--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+Python script for HOMARD
+Specific conditions for Code_Saturne
+Test test_5
+__revision__ = "V1.0"
+TEST_NAME = "test_5"
+DEBUG = False
+DEBUG = True
+NBCELL_X = 10
+NBCELL_Y = 10
+NBCELL_Z = 10
+LG_X = 360.
+LG_Y = 240.
+LG_Z = 160.
+import os
+import tempfile
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+import salome
+import HOMARD
+import MEDCoupling as mc
+import MEDLoader as ml
+# ==================================
+# Repertoire des scripts utilitaires
+REP_PYTHON = os.path.join(PATH_HOMARD, "bin", "salome", "test", "HOMARD")
+REP_PYTHON = os.path.normpath(REP_PYTHON)
+from test_util import remove_dir
+from test_util import test_results
+# Repertoire des donnees du test
+REP_DATA = os.path.join(PATH_HOMARD, "share", "salome", "homardsamples")
+REP_DATA = os.path.normpath(REP_DATA)
+# Repertoire des resultats
+if DEBUG :
+ DIRCASE = os.path.join("/tmp", TEST_NAME)
+ if ( os.path.isdir(DIRCASE) ) :
+ remove_dir(DIRCASE)
+ os.mkdir(DIRCASE)
+else :
+ DIRCASE = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+# ==================================
+from MEDCouplingRemapper import MEDCouplingRemapper
+import iparameters
+IPAR = iparameters.IParameters(salome.myStudy.GetCommonParameters("Interface Applicative", 1))
+IPAR.append("AP_MODULES_LIST", "Homard")
+def mesh_exec(theStudy):
+ """
+Python script for MED
+ """
+ error = 0
+ while not error :
+ #
+ # Creation of the mesh
+ # ====================
+ maillage_3d = ml.MEDCouplingUMesh(MESH_NAME, 2)
+ maillage_3d.setMeshDimension(3)
+ #
+ # Creation of the nodes
+ # ====================
+ #
+ nbno_x = NBCELL_X + 1
+ nbno_y = NBCELL_Y + 1
+ nbno_z = NBCELL_Z + 1
+ delta_x = LG_X / float(NBCELL_X)
+ delta_y = LG_Y / float(NBCELL_Y)
+ delta_z = LG_Z / float(NBCELL_Z)
+ coordinates = list()
+ coo_z = -0.5*LG_Z
+ for kaux in range(nbno_z) :
+ coo_y = -0.5*LG_Y
+ for jaux in range(nbno_y) :
+ coo_x = -0.5*LG_X
+ for iaux in range(nbno_x) :
+ coordinates.append(coo_x)
+ coordinates.append(coo_y)
+ coordinates.append(coo_z)
+ coo_x += delta_x
+ coo_y += delta_y
+ coo_z += delta_z
+ nbr_nodes = nbno_x*nbno_y*nbno_z
+ les_coords = ml.DataArrayDouble(coordinates, nbr_nodes, 3)
+ maillage_3d.setCoords(les_coords)
+ #
+ # Creation of the cells
+ # =====================
+ #
+ nbr_cell_3d = NBCELL_X*NBCELL_Y*NBCELL_Z
+ maillage_3d.allocateCells(nbr_cell_3d)
+ decala_z = nbno_x*nbno_y
+# kaux = numero de la tranche en z
+ for kaux in range(1, nbno_z) :
+ #print ". Tranche en z numero %d" % kaux
+ decala = decala_z*(kaux-1)
+# jaux = numero de la tranche en y
+ for jaux in range(1, nbno_y) :
+ #print ". Tranche en y numero %d" % jaux
+# iaux = numero de la tranche en x
+ for iaux in range(1, nbno_x) :
+ #print ". Tranche en x numero %d" % iaux
+ nref = decala+iaux-1
+ laux = [nref, nref+nbno_x, nref+1+nbno_x, nref+1, nref+decala_z, nref+nbno_x+decala_z, nref+1+nbno_x+decala_z, nref+1+decala_z]
+ #if self.verbose_max :
+ #if ( ( iaux==1 and jaux==1 and kaux==1 ) or ( iaux==(nbr_nodes_x-1) and jaux==(nbr_nodes_y-1) and kaux==(nbr_nodes_z-1) ) ) :
+ #print ". Maille %d : " % (iaux*jaux*kaux), laux
+ maillage_3d.insertNextCell(ml.NORM_HEXA8, 8, laux)
+ decala += nbno_x
+ maillage_3d.finishInsertingCells()
+ #
+ # Agregation into a structure of MEDLoader
+ # ========================================
+ #
+ meshMEDFile3D = ml.MEDFileUMesh()
+ meshMEDFile3D.setName(MESH_NAME)
+ meshMEDFile3D.setMeshAtLevel(0, maillage_3d)
+ meshMEDFile3D.rearrangeFamilies()
+ #
+ # MED exportation
+ # ===============
+ #
+ try:
+ ficmed = os.path.join(DIRCASE, 'maill.00.med')
+ #print "Ecriture du maillage dans le fichier", ficmed
+ meshMEDFile3D.write(ficmed, 2)
+ except Exception, eee:
+ error = 2
+ raise Exception('ExportToMEDX() failed. '+eee.message)
+ #
+ break
+ #
+ return error
+def field_exec(theStudy, niter):
+ """
+Python script for MEDCoupling
+ """
+ error = 0
+ while not error :
+ #
+ # The mesh
+ # ========
+ ficmed = os.path.join(DIRCASE, 'maill.%02d.med' % niter)
+ meshMEDFileRead = ml.MEDFileMesh.New(ficmed)
+ mesh_read0 = meshMEDFileRead.getMeshAtLevel(0)
+ # Barycenter of the cells
+ # =======================
+ cg_hexa_ml = mesh_read0.computeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell()
+ cg_hexa = cg_hexa_ml.toNumPyArray()
+ # Target
+ # ======
+ xyz_p = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float)
+ xyz_p[0] = -0.20*float(1-niter) * LG_X
+ xyz_p[1] = -0.15*float(1-niter) * LG_Y
+ xyz_p[2] = -0.10*float(1-niter) * LG_Z
+ # Values of the field
+ # ===================
+ nbr_cell_3d = mesh_read0.getNumberOfCells()
+ valeur = mc.DataArrayDouble(nbr_cell_3d)
+ for num_mail in range(nbr_cell_3d) :
+ #ligne = "x = %f" % cg_hexa[num_mail][0]
+ #ligne += ", y = %f" % cg_hexa[num_mail][1]
+ #ligne += ", z = %f" % cg_hexa[num_mail][2]
+ #print ligne
+ distance = np.linalg.norm(cg_hexa[num_mail]-xyz_p)
+ valeur[num_mail] = 1.e0 / max ( 1.e-5, distance)
+ #print ". valeur", valeur
+ nparr = valeur.toNumPyArray()
+ print ". mini/maxi", nparr.min(), nparr.max()
+ #
+ # Creation of the field
+ # =====================
+ field = ml.MEDCouplingFieldDouble(ml.ON_CELLS, ml.ONE_TIME)
+ field.setArray(valeur)
+ field.setMesh(mesh_read0)
+ field.setName("DISTANCE")
+ #
+ fMEDFile_ch = ml.MEDFileField1TS()
+ fMEDFile_ch.setFieldNoProfileSBT(field) # No profile desired on the field, Sort By Type
+ fMEDFile_ch.write(ficmed, 0) # 0 to indicate that we *append* (and no overwrite) to the MED file
+ #
+ break
+ #
+ return error, ficmed
+def homard_exec(theStudy):
+ """
+Python script for HOMARD
+ """
+ error = 0
+ while not error :
+ #
+ HOMARD.SetCurrentStudy(theStudy)
+ #
+ # Creation of the hypothese DISTANCE INVERSE
+ # ==========================================
+ hyponame = "DISTANCE INVERSE"
+ print "-------- Creation of the hypothesis", hyponame
+ hypo_5 = HOMARD.CreateHypothesis(hyponame)
+ hypo_5.SetField('DISTANCE')
+ hypo_5.SetUseComp(0)
+ hypo_5.SetRefinThr(1, 0.020)
+ hypo_5.SetUnRefThr(1, 0.015)
+ print hyponame, " : champ utilisé :", hypo_5.GetFieldName()
+ print ".. caractéristiques de l'adaptation :", hypo_5.GetField()
+ #
+ # Creation of the cases
+ # =====================
+ # Creation of the case
+ print "-------- Creation of the case", TEST_NAME
+ mesh_file = os.path.join(DIRCASE, 'maill.00.med')
+ case_test_5 = HOMARD.CreateCase(TEST_NAME, 'MESH', mesh_file)
+ case_test_5.SetDirName(DIRCASE)
+ case_test_5.SetConfType(1)
+ case_test_5.SetExtType(1)
+ #
+ # Creation of the iterations
+ # ==========================
+ #
+ for niter in range(N_ITER_TEST_FILE) :
+ #
+ s_niterp1 = "%02d" % (niter + 1)
+ #
+ # Creation of the indicator
+ #
+ error, ficmed_indic = field_exec(theStudy, niter)
+ if error :
+ error = 10
+ break
+ #
+ # Creation of the iteration
+ #
+ iter_name = "I_" + TEST_NAME + "_" + s_niterp1
+ print "-------- Creation of the iteration", iter_name
+ if ( niter == 0 ) :
+ iter_test_5 = case_test_5.NextIteration(iter_name)
+ else :
+ iter_test_5 = iter_test_5.NextIteration(iter_name)
+ iter_test_5.AssociateHypo(hyponame)
+ iter_test_5.SetFieldFile(ficmed_indic)
+ iter_test_5.SetMeshName(MESH_NAME+"_" + s_niterp1)
+ iter_test_5.SetMeshFile(os.path.join(DIRCASE, "maill."+s_niterp1+".med"))
+ error = iter_test_5.Compute(1, 2)
+ if error :
+ error = 20
+ break
+ #
+ break
+ #
+ return error
+# Geometry and Mesh
+try :
+ ERROR = mesh_exec(salome.myStudy)
+ if ERROR :
+ raise Exception('Pb in mesh_exec')
+except Exception, eee:
+ raise Exception('Pb in mesh_exec: '+eee.message)
+HOMARD = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent('FactoryServer', 'HOMARD')
+assert HOMARD is not None, "Impossible to load homard engine"
+try :
+ ERROR = homard_exec(salome.myStudy)
+ if ERROR :
+ raise Exception('Pb in homard_exec at iteration %d' %ERROR )
+except Exception, eee:
+ raise Exception('Pb in homard_exec: '+eee.message)
+# Test of the results
+if salome.sg.hasDesktop():
+ salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(1)
+ iparameters.getSession().restoreVisualState(1)