// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include <string>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
+#include "MEDFileData.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDFileField.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Family.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Meshing.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_MedMeshDriver.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Connectivity.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_Field.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_DriversDef.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_MedFileBrowser.hxx"
-#include "MEDMEM_MedMeshDriver.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
#include "RenumberingFactory.hxx"
#include <time.h>
-using namespace MEDMEM;
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
-using namespace MED_EN;
+using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
using namespace MED_RENUMBER;
-void computeNeighbour(const MESH* mesh,const medGeometryElement& Type, vector<list<int> >& neighbour, int& ntot,int& nb_cell)
- CONNECTIVITY* conn = (CONNECTIVITY*)mesh->getConnectivityptr();
- conn->calculateFullDescendingConnectivity(MED_CELL);
- const int* rev_conn=mesh->getReverseConnectivity(MED_EN::MED_DESCENDING, MED_EN::MED_CELL);
- const int* rev_conn_index=mesh->getReverseConnectivityIndex(MED_EN::MED_DESCENDING, MED_EN::MED_CELL);
- int nb_face= mesh->getNumberOfElements(MED_FACE,MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
- int nb_edge = mesh->getNumberOfElements(MED_EDGE,MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
- nb_cell= mesh->getNumberOfElements(MED_CELL,Type);
- int nb_constituent;
- if(mesh->getMeshDimension()==2)
- nb_constituent = nb_edge;
- else if (mesh->getMeshDimension()==3)
- nb_constituent = nb_face;
- else
- throw MEDEXCEPTION("Wrong dimension");
- neighbour.resize(nb_cell,(list<int>)0);
- ntot=0;
- for(int i=0;i<nb_constituent;++i)
- {
- for(int j=rev_conn_index[i]-1;j<rev_conn_index[i+1]-1;++j)
- {
- for(int k=j+1;k<rev_conn_index[i+1]-1;++k)
- {
- if(rev_conn[j]!=0 && rev_conn[k]!=0)
- {
- ntot+=2;
- neighbour[rev_conn[j]-1].push_back(rev_conn[k]);
- neighbour[rev_conn[k]-1].push_back(rev_conn[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void changeConnectivity(MESH& mesh, const medGeometryElement& Type, const int& nb_cell, const vector<int>& iperm)
- /*if(Type==MED_POLYHEDRA)
- {
- int *conn_face_index_init=(int*)mesh.getPolyhedronFacesIndex();
- int *conn_index_init=(int*)mesh.getPolyhedronIndex(MED_FULL_INTERLACE);
- int *conn_init=(int*)mesh.getPolyhedronConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE);
- int *conn_index_renum=new int[nb_cell+1];
- int *conn_face_index_renum=new int[conn_index_init[nb_cell]];
- int *conn_renum=new int[conn_face_index_init[conn_index_init[nb_cell]-1]-1];
- int i_cell,i_face,i_conn;
- int iter_face=0;
- int iter_conn=0;
- int i2;
- conn_index_renum[0]=1;
- conn_face_index_renum[0]=1;
- for(i_cell=0;i_cell<nb_cell;++i_cell)
- {
- i2=iperm[i_cell]-1;
- for(i_face=conn_index_init[i2]-1;i_face<conn_index_init[i2+1]-1;++i_face)
- {
- for(i_conn=conn_face_index_init[i_face]-1;i_conn<conn_face_index_init[i_face+1]-1;++i_conn)
- {
- conn_renum[iter_conn]=conn_init[i_conn];
- ++iter_conn;
- }
- conn_face_index_renum[iter_face+1]=iter_conn+1;
- ++iter_face;
- }
- conn_index_renum[i_cell+1]=iter_face+1;
- }
- memcpy(conn_face_index_init,conn_face_index_renum,sizeof(int)*conn_index_init[nb_cell]);
- memcpy(conn_index_init,conn_index_renum,sizeof(int)*(nb_cell+1));
- memcpy(conn_init,conn_renum, sizeof(int)*(conn_face_index_init[conn_index_init[nb_cell]-1]-1));
- delete[] conn_index_renum;
- delete[] conn_face_index_renum;
- delete[] conn_renum;
- }
- else if (Type==MED_POLYGON)
- {
- int *conn_init=(int*)mesh.getPolygonsConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE,MED_CELL);
- int *conn_index_init=(int*)mesh.getPolygonsConnectivityIndex(MED_FULL_INTERLACE,MED_CELL);
- int *conn_index_renum=new int[nb_cell+1];
- int *conn_renum=new int[conn_index_init[nb_cell]-1];
- int iter=0;
- int i2;
- conn_index_renum[0]=1;
- for(int i=0;i<nb_cell;++i)
- {
- i2=iperm[i]-1;
- for(int k=conn_index_init[i2];k<conn_index_init[i2+1];++k)
- {
- conn_renum[iter]=conn_init[k-1];
- ++iter;
- }
- conn_index_renum[i+1]=iter+1;
- }
- memcpy(conn_index_init,conn_index_renum,sizeof(int)*(nb_cell+1));
- memcpy(conn_init,conn_renum, sizeof(int)*(conn_index_init[nb_cell]-1));
- delete[] conn_renum;
- delete[] conn_index_renum;
- }
- else*/
- {
- const int *conn_init=mesh.getConnectivity(MED_NODAL,MED_CELL,Type);
- const int *conn_index_init=mesh.getConnectivityIndex(MED_NODAL,MED_CELL);
- int *conn_renum=new int[conn_index_init[nb_cell]-1];
- int *conn_index_renum=new int[nb_cell+1];
- int iter=0;
- int i2;
- conn_index_renum[0]=1;
- for(int i=0;i<nb_cell;++i)
- {
- i2=iperm[i]-1;
- for(int k=conn_index_init[i2];k<conn_index_init[i2+1];++k)
- {
- conn_renum[iter]=conn_init[k-1];
- ++iter;
- }
- conn_index_renum[i+1]=iter+1;
- }
- CONNECTIVITY* myConnectivity=(CONNECTIVITY*)mesh.getConnectivityptr();
- myConnectivity->setNodal(conn_renum,MED_CELL,Type,conn_index_renum);
- delete[] conn_renum;
- delete[] conn_index_renum;
- }
-void changeFamily(MESH* mesh, const medGeometryElement& Type, const vector<int>& perm)
- int nb_families=mesh->getNumberOfFamilies(MED_CELL);
- for (int i=0;i<nb_families;++i)
- {
- const FAMILY* family=mesh->getFamily(MED_CELL,i+1);
- if (!family->isOnAllElements())
- {
- int nb_elem=family->getNumberOfElements(Type);
- int *number=(int *)family->getNumber(Type);
- for(int j=0;j<nb_elem;++j)
- number[j]=perm[number[j]-1];
- }
- }
-int main (int argc, char** argv)
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
- double t_begin,t_read_st,t_read_mesh,t_compute_graph,t_connectiv,t_family,t_field;
+ double t_begin,t_read_st,t_compute_graph,t_family,t_field;
if (argc <5)
if(type_renum!="METIS" && type_renum!="BOOST")
cout << "The method has to be METIS or BOOST!" << endl;
- exit(-1);
- }
- string s="rm "+filename_out;
- system(s.c_str());
- // Reading file structure
- const MEDFILEBROWSER med_struct(filename_in);
- int nb_mesh, nb_fields;
- vector<string> mesh_names,f_names;
- nb_mesh=med_struct.getNumberOfMeshes();
- nb_fields=med_struct.getNumberOfFields();
- mesh_names=med_struct.getMeshNames();
- f_names=med_struct.getFieldNames();
- if(nb_mesh!=1)
- {
- cout << "There are many meshes in the file" << endl;
return -1;
- if(mesh_names[0].c_str()!=meshname)
- {
- cout << "Mesh name does not match" << endl;
- return -1;
- }
- vector<string> field_names;
- vector<int> iternumber;
- vector<int> ordernumber;
- vector<int> types;
- int nb_fields_tot=0;
- for (int ifield = 0; ifield < nb_fields; ifield++)
+ // Reading file structure
+ cout << "Reading : " << flush;
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDFileData> fd=MEDFileData::New(filename_in);
+ MEDFileMesh *m=fd->getMeshes()->getMeshWithName(meshname.c_str());
+ MEDFileUMesh *mc=dynamic_cast<MEDFileUMesh *>(m);
+ if(!mc)
- vector<DT_IT_> dtit=med_struct.getFieldIteration(f_names[ifield]);
- for (vector<DT_IT_>::const_iterator iter =dtit.begin(); iter!=dtit.end(); iter++)
- {
- field_names.push_back(f_names[ifield]);
- iternumber.push_back(iter->dt);
- ordernumber.push_back(iter->it);
- ++nb_fields_tot;
- if(med_struct.getFieldType(f_names[ifield])==MED_EN::MED_REEL64)
- types.push_back(1);
- else
- types.push_back(0);
- }
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "In file \"" << filename_in << "\" the mesh name \"" << meshname<< "\" exists but is not unstructured !";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ cout << (t_read_st-t_begin)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl << flush;
// Reading mesh
- MESH myMesh;
- myMesh.setName(meshname);
- MED_MESH_RDONLY_DRIVER *drv22=new MED_MESH_RDONLY_DRIVER(filename_in,&myMesh);
- drv22->desactivateFacesComputation();
- int newDrv=myMesh.addDriver(*drv22);
- delete drv22;
- myMesh.read(newDrv);
- int nb_type=myMesh.getNumberOfTypes(MED_CELL);
- if (nb_type!=1)
- {
- cout << "Mesh must have only one type of cell" << endl;
- return -1;
- }
- const medGeometryElement *Types = myMesh.getTypes(MED_CELL);
- medGeometryElement Type=Types[0];
- t_read_mesh=clock();
- MESH* workMesh=new MESH(myMesh);
- cout << "Building the graph ";
- cout.flush();
- int ntot,nb_cell;
- vector<list<int> > neighbour;
- computeNeighbour(workMesh,Type,neighbour,ntot,nb_cell);
- int* graph=new int[ntot];
- int* graph_index=new int[nb_cell+1];
- graph_index[0]=1;
- int count=0;
- for(int i=0;i<nb_cell;++i)
- {
- for (list<int>::const_iterator it=neighbour[i].begin();it!=neighbour[i].end();++it)
- {
- graph[count]=*it;
- ++count;
- }
- graph_index[i+1]=count+1;
- }
- // Compute permutation
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDCouplingUMesh> workMesh=mc->getMeshAtLevel(0);
+ std::vector<int> code=workMesh->getDistributionOfTypes();
+ cout << "Building the graph : " << flush;
+ DataArrayInt *neighb=0,*neighbI=0;
+ workMesh->computeNeighborsOfCells(neighb,neighbI);
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> neighbSafe(neighb),neighbISafe(neighbI);
+ const int *graph=neighbSafe->begin();
+ const int *graph_index=neighbISafe->begin();
+ // Compute permutation iperm->new2old perm->old2new
vector<int> iperm,perm;
- Renumbering* renumb= RenumberingFactory(type_renum);
+ Renumbering *renumb=RenumberingFactory(type_renum);
delete renumb;
- delete workMesh;
- cout << " : " << (t_compute_graph-t_read_mesh)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
+ cout << " : " << (t_compute_graph-t_read_st)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
// Connectivity
- cout << "Computing connectivity";
- cout.flush();
- MESH meshRenum(myMesh);
- changeConnectivity(meshRenum,Type,nb_cell,iperm);
- t_connectiv=clock();
- cout << " : " << (t_connectiv-t_compute_graph)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
- cout.flush();
- // Familles
- cout << "Computing families ";
- cout.flush();
- changeFamily(&meshRenum,Type,perm);
- int drv3=meshRenum.addDriver(MED_DRIVER,filename_out,meshRenum.getName());
- meshRenum.write(drv3);
- t_family=clock();
- cout << " : " << (t_family-t_connectiv)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
- cout.flush();
- // Fields
- cout << "Computing fields ";
- cout.flush();
- bool exist_type;
- for(int ifield=0;ifield<nb_fields_tot;++ifield)
+ cout << "Reordering connectivity & families and writing : " << flush;
+ workMesh->renumberCells(&perm[0],false);
+ mc->setMeshAtLevel(0,workMesh);
+ const DataArrayInt *famField=mc->getFamilyFieldAtLevel(0);
+ if(famField)
- exist_type=false;
- FIELD<double> myField(MED_DRIVER,filename_in,field_names[ifield],iternumber[ifield],ordernumber[ifield]);
- FIELD<double> newField(myField);
- const SUPPORT* mySupport=newField.getSupport();
- const medGeometryElement *typesOfSupport = mySupport->getTypes();
- for(int t=0;t<mySupport->getNumberOfTypes();++t)
- {
- if(typesOfSupport[t]==Type)
- {
- exist_type=true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(exist_type)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<mySupport->getNumberOfElements(Type);++i)
- {
- for(int j=0;j<newField.getNumberOfComponents();++j)
- {
- newField.setValueIJ(i+1,j+1,myField.getValueIJ(iperm[i],j+1));
- }
- }
- }
- int drv=newField.addDriver(MED_DRIVER,filename_out,field_names[ifield]);
- newField.write(drv);
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayInt> famField2=famField->renumber(&perm[0]);
+ mc->setFamilyFieldArr(0,famField2);
+ mc->write(filename_out.c_str(),2);
+ t_family=clock();
+ cout << " : " << (t_family-t_compute_graph)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl << flush;
+ // Fields
+ cout << "Reordering fields and writing : " << flush;
+ MEDFileFields *fs=fd->getFields();
+ fs->renumberEntitiesLyingOnMesh(meshname.c_str(),code,code,&perm[0]);
+ fs->write();
- cout << " : " << (t_field-t_family)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl;
- cout.flush();
- delete[] graph_index;
- delete[] graph;
+ cout << " : " << (t_field-t_family)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << endl << flush;
return 0;