Periodicity is used to have the same discretization on two faces (in 3D) or two edges (in 2D).
This is useful for instance for a Representative Volume Element so that the translated meshes share the same nodes on the common faces.
-In GUI, periodicity association uses PreCAD (optional MG-CADSurf add-on). Be sure to have a PreCAD license to be able to use it. Otherwise, use \ref periodicity_tui_basic_api_usage "the basic API in TUI" or the \ref periodicity_tui_advanced_api_usage "the advanced API in TUI".
+In GUI, periodicity association uses PreCAD (optional MG-CADSurf add-on). You must have a PreCAD license to be able to use it.
-Remark: to use the basic API to define periodicity, you have to disable PreCAD.
+In TUI, advanced users can use CADSurf periodicity via \ref periodicity_tui_basic_api_usage "the basic API" or \ref periodicity_tui_advanced_api_usage "the advanced API". It requires to disable PreCAD. We strongly advise to use PreCAD periodicity instead.
\image html blsurf_periodicity_translation.png "Two periodic faces (translation)"
In the CADSurf basic API, only available in TUI, the periodicity must be defined face by face, edge by edge and vertex by vertex.
+You must disable PreCAD to use it. Hence, shapes with seam edges will not be meshed correctly.
The methods are:
- BLSURFPluginBuilder.BLSURF_Algorithm.AddFacePeriodicity
- BLSURFPluginBuilder.BLSURF_Algorithm.AddEdgePeriodicity