--- /dev/null
+import os, glob, string, sys
+import xml.sax
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### xml reader for launch configuration file usage
+class xml_parser:
+ def __init__(self, fileName):
+ self.space = []
+ self.opts = {}
+ parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
+ parser.setContentHandler(self)
+ parser.parse(fileName)
+ pass
+ def CorrectBoolean(self, str):
+ if str in ("yes", "y", "1"):
+ return 1
+ elif str in ("no", "n", "0"):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return str
+ pass
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ #print "startElement name=",name
+ #print "startElement attrs=",attrs.getNames()
+ self.space.append(name)
+ self.current = None
+ if self.space[:2] == ["Configuration-list","launchoptions"] and len(self.space) == 3:
+ self.current = name
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","modules-list"]:
+ self.opts["modules"] = []
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","modules-list","module"] and "name" in attrs.getNames():
+ for field in attrs.getNames():
+ if field == "name":
+ self.currentModuleName = str(attrs.getValue("name"))
+ self.opts["modules"].append(self.currentModuleName)
+ else:
+ self.opts[str(attrs.getValue("name"))+"_"+str(field)] = self.CorrectBoolean(attrs.getValue(field))
+ pass
+ pass
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","modules-list","module","plugin"] and "name" in attrs.getNames():
+ key = str(self.currentModuleName)+"_plugins"
+ if not self.opts.has_key("key"):
+ self.opts[key]=[]
+ pass
+ self.opts[key].append(attrs.getValue("name"))
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","embedded-list"]:
+ self.opts["embedded"] = []
+ pass
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","standalone-list"]:
+ self.opts["standalone"] = []
+ pass
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","containers-list"]:
+ self.opts["containers"] = []
+ pass
+ pass
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ p = self.space.pop()
+ self.current = None
+ pass
+ def characters(self, content):
+ #print "Characters content:",content
+ if self.current:
+ self.opts[self.current] = self.CorrectBoolean(content)
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","embedded-list", "embeddedserver"]:
+ self.opts["embedded"].append(content)
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","standalone-list", "standaloneserver"]:
+ self.opts["standalone"].append(content)
+ elif self.space == ["Configuration-list","containers-list", "containertype"]:
+ self.opts["containers"].append(content)
+ pass
+ def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
+ pass
+ def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
+ pass
+ def startDocument(self):
+ self.read = None
+ pass
+ def endDocument(self):
+ self.read = None
+ pass
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### searching for launch configuration file : $HOME/.$(application_name)/$(application_name).launch
+appname = None
+filename = None
+for bindir in glob.glob(os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"]+"/bin/*"):
+ appname = string.split(bindir, "/").pop()
+ print 'Application name: "'+appname+'"'
+ filename = os.environ["HOME"]+"/."+appname+"/"+appname+".launch"
+ if not os.path.exists(filename) and \
+ not os.path.exists(os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"]+"/bin/"+appname+"/"+appname+".launch"):
+ filename = None
+ else:
+ break
+ pass
+if not appname:
+ print "Can not find application name"
+ if not os.have_key("KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"):
+ print "KERNEL_ROOT_DIR environment variable must be set"
+ pass
+ sys.exit(1);
+elif not filename or not os.path.exists(filename):
+ filename = os.environ["HOME"]+"/."+appname+"/"+appname+".launch"
+ print "Launch configuration file does not exist. Create default:",filename
+ os.system("mkdir -p "+os.environ["HOME"]+"/."+appname)
+ os.system("cp -f "+os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"]+"/bin/"+appname+"/"+appname+".launch "+filename)
+ pass
+### get options from launch configuration file
+ p = xml_parser(filename)
+ print 'Can not read launch configuration file ', filename
+ filename = None
+ pass
+if filename:
+ args = p.opts
+ args = {}
+ pass
+# --- args completion
+for aKey in ("containers","embedded","key","modules","standalone"):
+ if not args.has_key(aKey):
+ args[aKey]=[]
+for aKey in ("gui","logger","xterm","portkill","killall"):
+ if not args.has_key(aKey):
+ args[aKey]=0
+args["appname"] = appname
+### searching for my port
+my_port = 2809
+ file = open(os.environ["OMNIORB_CONFIG"], "r")
+ s = file.read()
+ while len(s):
+ l = string.split(s, ":")
+ if string.split(l[0], " ")[0] == "ORBInitRef":
+ my_port = int(l[len(l)-1])
+ pass
+ s = file.read()
+ pass
+ pass
+args["port"] = my_port
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### command line options reader
+def options_parser(line):
+ source = line
+ list = []
+ for delimiter in [" ", ",", "="]:
+ for o in source:
+ list += string.split(o, delimiter)
+ pass
+ source = list
+ list = []
+ pass
+ print "source=",source
+ result = {}
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(source):
+ if source[i][0] != '-':
+ key = None
+ elif source[i][1] == '-':
+ key = source[i][2]
+ else:
+ key = source[i][1]
+ pass
+ result[key] = []
+ if key:
+ i += 1
+ pass
+ while i < len(source) and source[i][0] != '-':
+ result[key].append(source[i])
+ i += 1
+ pass
+ pass
+ return result
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### read command-line options : each arg given in command line supersedes arg from xml config file
+ opts = options_parser(sys.argv[1:])
+ print "opts=",opts
+ kernel_root_dir=os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"]
+ opts["h"] = 1
+ pass
+### check all options are right
+for opt in opts:
+ if not opt in ("h","g","l","x","m","e","s","c","p","k","t"):
+ print "command line error: -", opt
+ opterror=1
+if opterror == 1:
+ opts["h"] = 1
+if opts.has_key("h"):
+ print """USAGE: runSalome.py [options]
+ [command line options] :
+ --help or -h : print this help
+ --gui or -g : lancement du GUI
+ --terminal -t : launching without gui (to deny --gui)
+ --logger or -l : redirection des messages dans un fichier
+ --xterm or -x : les serveurs ouvrent une fenêtre xterm et les messages sont affichés dans cette fenêtre
+ --modules=module1,module2,... : où modulen est le nom d'un module Salome à charger dans le catalogue
+ or -m=module1,module2,...
+ --embedded=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer
+ or -e=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer
+ : serveurs CORBA embarqués (par defaut: registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer)
+ : (logger,pyContainer,supervContainer ne peuvent pas être embarqués
+ --standalone=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer,pyContainer,supervContainer
+ or -s=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer,pyContainer,supervContainer
+ : executables serveurs CORBA indépendants (par défaut: pyContainer,supervContainer)
+ --containers=cpp,python,superv: (obsolete) lancement des containers cpp, python et de supervision
+ or -c=cpp,python,superv : = on prend les defauts de -e et -s
+ --portkill or -p : kill the salome with current port
+ --killall or -k : kill salome
+ La variable d'environnement <modulen>_ROOT_DIR doit etre préalablement
+ positionnée (modulen doit etre en majuscule).
+ KERNEL_ROOT_DIR est obligatoire.
+ """
+ sys.exit(1)
+ pass
+### apply command-line options to the arguments
+for opt in opts:
+ if opt == 'g':
+ args['gui'] = 1
+ elif opt == 'l':
+ args['logger'] = 1
+ elif opt == 'x':
+ args['xterm'] = 1
+ elif opt == 'm':
+ args['modules'] = opts['m']
+ elif opt == 'e':
+ args['embedded'] = opts['e']
+ elif opt == 's':
+ args['standalone'] = opts['s']
+ elif opt == 'c':
+ args['containers'] = opts['c']
+ elif opt == 'p':
+ args['portkill'] = 1
+ elif opt == 'k':
+ args['killall'] = 1
+ pass
+ pass
+# 'terminal' must be processed in the end: to deny any 'gui' options
+if 't' in opts:
+ args['gui'] = 0
+ pass
+print "args=",args
#!/usr/bin/env python
-usage="""USAGE: runSalome.py [options]
-[command line options] :
---help : affichage de l'aide
---gui : lancement du GUI
---logger : redirection des messages dans un fichier
---xterm : les serveurs ouvrent une fenêtre xterm et les messages sont affichés dans cette fenêtre
---modules=module1,module2,... : où modulen est le nom d'un module Salome à charger dans le catalogue
---containers=cpp,python,superv: lancement des containers cpp, python et de supervision
---killall : arrêt des serveurs de salome
- La variable d'environnement <modulen>_ROOT_DIR doit etre préalablement
- positionnée (modulen doit etre en majuscule).
- KERNEL_ROOT_DIR est obligatoire.
+import sys, os, string, glob, time, pickle
+### read launch configure xml file and command line options
+import launchConfigureParser
+args = launchConfigureParser.args
+### kill servers if it is need
+from killSalome import killAllPorts
+def killLocalPort():
+ from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
+ my_port=str(args['port'])
+ try:
+ killMyPort(my_port)
+ except:
+ print "problem in killLocalPort()"
+ pass
+ pass
+if args['killall']:
+ killAllPorts()
+elif args['portkill']:
+ killLocalPort()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fonction d'arrêt de salome
+# Fonctions helper pour ajouter des variables d'environnement
-def killSalome():
- print "arret des serveurs SALOME"
- for pid, cmd in process_id.items():
- print "arret du process %s : %s"% (pid, cmd[0])
- try:
- os.kill(pid,signal.SIGKILL)
- except:
- print " ------------------ process %s : %s inexistant"% (pid, cmd[0])
- print "arret du naming service"
- os.system("killall -9 omniNames")
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fonction message
+def add_path(directory, variable_name):
+ if not os.environ.has_key(variable_name):
+ os.environ[variable_name] = ""
+ pass
+ os.environ[variable_name]=directory + ":" + os.environ[variable_name]
+ if variable_name=="PYTHONPATH":
+ sys.path[:0]=[directory]
-def message(code, msg=''):
- if msg: print msg
- sys.exit(code)
-import sys,os,string,glob,time,signal,pickle,getopt
-opts, args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hmglxck:', ['help','modules=','gui','logger','xterm','containers=','killall'])
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ('-h', '--help'):
- print usage
- sys.exit(1)
- elif o in ('-g', '--gui'):
- with_gui=1
- elif o in ('-l', '--logger'):
- with_logger=1
- elif o in ('-x', '--xterm'):
- with_xterm=1
- elif o in ('-m', '--modules'):
- liste_modules = [x.upper() for x in a.split(',')]
- elif o in ('-c', '--containers'):
- liste_containers = [x.lower() for x in a.split(',')]
- for r in liste_containers:
- if r not in ('cpp', 'python', 'superv'):
- message(1, 'Invalid -c/--containers option: %s' % a)
- if 'cpp' in liste_containers:
- with_container_cpp=1
- else:
- with_container_cpp=0
- if 'python' in liste_containers:
- with_container_python=1
- else:
- with_container_python=0
- if 'superv' in liste_containers:
- with_container_superv=1
- else:
- with_container_superv=0
- elif o in ('-k', '--killall'):
- filedict='/tmp/'+os.getenv('USER')+'_SALOME_pidict'
- #filedict='/tmp/'+os.getlogin()+'_SALOME_pidict'
- found = 0
- try:
- fpid=open(filedict, 'r')
- found = 1
- except:
- print "le fichier %s des process SALOME n'est pas accessible"% filedict
- if found:
- process_id=pickle.load(fpid)
- fpid.close()
- killSalome()
- process_id={}
- os.remove(filedict)
-except getopt.error, msg:
- print usage
- sys.exit(1)
+init_time = os.times()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Vérification des variables d'environnement
+# Check variables <module>_ROOT_DIR and set list of used modules (without KERNEL)
+# Add to the PATH-variables modules' specific paths
- kernel_root_dir=os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"]
- modules_root_dir["KERNEL"]=kernel_root_dir
- print usage
- sys.exit(1)
-for module in liste_modules :
- try:
- module=module.upper()
- module_root_dir=os.environ[module +"_ROOT_DIR"]
- modules_root_dir[module]=module_root_dir
- except:
- print usage
- sys.exit(1)
-# il faut KERNEL en premier dans la liste des modules
-# - l'ordre des modules dans le catalogue sera identique
-# - la liste des modules presents dans le catalogue est exploitée pour charger les modules CORBA python,
-# il faut charger les modules python du KERNEL en premier
-if "KERNEL" in liste_modules:liste_modules.remove("KERNEL")
-#print liste_modules
-#print modules_root_dir
-if "SUPERV" in liste_modules:with_container_superv=1
+modules_list = []
+if args.has_key("modules"):
+ modules_list += args["modules"]
+modules_list[:0] = ["KERNEL"] # KERNEL must be last in the list to locate it at the first place in PATH variables
+modules_root_dir = {}
+modules_root_dir_list = []
+python_version="python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[0:2]
+for module in modules_list :
+ module_variable=module.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"
+ if not os.environ.has_key(module_variable):
+ print "*******************************************************************************"
+ print "*"
+ print "* Environment variable",module_variable,"must be set"
+ print "* Module", module, "will be not available"
+ print "*"
+ print "*******************************************************************************"
+ to_remove_list.append(module)
+ continue
+ pass
+ module_root_dir = os.environ[module_variable]
+ modules_root_dir[module]=module_root_dir
+ modules_root_dir_list[:0] = [module_root_dir]
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",args['appname']), "LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"bin",args['appname']), "PATH")
+ if os.path.exists(module_root_dir + "/examples") :
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"examples"), "PYTHONPATH")
+for to_remove in to_remove_list:
+ modules_list.remove(to_remove)
+while "KERNEL" in modules_list:
+ modules_list.remove("KERNEL")
+ pass
+# KERNEL must be last in the list to locate it at the first place in PYTHONPATH variable
+list_modules = modules_list[:] + ["KERNEL"]
+for module in list_modules:
+ module_root_dir = modules_root_dir[module]
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"bin",args['appname']), "PYTHONPATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",python_version,"site-packages",args['appname']), "PYTHONPATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",args['appname']), "PYTHONPATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",python_version,"site-packages",args['appname'],"shared_modules"), "PYTHONPATH")
+if "SUPERV" in modules_list and not 'superv' in args['standalone']:
+ args['standalone'].append("superv")
+ pass
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Server:
- if with_xterm:
+ if args['xterm']:
ARGS=['xterm', '-iconic', '-sb', '-sl', '500', '-hold']
def run(self):
- args=self.ARGS
- if with_xterm:
- # (Debian) Transfert variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH aux shells fils (xterm)
- env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH='+ os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
- args = args +['-T']+self.CMD[:1]+['-e'] + env_ld_library_path
- args = args + self.CMD
- #print "args = ", args
- pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args)
- process_id[pid]=self.CMD
+ global process_id
+ myargs=self.ARGS
+ if args['xterm']:
+ # (Debian) Transfert variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH aux shells fils (xterm)
+ env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH='+ os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
+ myargs = myargs +['-T']+self.CMD[:1]+['-e'] + env_ld_library_path
+ command = myargs + self.CMD
+ #print "command = ", command
+ pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, command[0], command)
+ process_id[pid]=self.CMD
class CatalogServer(Server):
- def setpath(self,liste_modules):
+ def setpath(self,modules_list):
- for module in liste_modules:
+ list_modules = modules_list[:]
+ list_modules.reverse()
+ for module in ["KERNEL"] + list_modules:
print " ", module_cata
- cata_path.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"share","salome","resources",module_cata)))
+ cata_path.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"share",args['appname'],"resources",module_cata)))
self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + [string.join(cata_path,':')] + self.SCMD2
class SalomeDSServer(Server):
CMD=['SALOME_Registry_Server', '--salome_session','theSession']
class ContainerCPPServer(Server):
- CMD=['SALOME_Container','FactoryServer','-ORBInitRef','NameService=corbaname::localhost']
+ #CMD=['SALOME_Container','FactoryServer','-ORBInitRef','NameService=corbaname::localhost']
+ CMD=['SALOME_Container','FactoryServer']
class ContainerPYServer(Server):
- CMD=['SALOME_ContainerPy.py','FactoryServerPy','-ORBInitRef','NameService=corbaname::localhost']
+ #CMD=['SALOME_ContainerPy.py','FactoryServerPy','-ORBInitRef','NameService=corbaname::localhost']
+ CMD=['SALOME_ContainerPy.py','FactoryServerPy']
class ContainerSUPERVServer(Server):
- CMD=['SALOME_Container','SuperVisionContainer','-ORBInitRef','NameService=corbaname::localhost']
+ #CMD=['SALOME_Container','SuperVisionContainer','-ORBInitRef','NameService=corbaname::localhost']
+ CMD=['SALOME_Container','SuperVisionContainer']
class LoggerServer(Server):
CMD=['SALOME_Logger_Server', 'logger.log']
class SessionLoader(Server):
- if with_container_cpp:
+ if "cpp" in args['containers']:
- if with_container_python:
+ if "python" in args['containers']:
- if with_container_superv:
+ if "superv" in args['containers']:
- if with_gui:
+ if args['gui']:
class SessionServer(Server):
- CMD=['SALOME_Session_Server']
+ SCMD1=['SALOME_Session_Server']
+ SCMD2=[]
+ if 'registry' in args['embedded']:
+ SCMD1+=['--with','Registry','(','--salome_session','theSession',')']
+ if 'moduleCatalog' in args['embedded']:
+ SCMD1+=['--with','ModuleCatalog','(','-common']
+ SCMD2+=['-personal','${HOME}/Salome/resources/CatalogModulePersonnel.xml',')']
+ if 'study' in args['embedded']:
+ SCMD2+=['--with','SALOMEDS','(',')']
+ if 'cppContainer' in args['embedded']:
+ SCMD2+=['--with','Container','(','FactoryServer',')']
+ def setpath(self,modules_list):
+ cata_path=[]
+ list_modules = modules_list[:]
+ list_modules.reverse()
+ for module in ["KERNEL"] + list_modules:
+ module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
+ module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
+ print " ", module_cata
+ cata_path.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"share",args['appname'],"resources",module_cata)))
+ if 'moduleCatalog' in args['embedded']:
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + [string.join(cata_path,':')] + self.SCMD2
+ else:
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
class NotifyServer(Server):
- CMD=['notifd','-c','${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources/channel.cfg -DFactoryIORFileName=/tmp/${LOGNAME}_rdifact.ior -DChannelIORFileName=/tmp/${LOGNAME}_rdichan.ior']
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fonction de test
-def test(clt):
- # create an LifeCycleCORBA instance
- import LifeCycleCORBA
- lcc = LifeCycleCORBA.LifeCycleCORBA(clt.orb)
- med = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "MED")
- #pycalc = lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServerPy", "CalculatorPy")
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fonctions helper pour ajouter des variables d'environnement
-def add_path(directory):
- os.environ["PATH"]=directory + ":" + os.environ["PATH"]
-def add_ld_library_path(directory):
- os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]=directory + ":" + os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
-def add_python_path(directory):
- os.environ["PYTHONPATH"]=directory + ":" + os.environ["PYTHONPATH"]
- sys.path[:0]=[directory]
+ myLogName = os.environ["LOGNAME"]
+ CMD=['notifd','-c',modules_root_dir["KERNEL"]+'/share/salome/resources/channel.cfg', '-DFactoryIORFileName=/tmp/'+myLogName+'_rdifact.ior', '-DChannelIORFileName=/tmp/'+myLogName+'_rdichan.ior']
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# initialisation des variables d'environnement
-python_version="python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[0:2]
-# Ajout du chemin d'acces aux executables de KERNEL dans le PATH
-#print "PATH=",os.environ["PATH"]
-# Ajout des modules dans le LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-for module in liste_modules:
- module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
- add_ld_library_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib","salome"))
-if with_logger:
+if args['logger']:
- libtrace = os.path.join(kernel_root_dir,"lib","salome","libSALOMELoggerClient.so.0.0.0")
+ libtrace = os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"lib",args['appname'],"libSALOMELoggerClient.so.0.0.0")
libtraceln = os.path.join(libtracedir,"libSALOMELocalTrace.so")
aCommand = 'rm -rf ' + libtracedir + "; "
aCommand += 'mkdir ' + libtracedir + "; "
aCommand += 'ln -s ' + libtrace + " " + libtraceln + ".0; "
aCommand += 'ln -s ' + libtrace + " " + libtraceln + ".0.0.0; "
- add_ld_library_path(libtracedir)
+ add_path(libtracedir, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
+# set environment for SMESH plugins
+if "SMESH" in args["modules"]:
+ os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"]="StdMeshers"
+ if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_StdMeshersResources"):
+ os.environ["SALOME_StdMeshersResources"] = modules_root_dir["SMESH"]+"/share/"+args["appname"]+"/resources"
+ pass
+ if args.has_key("SMESH_plugins"):
+ for plugin in args["SMESH_plugins"]:
+ if os.environ.has_key(plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"):
+ os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"]=os.environ["SMESH_MeshersList"]+":"+plugin
+ plugin_root = os.environ[plugin.upper()+"_ROOT_DIR"]
+ if not os.environ.has_key("SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"):
+ os.environ["SALOME_"+plugin+"Resources"] = plugin_root+"/share/"+args["appname"]+"/resources"
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",python_version,"site-packages",args['appname']), "PYTHONPATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",args['appname']), "PYTHONPATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"lib",args['appname']), "LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",args['appname']), "PYTHONPATH")
+ add_path(os.path.join(plugin_root,"bin",args['appname']), "PATH")
+ pass
+ pass
-#print "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=",os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
-# Ajout des modules dans le PYTHONPATH (KERNEL prioritaire, donc en dernier)
-#print liste_modules
-#print liste_modules_reverse
-for module in liste_modules_reverse:
- module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
- add_python_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"bin","salome"))
- add_python_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",python_version,"site-packages","salome"))
- add_python_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib","salome"))
- add_python_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib",python_version,"site-packages","salome","shared_modules"))
-#print "PYTHONPATH=",sys.path
import orbmodule
# Lancement Session Loader
- if with_gui:
+ if args['gui']:
# (non obligatoire) Lancement Logger Server et attente de sa disponibilite dans le naming service
- if with_logger:
+ if args['logger']:
- #
- # Lancement Registry Server
+ # Notify Server launch
- RegistryServer().run()
+ NotifyServer().run()
- # Attente de la disponibilité du Registry dans le Naming Service
+ # Lancement Registry Server, attente de la disponibilité du Registry dans le Naming Service
- clt.waitNS("/Registry")
+ if 'registry' not in args['embedded']:
+ RegistryServer().run()
+ clt.waitNS("/Registry")
- # Lancement Catalog Server
+ # Lancement Catalog Server, attente de la disponibilité du Catalog Server dans le Naming Service
- cataServer=CatalogServer()
- cataServer.setpath(liste_modules)
- cataServer.run()
+ if 'moduleCatalog' not in args['embedded']:
+ cataServer=CatalogServer()
+ cataServer.setpath(modules_list)
+ cataServer.run()
+ import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
+ clt.waitNS("/Kernel/ModulCatalog",SALOME_ModuleCatalog.ModuleCatalog)
- # Attente de la disponibilité du Catalog Server dans le Naming Service
+ # Lancement SalomeDS Server, attente de la disponibilité du SalomeDS dans le Naming Service
- import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
- clt.waitNS("/Kernel/ModulCatalog",SALOME_ModuleCatalog.ModuleCatalog)
- #
- # Lancement SalomeDS Server
- #
+ os.environ["CSF_PluginDefaults"]=os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",args['appname'],"resources")
+ os.environ["CSF_SALOMEDS_ResourcesDefaults"]=os.path.join(modules_root_dir["KERNEL"],"share",args['appname'],"resources")
- os.environ["CSF_PluginDefaults"]=os.path.join(kernel_root_dir,"share","salome","resources")
- os.environ["CSF_SALOMEDS_ResourcesDefaults"]=os.path.join(kernel_root_dir,"share","salome","resources")
- SalomeDSServer().run()
- if "GEOM" in liste_modules:
+ if "GEOM" in modules_list:
print "GEOM OCAF Resources"
- os.environ["CSF_GEOMDS_ResourcesDefaults"]=os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share","salome","resources")
- #
- # Attente de la disponibilité du SalomeDS dans le Naming Service
- #
+ os.environ["CSF_GEOMDS_ResourcesDefaults"]=os.path.join(modules_root_dir["GEOM"],"share",args['appname'],"resources")
- clt.waitNS("/myStudyManager")
+ if 'study' not in args['embedded']:
+ SalomeDSServer().run()
+ clt.waitNS("/myStudyManager")
# Lancement Session Server
- SessionServer().run()
+ mySessionServ=SessionServer()
+ mySessionServ.setpath(modules_list)
+ mySessionServ.run()
# Attente de la disponibilité du Session Server dans le Naming Service
- import SALOME
- session=clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
+ #import SALOME
+ #session=clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
if os.getenv("HOSTNAME") == None:
if os.getenv("HOST") == None:
theComputer = os.getenv("HOSTNAME")
computerSplitName = theComputer.split('.')
theComputer = computerSplitName[0]
- # Lancement Container C++ local
+ # Lancement Container C++ local, attente de la disponibilité du Container C++ local dans le Naming Service
- if with_container_cpp:
- ContainerCPPServer().run()
- #
- # Attente de la disponibilité du Container C++ local dans le Naming Service
- #
+ if 'cppContainer' in args['standalone']:
+ ContainerCPPServer().run()
clt.waitNS("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/FactoryServer")
- # Lancement Container Python local
+ # Lancement Container Python local, attente de la disponibilité du Container Python local dans le Naming Service
- if with_container_python:
+ if 'pyContainer' in args['standalone']:
- #
- # Attente de la disponibilité du Container Python local dans le Naming Service
- #
clt.waitNS("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/FactoryServerPy")
- if with_container_superv:
- #
- # Lancement Container Supervision local
- #
- ContainerSUPERVServer().run()
- #
- # Attente de la disponibilité du Container Supervision local dans le Naming Service
- #
- clt.waitNS("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/SuperVisionContainer")
- # Activation du GUI de Session Server
+ # Lancement Container Supervision local, attente de la disponibilité du Container Supervision local dans le Naming Service
- #session.GetInterface()
+ if 'supervContainer' in args['standalone']:
+ ContainerSUPERVServer().run()
+ clt.waitNS("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/SuperVisionContainer")
end_time = os.times()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+process_id = {}
if __name__ == "__main__":
- clt=None
- try:
- clt = startSalome()
- except:
- print
- print
- print "--- erreur au lancement Salome ---"
- #print process_id
- filedict='/tmp/'+os.getenv('USER')+'_SALOME_pidict'
- #filedict='/tmp/'+os.getlogin()+'_SALOME_pidict'
- fpid=open(filedict, 'w')
- pickle.dump(process_id,fpid)
- fpid.close()
- print
- print "Sauvegarde du dictionnaire des process dans ", filedict
- print "Pour tuer les process SALOME, executer : python killSalome.py depuis"
- print "une console, ou bien killSalome() depuis le present interpreteur,"
- print "s'il n'est pas fermé."
- print
- print "runSalome, avec l'option --killall, commence par tuer les process restants d'une execution précédente."
- print
- print "Pour lancer uniquement le GUI, executer startGUI() depuis le present interpreteur,"
- print "s'il n'est pas fermé."
- #
- # Impression arborescence Naming Service
- #
- if clt != None:
- print
- print " --- registered objects tree in Naming Service ---"
- clt.showNS()
+ clt=None
+ try:
+ clt = startSalome()
+ except:
+ print
+ print
+ print "--- erreur au lancement Salome ---"
+ #print process_id
+ filedict='/tmp/'+os.getenv('USER')+"_"+str(args['port'])+'_'+args['appname'].upper()+'_pidict'
+ #filedict='/tmp/'+os.getlogin()+'_SALOME_pidict'
+ process_ids = []
+ try:
+ fpid=open(filedict, 'r')
+ process_ids=pickle.load(fpid)
+ fpid.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ fpid=open(filedict, 'w')
+ process_ids.append(process_id)
+ pickle.dump(process_ids,fpid)
+ fpid.close()
+ print """
+ Saving of the dictionary of Salome processes in %s
+ To kill SALOME processes from a console (kill all sessions from all ports):
+ python killSalome.py
+ To kill SALOME from the present interpreter, if it is not closed :
+ killLocalPort() --> kill this session
+ killAllPorts() --> kill all sessions
+ runSalome, with --killall option, starts with killing the processes resulting from the previous execution.
+ """%filedict
+ #
+ # Impression arborescence Naming Service
+ #
+ if clt != None:
+ print
+ print " --- registered objects tree in Naming Service ---"
+ clt.showNS()