typedef sequence<string> MachineList;
typedef sequence<string> CompoList;
- typedef sequence<string> FilesToExportList;
+ typedef sequence<string> FilesList;
exception thrown if a computer is not found in the catalog
in ResPolicy policy,
in CompoList componentList );
- long batchSalomeJob( in string fileToExecute ,
- in FilesToExportList filesToExport ,
- in long NumberOfProcessors ,
- in MachineParameters params ) ;
+ long submitSalomeJob( in string fileToExecute,
+ in FilesList filesToExport,
+ in FilesList filesToImport,
+ in long NumberOfProcessors,
+ in MachineParameters params ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ string querySalomeJob( in long jobId, in MachineParameters params ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void deleteSalomeJob( in long jobId, in MachineParameters params ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void getResultSalomeJob( in string directory, in long jobId, in MachineParameters params ) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
string FindFirst(in MachineList possibleComputers);
_dirForTmpFiles += thedate ;
- void BatchManager::exportInFiles(const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesToExportList filesToExportList) throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ void BatchManager::exportInputFiles(const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesList filesToExportList) throw(SALOME_Exception)
string command = _params.protocol;
- void BatchManager::submit() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ void BatchManager::importOutputFiles( const char *directory, const CORBA::Long jobId ) throw(SALOME_Exception)
- BEGIN_OF("BatchManager::submit");
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager::importOutputFiles");
string command;
int status;
- if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
- command = "rsh ";
- else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
- command = "ssh ";
- else
- throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ const BatchLight::Job* myJob = _jobmap[jobId];
+ Engines::FilesList filesToImportList = myJob->getFilesToImportList();
- if (_params.username != ""){
- command += _params.username;
- command += "@";
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < filesToImportList.length() ; i++ ) {
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rcp ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "scp ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += ":";
+ command += filesToImportList[i] ;
+ command += " ";
+ command += directory;
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status)
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
- command += _params.hostname;
- command += " \"tcsh " ;
- command += _dirForTmpFiles ;
- command += "/" ;
- command += _fileNameToExecute ;
- command += "_bsub.sh\"" ;
- SCRUTE(command.c_str());
- status = system(command.c_str());
- if(status)
- throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
- END_OF("BatchManager::submit");
+ END_OF("BatchManager::importOutputFiles");
string BatchManager::BuildTemporaryFileName() const
#include <vector>
+#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
virtual ~BatchManager();
// Methodes pour le controle des jobs : virtuelles pures
- virtual const int submitJob(BatchLight::Job & job) = 0; // soumet un job au gestionnaire
+ virtual const int submitJob(BatchLight::Job* job) = 0; // soumet un job au gestionnaire
virtual void deleteJob(const int & jobid) = 0; // retire un job du gestionnaire
- virtual int queryJob(const int & jobid) = 0; // renvoie l'etat du job
+ virtual std::string queryJob(const int & jobid) = 0; // renvoie l'etat du job
+ void importOutputFiles( const char *directory, const CORBA::Long jobId ) throw(SALOME_Exception);
- batchParams _params;
+ batchParams _params;
+ std::map <int,const BatchLight::Job *> _jobmap;
std::string _dirForTmpFiles; // repertoire temporaire sur le serveur
std::string _TmpFileName;
std::string _fileNameToExecute;
void setDirForTmpFiles();
- void exportInFiles( const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesToExportList filesToExportList ) throw(SALOME_Exception);
+ void exportInputFiles( const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesList filesToExportList ) throw(SALOME_Exception);
virtual void buildSalomeCouplingScript( const char *fileToExecute ) throw(SALOME_Exception) = 0;
virtual void buildSalomeBatchScript( const int nbproc ) throw(SALOME_Exception) = 0;
- virtual void buildSalomeSubmitBatchScript() throw(SALOME_Exception) = 0;
- void submit() throw(SALOME_Exception);
std::string BuildTemporaryFileName() const;
void RmTmpFile();
// Destructeur
- // Nothing to do
+ MESSAGE("BatchManager_SLURM destructor "<<_params.hostname);
+ std::map < int, const BatchLight::Job * >::const_iterator it;
+ for(it=_jobmap.begin();it!=_jobmap.end();it++)
+ delete it->second;
// Methode pour le controle des jobs : soumet un job au gestionnaire
- const int BatchManager_SLURM::submitJob(Job & job)
+ const int BatchManager_SLURM::submitJob(Job* job)
- int id=0;
+ int id;
+ // temporary directory on cluster to put input files for job
- exportInFiles(job.getFileToExecute(),job.getFilesToExportList());
- buildSalomeCouplingScript(job.getFileToExecute());
- buildSalomeBatchScript(job.getNbProc());
- buildSalomeSubmitBatchScript();
- submit();
+ // export input files on cluster
+ exportInputFiles(job->getFileToExecute(),job->getFilesToExportList());
+ // build salome coupling script for job
+ buildSalomeCouplingScript(job->getFileToExecute());
+ // build batch script for job
+ buildSalomeBatchScript(job->getNbProc());
+ // submit job on cluster
+ id = submit();
+ // register job on map
+ _jobmap[id] = job;
return id;
// Methode pour le controle des jobs : retire un job du gestionnaire
void BatchManager_SLURM::deleteJob(const int & jobid)
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::deleteJob");
+ string command;
+ int status;
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << jobid;
+ // define command to submit batch
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rsh ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "ssh ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += " \"bkill " ;
+ command += oss.str();
+ command += "\"";
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status)
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ MESSAGE("jobId = " << jobid << "killed");
+ END_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::deleteJob");
// Methode pour le controle des jobs : renvoie l'etat du job
- int BatchManager_SLURM::queryJob(const int & jobid)
+ string BatchManager_SLURM::queryJob(const int & jobid)
- int ji=0;
- return ji;
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::queryJob");
+ // define name of log file
+ string logFile="/tmp/logs/";
+ logFile += getenv("USER");
+ logFile += "/batchSalome_";
+ srand ( time(NULL) );
+ int ir = rand();
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << ir;
+ logFile += oss.str();
+ logFile += ".log";
+ string command;
+ int status;
+ // define command to submit batch
+ if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
+ command = "rsh ";
+ else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
+ command = "ssh ";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ if (_params.username != ""){
+ command += _params.username;
+ command += "@";
+ }
+ command += _params.hostname;
+ command += " \"bjobs " ;
+ ostringstream oss2;
+ oss2 << jobid;
+ command += oss2.str();
+ command += "\" > ";
+ command += logFile;
+ SCRUTE(command.c_str());
+ status = system(command.c_str());
+ if(status)
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ // read staus of job in log file
+ char line[128];
+ ifstream fp(logFile.c_str(),ios::in);
+ fp.getline(line,80,'\n');
+ string sjobid, username, jstatus;
+ fp >> sjobid;
+ fp >> username;
+ fp >> jstatus;
+ MESSAGE("jobId = " << jobid << " " << jstatus);
+ END_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::queryJob");
+ return jstatus;
void BatchManager_SLURM::buildSalomeCouplingScript( const char *fileToExecute ) throw(SALOME_Exception)
- void BatchManager_SLURM::buildSalomeSubmitBatchScript() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ int BatchManager_SLURM::submit() throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::submit");
- BEGIN_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::buildSalomeSubmitBatchScript");
- _TmpFileName = BuildTemporaryFileName();
- int status;
- ofstream tempOutputFile;
- tempOutputFile.open(_TmpFileName.c_str(), ofstream::out );
+ // define name of log file
+ string logFile="/tmp/logs/";
+ logFile += getenv("USER");
+ logFile += "/batchSalome_";
- tempOutputFile << "#! /bin/sh -f" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile << "bsub < ~/" ;
- tempOutputFile << _dirForTmpFiles ;
- tempOutputFile << "/" ;
- tempOutputFile << _fileNameToExecute ;
- tempOutputFile << "_Batch.sh &" << endl ;
- tempOutputFile.flush();
- tempOutputFile.close();
- chmod(_TmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
- SCRUTE(_TmpFileName.c_str()) ;
+ srand ( time(NULL) );
+ int ir = rand();
+ ostringstream oss;
+ oss << ir;
+ logFile += oss.str();
+ logFile += ".log";
string command;
+ int status;
+ // define command to submit batch
if( _params.protocol == "rsh" )
- command = "rcp ";
+ command = "rsh ";
else if( _params.protocol == "ssh" )
- command = "scp ";
+ command = "ssh ";
throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
- command += _TmpFileName;
- command += " ";
if (_params.username != ""){
command += _params.username;
command += "@";
command += _params.hostname;
- command += ":";
+ command += " \"bsub < " ;
command += _dirForTmpFiles ;
command += "/" ;
command += _fileNameToExecute ;
- command += "_bsub.sh" ;
+ command += "_Batch.sh\" > ";
+ command += logFile;
status = system(command.c_str());
- throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Error of connection on remote host");
- RmTmpFile();
- END_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::buildSalomeSubmitBatchScript");
+ // read id of submitted job in log file
+ char line[128];
+ FILE *fp = fopen(logFile.c_str(),"r");
+ fgets( line, 128, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ string sline(line);
+ int p1 = sline.find("<");
+ int p2 = sline.find(">");
+ string strjob = sline.substr(p1+1,p2-p1-1);
+ int id;
+ istringstream iss(strjob);
+ iss >> id;
+ END_OF("BatchManager_SLURM::submit");
+ return id;
virtual ~BatchManager_SLURM();
// Methodes pour le controle des jobs : virtuelles pures
- virtual const int submitJob(BatchLight::Job & job); // soumet un job au gestionnaire
+ virtual const int submitJob(BatchLight::Job* job); // soumet un job au gestionnaire
virtual void deleteJob(const int & jobid); // retire un job du gestionnaire
- virtual int queryJob(const int & jobid); // renvoie l'etat du job
+ virtual std::string queryJob(const int & jobid); // renvoie l'etat du job
virtual void buildSalomeCouplingScript( const char *fileToExecute ) throw(SALOME_Exception);
virtual void buildSalomeBatchScript( const int nbproc ) throw(SALOME_Exception);
- virtual void buildSalomeSubmitBatchScript() throw(SALOME_Exception);
+ virtual int submit() throw(SALOME_Exception);
namespace BatchLight {
// Constructeur
- Job::Job(const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesToExportList& filesToExport, const int nbproc) : _fileToExecute(fileToExecute), _filesToExport(filesToExport), _nbproc(nbproc)
+ Job::Job(const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesList& filesToExport, const Engines::FilesList& filesToImport, const int nbproc) : _fileToExecute(fileToExecute), _filesToExport(filesToExport), _filesToImport(filesToImport), _nbproc(nbproc)
// Nothing to do
+ Job::~Job()
+ {
+ MESSAGE("Job destructor");
+ }
// Constructeurs et destructeur
- Job(const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesToExportList& filesToExport, const int nbproc);
- virtual ~Job() {}
+ Job(const char *fileToExecute, const Engines::FilesList& filesToExport, const Engines::FilesList& filesToImport, const int nbproc);
+ virtual ~Job();
- const char *getFileToExecute() { return _fileToExecute; }
- const Engines::FilesToExportList getFilesToExportList() { return _filesToExport; }
- const int getNbProc() { return _nbproc; }
+ const char *getFileToExecute() const { return _fileToExecute; }
+ const Engines::FilesList getFilesToExportList() const { return _filesToExport; }
+ const Engines::FilesList getFilesToImportList() const { return _filesToImport; }
+ const int getNbProc() const { return _nbproc; }
const char* _fileToExecute;
- const Engines::FilesToExportList _filesToExport;
+ const Engines::FilesList _filesToExport;
+ const Engines::FilesList _filesToImport;
const int _nbproc;
* \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
-CORBA::Long SALOME_ContainerManager::batchSalomeJob(
- const char * fileToExecute ,
- const Engines::FilesToExportList& filesToExport ,
- const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
+CORBA::Long SALOME_ContainerManager::submitSalomeJob( const char * fileToExecute ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToExport ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToImport ,
+ const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
- _ResManager->batchSalomeJob(fileToExecute, filesToExport, NumberOfProcessors, params);
+ CORBA::Long jobId;
+ try{
+ jobId = _ResManager->submitSalomeJob(fileToExecute, filesToExport, filesToImport, NumberOfProcessors, params);
+ }
+ catch(const SALOME_Exception &ex){
+ INFOS("Caught exception.");
+ }
+ return jobId;
+/*! CORBA Method:
+ * Query a batch job on a cluster and returns the status of job
+ * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
+ * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+ */
+char* SALOME_ContainerManager::querySalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
+ string status;
+ try{
+ status = _ResManager->querySalomeJob( jobId, params);
+ }
+ catch(const SALOME_Exception &ex){
+ INFOS("Caught exception.");
+ }
+ return CORBA::string_dup(status.c_str());
+/*! CORBA Method:
+ * Delete a batch job on a cluster
+ * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
+ * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+ */
+void SALOME_ContainerManager::deleteSalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
+ try{
+ _ResManager->deleteSalomeJob( jobId, params);
+ }
+ catch(const SALOME_Exception &ex){
+ INFOS("Caught exception.");
+ }
+/*! CORBA Method:
+ * Get result files of job on a cluster
+ * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
+ * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+ */
+void SALOME_ContainerManager::getResultSalomeJob( const char *directory,
+ const CORBA::Long jobId,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
+ try{
+ _ResManager->getResultSalomeJob( directory, jobId, params);
+ }
+ catch(const SALOME_Exception &ex){
+ INFOS("Caught exception.");
+ }
Engines::ResPolicy policy,
const Engines::CompoList& componentList);
- CORBA::Long batchSalomeJob(const char * fileToExecute ,
- const Engines::FilesToExportList& filesToExport ,
- const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params);
+ CORBA::Long submitSalomeJob(const char * fileToExecute ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToExport ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToImport ,
+ const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params);
+ char* querySalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId, const Engines::MachineParameters& params);
+ void deleteSalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId, const Engines::MachineParameters& params);
+ void getResultSalomeJob( const char * directory, const CORBA::Long jobId, const Engines::MachineParameters& params );
Engines::MachineList *
GetFittingResources(const Engines::MachineParameters& params,
+ -I$(srcdir)/../Batch \
-I$(srcdir)/../Container \
TestContainerManager_SOURCES = TestContainerManager.cxx
TestContainerManager_CPPFLAGS =\
+ -I$(srcdir)/../Batch \
-I$(srcdir)/../Registry \
-I$(srcdir)/../Notification \
#include "SALOME_ResourcesManager.hxx"
#include "BatchLight_Job.hxx"
-#include "BatchLight_BatchManager_SLURM.hxx"
#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
#include "OpUtil.hxx"
delete _NS;
+ std::map < string, const BatchLight::BatchManager * >::const_iterator it;
+ for(it=_batchmap.begin();it!=_batchmap.end();it++)
+ delete it->second;
* Submit a batch job on a cluster and returns the JobId
* \param fileToExecute : .py/.exe/.sh/... to execute on the batch cluster
* \param filesToExport : to export on the batch cluster
+ * \param filesToExport : to import from the batch cluster after job
* \param NumberOfProcessors : Number of processors needed on the batch cluster
* \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
-CORBA::Long SALOME_ResourcesManager::batchSalomeJob(
- const char * fileToExecute ,
- const Engines::FilesToExportList& filesToExport ,
- const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
+CORBA::Long SALOME_ResourcesManager::submitSalomeJob( const char * fileToExecute ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToExport ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToImport ,
+ const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params)
- BEGIN_OF("SALOME_ResourcesManager::batchSalomeJob");
+ BEGIN_OF("SALOME_ResourcesManager::submitSalomeJob");
+ CORBA::Long jobId;
+ // find a cluster matching the structure params
Engines::CompoList aCompoList ;
vector<string> aMachineList = GetFittingResources( params , aCompoList ) ;
const ParserResourcesType& resInfo = _resourcesList[aMachineList[0]];
- BatchLight::batchParams p;
- p.hostname = resInfo.Alias;
- if( resInfo.Protocol == rsh )
- p.protocol = "rsh";
- else if( resInfo.Protocol == ssh )
- p.protocol = "ssh";
- else
- throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
- p.username = resInfo.UserName;
- p.applipath = resInfo.AppliPath;
- p.modulesList = resInfo.ModulesList;
- try{
- BatchLight::Job job = BatchLight::Job( fileToExecute, filesToExport, NumberOfProcessors );
- BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM bms = BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM(p);
- bms.submitJob(job);
+ string clustername = resInfo.Alias;
+ // search batch manager for that cluster in map or instanciate one
+ std::map < string, const BatchLight::BatchManager * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
+ if(it == _batchmap.end()){
+ // define structure for batch manager
+ BatchLight::batchParams p;
+ p.hostname = clustername;
+ if( resInfo.Protocol == rsh )
+ p.protocol = "rsh";
+ else if( resInfo.Protocol == ssh )
+ p.protocol = "ssh";
+ else
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ p.username = resInfo.UserName;
+ p.applipath = resInfo.AppliPath;
+ p.modulesList = resInfo.ModulesList;
+ _batchmap[clustername] = new BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM(p);
- catch(const SALOME_Exception &ex){
- MESSAGE(ex.what());
- }
- END_OF("SALOME_ResourcesManager::batchSalomeJob");
+ BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM* bms = (BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM*)_batchmap[clustername];
+ // submit job on cluster
+ BatchLight::Job* job = new BatchLight::Job( fileToExecute, filesToExport, filesToImport, NumberOfProcessors );
+ jobId = bms->submitJob(job);
+ return(jobId);
+ END_OF("SALOME_ResourcesManager::submitSalomeJob");
+/*! CORBA Method:
+ * query a batch job on a cluster and returns the status of the job
+ * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
+ * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+ */
+string SALOME_ResourcesManager::querySalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId, const Engines::MachineParameters& params) throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ string status;
+ // find a cluster matching params structure
+ Engines::CompoList aCompoList ;
+ vector<string> aMachineList = GetFittingResources( params , aCompoList ) ;
+ const ParserResourcesType& resInfo = _resourcesList[aMachineList[0]];
+ string clustername = resInfo.Alias;
+ // search batch manager for that cluster in map
+ std::map < string, const BatchLight::BatchManager * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
+ if(it == _batchmap.end())
+ throw SALOME_Exception("no batchmanager for that cluster");
+ BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM* bms = (BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM*)_batchmap[clustername];
+ status = bms->queryJob(jobId);
+ return(status);
+/*! CORBA Method:
+ * delete a batch job on a cluster
+ * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
+ * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+ */
+void SALOME_ResourcesManager::deleteSalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId, const Engines::MachineParameters& params) throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ // find a cluster matching params structure
+ Engines::CompoList aCompoList ;
+ vector<string> aMachineList = GetFittingResources( params , aCompoList ) ;
+ const ParserResourcesType& resInfo = _resourcesList[aMachineList[0]];
+ string clustername = resInfo.Alias;
+ // search batch manager for that cluster in map
+ std::map < string, const BatchLight::BatchManager * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
+ if(it == _batchmap.end())
+ throw SALOME_Exception("no batchmanager for that cluster");
+ BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM* bms = (BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM*)_batchmap[clustername];
+ bms->deleteJob(jobId);
+/*! CORBA Method:
+ * delete a batch job on a cluster
+ * \param jobId : identification of Salome job
+ * \param params : Constraints for the choice of the batch cluster
+ */
+void SALOME_ResourcesManager::getResultSalomeJob( const char *directory,
+ const CORBA::Long jobId,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params) throw(SALOME_Exception)
+ // find a cluster matching params structure
+ Engines::CompoList aCompoList ;
+ vector<string> aMachineList = GetFittingResources( params , aCompoList ) ;
+ const ParserResourcesType& resInfo = _resourcesList[aMachineList[0]];
+ string clustername = resInfo.Alias;
+ // search batch manager for that cluster in map
+ std::map < string, const BatchLight::BatchManager * >::const_iterator it = _batchmap.find(clustername);
+ if(it == _batchmap.end())
+ throw SALOME_Exception("no batchmanager for that cluster");
+ BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM* bms = (BatchLight::BatchManager_SLURM*)_batchmap[clustername];
+ bms->importOutputFiles( directory, jobId );
#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+#include "BatchLight_BatchManager_SLURM.hxx"
#include "SALOME_ResourcesCatalog_Handler.hxx"
#include "SALOME_LoadRateManager.hxx"
#include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx"
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#if defined WIN32
#define RESOURCESMANAGER_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
(const std::string& machine,
const Engines::MachineParameters& params, const long id);
- CORBA::Long batchSalomeJob(const char * fileToExecute ,
- const Engines::FilesToExportList& filesToExport ,
- const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
- const Engines::MachineParameters& params);
+ CORBA::Long submitSalomeJob(const char * fileToExecute ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToExport ,
+ const Engines::FilesList& filesToImport ,
+ const CORBA::Long NumberOfProcessors ,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params);
+ std::string querySalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId, const Engines::MachineParameters& params) throw(SALOME_Exception);
+ void deleteSalomeJob( const CORBA::Long jobId, const Engines::MachineParameters& params) throw(SALOME_Exception);
+ void getResultSalomeJob( const char *directory,
+ const CORBA::Long jobId,
+ const Engines::MachineParameters& params) throw(SALOME_Exception);
std::string BuildCommandToLaunchLocalContainer
(const Engines::MachineParameters& params, const long id);
SALOME_NamingService *_NS;
+ std::map <std::string,const BatchLight::BatchManager*> _batchmap;
std::string BuildTempFileToLaunchRemoteContainer
(const std::string& machine,