import logging
import traceback
import sys
-import string
import io
+import os
import module_version
# Author: Jean-Philippe Argaud,, EDF R&D
# --------------------------------------------------------
-# Generated by AdaoCatalogGenerator on ${date}
+# Generated by AdaoCatalogGenerator on {date}
# --------------------------------------------------------
import os, re
for ln in fc:
if cr.match(ln): return 1
return 0 = u"The Python file has to contain explicitly a \\"DirectOperator\\" function definition with only one vector as argument." = "The Python file has to contain explicitly a \\"DirectOperator\\" function definition with only one vector as argument."
def TangentOperatorInNS(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
fc = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
for ln in fc:
if cr.match(ln): return 1
return 0 = u"The Python file has to contain explicitly a \\"TangentOperator\\" function definition with only one pair of vectors as argument." = "The Python file has to contain explicitly a \\"TangentOperator\\" function definition with only one pair of vectors as argument."
def AdjointOperatorInNS(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
fc = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
for ln in fc:
if cr.match(ln): return 1
return 0 = u"The Python file has to contain explicitly an \\"AdjointOperator\\" function definition with only one pair of vectors as argument." = "The Python file has to contain explicitly an \\"AdjointOperator\\" function definition with only one pair of vectors as argument."
# Important : validators=[...] pour que les conditions soient traitées simultanément, en "ET", et pas en "OU" (choisi dans le cas du tuple à la place de la liste)
# validators=[OnlyStr(), FileExtVal('py'), FunctionVal(fv)]
data_method = """
-def F_${data_name}(statut, fv=NoCheckInNS) : return FACT(
+def F_{data_name}(statut, fv=NoCheckInNS) : return FACT(
statut = statut,
- FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=(${data_into}), defaut=${data_default}),
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=({data_into}), defaut={data_default}),
SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=[OnlyStr(), FileExtVal('py'), FunctionVal(fv)], fr="En attente d'un nom de fichier script, avec ou sans le chemin complet pour le trouver, contenant si nécessaire la définition d'une variable interne de même nom que le concept parent", ang="Waiting for a script file name, with or without the full path to find it, containing if necessary the definition of an internal variable of the same name as the parent concept"),
STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
- STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM",${ms_default} fr="En attente d'une chaine de caractères entre guillements. Pour construire un vecteur ou une matrice, ce doit être une suite de nombres, utilisant un espace ou une virgule pour séparer deux éléments et un point-virgule pour séparer deux lignes", ang="Waiting for a string in quotes. To build a vector or a matrix, it has to be a float serie, using a space or comma to separate two elements in a line, a semi-colon to separate rows"),
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM",{ms_default} fr="En attente d'une chaine de caractères entre guillements. Pour construire un vecteur ou une matrice, ce doit être une suite de nombres, utilisant un espace ou une virgule pour séparer deux éléments et un point-virgule pour séparer deux lignes", ang="Waiting for a string in quotes. To build a vector or a matrix, it has to be a float serie, using a space or comma to separate two elements in a line, a semi-colon to separate rows"),
SCRIPTWITHFUNCTIONS_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'ScriptWithFunctions', ) ",
SCRIPTWITHFUNCTIONS_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=[OnlyStr(), FileExtVal('py'), FunctionVal(DirectOperatorInNS), FunctionVal(TangentOperatorInNS), FunctionVal(AdjointOperatorInNS)], fr="En attente d'un nom de fichier script, avec ou sans le chemin complet pour le trouver, contenant en variables internes trois fonctions de calcul nommées DirectOperator, TangentOperator et AdjointOperator", ang="Waiting for a script file name, with or without the full path to find it, containing as internal variables three computation functions named DirectOperator, TangentOperator and AdjointOperator"),
assim_data_method = """
-def ${assim_name}InNS(filename):
+def {assim_name}InNS(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
fc = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
- cr = re.compile("^${assim_name}[\s]*=")
+ cr = re.compile("^{assim_name}[\s]*=")
for ln in fc:
if cr.match(ln): return 1
return 0
-${assim_name} = u"The Python file has to contain explicitly a \\"${assim_name}\\" variable."
-def F_${assim_name}(statut, fv=NoCheckInNS) : return FACT(
+{assim_name} = "The Python file has to contain explicitly a \\"{assim_name}\\" variable."
+def F_{assim_name}(statut, fv=NoCheckInNS) : return FACT(
- INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=(${choices}), defaut=${default_choice}),${decl_choices}
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=({choices}), defaut={default_choice}),{decl_choices}
assim_data_choice = """
- ${choice_name} = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( '${choice_name}', ) ",
- data = F_${choice_name}("o", fv),
+ {choice_name} = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( '{choice_name}', ) ",
+ data = F_{choice_name}("o", fv),
observers_choice = """
- ${var_name} = BLOC (condition=" '${var_name}' in set(SELECTION) ",
- ${var_name}_data = FACT(statut = "o",
+ {var_name} = BLOC (condition=" '{var_name}' in set(SELECTION) ",
+ {var_name}_data = FACT(statut = "o",
Scheduler = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "TXM"),
- Info = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", defaut = "${var_name}"),
+ Info = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", defaut = "{var_name}"),
NodeType = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "Template", into=("String", "Script", "Template")),
PythonScript = BLOC (condition = " NodeType == 'String' ",
Value = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM")
def F_Observers(statut) : return FACT(
- SELECTION = SIMP(statut="o", defaut=[], typ="TXM", min=0, max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon", validators=NoRepeat(), into=(${choices})),${decl_choices}
+ SELECTION = SIMP(statut="o", defaut=[], typ="TXM", min=0, max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon", validators=NoRepeat(), into=({choices})),{decl_choices}
for ln in fc:
if cr.match(ln): return 1
return 0 = u"The Python file has to contain explicitly an \\"AlgorithmParameters\\" variable." = "The Python file has to contain explicitly an \\"AlgorithmParameters\\" variable."
def F_AlgorithmParameters(statut, algos_names, fv=NoCheckInNS) : return FACT(
statut = statut,
Algorithm = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into = algos_names ),
Dict = BLOC ( condition = " Parameters == 'Dict' ",
data = F_Dict("o", fv),
- ),${all_algo_defaults}
+ ),{all_algo_defaults}
one_algo_choices = """
- Parameters${algo_name} = BLOC (condition = " (Parameters == 'Defaults') and (Algorithm == '${algo_name}') ",
+ Parameters{algo_name} = BLOC (condition = " (Parameters == 'Defaults') and (Algorithm == '{algo_name}') ",
-${algo_parameters} ),"""
+{algo_parameters} ),"""
assim_study = """
def F_variables(statut) : return FACT(
StudyName = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", defaut="ADAO Calculation Case"),
StudyRepertory = SIMP(statut="f", typ = "Repertoire", validators=FunctionVal(ChDir), min=1, max=1),
Debug = SIMP(statut="f", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
- AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("o",(${algos_names}), AlgorithmParametersInNS),
+ AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("o",({algos_names}), AlgorithmParametersInNS),
Background = F_Background("o", BackgroundInNS),
BackgroundError = F_BackgroundError("o", BackgroundErrorInNS),
Observation = F_Observation("o", ObservationInNS),
StudyName = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", defaut="ADAO Checking Case"),
StudyRepertory = SIMP(statut="f", typ = "Repertoire", validators=FunctionVal(ChDir), min=1, max=1),
Debug = SIMP(statut="f", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
- AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("o", (${check_names}), AlgorithmParametersInNS),
+ AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("o", ({check_names}), AlgorithmParametersInNS),
CheckingPoint = F_CheckingPoint("o", CheckingPointInNS),
BackgroundError = F_BackgroundError("f", BackgroundErrorInNS),
Observation = F_Observation("f", ObservationInNS),
-begin_catalog_file = string.Template(begin_catalog_file)
-data_method = string.Template(data_method)
-assim_data_method = string.Template(assim_data_method)
-assim_data_choice = string.Template(assim_data_choice)
-assim_study = string.Template(assim_study)
-observers_method = string.Template(observers_method)
-observers_choice = string.Template(observers_choice)
-algo_choices = string.Template(algo_choices)
-one_algo_choices = string.Template(one_algo_choices)
#----------- End of Templates Part ---------------#
-def check_args(args):
- logging.debug("Arguments are :" + str(args))
- if len(args) != 2:
- logging.fatal("Bad number of arguments: you have to provide two arguments (%d given)" % (len(args)))
- sys.exit(1)
# Parse arguments
-from optparse import OptionParser
-usage = "usage: %prog [options] catalog_path catalog_name"
-version="%prog 0.1"
-my_parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
-(options, args) = my_parser.parse_args()
-catalog_path = args[0]
-catalog_name = args[1]
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+usage = "usage: %(prog)s [options] catalog_path catalog_name"
+version="%(prog)s 0.1"
+my_parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=version)
+args = my_parser.parse_args()
# Generates into a string
mem_file = io.StringIO()
# Start file
from time import strftime
-mem_file.write(begin_catalog_file.substitute(date=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
+mem_file.write(begin_catalog_file.format(**{'date':strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}))
# Step initial: on obtient la liste des algos
algos_names = ""
if data_input_name in infos.DataSValueDefaultDict:
ms_default = " defaut=\"" + infos.DataSValueDefaultDict[data_input_name] + "\","
- mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
- data_into = data_into,
- data_default = data_default,
- ms_default = ms_default,
- algos_names = algos_names+check_names))
+ mem_file.write(data_method.format(**{'data_name' : data_name,
+ 'data_into' : data_into,
+ 'data_default' : data_default,
+ 'ms_default' : ms_default,
+ 'algos_names' : algos_names+check_names}))
# Step 2: On cree les fonctions qui permettent de rentrer les donnees des algorithmes
for assim_data_input_name in infos.AssimDataDict:
storage = " Stored = SIMP(statut=\"f\", typ = \"I\", into=(0, 1), defaut=0, fr=\"Choix de stockage interne ou non du concept parent\", ang=\"Choice of the storage or not of the parent concept\"),"
for choice in infos.AssimDataDict[assim_data_input_name]:
choices += "\"" + choice + "\", "
- decl_choices += assim_data_choice.substitute(choice_name = choice)
+ decl_choices += assim_data_choice.format(**{'choice_name' : choice})
if choice in infos.StoredAssimData:
storage = " Stored = SIMP(statut=\"f\", typ = \"I\", into=(0, 1), defaut=0, fr=\"Choix de stockage interne ou non du concept parent\", ang=\"Choice of the storage or not of the parent concept\"),"
default_choice = "\"" + infos.AssimDataDefaultDict[assim_data_input_name] + "\""
- mem_file.write(assim_data_method.substitute(assim_name = assim_data_input_name,
- storage = storage,
- choices = choices,
- decl_choices = decl_choices,
- default_choice = default_choice))
+ mem_file.write(assim_data_method.format(**{'assim_name' : assim_data_input_name,
+ 'storage' : storage,
+ 'choices' : choices,
+ 'decl_choices' : decl_choices,
+ 'default_choice' : default_choice}))
# Step 3: On ajoute les fonctions representant les options possibles
for opt_name in infos.OptDict:
if opt_name in infos.DataSValueDefaultDict:
ms_default = " defaut=\"" + infos.DataSValueDefaultDict[opt_name] + "\","
- mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
- data_into = data_into,
- data_default = data_default,
- ms_default = ms_default,
- algos_names = algos_names+check_names))
+ mem_file.write(data_method.format(**{'data_name' : data_name,
+ 'data_into' : data_into,
+ 'data_default' : data_default,
+ 'ms_default' : ms_default,
+ 'algos_names' : algos_names+check_names}))
# Step 4: On ajoute la methode optionnelle init
# TODO uniformiser avec le step 3
# Step 5: Add observers
decl_choices = ""
for obs_var in infos.ObserversList:
- decl_choices += observers_choice.substitute(var_name=obs_var)
-mem_file.write(observers_method.substitute(choices = infos.ObserversList,
- decl_choices = decl_choices))
+ decl_choices += observers_choice.format(**{'var_name':obs_var})
+mem_file.write(observers_method.format(**{'choices' : infos.ObserversList,
+ 'decl_choices' : decl_choices}))
# Step 5: Add algorithmic choices
algo_parameters += """ %s = SIMP(statut="f", typ="TXM", fr="%s"),\n"""%(pn,pm)
del assim_study_object
if algo_parameters != "":
- all_algo_defaults += one_algo_choices.substitute(
- algo_name=algo,
- algo_parameters=algo_parameters,
+ all_algo_defaults += one_algo_choices.format(
+ **{'algo_name':algo,
+ 'algo_parameters':algo_parameters,}
# Final step: Add algorithm and assim_study
- check_names=check_names,
- decl_algos=decl_algos))
+ 'check_names':check_names,
+ 'decl_algos':decl_algos}))
# Write file
-with open(catalog_path + "/" + catalog_name, "w") as final_file:
+with open(os.path.join(args.catalog_path, args.catalog_name), "w", encoding='utf8') as final_file: