QRect aRect = theRect;
// theRect has inversed coordinates on Y axis. The top of the rect is bottom in standard QRect coordinates, and it bottom is the top.
- if ( m_bCrossed && theOr == Qt::Horizontal )
+ if ( m_bCrossed )//&& theOr == Qt::Horizontal )
aRect.setTop( getCrossedTop( theRect ) );
drawBar( thePainter, Qt::Horizontal, aRect );
void setCrossItems( const bool& theCross ) { m_bCrossed = theCross; }
bool isCrossItems() const { return m_bCrossed; }
void drawRectAndLowers( QPainter* , Qt::Orientation, const QRect& ) const;
int getCrossedTop( const QRect& ) const;
QList<QRect> m_BarItems;
bool m_bCrossed;