prefix = ""
if micro_command:
prefix = "micro_"
- hour_command = config.VARS.datehour + "_" + config.VARS.command
- logFileName = prefix + hour_command + ".xml"
+ hour_command_host = (config.VARS.datehour + "_" +
+ config.VARS.command + "_" +
+ config.VARS.hostname)
+ logFileName = prefix + hour_command_host + ".xml"
logFilePath = os.path.join(config.USER.log_dir, logFileName)
# Construct txt file location in order to log
# the external commands calls (cmake, make, git clone, etc...)
- txtFileName = prefix + hour_command + ".txt"
+ txtFileName = prefix + hour_command_host + ".txt"
txtFilePath = os.path.join(config.USER.log_dir, "OUT", txtFileName)
oExpr = re.compile(sExpr)
# get date and hour and format it
- date_hour_cmd = fileName.split('_')
- date_not_formated = date_hour_cmd[0]
+ date_hour_cmd_host = fileName.split('_')
+ date_not_formated = date_hour_cmd_host[0]
date = "%s/%s/%s" % (date_not_formated[6:8],
- hour_not_formated = date_hour_cmd[1]
+ hour_not_formated = date_hour_cmd_host[1]
hour = "%s:%s:%s" % (hour_not_formated[0:2],
- cmd = date_hour_cmd[2][:-len('.xml')]
+ if len(date_hour_cmd_host) < 4:
+ cmd = date_hour_cmd_host[2][:-len('.xml')]
+ host = ""
+ else:
+ cmd = date_hour_cmd_host[2]
+ host = date_hour_cmd_host[3][:-len('.xml')]
lRes.append((os.path.join(dirPath, fileName),
- date_not_formated, date, hour_not_formated, hour, cmd))
+ date_not_formated,
+ date,
+ hour_not_formated,
+ hour,
+ cmd,
+ host))
return lRes
def update_hat_xml(logDir, application=None, notShownCommands = []):
# parse the log directory to find all the command logs,
# then add it to the xml file
lLogFile = list_log_file(logDir, logCommandFileExpression)
- for filePath, _, date, _, hour, cmd in lLogFile:
+ for filePath, __, date, __, hour, cmd, __ in lLogFile:
showLog, cmdAppli = show_command_log(filePath, cmd,
application, notShownCommands)
#if cmd not in notShownCommands: