#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
#include <vtkTriangle.h>
#include <vtkConvexPointSet.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGridWriter.h>
#include <vtkMath.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <set>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
+typedef vtkUnstructuredGrid TInput;
typedef std::set<vtkIdType> TUIDS; // unique ids
typedef std::map<vtkIdType,TUIDS> TPTOIDS; // id points -> unique ids
namespace CONVEX_TOOL
+ void
+ WriteToFile(vtkUnstructuredGrid* theDataSet, const std::string& theFileName)
+ {
+ vtkUnstructuredGridWriter* aWriter = vtkUnstructuredGridWriter::New();
+ aWriter->SetFileName(theFileName.c_str());
+ aWriter->SetInput(theDataSet);
+ aWriter->Write();
+ aWriter->Delete();
+ }
static float FACE_ANGLE_TOLERANCE=1.5;
+#define EPS 1.0e-38
+#define EPS_T 1.0e-3
#ifdef _DEBUG_
static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+ static int MYDEBUG_REMOVE = 0;
static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+ static int MYDEBUG_REMOVE = 0;
-/*! \fn static void GetCenter(vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,TCell theptIds,float *center)
+/*! \fn static void GetCenter(TInput* theGrid,TCell theptIds,float *center)
* \brief Calculation of geometry center.
- * \param theGrid - vtkUnstructuredGrid cell.
+ * \param theGrid - TInput cell.
* \param theptIds - point ids.
* \retval center - output array[3] with coordinates of geometry center.
-static void GetCenter(vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,TCell theptIds,float center[3])
+static void GetCenter(vtkPoints* thePoints,float center[3])
float p[3];
center[0] = center[1] = center[2] = 0.0;
- int numIds = theptIds.size();
- if (numIds == 0) return;
+ int numPts = thePoints->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ if (numPts == 0) return;
// get the center of the cell
- for (int i = 0; i < numIds; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < numPts; i++)
- theGrid->GetPoint(theptIds[i], p);
+ thePoints->GetPoint(i, p);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
center[j] += p[j];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
- center[j] /= numIds;
+ center[j] /= numPts;
-/*! \fn bool IsConnectedFacesOnOnePlane( vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,vtkIdType theFId1, vtkIdType theFId2,TUIDS FpIds1, TUIDS FpIds2 )
+/*! \fn bool IsConnectedFacesOnOnePlane( TInput* theGrid,vtkIdType theFId1, vtkIdType theFId2,TUIDS FpIds1, TUIDS FpIds2 )
* \brief Check is connected faces on one plane.
- * \param theGrid - vtkUnstructuredGrid
+ * \param theGrid - TInput
* \param theFId1 - id of first face
* \param theFId2 - id of second face
* \param FpIds1 - first face points ids.
* \param FpIds2 - second face points ids.
* \return TRUE if two faces on one plane, else FALSE.
-bool IsConnectedFacesOnOnePlane( vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,
+bool IsConnectedFacesOnOnePlane( TInput* theGrid,
vtkIdType theFId1, vtkIdType theFId2,
TUIDS FpIds1, TUIDS FpIds2 )
cout << p[k][2] << ") ";
- cout << "angle="<<angle<<" status="<<status<<endl;
+ if(status) cout << "angle="<<angle<<" status="<<status<<endl;
} else if (common_ids.size() >2){
if(MYDEBUG) cout << endl;
+static void GetAndRemoveIdsOnOneLine(vtkPoints* points,
+ TUIDS input_points_ids,
+ TUIDS input_two_points_ids,
+ TUIDS& out_two_points_ids,
+ TUIDS& removed_points_ids){
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << EPS <<endl;
+ float P[3][3];
+ vtkIdType current_points_ids[2];
+ if(input_two_points_ids.size()!=2) cout << "Error. Must be two ids in variable input_two_points_ids"<<endl;
+ TUIDS::const_iterator aInPointsIter = input_two_points_ids.begin();
+ for(int i=0;i<2 && aInPointsIter!=input_two_points_ids.end();aInPointsIter++,i++){
+ current_points_ids[i] = *aInPointsIter;
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << " " << *aInPointsIter;
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << endl;
+ bool iscurrent_points_changed = false;
+ points->GetPoint(current_points_ids[0],P[0]);
+ points->GetPoint(current_points_ids[1],P[1]);
+ TUIDS::iterator aPointsIter = input_points_ids.begin();
+ for(;aPointsIter!=input_points_ids.end();aPointsIter++){
+ if(iscurrent_points_changed){
+ points->GetPoint(current_points_ids[0],P[0]);
+ points->GetPoint(current_points_ids[1],P[1]);
+ iscurrent_points_changed = false;
+ cout << " " << current_points_ids[0] << " " << current_points_ids[1] << endl;
+ }
+ // check: is point on line input_two_points_ids
+ points->GetPoint(*aPointsIter,P[2]);
+ cout << "\t" << current_points_ids[0] << ":"<<P[0][0]<<","<<P[0][1]<<","<<P[0][2]<<endl;
+ cout << "\t" << current_points_ids[1] << ":"<<P[1][0]<<","<<P[1][1]<<","<<P[1][2]<<endl;
+ cout << "\t" << *aPointsIter << ":"<<P[2][0]<<","<<P[2][1]<<","<<P[2][2]<<endl;
+ }
+ // x-x1=(x2-x1)*t -> coeff[0][0] = (x-x1), coeff[0][1] = x2-x1
+ // y-y1=(y2-y1)*t -> coeff[1][0] = (y-y1), coeff[1][1] = y2-y1
+ // z-z1=(z2-z1)*t -> coeff[2][0] = (z-z1), coeff[2][1] = z2-z1
+ float coeff[3][2];
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
+ coeff[i][0] = P[2][i]-P[0][i];
+ coeff[i][1] = P[1][i]-P[0][i];
+ }
+ bool isok_coord[3];
+ bool isok = true;
+ float t[3];
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
+ isok_coord[i] = false;
+ if( fabs(coeff[i][0]) <= EPS && fabs(coeff[i][1]) <= EPS) {
+ isok_coord[i] = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( fabs(coeff[i][1]) <= EPS && fabs(coeff[i][0]) > EPS) {isok = false;t[i]=1.0/EPS;break;}
+ t[i] = (coeff[i][0])/(coeff[i][1]);
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
+ cout << __LINE__ << " "
+ << coeff[i][0] << ","<<coeff[i][1]
+ <<" t="<<t[i]<<" isok_coord="<<isok_coord[i]<<endl;
+ if(!isok) continue;
+ if (!isok_coord[0] && !isok_coord[1]){
+ if (fabs(t[0]-t[1]) <= EPS_T) isok = true;
+ else isok = false;
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << __LINE__ << " 1000 " << isok << endl;
+ if(!isok) continue;
+ if (!isok_coord[1] && !isok_coord[2]){
+ if (fabs(t[1] - t[2]) <= EPS_T) isok = true;
+ else isok = false;
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << __LINE__ << " 2000 " << isok << endl;
+ if(!isok) continue;
+ if (!isok_coord[0] && !isok_coord[2]){
+ if (fabs(t[0] - t[2]) <= EPS_T) isok = true;
+ else isok = false;
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << __LINE__ << " 3000 " << isok<<endl;
+ if(!isok) continue;
+ float param[3]; // parametric coord for P[0],P[1],P[2] <--->t[0],t[1],t[2]
+ // anilize bounds of line
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
+ for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
+ if(!isok_coord[j]) param[i] = (P[i][j]-P[0][j])/(P[1][j]-P[0][j]);
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << "Params: " << param[0] << "," << param[1] << "," << param[2] << endl;
+ vtkIdType imax,imin;
+ float min,max;
+ for(vtkIdType i=0;i<3;i++)
+ if(!isok_coord[i]){
+ min = param[0];imin=0;
+ max = param[0];imax=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ for(vtkIdType i=0;i<3;i++){
+ if(min > param[i]) {min = param[i]; imin=i;}
+ if(max < param[i]) {max = param[i]; imax=i;}
+ }
+ cout << "\t min="<<min<<" max="<<max<<" - "<<"imin="<<imin<<" imax="<<imax<<endl;
+ // imin - index of left point
+ // imax - index of right point
+ // add id to removed point
+ vtkIdType rem_id,id1,id2;
+ for(vtkIdType i=0;i<3;i++)
+ if (i!=imin && i!=imax) {rem_id = i; break;}
+ if(rem_id == 0) {
+ rem_id = current_points_ids[0];
+ id1=current_points_ids[1];
+ id2=*aPointsIter;
+ }
+ else if (rem_id == 1) {
+ rem_id = current_points_ids[1];
+ id1=current_points_ids[0];
+ id2=*aPointsIter;
+ }
+ else if (rem_id == 2) {
+ rem_id = *aPointsIter;
+ id1=current_points_ids[0];
+ id2=current_points_ids[1];
+ }
+ cout << " " << current_points_ids[0] <<","<<current_points_ids[1]<<"---->"<<id1<<","<<id2<<endl;
+ if((current_points_ids[0] == id1 && current_points_ids[1] == id2) ||
+ (current_points_ids[0] == id2 && current_points_ids[1] == id1))
+ {}
+ else {
+ iscurrent_points_changed = true;
+ current_points_ids[0] = id1;
+ current_points_ids[1] = id2;
+ }
+ removed_points_ids.insert(rem_id);
+ }
+ out_two_points_ids.insert(current_points_ids[0]);
+ out_two_points_ids.insert(current_points_ids[1]);
+static vtkConvexPointSet* RemoveAllUnneededPoints(vtkConvexPointSet* convex){
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkConvexPointSet> out = vtkConvexPointSet::New();
+ TUIDS two_points,input_points,out_two_points_ids,removed_points_ids,loc_removed_points_ids;
+ vtkIdList* aPointIds = convex->GetPointIds();
+ int numIds = aPointIds->GetNumberOfIds();
+ // all pairs
+ typedef std::pair<vtkIdType,vtkIdType> TPair;
+ typedef std::set<TPair> TSet;
+ TSet good_point_ids;
+ TSet aLists[numIds-2];
+ for(int i=0;i<numIds-2;i++){
+ for(int j=i+1;j<numIds-1;j++){
+ TPair aPair(i,j);
+ aLists[i].insert(aPair);
+ }
+ }
+ for(vtkIdType i=0;i<numIds-2;i++){
+ TUIDS::iterator aRemIter=removed_points_ids.find(i);
+ if(aRemIter!=removed_points_ids.end()) continue;
+ TSet::iterator aPairIter=aLists[i].begin();
+ loc_removed_points_ids.clear();
+ out_two_points_ids.clear();
+ input_points.clear();
+ two_points.clear();
+ for(;aPairIter!=aLists[i].end();aPairIter++){
+ vtkIdType aFirId = (*aPairIter).first;
+ vtkIdType aSecId = (*aPairIter).second;
+ aRemIter=removed_points_ids.find(aSecId);
+ if(aRemIter!=removed_points_ids.end()) continue;
+ TPair aPair1(aFirId,aSecId);
+ TPair aPair2(aSecId,aFirId);
+ TSet::iterator aGoodIter=good_point_ids.find(aPair1);
+ if(aGoodIter!=good_point_ids.end()) continue;
+ aGoodIter=good_point_ids.find(aPair2);
+ if(aGoodIter!=good_point_ids.end()) continue;
+ two_points.insert(aFirId);
+ two_points.insert(aSecId);
+ cout << "\nInput: " << aFirId<<":"<<aPointIds->GetId(aFirId) << "," << aSecId <<":"<<aPointIds->GetId(aSecId)<< " --- ";
+ for(vtkIdType k=aSecId+1;k<numIds;k++) {
+ input_points.insert(k);
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << k<<":"<<aPointIds->GetId(k) << ",";
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "\t";
+ for(TUIDS::iterator aDelIter = loc_removed_points_ids.begin();aDelIter!=loc_removed_points_ids.end();aDelIter++)
+ cout << *aDelIter<<",";
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ GetAndRemoveIdsOnOneLine(convex->Points,
+ input_points,
+ two_points,
+ out_two_points_ids,
+ loc_removed_points_ids);
+ TUIDS::iterator aOutIter = out_two_points_ids.begin();
+ vtkIdType aFirst=*aOutIter;aOutIter++;vtkIdType aSecond=*aOutIter;
+ TPair aPair(aFirst,aSecond);
+ good_point_ids.insert(aPair);
+ cout << "Output: ";
+ TUIDS::iterator aIter = out_two_points_ids.begin();
+ for(;aIter!=out_two_points_ids.end();aIter++)
+ cout << *aIter << ",";
+ cout << " --- ";
+ }
+ TUIDS::iterator aDelIter = loc_removed_points_ids.begin();
+ for(;aDelIter!=loc_removed_points_ids.end();aDelIter++){
+ removed_points_ids.insert(*aDelIter);
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << *aDelIter << ",";
+ }
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "============ Resultat ================" <<endl;
+ cout << "Removed:";
+ for(TUIDS::iterator aIter=removed_points_ids.begin();aIter!=removed_points_ids.end();aIter++)
+ cout << *aIter << ",";
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ TUIDS result_ids,all_ids;
+ for(vtkIdType i=0;i<numIds;i++) all_ids.insert(i);
+ std::set_difference(all_ids.begin(),
+ all_ids.end(),
+ removed_points_ids.begin(),
+ removed_points_ids.end(),
+ std::inserter(result_ids,result_ids.begin()));
+ out->Points->SetNumberOfPoints(result_ids.size());
+ out->PointIds->SetNumberOfIds(result_ids.size());
+ int aId=0;
+ if(MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << "Result out:";
+ for(TUIDS::iterator aIter=result_ids.begin();aIter!=result_ids.end();aIter++,aId++){
+ float P[3];
+ convex->Points->GetPoint(*aIter,P);
+ out->Points->SetPoint(aId,P);
+ out->PointIds->SetId(aId,aPointIds->GetId(*aIter));
+ if (MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << *aIter << ":" << aPointIds->GetId(*aIter) << " , ";
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << endl;
+ out->Modified();
+ out->Initialize();
+ return out.GetPointer();
void GetPolygonalFaces(vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,int cellId,TCellArray &outputCellArray)
if (theGrid->GetCellType(cellId) == VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET){
// get vtkCell type = VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET
- if(vtkConvexPointSet* convex = static_cast<vtkConvexPointSet*>(theGrid->GetCell(cellId))){
+ if(vtkConvexPointSet* convex_in = static_cast<vtkConvexPointSet*>(theGrid->GetCell(cellId))){
+ vtkConvexPointSet* convex = RemoveAllUnneededPoints(convex_in);
TCellArray f2points;
float convex_center[3]; // convex center point coorinat
int aNbFaces = convex->GetNumberOfFaces();
int numPts = convex->GetNumberOfPoints();
- TCell convex_ids;
+ if(MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << "aNbFaces="<<aNbFaces<<endl;
+ if(MYDEBUG_REMOVE) cout << "numPts="<<numPts<<endl;
TPTOIDS p2faces; // key=pointId , value facesIds set
- for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++)
- convex_ids.push_back(convex->GetPointId(i));
- GetCenter(theGrid,convex_ids,convex_center);
+ GetCenter(convex->Points,convex_center);
for (vtkIdType faceId=0; faceId < aNbFaces; faceId++){
vtkCell *aFace = convex->GetFace(faceId);