- #TestConstraintAngle.py
+ TestConstraintAngle.py
+ TestProjection.py
double aDistance = calculateCurrentDistance();
- if(aDistance >= 0) {
+ if(aDistance >= 0)
- }
- // the value should to be computed here, not in the getAISObject in order to change the model value
- // inside the object transaction. This is important for creating a constraint by preselection.
- // The display of the presentation in this case happens after the transaction commit
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aFlyOutAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<
- GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(aData->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::FLYOUT_VALUE_PNT()));
- if(!aFlyOutAttr->isInitialized())
- compute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::FLYOUT_VALUE_PNT());
-bool SketchPlugin_ConstraintDistance::compute(const std::string& theAttributeId)
- if (theAttributeId != SketchPlugin_Constraint::FLYOUT_VALUE_PNT())
- return false;
- if (!sketch())
- return false;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aFlyOutAttr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<
- GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(attribute(theAttributeId));
- if (fabs(aFlyOutAttr->x()) >= tolerance || fabs(aFlyOutAttr->y()) >= tolerance)
- return false;
- DataPtr aData = data();
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Ax3> aPlane = SketchPlugin_Sketch::plane(sketch());
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint_A = SketcherPrs_Tools::getFeaturePoint(
- aData, SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A(), aPlane);
- std::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint_B = SketcherPrs_Tools::getFeaturePoint(
- aData, SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B(), aPlane);
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aPnt_A;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aPnt_B;
- if (aPoint_A && aPoint_B) {
- aPnt_A = aPoint_A->pnt();
- aPnt_B = aPoint_B->pnt();
- } else if (!aPoint_A && aPoint_B) {
- FeaturePtr aLine = SketcherPrs_Tools::getFeatureLine(
- aData, SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A());
- if (aLine) {
- aPnt_B = aPoint_B->pnt();
- aPnt_A = SketcherPrs_Tools::getProjectionPoint(aLine, aPnt_B);
- }
- } else if (aPoint_A && !aPoint_B) {
- FeaturePtr aLine = SketcherPrs_Tools::getFeatureLine(
- aData, SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B());
- if (aLine) {
- aPnt_A = aPoint_A->pnt();
- aPnt_B = SketcherPrs_Tools::getProjectionPoint(aLine, aPnt_A);
- }
- }
- if (!aPnt_A || !aPnt_B)
- return false;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aPoint1 = sketch()->to3D(aPnt_A->x(), aPnt_A->y());
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aPoint2 = sketch()->to3D(aPnt_B->x(), aPnt_B->y());
- // it is not possible to create lin2d on the points with equal position
- if (aPoint1->distance(aPoint2) < tolerance)
- return false;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Lin2d> aLine = std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Lin2d>(new GeomAPI_Lin2d(aPnt_A, aPnt_B));
- double aDist = aPoint1->distance(aPoint2)/5.;
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aFPnt = aLine->shiftedLocation(aDist);
- aFlyOutAttr->setValue(aFPnt);
- return true;
/// \brief Creates a new part document if needed
SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void execute();
- /// Computes the attribute value on the base of other attributes if the value can be computed
- /// \param theAttributeId an attribute index to be computed
- /// \return a boolean value about it is computed
- SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual bool compute(const std::string& theAttributeId);
/// \brief Request for initialization of data model of the feature: adding all attributes
SKETCHPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void initAttributes();
__updated__ = "2015-09-18"
aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
aConstraint = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintAngle")
-anAngleVal = aConstraint.real("ConstraintValue")
+anAngleVal = aConstraint.real("AngleValue")
refattrA = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
refattrB = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityB")
assert (not anAngleVal.isInitialized())
assert (not refattrA.isInitialized())
assert (not refattrB.isInitialized())
assert (anAngleVal.isInitialized())
assert (angle(aSketchLineA, aSketchLineB) == NEW_ANGLE_DEGREE)
+# Change angle type
+assert (angle(aSketchLineA, aSketchLineB) == NEW_ANGLE_DEGREE)
+assert (angle(aSketchLineA, aSketchLineB) == NEW_ANGLE_DEGREE)
# TODO: improve test
# 1. remove constraint, move line's start point to
# check that constraint are not applied
+aFlyoutPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aConstraint.attribute("ConstraintFlyoutValuePnt"))
+aFlyoutPoint.setValue(50.0, 100.0)
assert (refattrA.isInitialized())
assert (refattrB.isInitialized())
assert (aLineResult is not None)
+aFlyoutPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aConstraint.attribute("ConstraintFlyoutValuePnt"))
+aFlyoutPoint.setValue(50.0, 100.0)
assert (refattrA.isInitialized())
assert (refattrB.isInitialized())
__updated__ = "2014-10-28"
+def distancePointPoint(pointA, pointB):
+ """
+ subroutine to calculate distance between two points
+ result of calculated distance is has 10**-5 precision
+ """
+ xdiff = math.pow((pointA.x() - pointB.x()), 2)
+ ydiff = math.pow((pointA.y() - pointB.y()), 2)
+ return round(math.sqrt(xdiff + ydiff), 5)
aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
anCircleCentr.setValue(-25., -25)
+# Change the radius of the arc
+RADIUS = 40
+anArcRadius = aSketchArc.real("ArcRadius")
# Make a constraint to keep the radius of the arc
aConstraint = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintRadius")
aRadius = aConstraint.real("ConstraintValue")
aRefObject = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
-aResult = aSketchArc.firstResult()
+aResult = aSketchArc.lastResult()
assert (aResult is not None)
aConstraint = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintRadius")
aRadius = aConstraint.real("ConstraintValue")
aRefObject = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
-aResult = aSketchCircle.firstResult()
+aResult = aSketchCircle.lastResult()
assert (aResult is not None)
# 2. Move one point of the arc
# 3. Check that second point is moved also
-assert (anArcCentr.x() == 10.)
-assert (anArcCentr.y() == 10.)
-assert (anArcStartPoint.x() == 0.)
-assert (anArcStartPoint.y() == 50.)
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcStartPoint) - RADIUS) < 1.e-10)
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcEndPoint) - RADIUS) < 1.e-10)
anArcPrevEndPointX = anArcEndPoint.x()
anArcPrevEndPointY = anArcEndPoint.y()
-assert (anArcPrevEndPointX == 50.)
-assert (anArcPrevEndPointY == 0.)
# Move one point of the arc
anArcStartPoint.setValue(0, 60)
-assert (anArcCentr.x() == 10.)
-assert (anArcCentr.y() == 10.)
-# MPV: it just projects back to the circle the moved start point
-#assert (anArcEndPoint.x() != anArcPrevEndPointX)
-#assert (anArcEndPoint.y() != anArcPrevEndPointY)
+assert (anArcEndPoint.x() != anArcPrevEndPointX)
+assert (anArcEndPoint.y() != anArcPrevEndPointY)
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcStartPoint) - RADIUS) < 1.e-10)
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcEndPoint) - RADIUS) < 1.e-10)
# 4. Move the centr or the point of the arc
# 5. Check radius is the same
--- /dev/null
+ TestProjection.py
+ Unit test of SketchPlugin_Projection class
+from GeomDataAPI import *
+from ModelAPI import *
+import math
+# Initialization of the test
+__updated__ = "2016-05-16"
+# Start of test
+aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
+aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
+# Creation of a sketch
+aSketchFeature = featureToCompositeFeature(aDocument.addFeature("Sketch"))
+origin = geomDataAPI_Point(aSketchFeature.attribute("Origin"))
+origin.setValue(0, 0, 0)
+dirx = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("DirX"))
+dirx.setValue(1, 0, 0)
+norm = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("Norm"))
+norm.setValue(0, 0, 1)
+# Create a line, circle and arc
+aLine = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+aLineStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+aLineEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+aLineStart.setValue(10., 10.)
+aLineEnd.setValue(40., 30.)
+aCircle = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchCircle")
+aCircleCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aCircle.attribute("CircleCenter"))
+aCircleRadius = aCircle.real("CircleRadius")
+aCircleCenter.setValue(-25., -25)
+anArc = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchArc")
+anArcCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(anArc.attribute("ArcCenter"))
+anArcStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(anArc.attribute("ArcStartPoint"))
+anArcEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(anArc.attribute("ArcEndPoint"))
+anArcCenter.setValue(10., 10.)
+anArcStart.setValue(50., 0.)
+anArcEnd.setValue(0., 50.)
+# Create another sketch
+aSketchFeature = featureToCompositeFeature(aDocument.addFeature("Sketch"))
+origin = geomDataAPI_Point(aSketchFeature.attribute("Origin"))
+origin.setValue(0, 0, 10)
+dirx = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("DirX"))
+dirx.setValue(1, 0, 0)
+norm = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("Norm"))
+norm.setValue(0, 0, 1)
+# Project all features onto the new sketch
+anExtLineRes = modelAPI_Result(aDocument.objectByName("Construction", "SketchLine_1"))
+anExtLineShape = anExtLineRes.shape()
+aLineProjector = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchProjection")
+aLineProjector.selection("ExternalFeature").setValue(anExtLineRes, anExtLineShape)
+anExtCircRes = modelAPI_Result(aDocument.objectByName("Construction", "SketchCircle_1_2"))
+anExtCircShape = anExtCircRes.shape()
+aCircleProjector = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchProjection")
+aCircleProjector.selection("ExternalFeature").setValue(anExtCircRes, anExtCircShape)
+anExtArcRes = modelAPI_Result(aDocument.objectByName("Construction", "SketchArc_1_2"))
+anExtArcShape = anExtArcRes.shape()
+anArcProjector = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchProjection")
+anArcProjector.selection("ExternalFeature").setValue(anExtArcRes, anExtArcShape)
+# Check projection coordinates
+aProjLine = ModelAPI_Feature.feature(aLineProjector.refattr("ProjectedFeature").object())
+aProjLineStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aProjLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+aProjLineEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aProjLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineStart.x() - aLineStart.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineStart.y() - aLineStart.y()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineEnd.x() - aLineEnd.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineEnd.y() - aLineEnd.y()) < 1.e-10)
+aProjCircle = ModelAPI_Feature.feature(aCircleProjector.refattr("ProjectedFeature").object())
+aProjCircleCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aProjCircle.attribute("CircleCenter"))
+aProjCircleRadius = aProjCircle.real("CircleRadius")
+assert(math.fabs(aProjCircleCenter.x() - aCircleCenter.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjCircleCenter.y() - aCircleCenter.y()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjCircleRadius.value() - aCircleRadius.value()) < 1.e-10)
+aProjArc = ModelAPI_Feature.feature(anArcProjector.refattr("ProjectedFeature").object())
+aProjArcCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aProjArc.attribute("ArcCenter"))
+aProjArcStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aProjArc.attribute("ArcStartPoint"))
+aProjArcEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aProjArc.attribute("ArcEndPoint"))
+assert(math.fabs(aProjArcCenter.x() - anArcCenter.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjArcCenter.y() - anArcCenter.y()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjArcStart.x() - anArcStart.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjArcStart.y() - anArcStart.y()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjArcEnd.x() - anArcEnd.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjArcEnd.y() - anArcEnd.y()) < 1.e-10)
+# Move original feature and check the projection is agreed
+aLineStart.setValue(20., 0.)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineStart.x() - aLineStart.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineStart.y() - aLineStart.y()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineEnd.x() - aLineEnd.x()) < 1.e-10)
+assert(math.fabs(aProjLineEnd.y() - aLineEnd.y()) < 1.e-10)
+# End of test
from GeomDataAPI import *
from ModelAPI import *
+import math
__updated__ = "2014-10-28"
+# Auxiliary functions
+def angle(theCenter, theFirst, theLast):
+ """
+ subroutine to calculate angle given by 3 points
+ """
+ aDirX1 = theFirst.x() - theCenter.x()
+ aDirY1 = theFirst.y() - theCenter.y()
+ aLen1 = math.hypot(aDirX1, aDirY1)
+ aDirX2 = theLast.x() - theCenter.x()
+ aDirY2 = theLast.y() - theCenter.y()
+ aLen2 = math.hypot(aDirX2, aDirY2)
+ aDot = aDirX1 * aDirX2 + aDirY1 * aDirY2
+ anAngle = math.acos(aDot / aLen1 / aLen2)
+ return round(anAngle * 180. / math.pi, 6)
+def distancePointPoint(thePointA, thePointB):
+ """
+ subroutine to calculate distance between two points
+ result of calculated distance is has 10**-5 precision
+ """
+ xdiff = math.pow((thePointA.x() - thePointB.x()), 2)
+ ydiff = math.pow((thePointA.y() - thePointB.y()), 2)
+ return round(math.sqrt(xdiff + ydiff), 5)
aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
# Edit the arc:
# 1. Move whole arc
# 2. Change the start point
+# 3. Change the radius of arc
+# 4. Change arc's angle
-# MPV: movement now is done little bit in different way, just move points causes changing them
-# back t okeep the radius unchanged (projection back to the initial circle)
-#deltaX, deltaY = 5., 10.
-#anArcCentr.setValue(anArcCentr.x() + deltaX, anArcCentr.y() + deltaY)
-# anArcStartPoint.x() + deltaX, anArcStartPoint.y() + deltaY)
-#anArcEndPoint.setValue(anArcEndPoint.x() + deltaX, anArcEndPoint.y() + deltaY)
-#assert (anArcCentr.y() == 20)
-#assert (anArcStartPoint.x() == 5)
-#assert (anArcStartPoint.y() == 60)
-#assert (anArcEndPoint.x() == 55)
-#assert (anArcEndPoint.y() == 10)
-## Change the start point
-#anArcStartPoint.setValue(anArcStartPoint.x() + deltaX, anArcStartPoint.y())
-#aPrevEndPointX = anArcEndPoint.x()
-#aPrevEndPointY = anArcEndPoint.y()
-#assert (anArcCentr.x() == 15)
-#assert (anArcCentr.y() == 20)
-#assert (anArcStartPoint.x() == 10)
-#assert (anArcStartPoint.y() == 60)
-#assert (anArcEndPoint.x() != aPrevEndPointX)
-#assert (anArcEndPoint.y() != aPrevEndPointY)
+deltaX, deltaY = 5., 10.
+anArcCentr.setValue(anArcCentr.x() + deltaX, anArcCentr.y() + deltaY)
+assert (anArcCentr.x() == 15)
+assert (anArcCentr.y() == 20)
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcStartPoint) - distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcEndPoint)) < 1.e-10)
+# Change the start point
+anArcStartPoint.setValue(anArcStartPoint.x() + deltaX, anArcStartPoint.y())
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcStartPoint) - distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcEndPoint)) < 1.e-10)
+# Change radius
+RADIUS = 50
+anArcRadius = aSketchArc.real("ArcRadius")
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcStartPoint) - RADIUS) < 1.e-10)
+assert (math.fabs(distancePointPoint(anArcCentr, anArcEndPoint) - RADIUS) < 1.e-10)
+# Change angle
+ANGLE = 120
+anArcAngle = aSketchArc.real("ArcAngle")
+assert (math.fabs(angle(anArcCentr, anArcStartPoint, anArcEndPoint) - ANGLE) < 1.e-7)
# Check results of the Arc
assert (anCircleCentr.y() == 60)
assert (aCircleRadius.value() == 20)
+# Create an arc, tangent to the line
+aSketchLine = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+aLineStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+aLineEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+aLineStart.setValue(0., 0.)
+aLineEnd.setValue(50., 0.)
+aSketchArcTangent = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchArc")
+anArcEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchArcTangent.attribute("ArcEndPoint"))
+aTangent = aSketchArcTangent.refattr("ArcTangentPoint")
+anArcEndPoint.setValue(51., 1.)
+anArcEndPoint.setValue(100., 25.)
+anArcCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchArcTangent.attribute("ArcCenter"))
+assert(anArcCenter.x() == 50.)
+# Create an arc, tangent to the previous arc
+aSketchArcTangent2 = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchArc")
+anArcEndPoint2 = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchArcTangent2.attribute("ArcEndPoint"))
+aTangent = aSketchArcTangent2.refattr("ArcTangentPoint")
+anArcEndPoint2.setValue(anArcEndPoint.x() + 1, anArcEndPoint.y() + 1)
+anArcEndPoint2.setValue(50., 50.)
# End of test