# Module : PARAVIS
-import os, new
-import PARAVIS
-import SALOME
-import SALOME_Session_idl
-import SALOMEDS
-import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
-from omniORB import CORBA
-from time import sleep
-import salome
-## Initialization of paravis server
-def Initialize(theDelay) :
- mySession = None
- while mySession == None:
- mySession = salome.naming_service.Resolve("/Kernel/Session")
- mySession = mySession._narrow(SALOME.Session)
- mySession.GetInterface()
- sleep(theDelay)
- myLocalParavis = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "PARAVIS")
-# myLocalStudy = salome.myStudy
-# myLocalParavis.SetCurrentStudy(myLocalStudy)
-# myLocalParavis.ActivateModule() ## CAN NOT WORK ANYMORE, now the engine and the GUI are properly decoupled
- return myLocalParavis
-# def ImportFile(theFileName):
-# "Import a file of any format supported by ParaView"
-# myParavis.ImportFile(theFileName)
-## Initialize PARAVIS interface
-myParavisEngine = Initialize(2)
+import PARAVIS_utils
+## Initialize PARAVIS interface
+myParavisEngine = PARAVIS_utils.getEngine()