+ _recvdispls[i]=_recvdispls[i-1]+_recvcounts[i-1];
+ _recvbuffer=new double[nb_local];
+ * Synchronizing a topology so that all the
+ * group possesses it.
+ *
+ * \param topo Topology that is transmitted. It is read on processes where it already exists, and it is created and filled on others.
+ * \param tag Communication tag associated with this operation.
+ */
+void ExplicitCoincidentDEC::broadcastTopology(const ExplicitTopology& toposend, ExplicitTopology& toporecv, int tag)
+ MPI_Status status;
+ int* serializer=0;
+ int size;
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(*_comm_interface);
+ // The send processors serialize the send topology
+ // and send the buffers to the recv procs
+ if (toposend.getProcGroup()->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ toposend.serialize(serializer, size);
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc< group->size(); iproc++)
+ {
+ int itarget=(iproc+toposend.getProcGroup()->myRank())%group->size();
+ if (!toposend.getProcGroup()->contains(itarget))
+ {
+ int nbelem = toposend.getNbLocalElements();
+ _comm_interface->send(&nbelem,1,MPI_INTEGER, itarget,tag+itarget,*(group->getComm()));
+ _comm_interface->send(&serializer, size, MPI_INTEGER, itarget, tag+itarget,*(group->getComm()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vector <int> size (group->size());
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc<group->size();iproc++)
+ {
+ int isource = iproc;
+ if (!toporecv.getProcGroup()->contains(isource))
+ {
+ int nbelem;
+ _comm_interface->recv(&nbelem, 1, MPI_INTEGER, isource, tag+isource, *(group->getComm()), &status);
+ int* buffer = new int[nbelem];
+ _comm_interface->recv(buffer, nbelem, MPI_INTEGER, isource,tag+isource, *(group->getComm()), &status);
+ ExplicitTopology* topotemp=new ExplicitTopology();
+ topotemp->unserialize(buffer, *_comm_interface);
+ delete[] buffer;
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem<toporecv.getNbLocalElements(); ielem++)
+ {
+ int global=toporecv.localToGlobal(make_pair(iproc,ielem));
+ int sendlocal=topotemp->globalToLocal(global);
+ if (sendlocal!=-1)
+ {
+ size[iproc]++;
+ _distant_elems.insert(make_pair(ielem, make_pair(iproc,sendlocal)));
+ }
+ }
+ delete topotemp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MESSAGE (" rank "<<group->myRank()<< " broadcastTopology is over");
+void ExplicitCoincidentDEC::recvData()
+ //MPI_COMM_WORLD is used instead of group because there is no
+ //mechanism for creating the union group yet
+ MESSAGE("recvData");
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _recvcounts[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _recvdispls[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ cout<<"start AllToAll"<<endl;
+ _comm_interface->allToAllV(_sendbuffer, _sendcounts, _senddispls, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ _recvbuffer, _recvcounts, _recvdispls, MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ cout<<"end AllToAll"<<endl;
+ int nb_local = _topotarget->getNbLocalElements();
+ double* value=new double[nb_local];
+ int myranktarget=_topotarget->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ vector<int> counters(_toposource->getProcGroup()->size());
+ counters[0]=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<_toposource->getProcGroup()->size()-1; i++)
+ {
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(*_comm_interface);
+ int worldrank=group->translateRank(_toposource->getProcGroup(),i);
+ counters[i+1]=counters[i]+_recvcounts[worldrank];
+ }
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ int global = _topotarget->localToGlobal(make_pair(myranktarget, ielem));
+ int source_local =_toposource->globalToLocal(global);
+ value[ielem]=_recvbuffer[counters[source_local]++];
+ }
+ _target_field->getField()->setValue(value);
+void ExplicitCoincidentDEC::sendData()
+ MESSAGE ("sendData");
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _sendcounts[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _senddispls[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ //MPI_COMM_WORLD is used instead of group because there is no
+ //mechanism for creating the union group yet
+ cout <<"start AllToAll"<<endl;
+ _comm_interface->allToAllV(_sendbuffer, _sendcounts, _senddispls, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ _recvbuffer, _recvcounts, _recvdispls, MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ cout<<"end AllToAll"<<endl;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef ExplicitCOINCIDENTDEC_HXX_
+#define ExplicitCOINCIDENTDEC_HXX_
+#include "DEC.hxx"
+#include "ExplicitTopology.hxx"
+#include <map>
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class DEC;
+class BlockTopology;
+class ExplicitCoincidentDEC: public DEC
+ ExplicitCoincidentDEC();
+ virtual ~ExplicitCoincidentDEC();
+ void synchronize();
+ void broadcastTopology(BlockTopology*&, int tag);
+ void broadcastTopology(const ExplicitTopology& toposend, ExplicitTopology& toporecv, int tag);
+ void prepareSourceDE();
+ void prepareTargetDE();
+ void recvData();
+ void sendData();
+private :
+ ExplicitTopology* _toposource;
+ ExplicitTopology* _topotarget;
+ int* _sendcounts;
+ int* _recvcounts;
+ int* _senddispls;
+ int* _recvdispls;
+ double* _recvbuffer;
+ double* _sendbuffer;
+ std::map<int,std::pair<int,int> > _distant_elems;
+#endif /*ExplicitCOINCIDENTDEC_HXX_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Support.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "ParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "ExplicitTopology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+ExplicitTopology::ExplicitTopology(const ParaSUPPORT& parasupport ):
+ _nb_elems=parasupport.getSupport()->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity= parasupport.getSupport()->getEntity();
+ const int* global=parasupport.getMesh()->getGlobalNumbering(entity);
+ _loc2glob=new int[_nb_elems];
+ if (parasupport.getSupport()->isOnAllElements())
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_elems; i++)
+ {
+ _loc2glob[i]=global[i];
+ _glob2loc[global[i]]=i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const int* number= parasupport.getSupport()->getNumber(MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_elems; i++)
+ {
+ int local=number[i];
+ _loc2glob[i]=global[local];
+ _glob2loc[global[local]]=i;
+ }
+ }
+/*! Serializes the data contained in the Explicit Topology
+ * for communication purposes*/
+void ExplicitTopology::serialize(int* & serializer, int& size) const
+ vector <int> buffer;
+ buffer.push_back(_nb_elems);
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_elems; i++)
+ {
+ buffer.push_back(_loc2glob[i]);
+ }
+ serializer=new int[buffer.size()];
+ size= buffer.size();
+ copy(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), serializer);
+/*! Unserializes the data contained in the Explicit Topology
+ * after communication. Uses the same structure as the one used for serialize()
+ *
+ * */
+void ExplicitTopology::unserialize(const int* serializer,const CommInterface& comm_interface)
+ const int* ptr_serializer=serializer;
+ cout << "unserialize..."<<endl;
+ _nb_elems=*(ptr_serializer++);
+ cout << "nbelems "<<_nb_elems<<endl;
+ _loc2glob=new int[_nb_elems];
+ for (int i=0; i<_nb_elems; i++)
+ {
+ _loc2glob[i]=*(ptr_serializer++);
+ _glob2loc[*ptr_serializer]=i;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef ExplicitTOPOLOGY_HXX_
+#define ExplicitTOPOLOGY_HXX_
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include <ext/hash_map>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace __gnu_cxx;
+namespace MEDMEM
+ class GRID;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class Topology;
+class ComponentTopology;
+class ExplicitTopology: public Topology
+ ExplicitTopology(){};
+ ExplicitTopology(const ParaSUPPORT&);
+ virtual ~ExplicitTopology();
+ inline int getNbElements()const;
+ inline int getNbLocalElements() const;
+ const ProcessorGroup* getProcGroup()const {return _proc_group;};
+// inline std::pair<int,int> globalToLocal (const int global) const {
+// pair <int,int>local;
+// local.first=_proc_group->myRank();
+// local.second=globalToLocal(global);}
+ int localToGlobal (const std::pair<int,int> local) const {return localToGlobal(local.second);}
+ inline int localToGlobal(int) const;
+ inline int globalToLocal(int) const;
+ void serialize(int* & serializer, int& size) const ;
+ void unserialize(const int* serializer, const CommInterface& comm_interface);
+ //Processor group
+ const ProcessorGroup* _proc_group;
+ //nb of elements
+ int _nb_elems;
+ //mapping local to global
+ int* _loc2glob;
+ //mapping global to local
+ hash_map<int,int> _glob2loc;
+//!converts a pair <subdomainid,local> to a global number
+inline int ExplicitTopology::globalToLocal(const int global) const {
+ return (_glob2loc.find(global))->second;;
+ }
+//!converts local number to a global number
+int ExplicitTopology::localToGlobal(int local) const {
+ return _loc2glob[local];
+ }
+//!Retrieves the number of elements for a given topology
+inline int ExplicitTopology::getNbElements()const {return _nb_elems;}
+//Retrieves the local number of elements
+inline int ExplicitTopology::getNbLocalElements()const
+ return _glob2loc.size();
+#endif /*ExplicitTOPOLOGY_HXX_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "/export/home/vb144235/mpich2_install/include/mpi.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+MPIProcessorGroup::MPIProcessorGroup(const CommInterface& interface):
+ _comm_interface.commGroup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &_group);
+ int size;
+ _comm_interface.commSize(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ _proc_ids.insert(i);
+MPIProcessorGroup::MPIProcessorGroup(const CommInterface& interface, set<int> proc_ids):
+ProcessorGroup(interface, proc_ids)
+ //Creation of a communicator
+ MPI_Group group_world;
+ int size_world;
+ _comm_interface.commSize(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size_world);
+ int rank_world;
+ _comm_interface.commRank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank_world);
+ _comm_interface.commGroup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &group_world);
+ int* ranks=new int[proc_ids.size()];
+ // copying proc_ids in ranks
+ copy<set<int>::const_iterator,int*> (proc_ids.begin(), proc_ids.end(), ranks);
+ _comm_interface.groupIncl(group_world, proc_ids.size(), ranks, &_group);
+ _comm_interface.commCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, _group, &_comm);
+MPIProcessorGroup::MPIProcessorGroup (const ProcessorGroup& proc_group, set<int> proc_ids) :
+ cout << "MPIProcessorGroup (const ProcessorGroup& proc_group, set<int> proc_ids)" <<endl;
+ cout << "Not implemented yet !"<<endl;
+ exit(1);
+ _comm_interface.groupFree(&_group);
+ if (_comm!=MPI_COMM_WORLD && _comm !=MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ _comm_interface.commFree(&_comm);
+int MPIProcessorGroup::translateRank(const ProcessorGroup* group, int rank) const
+ const MPIProcessorGroup* targetgroup=dynamic_cast<const MPIProcessorGroup*>(group);
+ int local_rank;
+ MPI_Group_translate_ranks(targetgroup->_group, 1, &rank, _group, &local_rank);
+ return local_rank;
--- /dev/null
+#include <set>
+#include <mpi.h>
+using namespace std;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class ProcessorGroup;
+class CommInterface;
+class MPIProcessorGroup:public ProcessorGroup
+ MPIProcessorGroup(const CommInterface& interface);
+ MPIProcessorGroup(const CommInterface& interface, set<int> proc_ids);
+ MPIProcessorGroup (const ProcessorGroup& proc_group, set<int> proc_ids);
+ virtual ~MPIProcessorGroup();
+ void fuse (ProcessorGroup&){};
+ void intersect (ProcessorGroup&){};
+ int myRank() const {int rank; MPI_Comm_rank(_comm,&rank); return rank;}
+ bool containsMyRank() const { int rank; MPI_Group_rank(_group, &rank); return (rank!=MPI_UNDEFINED);}
+ int translateRank(const ProcessorGroup* group, int rank) const;
+ const MPI_Comm* getComm() const {return &_comm;}
+ MPI_Group _group;
+ MPI_Comm _comm;
--- /dev/null
+# MED MEDMEM : MED files in memory
+# Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# File : Makefile.in
+# Module : MED
+# Libraries targets
+LIB_SRC = \
+# Executables targets
+BIN =
+TEST_PROGS = test_ProcessorGroup test_BlockTopology test_ParaStructuredSupport \
+test_ParaField test_DEC test_UnstructuredDEC
+LDFLAGS+= -L$(top_builddir)/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/salome
+LDFLAGSFORBIN+= -L$(top_builddir)/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/salome
+# change motivated by the bug KERNEL4778.
+LDFLAGS+=$(MED2_LIBS) $(HDF5_LIBS) -lmed_V2_1 $(STDLIB) -lmedmem $(MPI_LIBS)
+# change motivated by the bug KERNEL4778.
+LDFLAGSFORBIN+=-lm $(MED2_LIBS) $(HDF5_LIBS) -lmed_V2_1 -lmedmem $(MPI_LIBS) $(BOOST_LIBS)
+ifeq ($(MED_WITH_KERNEL),yes)
+# build create_mesh :
--- /dev/null
+#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "StructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "ExplicitCoincidentDEC.hxx";
+#include "StructuredCoincidentDEC.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+ParaFIELD::ParaFIELD(ParaSUPPORT* para_support, const ComponentTopology& component_topology)
+ if (dynamic_cast<StructuredParaSUPPORT*>(para_support)!=0)
+ {const BlockTopology* source_topo = dynamic_cast<const BlockTopology*>(para_support->getTopology());
+ _topology=new BlockTopology(*source_topo,component_topology);
+ }
+ else
+ "ParaFIELD constructor : Unstructured Support not taken into account with component topology yet"));
+// int nb_components=0;
+// if (component_topology.getProcGroup()!=0)
+ int nb_components = component_topology.nbLocalComponents();
+ if (nb_components!=0)
+ {
+ _field=new FIELD<double> (para_support->getSupport(), nb_components);
+ }
+ else return;
+ _field->setName("toto");
+ _field->setDescription("titi");
+ _field->setNumberOfValues(para_support->getSupport()->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS));
+ string* compnames=new string[nb_components];
+ string* compdesc=new string[nb_components];
+ for (int i=0; i<nb_components; i++)
+ {
+ ostringstream stream(compnames[i]);
+ ostringstream stream2(compdesc[i]);
+ stream<<"component "<<i;
+ stream2<<"component description "<<i;
+ }
+ _field->setComponentsNames(compnames);
+ _field->setComponentsDescriptions(compdesc);
+ _field->setIterationNumber(0);
+ _field->setOrderNumber(0);
+ _field->setTime(0.0);
+ParaFIELD::ParaFIELD(MEDMEM::driverTypes driver_type, const string& file_name,
+ const string& driver_name, const ComponentTopology& component_topology)
+ throw (MEDEXCEPTION):_component_topology(component_topology){}
+void ParaFIELD::write(MEDMEM::driverTypes driverType, const string& fileName, const string& meshName){
+ BlockTopology* topo = dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*> (_topology);
+ int myrank = topo->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ ostringstream name;
+ name <<fileName<<myrank+1<<".med";
+ cout << name <<endl;
+ int driver = _field->addDriver(driverType, name.str().c_str(), meshName);
+ _field->write(driver);
+void ParaFIELD::synchronizeTarget(ParaFIELD* source_field){
+ DEC* data_channel;
+ if (dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*>(_topology)!=0)
+ {
+ data_channel=new StructuredCoincidentDEC();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data_channel=new ExplicitCoincidentDEC();
+ }
+ data_channel->attachTargetField(this);
+ data_channel->synchronize();
+ data_channel->prepareTargetDE();
+ data_channel->sendData();
+ delete data_channel;
+void ParaFIELD::synchronizeSource(ParaFIELD* target_field){
+ DEC* data_channel;
+ if (dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*>(_topology)!=0)
+ {
+ data_channel=new StructuredCoincidentDEC();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data_channel=new ExplicitCoincidentDEC();
+ }
+ data_channel->attachSourceField(this);
+ data_channel->synchronize();
+ data_channel->prepareSourceDE();
+ data_channel->sendData();
+ delete data_channel;
--- /dev/null
+#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_GenDriver.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Field.hxx"
+namespace MEDMEM{
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class ComponentTopology;
+class ParaSUPPORT;
+class ParaFIELD
+ ParaFIELD(ParaSUPPORT* support, const ComponentTopology& component_topology);
+ ParaFIELD(ParaSUPPORT* support);
+ ParaFIELD(MEDMEM::driverTypes driver_type, const string& file_name,
+ const string& driver_name, const ComponentTopology& component_topology)
+ virtual ~ParaFIELD();
+ void write(MEDMEM::driverTypes driverType, const string& fileName="", const string& meshName="");
+ void synchronizeTarget(ParaFIELD* source_field);
+ void synchronizeSource(ParaFIELD* target_field);
+ MEDMEM::FIELD<double>* getField() const {return _field;}
+ Topology* getTopology() const {return _topology;}
+ int nbComponents() const {return _component_topology.nbComponents();}
+ const ComponentTopology& _component_topology;
+ Topology* _topology;
+ MEDMEM::FIELD<double>* _field;
+ ParaSUPPORT* _support;
+#endif /*PARAFIELD_HXX_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "ParaGRID.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+ParaGRID::ParaGRID(MEDMEM::GRID* global_grid, Topology* topology)throw (MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION):
+ _block_topology = dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*>(topology);
+ if (_block_topology==0) throw MEDEXCEPTION(LOCALIZED(
+ "ParaGRID::ParaGRID topology must be block topology"));
+ if (!_block_topology->getProcGroup()->containsMyRank()) return;
+ int dimension=_block_topology->getDimension() ;
+ if (dimension != global_grid->getMeshDimension())
+ throw MEDEXCEPTION(LOCALIZED("ParaGrid::ParaGrid incompatible topology"));
+ vector<vector<double> > xyz_array(dimension);
+ vector<pair<int,int> > local_indices = _block_topology->getLocalArrayMinMax();
+ int myrank=_block_topology->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ vector <string> coordinates_names;
+ vector <string> coordinates_units;
+ for (int idim=0; idim<dimension ; idim++)
+ {
+ cout << " Indices "<< local_indices[idim].first <<" "<<local_indices[idim].second<<endl;
+ for (int i=(local_indices)[idim].first; i<(local_indices)[idim].second; i++)
+ xyz_array[idim].push_back(global_grid->getArrayValue(idim+1,i));
+ coordinates_names.push_back(global_grid->getCoordinatesNames()[idim]);
+ coordinates_units.push_back(global_grid->getCoordinatesUnits()[idim]);
+ }
+ _grid=new MEDMEM::GRID(xyz_array,
+ coordinates_names,
+ coordinates_units);
+ _grid->setName(global_grid->getName());
+ _grid->setDescription(global_grid->getDescription());
+ParaGRID::ParaGRID(MEDMEM::driverTypes driver_type, const string& file_name,
+ const string& driver_name, int domain_id)
+ParaGRID::~ParaGRID(){if (_grid !=0) delete _grid;};
+/*! method for writing a distributed grid
+ *
+ * \param driverType type of driver used (MED_DRIVER,VTK_DRIVER)
+ * \param master_filename name of the master file
+ */
+void ParaGRID::write(MEDMEM::driverTypes driverType, const string& master_filename)
+ BEGIN_OF("ParaMEDMEM::ParaGRID::write()");
+ if (!_block_topology->getProcGroup()->containsMyRank()) return;
+ int myrank=_block_topology->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ ofstream file(master_filename.c_str());
+ int nbdomains= _block_topology->getProcGroup()->size();
+ vector<string> filename(nbdomains);
+ //loop on the domains
+ for (int i=0; i<nbdomains;i++)
+ {
+ char distfilename[256];
+ ostringstream suffix;
+ suffix << master_filename<< i+1 <<".med";
+ strcpy(distfilename,suffix.str().c_str());
+ filename[i]=string(distfilename);
+ MESSAGE("File name "<<string(distfilename));
+ }
+ //creation of the master file by proc 0 on ProgGroup
+ if (myrank==0)
+ {
+ file <<"#MED Fichier V 2.3"<<" "<<endl;
+ file <<"#"<<" "<<endl;
+ file<<nbdomains<<" "<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<nbdomains;i++)
+ {
+ //updating the ascii description file
+ file << _name <<" "<< i+1 << " "<< _name << " localhost " << filename[i] << " "<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ int id=_grid->addDriver(MEDMEM::MED_DRIVER,filename[myrank],_name);
+ MESSAGE("Start writing");
+ _grid->write(id);
+ END_OF("ParaMEDMEM::ParaGRID::write()");
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef PARAGRID_HXX_
+#define PARAGRID_HXX_
+#include <vector>
+#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_GenDriver.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Grid.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_ConnectZone.hxx"
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+const int MYRANK_ID=-100;
+class ParaGRID
+ ParaGRID(MEDMEM::GRID* global_grid, Topology* topology)throw (MEDMEM::MEDEXCEPTION);
+ ParaGRID(MEDMEM::driverTypes driver_type, const string& file_name,
+ const string& driver_name, int domain_id=MYRANK_ID)
+ void write(MEDMEM::driverTypes driverType, const string& fileName="")
+ ParaMEDMEM::BlockTopology * getBlockTopology() const {return _block_topology;}
+ virtual ~ParaGRID();
+ MEDMEM::GRID* getGrid() const {return _grid;}
+ MEDMEM::GRID* _grid;
+ //grid name
+ const string _name;
+ // structured grid topology
+ ParaMEDMEM::BlockTopology* _block_topology;
+ // stores the x,y,z axes on the global grid
+ std::vector<std::vector<double> > _global_axis;
+ //id of the local grid
+ int _my_domain_id;
+#endif /*PARAGRID_H_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_ConnectZone.hxx"
+//inclusion for the namespaces
+#include "MEDMEM_Field.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+ParaMESH::ParaMESH(MEDMEM::driverTypes driver_type, const string& filename,
+ const ProcessorGroup& group)
+ BEGIN_OF("MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollectionDriver::read()")
+ string meshstring;
+ char file[256];
+ char meshname[MED_TAILLE_NOM];
+ int domain_id=group.myRank();
+ // reading ascii master file
+ try{
+ MESSAGE("Start reading");
+ ifstream asciiinput(filename.c_str());
+ char charbuffer[512];
+ asciiinput.getline(charbuffer,512);
+ while (charbuffer[0]=='#')
+ {
+ asciiinput.getline(charbuffer,512);
+ }
+ //reading number of domains
+ int nbdomain=atoi(charbuffer);
+ cout << "nb domain"<<nbdomain<<endl;
+ // asciiinput>>nbdomain;
+ string mesh;
+ int idomain;
+ string host;
+ for (int i=0; i<=domain_id;i++)
+ {
+ //reading information about the domain
+ asciiinput >> mesh >> idomain >> meshstring >> host >> _medfilename;
+ if (idomain!=i+1)
+ {
+ cerr<<"Error : domain must be written from 1 to N in asciifile descriptor"<<endl;
+ throw (MEDEXCEPTION("Error : domain must be written from 1 to N in asciifile descriptor"));
+ }
+ strcpy(meshname,meshstring.c_str());
+ strcpy(file,_medfilename.c_str());
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ // treatment of the domain that corresponds
+ // to the local id
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ _mesh=new MEDMEM::MESH(driver_type,file, meshname);
+ med_2_2::med_idt fid = med_2_2::MEDouvrir(file,med_2_2::MED_LECTURE);
+ med_2_2::med_int njoint = med_2_2::MEDnJoint(fid, meshname);
+ for (int ijoint=1; ijoint<=njoint; ijoint++)
+ {
+ int distant;
+ char joint_description[MED_TAILLE_DESC];
+ char name[MED_TAILLE_NOM];
+ char name_distant[MED_TAILLE_NOM];
+ cout << "arguments"<< fid<<" "<<file<<" "<<ijoint<<" "<<name<<" "<<joint_description<<" "<<distant<<" "<<name_distant<<endl;
+ int ncorr = med_2_2::MEDjointInfo(fid,meshname, ijoint, name,
+ joint_description,
+ &distant, name_distant);
+ cout << "Found " << ncorr <<"correspondances in joint "<<ijoint<<endl;
+ for (int ic=1; ic<=ncorr; ic++)
+ {
+ med_2_2::med_entite_maillage cor_typent_local;
+ med_2_2::med_geometrie_element cor_typgeo_local;
+ med_2_2::med_entite_maillage cor_typent_dist;
+ med_2_2::med_geometrie_element cor_typgeo_dist;
+ int ncouples;
+ ncouples = med_2_2::MEDjointTypeCorres(fid, meshname, name, ic,
+ &cor_typent_local, &cor_typgeo_local,
+ &cor_typent_dist, &cor_typgeo_dist
+ );
+ int* node_corresp=new int[ncouples];
+ if (cor_typent_local == med_2_2::MED_NOEUD && cor_typent_dist == med_2_2::MED_NOEUD)
+ {
+ med_2_2::MEDjointLire(fid, meshname, name,
+ node_corresp,ncouples,
+ cor_typent_local, cor_typgeo_local,
+ cor_typent_dist, cor_typgeo_dist
+ );
+ }
+ //constructing the connect zone and adding it to the connect zone list
+ cz->setName(string(name));
+ cz->setDescription(joint_description);
+ cz->setLocalDomainNumber(domain_id);
+ cz->setDistantDomainNumber(distant);
+ //cz->setLocalMesh((m_collection->getMesh())[i]);
+ //cz->setDistantMesh((m_collection->getMesh())[distant]);
+ cz->setNodeCorresp(node_corresp,ncouples);
+ _connect_zone.push_back(cz);
+ }//loop on correspondances
+ }//loop on joints
+ //
+ // Reading global numbering
+ //
+ int ncell=_mesh->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ int * array=new int[ncell];
+ int offset=0;
+ MESSAGE("Reading cell global numbering for mesh "<< domain_id);
+ MED_EN::MESH_ENTITIES::const_iterator currentEntity;
+ list<MED_EN::medGeometryElement>::const_iterator iter;
+ currentEntity = MED_EN::meshEntities.find(MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ char meshchar[MED_TAILLE_NOM];
+ strcpy(meshchar,_mesh->getName().c_str());
+ for (iter = (*currentEntity).second.begin();iter != (*currentEntity).second.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ MED_EN::medGeometryElement type=*iter;
+ if (type/100 != _mesh->getMeshDimension()) continue;
+ int ntype = _mesh->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,type);
+ if (ntype==0) continue;
+ med_2_2::MEDglobalNumLire(fid,meshname, array+offset, ntype,
+ med_2_2::MED_MAILLE, (med_2_2::med_geometrie_element)type);
+ offset+=ntype;
+ }
+ _cellglobal=array;
+ MESSAGE("Reading node global numbering");
+ int nnode= _mesh->getNumberOfNodes();
+ array=new int[nnode];
+ med_2_2::MEDglobalNumLire(fid,meshname, array, nnode,
+ med_2_2::MED_NOEUD, med_2_2::MED_POINT1);
+ _nodeglobal=array;
+ MESSAGE("Reading face global numbering for mesh "<<domain_id);
+ int nbface=_mesh->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_FACE,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ array=new int[nbface];
+ currentEntity = MED_EN::meshEntities.find(MED_EN::MED_FACE);
+ offset=0;
+ for (iter = (*currentEntity).second.begin();iter != (*currentEntity).second.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ MED_EN::medGeometryElement type=*iter;
+ if (type/100 != _mesh->getMeshDimension()-1) continue;
+ int ntype = _mesh->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_FACE,type);
+ if (ntype==0) continue;
+ med_2_2::MEDglobalNumLire(fid,meshname, array+offset, ntype,
+ med_2_2::MED_FACE, (med_2_2::med_geometrie_element)type);
+ offset+=ntype;
+ }
+ _faceglobal=array;
+// faceglobal[i]=0;
+ med_2_2::MEDfermer(fid);
+ _block_topology=new BlockTopology(group,ncell);
+ MESSAGE("end of read");
+ }//of try
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ cerr << "I/O error reading parallel MED file"<<endl;
+ throw;
+ }
+ //creation of topology from mesh and connect zones
+ //m_collection->setTopology(
+ // new ParallelTopology((m_collection->getMesh()),(m_collection->getCZ()),cellglobal,nodeglobal,faceglobal)
+ // );
+ END_OF("MEDSPLITTER::MESHCollectionDriver::read()")
+ParaMESH::~ParaMESH(){if (_mesh !=0) delete _mesh;};
+/*! method for writing a distributed MESH
+ *
+ * \param driverType type of driver used (MED_DRIVER,VTK_DRIVER)
+ * \param master_filename name of the master file
+ */
+void ParaMESH::write(MEDMEM::driverTypes driverType, const string& master_filename)
+ BEGIN_OF("ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH::write()");
+ if (!_block_topology->getProcGroup()->containsMyRank()) return;
+ int myrank=_block_topology->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ cout << "Myrank in write " << myrank<<endl;
+ int nbdomains= _block_topology->getProcGroup()->size();
+ vector<string> filename(nbdomains);
+ //loop on the domains
+ for (int i=0; i<nbdomains;i++)
+ {
+ char distfilename[256];
+ ostringstream suffix;
+ suffix << master_filename<< i+1 <<".med";
+ strcpy(distfilename,suffix.str().c_str());
+ filename[i]=string(distfilename);
+ MESSAGE("File name "<<string(distfilename));
+ }
+ //creation of the master file by proc 0 on ProgGroup
+ if (myrank==0)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("Master File Name "<<master_filename);
+ ofstream file(master_filename.c_str());
+ if (!file) throw (MEDEXCEPTION("Unable to create master file"));
+ file <<"#MED Fichier V 2.3"<<" "<<endl;
+ file <<"#"<<" "<<endl;
+ file<<nbdomains<<" "<<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<nbdomains;i++)
+ {
+ //updating the ascii description file
+ file << _name <<" "<< i+1 << " "<< _name << " localhost " << filename[i] << " "<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ int id=_mesh->addDriver(MEDMEM::MED_DRIVER,filename[myrank],_name);
+ MESSAGE("Start writing");
+ _mesh->write(id);
+ _mesh->rmDriver(id);
+ END_OF("ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH::write()");
+const int* ParaMESH::getGlobalNumbering(const MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity)const
+ switch (entity)
+ {
+ case MED_CELL:
+ return _cellglobal;
+ case MED_FACE :
+ return _faceglobal;
+ case MED_EDGE :
+ return _edgeglobal;
+ case MED_NODE:
+ return _nodeglobal;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef PARAMESH_HXX_
+#define PARAMESH_HXX_
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_GenDriver.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_ConnectZone.hxx"
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class BlockTopology;
+class ParaMESH
+ ParaMESH(MEDMEM::driverTypes driver_type, const std::string& file_name,
+ const ProcessorGroup& group)
+ void write(MEDMEM::driverTypes driverType, const std::string& fileName="")
+ virtual ~ParaMESH();
+ MEDMEM::MESH* getMesh() const {return _mesh;}
+ ParaMEDMEM::BlockTopology* getBlockTopology()const {return _block_topology;}
+ const string& getFilename() const {return _medfilename;}
+ const int* getGlobalNumbering(MED_EN::medEntityMesh)const;
+ //mesh object underlying the ParaMESH object
+ MEDMEM::MESH* _mesh;
+ //name of the mesh
+ const string _name;
+ //connect zone
+ std::vector<MEDMEM::CONNECTZONE*> _connect_zone;
+ //id of the local grid
+ int _my_domain_id;
+ //global topology of the cells
+ ParaMEDMEM::BlockTopology* _block_topology;
+ //name of the local filename (!= masterfilename)
+ string _medfilename;
+ // pointers to global numberings
+ int* _nodeglobal;
+ int* _edgeglobal;
+ int* _faceglobal;
+ int* _cellglobal;
+#endif /*PARAMESH_H_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include "ParaMESHCollection.hxx"
--- /dev/null
+#include <vector>
+#include "MEDMEM_Exception.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_GenDriver.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_ConnectZone.hxx"
+#include "ParaMEDMEM_ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+class ParaMESHCollection
+ ParaMESHCollection();
+ ParaMESHCollection(MEDMEM::driverTypes driver_type, const string& file_name,
+ const string& driver_name, const ProcessorGroup& proc_group,
+ const int* distribution=NULL)
+ virtual ~ParaMESHCollection();
+private :
+ vector<ParaMESH*> _meshes;
--- /dev/null
+#include "ParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Support.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+ {
+ }
+ ParaSUPPORT::ParaSUPPORT(const MEDMEM::SUPPORT& support):_support(&support) {}
+ {
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace MEDMEM
+ class SUPPORT;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+ class Topology;
+ class ParaMESH;
+ class ParaSUPPORT
+ {
+ public:
+ ParaSUPPORT();
+ virtual ~ParaSUPPORT();
+ virtual const Topology* getTopology() const {};
+ virtual const MEDMEM::SUPPORT* getSupport() const {return _support;}
+ virtual const ParaMESH* getMesh() const {return _mesh;}
+ private :
+ const MEDMEM::SUPPORT* _support;
+ const ParaMESH* _mesh;
+ };
+#endif /*PARASUPPORT_HXX_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
--- /dev/null
+#include <set>
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class CommInterface;
+class ProcessorGroup
+ ProcessorGroup(const CommInterface& interface):_comm_interface(interface){}
+ ProcessorGroup(const CommInterface& interface, std::set<int> proc_ids):
+ _comm_interface(interface),_proc_ids(proc_ids){}
+ ProcessorGroup (const ProcessorGroup& proc_group, std::set<int> proc_ids):
+ _comm_interface(proc_group.getCommInterface()){}
+ virtual ~ProcessorGroup(){}
+ virtual void fuse (ProcessorGroup&)=0;
+ virtual void intersect (ProcessorGroup&)=0;
+ bool contains(int rank) const {return _proc_ids.find(rank)!=_proc_ids.end();};
+ virtual bool containsMyRank() const=0;
+ int size() const {return _proc_ids.size();}
+ const CommInterface& getCommInterface()const {return _comm_interface;};
+ virtual int myRank() const =0;
+ virtual int translateRank(const ProcessorGroup*, int) const =0;
+ const CommInterface& _comm_interface;
+ std::set<int> _proc_ids;
--- /dev/null
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "StructuredCoincidentDEC.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+/*! Synchronization process for exchanging topologies
+ */
+void StructuredCoincidentDEC::synchronize()
+ if (_source_field!=0)
+ _toposource = dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*>(_source_field->getTopology());
+ if (_target_field!=0)
+ _topotarget = dynamic_cast<BlockTopology*>(_target_field->getTopology());
+ // Transmitting source topology to target code
+ broadcastTopology(_toposource,1000);
+ // Transmitting target topology to source code
+ broadcastTopology(_topotarget,2000);
+ //checkCompatibility(_toposource,_topotarget);
+/*! Creates the arrays necessary for the data transfer
+ * and fills the send array with the values of the
+ * source field
+ * */
+void StructuredCoincidentDEC::prepareSourceDE()
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ //Step 1 : buffer array creation
+ if (!_toposource->getProcGroup()->containsMyRank())
+ return;
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(_toposource->getProcGroup()->getCommInterface());
+ int myranksource = _toposource->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ vector <int>* target_arrays=new vector<int>[_topotarget->getProcGroup()->size()];
+ //cout<<" topotarget size"<< _topotarget->getProcGroup()->size()<<endl;
+ int nb_local = _toposource-> getNbLocalElements();
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem< nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ // cout <<"source local :"<<myranksource<<","<<ielem<<endl;
+ int global = _toposource->localToGlobal(make_pair(myranksource, ielem));
+ // cout << "global "<<global<<endl;
+ pair<int,int> target_local =_topotarget->globalToLocal(global);
+ // cout << "target local : "<<target_local.first<<","<<target_local.second<<endl;
+ target_arrays[target_local.first].push_back(target_local.second);
+ }
+ int union_size=group->size();
+ _sendcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _senddispls=new int[union_size];
+ _recvcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _recvdispls=new int[union_size];
+ for (int i=0; i< union_size; i++)
+ {
+ _sendcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvdispls[i]=0;
+ }
+ _senddispls[0]=0;
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc < _topotarget->getProcGroup()->size(); iproc++)
+ {
+ //converts the rank in target to the rank in union communicator
+ int unionrank=group->translateRank(_topotarget->getProcGroup(),iproc);
+ _sendcounts[unionrank]=target_arrays[iproc].size();
+ }
+ for (int iproc=1; iproc<group->size();iproc++)
+ _senddispls[iproc]=_senddispls[iproc-1]+_sendcounts[iproc-1];
+ _sendbuffer = new double [nb_local ];
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //Step 2 : filling the buffers with the source field values
+ int* counter=new int [_topotarget->getProcGroup()->size()];
+ counter[0]=0;
+ for (int i=1; i<_topotarget->getProcGroup()->size(); i++)
+ counter[i]=counter[i-1]+target_arrays[i-1].size();
+ const double* value = _source_field->getField()->getValue();
+ //cout << "Nb local " << nb_local<<endl;
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ int global = _toposource->localToGlobal(make_pair(myranksource, ielem));
+ pair<int,int> target_local =_topotarget->globalToLocal(global);
+ //cout <<"global : "<< global<<" local :"<<target_local.first<<" "<<target_local.second;
+ //cout <<"counter[]"<<counter[target_local.first]<<endl;
+ _sendbuffer[counter[target_local.first]++]=value[ielem];
+ }
+ delete[] target_arrays;
+ delete[] counter;
+ * Creates the buffers for receiving the fields on the target side
+ */
+void StructuredCoincidentDEC::prepareTargetDE()
+ if (!_topotarget->getProcGroup()->containsMyRank())
+ return;
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(_toposource->getProcGroup()->getCommInterface());
+ int myranktarget = _topotarget->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ vector < vector <int> > source_arrays(_toposource->getProcGroup()->size());
+ int nb_local = _topotarget-> getNbLocalElements();
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem< nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ // cout <<"TS target local :"<<myranktarget<<","<<ielem<<endl;
+ int global = _topotarget->localToGlobal(make_pair(myranktarget, ielem));
+ //cout << "TS global "<<global<<endl;
+ pair<int,int> source_local =_toposource->globalToLocal(global);
+ // cout << "TS source local : "<<source_local.first<<","<<source_local.second<<endl;
+ source_arrays[source_local.first].push_back(source_local.second);
+ }
+ int union_size=group->size();
+ _recvcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _recvdispls=new int[union_size];
+ _sendcounts=new int[union_size];
+ _senddispls=new int[union_size];
+ for (int i=0; i< union_size; i++)
+ {
+ _sendcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvcounts[i]=0;
+ _recvdispls[i]=0;
+ }
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc < _toposource->getProcGroup()->size(); iproc++)
+ {
+ //converts the rank in target to the rank in union communicator
+ int unionrank=group->translateRank(_toposource->getProcGroup(),iproc);
+ _recvcounts[unionrank]=source_arrays[iproc].size();
+ }
+ for (int i=1; i<union_size; i++)
+ _recvdispls[i]=_recvdispls[i-1]+_recvcounts[i-1];
+ _recvbuffer=new double[nb_local];
+ * Synchronizing a topology so that all the
+ * group possesses it.
+ *
+ * \param topo Topology that is transmitted. It is read on processes where it already exists, and it is created and filled on others.
+ * \param tag Communication tag associated with this operation.
+ */
+void StructuredCoincidentDEC::broadcastTopology(BlockTopology*& topo, int tag)
+ MPI_Status status;
+ int* serializer=0;
+ int size;
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(*_comm_interface);
+ // The master proc creates a send buffer containing
+ // a serialized topology
+ int rank_master;
+ if (topo!=0 && topo->getProcGroup()->myRank()==0)
+ {
+ MESSAGE ("Master rank");
+ topo->serialize(serializer, size);
+ rank_master = group->translateRank(topo->getProcGroup(),0);
+ MESSAGE("Master rank world number is "<<rank_master);
+ MESSAGE("World Size is "<<group->size());
+ for (int i=0; i< group->size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i!= rank_master)
+ _comm_interface->send(&rank_master,1,MPI_INTEGER, i,tag+i,*(group->getComm()));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MESSAGE(" rank "<<group->myRank()<< " waiting ...");
+ _comm_interface->recv(&rank_master, 1,MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag+group->myRank(), *(group->getComm()),&status);
+ MESSAGE(" rank "<<group->myRank()<< "received master rank"<<rank_master);
+ }
+ // The topology is broadcasted to all processsors in the group
+ _comm_interface->broadcast(&size, 1,MPI_INTEGER,rank_master,*(group->getComm()));
+ int* buffer=new int[size];
+ if (topo!=0 && topo->getProcGroup()->myRank()==0)
+ copy(serializer, serializer+size, buffer);
+ _comm_interface->broadcast(buffer,size,MPI_INTEGER,rank_master,*(group->getComm()));
+ // Processors which did not possess the source topology
+ // unserialize it
+ BlockTopology* topotemp=new BlockTopology();
+ topotemp->unserialize(buffer, *_comm_interface);
+ if (topo==0)
+ topo=topotemp;
+ else
+ delete topotemp;
+ // Memory cleaning
+ delete[] buffer;
+ if (serializer!=0)
+ delete[] serializer;
+ MESSAGE (" rank "<<group->myRank()<< " unserialize is over");
+void StructuredCoincidentDEC::recvData()
+ //MPI_COMM_WORLD is used instead of group because there is no
+ //mechanism for creating the union group yet
+ MESSAGE("recvData");
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _recvcounts[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _recvdispls[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ cout<<"start AllToAll"<<endl;
+ _comm_interface->allToAllV(_sendbuffer, _sendcounts, _senddispls, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ _recvbuffer, _recvcounts, _recvdispls, MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ cout<<"end AllToAll"<<endl;
+ int nb_local = _topotarget->getNbLocalElements();
+ double* value=new double[nb_local];
+ int myranktarget=_topotarget->getProcGroup()->myRank();
+ vector<int> counters(_toposource->getProcGroup()->size());
+ counters[0]=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<_toposource->getProcGroup()->size()-1; i++)
+ {
+ MPIProcessorGroup* group=new MPIProcessorGroup(*_comm_interface);
+ int worldrank=group->translateRank(_toposource->getProcGroup(),i);
+ counters[i+1]=counters[i]+_recvcounts[worldrank];
+ }
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local ; ielem++)
+ {
+ int global = _topotarget->localToGlobal(make_pair(myranktarget, ielem));
+ pair<int,int> source_local =_toposource->globalToLocal(global);
+ value[ielem]=_recvbuffer[counters[source_local.first]++];
+ }
+ _target_field->getField()->setValue(value);
+void StructuredCoincidentDEC::sendData()
+ MESSAGE ("sendData");
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _sendcounts[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
+ cout << _senddispls[i]<<" ";
+ cout <<endl;
+ //MPI_COMM_WORLD is used instead of group because there is no
+ //mechanism for creating the union group yet
+ cout <<"start AllToAll"<<endl;
+ _comm_interface->allToAllV(_sendbuffer, _sendcounts, _senddispls, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ _recvbuffer, _recvcounts, _recvdispls, MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ cout<<"end AllToAll"<<endl;
--- /dev/null
+#include "DEC.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class DEC;
+class BlockTopology;
+class StructuredCoincidentDEC: public DEC
+ StructuredCoincidentDEC();
+ virtual ~StructuredCoincidentDEC();
+ void synchronize();
+ void broadcastTopology(BlockTopology*&, int tag);
+ void prepareSourceDE();
+ void prepareTargetDE();
+ void recvData();
+ void sendData();
+private :
+ BlockTopology* _toposource;
+ BlockTopology* _topotarget;
+ int* _sendcounts;
+ int* _recvcounts;
+ int* _senddispls;
+ int* _recvdispls;
+ double* _recvbuffer;
+ double* _sendbuffer;
--- /dev/null
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaGRID.hxx"
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+#include "StructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Support.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+/*! Constructor on all elements from a GRID */
+StructuredParaSUPPORT::StructuredParaSUPPORT(const ParaGRID* const grid, const MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity):
+_support(new SUPPORT(grid->getGrid(), "support on all entities", entity))
+/*! Constructor on all elements from a GRID */
+StructuredParaSUPPORT::StructuredParaSUPPORT(const ParaMESH* const mesh, const MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity):
+_support(new SUPPORT(mesh->getMesh(), "support on all entities", entity))
+ delete _support;
+}//end of namespace ParaMEDMEM
--- /dev/null
+#include "ParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
+using namespace MED_EN;
+namespace MEDMEM
+ class SUPPORT;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class BlockTopology;
+class ParaGRID;
+class ParaMESH;
+class StructuredParaSUPPORT:public ParaSUPPORT
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT(const ParaGRID* const grid, const MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity);
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT(const ParaMESH* const mesh, const MED_EN::medEntityMesh entity);
+ virtual ~StructuredParaSUPPORT();
+ const Topology* getTopology() const {return _block_topology;}
+ const MEDMEM::SUPPORT* getSupport() {return _support;}
+ const ParaMESH* getParaMesh()const {return _mesh;}
+ const BlockTopology* const _block_topology;
+ const ParaGRID* const _grid;
+ const ParaMESH* const _mesh;
+ const MED_EN::medEntityMesh _entity;
+ const MEDMEM::SUPPORT* _support;
--- /dev/null
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef TOPOLOGY_HXX_
+#define TOPOLOGY_HXX_
+#include <utility>
+using namespace std;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class Topology
+ Topology(){}
+ virtual ~Topology(){}
+// virtual std::pair<int,int> globalToLocal (const int) const =0;
+// virtual int localToGlobal (const std::pair<int,int>) const =0;
+ virtual int getNbElements() const=0;
+ virtual int getNbLocalElements() const =0;
+#endif /*TOPOLOGY_HXX_*/
--- /dev/null
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaGRID.hxx"
+#include "UnstructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Support.hxx"
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+/*! Constructor on all elements from a MESH */
+UnstructuredParaSUPPORT::UnstructuredParaSUPPORT(const ParaMESH* const mesh, const SUPPORT* support):
+_block_topology(mesh->getBlockTopology()->getProcGroup(), support->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS))
+ delete _support;
+}//end of namespace ParaMEDMEM
--- /dev/null
+#include "ParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_define.hxx"
+using namespace MED_EN;
+namespace MEDMEM
+ class SUPPORT;
+namespace ParaMEDMEM
+class BlockTopology;
+class ParaMESH;
+class UnstructuredParaSUPPORT:public ParaSUPPORT
+ UnstructuredParaSUPPORT(const ParaMESH* const mesh, SUPPORT* support );
+ virtual ~UnstructuredParaSUPPORT();
+ const Topology* getTopology() const {return _block_topology;}
+ const MEDMEM::SUPPORT* getSupport() {return _support;}
+ const BlockTopology* const _block_topology;
+ const ParaMESH* const _mesh;
+ const MED_EN::medEntityMesh _entity;
+ const MEDMEM::SUPPORT* _support;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Grid.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string testname="ParaMEDMEM - test #1 -";
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ set<int> procs;
+ for (int i=0; i< size-1; i++)
+ procs.insert(i);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* group=new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs);
+ double xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0;
+ int nx=10, ny=10;
+ std::vector<std::vector<double> > axes(2);
+ axes[0].resize(nx);
+ axes[1].resize(ny);
+ for (int i=0; i<nx; i++)
+ axes[0][i]=xmin+((xmax-xmin)*i)/(nx-1);
+ for (int i=0; i<ny; i++)
+ axes[1][i]=ymin+((ymax-ymin)*i)/(ny-1);
+ vector <string> coord_name;
+ vector <string> coord_unit;
+ coord_name.push_back("x");coord_name.push_back("y");
+ coord_unit.push_back("m");coord_unit.push_back("m");
+ MEDMEM::GRID grid(axes, coord_name,coord_unit);
+ BlockTopology* topo = new BlockTopology(*group, grid);
+ for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ if (i==rank)
+ {
+ cout << "Global to Local 10, 9, 45 :"<<endl;
+ cout << "("<<topo->globalToLocal(10).first<<","<<topo->globalToLocal(10).second<<")";
+ cout << "("<<topo->globalToLocal(9).first<<","<<topo->globalToLocal(9).second<<")";
+ cout << "("<<topo->globalToLocal(45).first<<","<<topo->globalToLocal(45).second<<")";
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Grid.hxx"
+#include "ParaGRID.hxx"
+#include "StructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string testname="ParaMEDMEM - test #1 -";
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ if (size<3)
+ {
+ cout << " test_DEC test program is not meant to run "<<endl;
+ cout << " with less than 3 processes"<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ set<int> self_procs;
+ set<int> procs_source;
+ set<int> procs_target;
+ for (int i=0; i<size-2; i++)
+ procs_source.insert(i);
+ for (int i=size-2; i<size; i++)
+ procs_target.insert(i);
+ self_procs.insert(rank);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* self_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,self_procs);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* target_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_target);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* source_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_source);
+ double xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0;
+ int nx=500, ny=500;
+ std::vector<std::vector<double> > axes(2);
+ axes[0].resize(nx);
+ axes[1].resize(ny);
+ for (int i=0; i<nx; i++)
+ axes[0][i]=xmin+((xmax-xmin)*i)/(nx-1);
+ for (int i=0; i<ny; i++)
+ axes[1][i]=ymin+((ymax-ymin)*i)/(ny-1);
+ vector <string> coord_name;
+ vector <string> coord_unit;
+ coord_name.push_back("x");coord_name.push_back("y");
+ coord_unit.push_back("m");coord_unit.push_back("m");
+ MEDMEM::GRID grid(axes, coord_name,coord_unit);
+ grid.setName("grid_5_5");
+ grid.setDescription("5 by 5 square grid");
+ Topology* topo_source = new BlockTopology(*self_group, grid);
+ Topology* topo_target = new BlockTopology(*target_group,grid);
+ ParaGRID* source_grid;
+ ParaGRID* target_grid;
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT* target_support;
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT* source_support;
+ ComponentTopology* target_comp;
+ ComponentTopology* source_comp;
+ ParaFIELD* target_field=0;
+ ParaFIELD* source_field=0;
+ if (source_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ source_grid=new ParaGRID(&grid, topo_source);
+ source_support=new StructuredParaSUPPORT(source_grid,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ source_comp=new ComponentTopology (6, source_group);
+ source_field = new ParaFIELD(source_support, *source_comp);
+ cout << "Source field nb elems on rank : "<<rank<<" : "<<source_field->getTopology()->getNbLocalElements()<<endl;
+ double * value= new double[source_field->getTopology()->getNbLocalElements()];
+ for(int ielem=0; ielem<source_field->getTopology()->getNbLocalElements();ielem++)
+ value[ielem]=(double)ielem;
+ source_field->getField()->setValue(value);
+ source_field->synchronizeSource(target_field);
+ }
+ if (target_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ target_grid=new ParaGRID(&grid, topo_target);
+ target_support=new StructuredParaSUPPORT(target_grid,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ target_comp= new ComponentTopology (6);
+ target_field = new ParaFIELD(target_support, *target_comp);
+ target_field->synchronizeTarget(source_field);
+ //target_grid->write(MED_DRIVER, "/tmp/target");
+ //target_field->write(MED_DRIVER, "/tmp/target");
+ }
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+#include "StructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string testname="ParaMEDMEM - test #1 -";
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ if (size<3)
+ {
+ cout << " test_DEC test program is not meant to run "<<endl;
+ cout << " with less than 3 processes"<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ set<int> self_procs;
+ set<int> procs_source;
+ set<int> procs_target;
+ for (int i=0; i<size-2; i++)
+ procs_source.insert(i);
+ for (int i=size-2; i<size; i++)
+ procs_target.insert(i);
+ self_procs.insert(rank);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* self_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,self_procs);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* target_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_target);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* source_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_source);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* source_mesh=0;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* target_mesh=0;
+ Topology* topo_source;
+ Topology* topo_target;
+ if (source_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ source_mesh=new ParaMESH(MED_DRIVER,"../../share/salome/resources/pointe_nosplit",*self_group);
+ topo_source=source_mesh->getBlockTopology();
+ }
+ if (target_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ target_mesh=new ParaMESH(MED_DRIVER,"../../share/salome/resources/pointe_split",*target_group);
+ topo_target=target_mesh->getBlockTopology();
+ }
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT* target_support;
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT* source_support;
+ ComponentTopology* target_comp;
+ ComponentTopology* source_comp;
+ ParaFIELD* target_field=0;
+ ParaFIELD* source_field=0;
+ if (source_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ source_support=new StructuredParaSUPPORT(source_mesh,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ source_comp=new ComponentTopology (6, source_group);
+ source_field = new ParaFIELD(source_support, *source_comp);
+ int nb_local = source_field->getTopology()->getNbLocalElements();
+ cout << "Source field nb elems on rank : "<<rank<<" : "<<nb_local<<endl;
+ double * value= new double[nb_local];
+ for(int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local;ielem++)
+ value[ielem]=(double)ielem;
+ source_field->getField()->setValue(value);
+ source_field->synchronizeSource(target_field);
+ if (source_group->myRank()==0)
+ {
+ source_mesh->write(MED_DRIVER,"/home/vb144235/tmp/source");
+ source_field->write(MED_DRIVER,"/home/vb144235/tmp/source","maa1");
+ }
+ }
+ if (target_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ target_support=new StructuredParaSUPPORT(target_mesh,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ target_comp= new ComponentTopology (6);
+ target_field = new ParaFIELD(target_support, *target_comp);
+ target_field->synchronizeTarget(source_field);
+ target_mesh->write(MED_DRIVER, "/home/vb144235/tmp/target");
+ target_field->write(MED_DRIVER, "/home/vb144235/tmp/target", "maa1");
+ }
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Grid.hxx"
+#include "ParaGRID.hxx"
+#include "StructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string testname="ParaMEDMEM - test #1 -";
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ set<int> self_procs;
+ set<int> procs;
+ for (int i=0; i<size-1; i++)
+ procs.insert(i);
+ self_procs.insert(rank);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* self_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,self_procs);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs);
+ double xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0;
+ int nx=10, ny=10;
+ std::vector<std::vector<double> > axes(2);
+ axes[0].resize(nx);
+ axes[1].resize(ny);
+ for (int i=0; i<nx; i++)
+ axes[0][i]=xmin+((xmax-xmin)*i)/(nx-1);
+ for (int i=0; i<ny; i++)
+ axes[1][i]=ymin+((ymax-ymin)*i)/(ny-1);
+ vector <string> coord_name;
+ vector <string> coord_unit;
+ coord_name.push_back("x");coord_name.push_back("y");
+ coord_unit.push_back("m");coord_unit.push_back("m");
+ MEDMEM::GRID grid(axes, coord_name,coord_unit);
+ grid.setName("grid_10_10");
+ grid.setDescription("10 by 10 square grid");
+ Topology* topo = new BlockTopology(*self_group, grid);
+ ParaGRID local_grid(&grid, topo);
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT support(&local_grid,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ local_grid.write (MED_DRIVER, "/tmp/toto");
+ ComponentTopology comp_topo(5, group);
+ ParaFIELD field(&support, comp_topo);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Grid.hxx"
+#include "ParaGRID.hxx"
+#include "StructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string testname="ParaMEDMEM - test #1 -";
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ set<int> procs;
+ for (int i=0; i< size-1; i++)
+ procs.insert(i);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* group=new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs);
+ double xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0;
+ int nx=10, ny=10;
+ std::vector<std::vector<double> > axes(2);
+ axes[0].resize(nx);
+ axes[1].resize(ny);
+ for (int i=0; i<nx; i++)
+ axes[0][i]=xmin+((xmax-xmin)*i)/(nx-1);
+ for (int i=0; i<ny; i++)
+ axes[1][i]=ymin+((ymax-ymin)*i)/(ny-1);
+ vector <string> coord_name;
+ vector <string> coord_unit;
+ coord_name.push_back("x");coord_name.push_back("y");
+ coord_unit.push_back("m");coord_unit.push_back("m");
+ MEDMEM::GRID grid(axes, coord_name,coord_unit);
+ grid.setName("grid_10_10");
+ grid.setDescription("10 by 10 square grid");
+ Topology* topo = new BlockTopology(*group, grid);
+ ParaGRID local_grid(&grid, topo);
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT support(&local_grid,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ local_grid.write (MED_DRIVER, "/tmp/toto");
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string testname="ParaMEDMEM - test #1 -";
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ set<int> procs;
+ procs.insert(0);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* group=new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs);
+ cout << "proc #"<<rank<<" size :"<<group->size()<<endl;
+ if (group->size() !=1) return 1;
+ set<int> empty_proc_group;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* group_empty=new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,empty_proc_group);
+ cout << "proc #"<<rank<<" size :"<<group_empty->size()<<endl;
+ if (group_empty->size() !=0) return 1;
+ delete group;
+ delete group_empty;
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "ProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "Topology.hxx"
+#include "BlockTopology.hxx"
+#include "CommInterface.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
+#include "ParaMESH.hxx"
+#include "StructuredParaSUPPORT.hxx"
+#include "ComponentTopology.hxx"
+#include "ParaFIELD.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string testname="ParaMEDMEM - test #1 -";
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ if (size<3)
+ {
+ cout << " test_DEC test program is not meant to run "<<endl;
+ cout << " with less than 3 processes"<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ set<int> self_procs;
+ set<int> procs_source;
+ set<int> procs_target;
+ for (int i=0; i<size-2; i++)
+ procs_source.insert(i);
+ for (int i=size-2; i<size; i++)
+ procs_target.insert(i);
+ self_procs.insert(rank);
+ ParaMEDMEM::CommInterface interface;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* self_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,self_procs);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* target_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_target);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ProcessorGroup* source_group = new ParaMEDMEM::MPIProcessorGroup(interface,procs_source);
+ ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* source_mesh=0;
+ ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* target_mesh=0;
+ Topology* topo_source;
+ Topology* topo_target;
+ if (source_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ source_mesh=new ParaMESH(MED_DRIVER,"../../share/salome/resources/med/pointe_nosplit",*self_group);
+ topo_source=source_mesh->getBlockTopology();
+ }
+ if (target_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ target_mesh=new ParaMESH(MED_DRIVER,"../../share/salome/resources/med/pointe_split",*target_group);
+ topo_target=target_mesh->getBlockTopology();
+ }
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT* target_support;
+ StructuredParaSUPPORT* source_support;
+ ComponentTopology* target_comp;
+ ComponentTopology* source_comp;
+ ParaFIELD* target_field=0;
+ ParaFIELD* source_field=0;
+ if (source_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ source_support=new StructuredParaSUPPORT(source_mesh,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ source_comp=new ComponentTopology (6, source_group);
+ source_field = new ParaFIELD(source_support, *source_comp);
+ int nb_local = source_field->getTopology()->getNbLocalElements();
+ cout << "Source field nb elems on rank : "<<rank<<" : "<<nb_local<<endl;
+ double * value= new double[nb_local];
+ for(int ielem=0; ielem<nb_local;ielem++)
+ value[ielem]=(double)ielem;
+ source_field->getField()->setValue(value);
+ source_field->synchronizeSource(target_field);
+ if (source_group->myRank()==0)
+ {
+ source_mesh->write(MED_DRIVER,"/home/vb144235/tmp/source");
+ source_field->write(MED_DRIVER,"/home/vb144235/tmp/source","maa1");
+ }
+ }
+ if (target_group->containsMyRank())
+ {
+ target_support=new StructuredParaSUPPORT(target_mesh,MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ target_comp= new ComponentTopology (6);
+ target_field = new ParaFIELD(target_support, *target_comp);
+ target_field->synchronizeTarget(source_field);
+ target_mesh->write(MED_DRIVER, "/home/vb144235/tmp/target");
+ target_field->write(MED_DRIVER, "/home/vb144235/tmp/target", "maa1");
+ }
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;