#include "SMDS_MeshElement.hxx"
#include "SMDS_MeshNode.hxx"
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <OSD_File.hxx>
#include <SMESH_ControlsDef.hxx>
#include <list>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier.hxx>
+#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
+#include <BRepBndLib.hxx>
+#include <Precision.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_Array1OfShape.hxx>
+#include <BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape.hxx>
+#include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
+#include <BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape.hxx>
_name = "Hexotic_3D";
_shapeType = (1 << TopAbs_SHELL) | (1 << TopAbs_SOLID);// 1 bit /shape type
+// _onlyUnaryInput = false;
- _nodeRefNumber=0;
SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status& aStatus )
// MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hexotic::CheckHypothesis");
_hypothesis = NULL;
list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>::const_iterator itl;
const list<const SMESHDS_Hypothesis*>& hyps = GetUsedHypothesis(aMesh, aShape);
int nbHyp = hyps.size();
- if (!nbHyp)
- {
+ if (!nbHyp) {
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_OK;
return true; // can work with no hypothesis
theHyp = (*itl); // use only the first hypothesis
string hypName = theHyp->GetName();
- if (hypName == "Hexotic_Parameters")
- {
+ if (hypName == "Hexotic_Parameters") {
_hypothesis = static_cast<const HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis*> (theHyp);
aStatus = SMESH_Hypothesis::HYP_OK;
-//function : countFaces
-//purpose :
+//function : findShape
+//purpose :
-static int countFaces( SMESHDS_Mesh* the2DMesh,
- list< const SMDS_MeshElement* >& theListOfFaces,
- bool externalFaces )
- int nbFaces = 0;
- TopExp_Explorer fExp( (the2DMesh->ShapeToMesh()), TopAbs_FACE );
- SMESHDS_SubMesh* the2DSubMesh;
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itOnSmdsElement;
+static TopoDS_Shape findShape(SMDS_MeshNode** t_Node,
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape,
+ const TopoDS_Shape* t_Shape,
+ double** t_Box,
+ const int nShape) {
+ double *pntCoor;
+ int iShape, nbNode = 8;
+ pntCoor = new double[3];
+ for ( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
+ pntCoor[i] = 0;
+ for ( int j=0; j<nbNode; j++ ) {
+ if ( i == 0) pntCoor[i] += t_Node[j]->X();
+ if ( i == 1) pntCoor[i] += t_Node[j]->Y();
+ if ( i == 2) pntCoor[i] += t_Node[j]->Z();
+ }
+ pntCoor[i] /= nbNode;
+ }
- if ( externalFaces )
- nbFaces = the2DMesh->NbFaces();
- else {
- for ( ; fExp.More(); fExp.Next() ) {
- the2DSubMesh = the2DMesh->MeshElements( fExp.Current() );
- if ( the2DSubMesh ) {
- itOnSmdsElement = the2DSubMesh->GetElements();
- while ( itOnSmdsElement->more() ) {
- theListOfFaces.push_back( itOnSmdsElement->next() );
- nbFaces++;
- }
+ gp_Pnt aPnt(pntCoor[0], pntCoor[1], pntCoor[2]);
+ BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier SC (aShape, aPnt, Precision::Confusion());
+ if ( not(SC.State() == TopAbs_IN) ) {
+ for (iShape = 0; iShape < nShape; iShape++) {
+ aShape = t_Shape[iShape];
+ if ( not( pntCoor[0] < t_Box[iShape][0] || t_Box[iShape][1] < pntCoor[0] ||
+ pntCoor[1] < t_Box[iShape][2] || t_Box[iShape][3] < pntCoor[1] ||
+ pntCoor[2] < t_Box[iShape][4] || t_Box[iShape][5] < pntCoor[2]) ) {
+ BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier SC (aShape, aPnt, Precision::Confusion());
+ if (SC.State() == TopAbs_IN)
+ break;
- return nbFaces;
+ delete [] pntCoor;
+ return aShape;
+//function : findEdge
+//purpose :
+static int findEdge(const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode,
+ const SMESHDS_Mesh* theMesh,
+ const int nEdge,
+ const TopoDS_Shape* t_Edge) {
+ TopoDS_Shape aPntShape, foundEdge;
+ TopoDS_Vertex aVertex;
+ gp_Pnt aPnt( aNode->X(), aNode->Y(), aNode->Z() );
+ int foundInd, ind;
+ double nearest = RealLast(), *t_Dist;
+ double epsilon = Precision::Confusion();
+ t_Dist = new double[ nEdge ];
+ aPntShape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( aPnt ).Shape();
+ aVertex = TopoDS::Vertex( aPntShape );
+ for ( ind=0; ind < nEdge; ind++ ) {
+ BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape aDistance ( aVertex, t_Edge[ind] );
+ t_Dist[ind] = aDistance.Value();
+ if ( t_Dist[ind] < nearest ) {
+ nearest = t_Dist[ind];
+ foundEdge = t_Edge[ind];
+ foundInd = ind;
+ if ( nearest < epsilon )
+ ind = nEdge;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] t_Dist;
+ return theMesh->ShapeToIndex( foundEdge );
+//function : getNbShape
+//purpose :
+static int getNbShape(string aFile, string aString) {
+ int number;
+ string aLine;
+ ifstream file(aFile.c_str());
+ while ( !file.eof() ) {
+ getline( file, aLine);
+ if ( aLine == aString ) {
+ getline( file, aLine);
+ istringstream stringFlux( aLine );
+ stringFlux >> number;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ return number;
+//function : countShape
+//purpose :
+template < class Mesh, class Shape >
+static int countShape( Mesh* mesh, Shape shape ) {
+ TopExp_Explorer expShape ( mesh->ShapeToMesh(), shape );
+ TopTools_MapOfShape mapShape;
+ int nbShape = 0;
+ for ( ; expShape.More(); expShape.Next() ) {
+ if (mapShape.Add(expShape.Current())) {
+ nbShape++;
+ }
+ }
+ return nbShape;
+//function : getShape
+//purpose :
+template < class Mesh, class Shape, class Tab >
+void getShape(Mesh* mesh, Shape shape, Tab *t_Shape) {
+ TopExp_Explorer expShape ( mesh->ShapeToMesh(), shape );
+ TopTools_MapOfShape mapShape;
+ for ( int i=0; expShape.More(); expShape.Next() ) {
+ if (mapShape.Add(expShape.Current())) {
+ t_Shape[i] = expShape.Current();
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+//function : printWarning
+//purpose :
+static void printWarning(const int nbExpected, string aString, const int nbFound) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "WARNING : " << nbExpected << " " << aString << " expected, Hexotic has found " << nbFound << endl;
+ cout << "=======" << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ return;
static bool writeHexoticFile (ofstream & theFile,
- SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
+ const SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
map <int,int> & theSmdsToHexoticIdMap,
map <int,const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theHexoticIdToNodeMap,
const TCollection_AsciiString & Hexotic_In) {
cout << endl;
cout << "Creating Hexotic processed mesh file : " << Hexotic_In << endl;
- bool onlyExternalFaces = true;
- int nbVertices = 0;
- int nbTriangles = 0;
- const char* space = " ";
- const int dummyint = 0;
+ int nbShape = 0;
+ TopExp_Explorer expface(theMesh->ShapeToMesh(), TopAbs_FACE);
+ for ( ; expface.More(); expface.Next() )
+ nbShape++;
+ int *tabID;
+ int *tabNodeId;
+ TopoDS_Shape *tabShape, aShape;
+ int shapeID;
+ bool idFound;
+ int nbVertices = 0;
+ int nbTriangles = 0;
+ const char* space = " ";
+ int dummy_1D = 0;
+ int dummy_2D;
int aSmdsNodeID = 1;
const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode;
list< const SMDS_MeshElement* > faces;
list< const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator itListFace;
const SMDS_MeshElement* aFace;
+ SMESHDS_SubMesh* theSubMesh;
map<int,int>::const_iterator itOnSmdsNode;
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itOnSmdsElement;
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itOnFaceNode;
- SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr itOnSmdsFace;
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itOnSubNode, itOnSubFace;
// Writing SMESH points into Hexotic File
theFile << "Vertices" << endl;
theFile << nbVertices << endl;
+ tabID = new int[nbShape];
+ tabNodeId = new int[ nbVertices ];
+ tabShape = new TopoDS_Shape[nbShape];
itOnNode = theMesh->nodesIterator();
while ( itOnNode->more() ) {
aNode = itOnNode->next();
+ dummy_1D = aNode->GetPosition()->GetShapeId();
+ tabNodeId[ aSmdsNodeID - 1 ] = 0;
+ idFound = false;
+ for ( int j=0; j< aSmdsNodeID; j++ ) {
+ if ( dummy_1D == tabNodeId[j] ) {
+ idFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( not idFound )
+ tabNodeId[ aSmdsNodeID - 1 ] = dummy_1D;
theSmdsToHexoticIdMap.insert( map <int,int>::value_type( aNode->GetID(), aSmdsNodeID ));
theHexoticIdToNodeMap.insert (map <int,const SMDS_MeshNode*>::value_type( aSmdsNodeID, aNode ));
- theFile << aNode->X() << space << aNode->Y() << space << aNode->Z() << space << dummyint << endl;
+ theFile << aNode->X() << space << aNode->Y() << space << aNode->Z() << space << dummy_1D << endl;
// Writing SMESH faces into Hexotic File
- nbTriangles = countFaces(theMesh, faces, onlyExternalFaces);
+ nbTriangles = theMesh->NbFaces();
theFile << endl;
theFile << "# Set of mesh triangles (v1,v2,v3,tag)" << endl;
theFile << "Triangles" << endl;
theFile << nbTriangles << endl;
- if ( onlyExternalFaces ) {
- itOnSmdsFace = theMesh->facesIterator();
- while ( itOnSmdsFace->more() ) {
- aFace = itOnSmdsFace->next();
- itOnFaceNode = aFace->nodesIterator();
- while ( itOnFaceNode->more() ) {
- aSmdsNodeID = itOnFaceNode->next()->GetID();
- itOnSmdsNode = theSmdsToHexoticIdMap.find( aSmdsNodeID );
- ASSERT( itOnSmdsNode != theSmdsToHexoticIdMap.end() );
- theFile << (*itOnSmdsNode).second << space;
+ expface.ReInit();
+ for ( int i = 0; expface.More(); expface.Next(), i++ ) {
+ tabID[i] = 0;
+ aShape = expface.Current();
+ shapeID = theMesh->ShapeToIndex( aShape );
+ idFound = false;
+ for ( int j=0; j<=i; j++) {
+ if ( shapeID == tabID[j] ) {
+ idFound = true;
+ break;
- theFile << dummyint << endl;
+ }
+ if ( not idFound ) {
+ tabID[i] = shapeID;
+ tabShape[i] = aShape;
- else {
- itListFace = faces.begin();
- for ( ; itListFace != faces.end(); ++itListFace ) {
- aFace = *itListFace;
- itOnFaceNode = aFace->nodesIterator();
- while ( itOnFaceNode->more() ) {
- aSmdsNodeID = itOnFaceNode->next()->GetID();
- itOnSmdsNode = theSmdsToHexoticIdMap.find( aSmdsNodeID );
- ASSERT( itOnSmdsNode != theSmdsToHexoticIdMap.end() );
- theFile << (*itOnSmdsNode).second << space;
+ for ( int i=0; i<nbShape; i++ ) {
+ if ( not (tabID[i] == 0) ) {
+ aShape = tabShape[i];
+ shapeID = tabID[i];
+ theSubMesh = theMesh->MeshElements( aShape );
+ itOnSubFace = theSubMesh->GetElements();
+ while ( itOnSubFace->more() ) {
+ aFace = itOnSubFace->next();
+ dummy_2D = shapeID;
+ itOnSubNode = aFace->nodesIterator();
+ while ( itOnSubNode->more() ) {
+ aSmdsNodeID = itOnSubNode->next()->GetID();
+ itOnSmdsNode = theSmdsToHexoticIdMap.find( aSmdsNodeID );
+ ASSERT( itOnSmdsNode != theSmdsToHexoticIdMap.end() );
+ theFile << (*itOnSmdsNode).second << space;
+ }
+ theFile << dummy_2D << endl;
- theFile << dummyint << endl;
cout << " " << nbTriangles << " triangles" << endl;
cout << endl;
- return true;
-//function : getInt
-//purpose :
-static bool getInt( int & theValue, char * & theLine )
- char *ptr;
- theValue = strtol( theLine, &ptr, 10 );
- if ( ptr == theLine ||
- // there must not be neither '.' nor ',' nor 'E' ...
- (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\0'))
- return false;
- DUMP( " " << theValue );
- theLine = ptr;
- return true;
-//function : getDouble
-//purpose :
-static bool getDouble( double & theValue, char * & theLine )
- char *ptr;
- theValue = strtod( theLine, &ptr );
- if ( ptr == theLine )
- return false;
+ delete [] tabID;
+ delete [] tabNodeId;
+ delete [] tabShape;
- DUMP( " " << theValue );
- theLine = ptr;
return true;
-//function : readLine
-//purpose :
-#define HexoticPlugin_BUFLENGTH 256
-#define HexoticPlugin_ReadLine(aPtr,aBuf,aFile,aLineNb) \
-{ aPtr = fgets( aBuf, HexoticPlugin_BUFLENGTH - 2, aFile ); aLineNb++; DUMP(endl); }
//function : readResult
//purpose :
-static bool readResult(FILE * theFile,
- SMESHDS_Mesh * theMesh,
- const TopoDS_Shape & theShape,
- map <int,const SMDS_MeshNode*> & theHexoticIdToNodeMap,
- const TCollection_AsciiString & Hexotic_Out,
- int & nodeRefNumber)
+static bool readResult(string theFile,
+ SMESHDS_Mesh* theMesh,
+ const int nbShape,
+ const TopoDS_Shape* tabShape,
+ double** tabBox)
// ---------------------------------
// Read generated elements and nodes
// ---------------------------------
- cout << "Reading Hexotic output file : " << Hexotic_Out << endl;
- cout << endl;
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+ TopoDS_Vertex aVertex;
+ string token;
+ int EndOfFile = 0, nbElem = 0, nField = 9, nbRef = 0;
+ int aHexoticNodeID = 0, shapeID, hexoticShapeID;
+ int IdShapeRef = 2;
+ int *tabID, *tabRef, *nodeAssigne;
+ bool *tabDummy, hasDummy = false;
+ double epsilon = Precision::Confusion();
+ map <string,int> mapField;
+ SMDS_MeshNode** HexoticNode;
+ TopoDS_Shape *tabCorner, *tabEdge;
+ tabID = new int[nbShape];
+ tabRef = new int[nField];
+ tabDummy = new bool[nField];
+ for (int i=0; i<nbShape; i++)
+ tabID[i] = 0;
+ mapField["MeshVersionFormatted"] = 0; tabRef[0] = 0; tabDummy[0] = false;
+ mapField["Dimension"] = 1; tabRef[1] = 0; tabDummy[1] = false;
+ mapField["Vertices"] = 2; tabRef[2] = 3; tabDummy[2] = true;
+ mapField["Corners"] = 3; tabRef[3] = 1; tabDummy[3] = false;
+ mapField["Edges"] = 4; tabRef[4] = 2; tabDummy[4] = true;
+ mapField["Ridges"] = 5; tabRef[5] = 1; tabDummy[5] = false;
+ mapField["Quadrilaterals"] = 6; tabRef[6] = 4; tabDummy[6] = true;
+ mapField["Hexahedra"] = 7; tabRef[7] = 8; tabDummy[7] = true;
+ mapField["End"] = 8; tabRef[8] = 0; tabDummy[0] = false;
- char aBuffer[ HexoticPlugin_BUFLENGTH ];
- char * aPtr;
- int aLineNb = 0;
- int shapeID = theMesh->ShapeToIndex( theShape );
+ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itOnHexoticInputNode = theMesh->nodesIterator();
+ while ( itOnHexoticInputNode->more() )
+ theMesh->RemoveNode( itOnHexoticInputNode->next() );
- int line = 1, EndOfFile = 0, nbElem = 0, nField = 10, nbRef = 0, aHexoticNodeID = 0;
- char * theField;
+ int nbVertices = getNbShape(theFile, "Vertices");
+ int nbHexCorners = getNbShape(theFile, "Corners");
+ int nbCorners = countShape( theMesh, TopAbs_VERTEX );
+ int nbShapeEdge = countShape( theMesh, TopAbs_EDGE );
- char * tabField [nField];
- int tabRef [nField];
+ if ( nbHexCorners != nbCorners ) {
+ printWarning(nbCorners, "corners", nbHexCorners);
+ if ( nbHexCorners > nbCorners )
+ nbCorners = nbHexCorners;
+ }
- tabField[0] = "MeshVersionFormatted"; tabRef[0] = 0;
- tabField[1] = "Dimension"; tabRef[1] = 0;
- tabField[2] = "Vertices"; tabRef[2] = 3;
- tabField[3] = "Edges"; tabRef[3] = 2;
- tabField[4] = "Triangles"; tabRef[4] = 3;
- tabField[5] = "Quadrilaterals"; tabRef[5] = 4;
- tabField[6] = "Hexahedra"; tabRef[6] = 8;
- tabField[7] = "Corners"; tabRef[7] = 1;
- tabField[8] = "Ridges"; tabRef[0] = 1;
- tabField[9] = "End"; tabRef[0] = 0;
+ tabCorner = new TopoDS_Shape[ nbCorners ];
+ tabEdge = new TopoDS_Shape[ nbShapeEdge ];
+ nodeAssigne = new int[ nbVertices + 1 ];
+ HexoticNode = new SMDS_MeshNode*[ nbVertices + 1 ];
- nodeRefNumber += theMesh->NbNodes();
+ getShape(theMesh, TopAbs_VERTEX, tabCorner);
+ getShape(theMesh, TopAbs_EDGE, tabEdge);
- SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr itOnHexoticInputNode = theMesh->nodesIterator();
- while ( itOnHexoticInputNode->more() )
- theMesh->RemoveNode( itOnHexoticInputNode->next() );
+ MESSAGE("Read " << theFile << " file");
+ ifstream fileRes(theFile.c_str());
+ ASSERT(fileRes);
while ( EndOfFile == 0 ) {
- HexoticPlugin_ReadLine( aPtr, aBuffer, theFile, aLineNb );
- for ( int iField = 0; iField < nField; iField++ ) {
- stringstream theMessage;
- theField = tabField[iField];
- if ( strncmp(aPtr, theField, strlen(theField)) == 0 ) {
- if ( strcmp(theField, "End") == 0 ) {
- EndOfFile = 1;
- theMessage << "End of Hexotic output file has been reached";
+ int dummy;
+ fileRes >> token;
+ if (mapField.count(token)) {
+ nField = mapField[token];
+ nbRef = tabRef[nField];
+ hasDummy = tabDummy[nField];
+ }
+ else {
+ nField = -1;
+ nbRef = 0;
+ }
+ nbElem = 0;
+ if ( nField < (mapField.size() - 1) && nField >= 0 )
+ fileRes >> nbElem;
+ switch (nField) {
+ case 0: { // "MeshVersionFormatted"
+ MESSAGE(token << " " << nbElem);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1: { // "Dimension"
+ MESSAGE("Mesh dimension " << nbElem << "D");
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: { // "Vertices"
+ MESSAGE("Read " << nbElem << " " << token);
+ int aHexoticID;
+ double *coord;
+ SMDS_MeshNode * aHexoticNode;
+ coord = new double[nbRef];
+ for ( int iElem = 0; iElem < nbElem; iElem++ ) {
+ aHexoticID = iElem + 1;
+ for ( int iCoord = 0; iCoord < 3; iCoord++ )
+ fileRes >> coord[ iCoord ];
+ fileRes >> dummy;
+ aHexoticNode = theMesh->AddNode(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ HexoticNode[ aHexoticID ] = aHexoticNode;
+ nodeAssigne[ aHexoticID ] = 0;
- else {
- HexoticPlugin_ReadLine( aPtr, aBuffer, theFile, aLineNb );
- line++;
- getInt( nbElem, aPtr );
- if ( strcmp(theField, "MeshVersionFormatted") == 0 )
- theMessage << "Hexotic mesh descriptor : " << theField << " " << nbElem;
- else if ( strcmp(theField, "Dimension") == 0 )
- theMessage << "Hexotic mesh of " << nbElem << "D dimension";
- else if ( strcmp(theField, "Vertices") == 0 ||
- strcmp(theField, "Edges") == 0 ||
- strcmp(theField, "Quadrilaterals") == 0 ||
- strcmp(theField, "Hexahedra") == 0 ) {
- nbRef = tabRef[iField];
- HexoticPlugin_ReadLine( aPtr, aBuffer, theFile, aLineNb ); // read blank line
- if ( strcmp(theField, "Vertices") == 0 ) {
- int aHexoticID;
- double coord[nbRef];
- SMDS_MeshNode * aHexoticNode;
- for ( int iElem = 0; iElem < nbElem; iElem++ ) {
- aHexoticID = iElem + 1 + nodeRefNumber;
- HexoticPlugin_ReadLine( aPtr, aBuffer, theFile, aLineNb ); // read file lines
- for ( int iCoord = 0; iCoord < 3; iCoord++ )
- getDouble ( coord[ iCoord ], aPtr );
- aHexoticNode = theMesh->AddNode(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
- theMesh->SetNodeInVolume( aHexoticNode, shapeID );
- theHexoticIdToNodeMap[ aHexoticID ] = aHexoticNode;
+ delete [] coord;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: // "Corners"
+ case 4: // "Edges"
+ case 5: // "Ridges"
+ case 6: // "Quadrilaterals"
+ case 7: { // "Hexahedra"
+ MESSAGE("Read " << nbElem << " " << token);
+ SMDS_MeshNode** node;
+ int nodeDim, *nodeID;
+ SMDS_MeshElement * aHexoticElement;
+ node = new SMDS_MeshNode*[ nbRef ];
+ nodeID = new int[ nbRef ];
+ for ( int iElem = 0; iElem < nbElem; iElem++ ) {
+ for ( int iRef = 0; iRef < nbRef; iRef++ ) {
+ fileRes >> aHexoticNodeID; // read nbRef aHexoticNodeID
+ node[ iRef ] = HexoticNode[ aHexoticNodeID ];
+ nodeID[ iRef ] = aHexoticNodeID;
+ }
+ if ( hasDummy )
+ fileRes >> dummy;
+ switch (nField) {
+ case 3: { // "Corners"
+ nodeDim = 1;
+ gp_Pnt HexoticPnt ( node[0]->X(), node[0]->Y(), node[0]->Z() );
+ for ( int i=0; i<nbElem; i++ ) {
+ aVertex = TopoDS::Vertex( tabCorner[i] );
+ gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( aVertex );
+ if ( aPnt.Distance( HexoticPnt ) < epsilon )
+ break;
+ break;
- else {
- const SMDS_MeshNode * node[nbRef];
- SMDS_MeshElement* aHexoticElement;
- map <int,const SMDS_MeshNode*>::iterator itOnHexoticNode;
- for ( int iElem = 0; iElem < nbElem; iElem++ ) {
- HexoticPlugin_ReadLine( aPtr, aBuffer, theFile, aLineNb ); // read file lines
- for ( int iRef = 0; iRef < nbRef; iRef++ ) {
- getInt ( aHexoticNodeID, aPtr ); // read nbRef aHexoticNodeID
- aHexoticNodeID += nodeRefNumber;
- itOnHexoticNode = theHexoticIdToNodeMap.find( aHexoticNodeID );
- node[ iRef ] = itOnHexoticNode->second;
+ case 4: { // "Edges"
+ nodeDim = 2;
+ aHexoticElement = theMesh->AddEdge( node[0], node[1] );
+ int iNode = 1;
+ if ( nodeAssigne[ nodeID[0] ] == 0 || nodeAssigne[ nodeID[0] ] == 2 )
+ iNode = 0;
+ shapeID = findEdge( node[iNode], theMesh, nbShapeEdge, tabEdge );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5: { // "Ridges"
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6: { // "Quadrilaterals"
+ nodeDim = 3;
+ aHexoticElement = theMesh->AddFace( node[0], node[1], node[2], node[3] );
+ shapeID = dummy;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 7: { // "Hexahedra"
+ nodeDim = 4;
+ aHexoticElement = theMesh->AddVolume( node[0], node[3], node[2], node[1], node[4], node[7], node[6], node[5] );
+ if ( nbShape > 1 ) {
+ hexoticShapeID = dummy - IdShapeRef;
+ if ( tabID[ hexoticShapeID ] == 0 ) {
+ if (iElem == 0)
+ aShape = tabShape[0];
+ aShape = findShape(node, aShape, tabShape, tabBox, nbShape);
+ shapeID = theMesh->ShapeToIndex( aShape );
+ tabID[ hexoticShapeID ] = shapeID;
+ }
+ else
+ shapeID = tabID[ hexoticShapeID ];
+ if ( iElem == (nbElem - 1) ) {
+ int shapeAssociated = 0;
+ for ( int i=0; i<nbShape; i++ ) {
+ if (tabID[i] != 0 )
+ shapeAssociated += 1;
+ }
+ if ( shapeAssociated != nbShape )
+ printWarning(nbShape, "domains", shapeAssociated);
- if ( strcmp(theField, "Edges") == 0 ) // create an element
- aHexoticElement = theMesh->AddEdge( node[0], node[1] );
- else if ( strcmp(theField, "Quadrilaterals") == 0 )
- aHexoticElement = theMesh->AddFace( node[0], node[1], node[2], node[3] );
- else if ( strcmp(theField, "Hexahedra") == 0 )
- aHexoticElement = theMesh->AddVolume( node[0], node[1], node[2], node[3], node[4], node[5], node[6], node[7] );
- theMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( aHexoticElement, shapeID );
+ break;
- theMessage << nbElem << " " << theField << " created";
+ }
+ if ( token != "Ridges" ) {
+ for ( int i=0; i<nbRef; i++ ) {
+ if ( nodeAssigne[ nodeID[i] ] == 0 ) {
+ if ( token == "Corners" ) theMesh->SetNodeOnVertex( node[0], aVertex );
+ else if ( token == "Edges" ) theMesh->SetNodeOnEdge( node[i], shapeID );
+ else if ( token == "Quadrilaterals" ) theMesh->SetNodeOnFace( node[i], shapeID );
+ else if ( token == "Hexahedra" ) theMesh->SetNodeInVolume( node[i], shapeID );
+ nodeAssigne[ nodeID[i] ] = nodeDim;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( token != "Corners" )
+ theMesh->SetMeshElementOnShape( aHexoticElement, shapeID );
- if ( theMessage.str().size() != 0 ) {
- cout << theMessage.str() << endl;
- break;
- }
+ delete [] node;
+ delete [] nodeID;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 8: { // "End"
+ EndOfFile = 1;
+ MESSAGE("End of " << theFile << " file");
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ MESSAGE("Unknown Token: " << token);
cout << endl;
+ delete [] tabID;
+ delete [] tabRef;
+ delete [] tabDummy;
+ delete [] tabCorner;
+ delete [] tabEdge;
+ delete [] nodeAssigne;
+ delete [] HexoticNode;
return true;
void HexoticPlugin_Hexotic::SetParameters(const HexoticPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp) {
+ MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hexotic::SetParameters");
if (hyp) {
- MESSAGE("HexoticPlugin_Hexotic::SetParameters");
_hexesMinLevel = hyp->GetHexesMinLevel();
_hexesMaxLevel = hyp->GetHexesMaxLevel();
_hexoticQuadrangles = hyp->GetHexoticQuadrangles();
+ _hexoticIgnoreRidges = hyp->GetHexoticIgnoreRidges();
+ _hexoticInvalidElements = hyp->GetHexoticInvalidElements();
+ _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold = hyp->GetHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "WARNING : The Hexotic default parameters are taken into account" << endl;
+ cout << "=======" << endl;
+ _hexesMinLevel = hyp->GetDefaultHexesMinLevel();
+ _hexesMaxLevel = hyp->GetDefaultHexesMaxLevel();
+ _hexoticQuadrangles = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticQuadrangles();
+ _hexoticIgnoreRidges = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticIgnoreRidges();
+ _hexoticInvalidElements = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticInvalidElements();
+ _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold = hyp->GetDefaultHexoticSharpAngleThreshold();
//function : getTmpDir
-//purpose :
+//purpose :
static TCollection_AsciiString getTmpDir()
bool HexoticPlugin_Hexotic::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
- bool Ok;
+ bool Ok = true;
SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = theMesh.GetMeshDS();
+ TCollection_AsciiString hexahedraMessage;
if (_iShape == 0 && _nbShape == 0) {
- cout << endl;
- cout << "Hexotic execution..." << endl;
- cout << endl;
- TopExp_Explorer expf(meshDS->ShapeToMesh(), TopAbs_SOLID);
- for ( ; expf.More(); expf.Next() )
- _nbShape++;
+ _nbShape = countShape( meshDS, TopAbs_SOLID ); // we count the number of shapes
+ _tabNode = new SMDS_MeshNode*[_nbShape]; // we declare the size of the node array
+ // to prevent from displaying error message after computing,
+ // we need to create one node for each shape theShape.
+ _tabNode[_iShape] = meshDS->AddNode(0, 0, 0);
+ meshDS->SetNodeInVolume( _tabNode[_iShape], meshDS->ShapeToIndex(theShape) );
if (_iShape == _nbShape ) {
+ for (int i=0; i<_nbShape; i++) // we destroy the (_nbShape - 1) nodes created and used
+ meshDS->RemoveNode( _tabNode[i] ); // to simulate successful mesh computing.
+ delete [] _tabNode;
+ // create bounding box for each shape of the compound
+ int iShape = 0;
+ TopoDS_Shape *tabShape;
+ double **tabBox;
+ tabShape = new TopoDS_Shape[_nbShape];
+ tabBox = new double*[_nbShape];
+ for (int i=0; i<_nbShape; i++)
+ tabBox[i] = new double[6];
+ double Xmin, Ymin, Zmin, Xmax, Ymax, Zmax;
+ TopExp_Explorer expBox (meshDS->ShapeToMesh(), TopAbs_SOLID);
+ for (; expBox.More(); expBox.Next()) {
+ tabShape[iShape] = expBox.Current();
+ Bnd_Box BoundingBox;
+ BRepBndLib::Add(expBox.Current(), BoundingBox);
+ BoundingBox.Get(Xmin, Ymin, Zmin, Xmax, Ymax, Zmax);
+ tabBox[iShape][0] = Xmin; tabBox[iShape][1] = Xmax;
+ tabBox[iShape][2] = Ymin; tabBox[iShape][3] = Ymax;
+ tabBox[iShape][4] = Zmin; tabBox[iShape][5] = Zmax;
+ iShape++;
+ }
cout << endl;
+ cout << "Hexotic execution..." << endl;
cout << _name << " parameters :" << endl;
cout << " " << _name << " Segments Min Level = " << _hexesMinLevel << endl;
cout << " " << _name << " Segments Max Level = " << _hexesMaxLevel << endl;
cout << " " << "Salome Quadrangles : " << (_hexoticQuadrangles ? "yes":"no") << endl;
+ cout << " " << "Hexotic can ignore ridges : " << (_hexoticIgnoreRidges ? "yes":"no") << endl;
+ cout << " " << "Hexotic authorize invalide elements : " << ( _hexoticInvalidElements ? "yes":"no") << endl;
+ cout << " " << _name << " Sharp angle threshold = " << _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold << " degrees" << endl;
TCollection_AsciiString aTmpDir = getTmpDir();
TCollection_AsciiString Hexotic_In, Hexotic_Out;
TCollection_AsciiString run_Hexotic( "hexotic" );
- TCollection_AsciiString minl = " -minl ", maxl = " -maxl ";
+ TCollection_AsciiString minl = " -minl ", maxl = " -maxl ", angle = " -ra ";
TCollection_AsciiString in = " -in ", out = " -out ";
+ TCollection_AsciiString ignoreRidges = " -nr ", invalideElements = " -inv ";
+ TCollection_AsciiString subdom = " -sd ";
- TCollection_AsciiString minLevel, maxLevel;
+ TCollection_AsciiString minLevel, maxLevel, sharpAngle, mode;
minLevel = _hexesMinLevel;
maxLevel = _hexesMaxLevel;
+ sharpAngle = _hexoticSharpAngleThreshold;
+ mode = 4;
map <int,int> aSmdsToHexoticIdMap;
map <int,const SMDS_MeshNode*> aHexoticIdToNodeMap;
Hexotic_In = aTmpDir + "Hexotic_In.mesh";
Hexotic_Out = aTmpDir + "Hexotic_Out.mesh";
- run_Hexotic += minl + minLevel + maxl + maxLevel + in + Hexotic_In + out + Hexotic_Out;
- // cout << "Hexotic command : " << run_Hexotic << endl;
+ if (_hexoticIgnoreRidges)
+ run_Hexotic += ignoreRidges;
+ if (_hexoticInvalidElements)
+ run_Hexotic += invalideElements;
+ run_Hexotic += angle + sharpAngle + minl + minLevel + maxl + maxLevel + in + Hexotic_In + out + Hexotic_Out;
+ run_Hexotic += subdom + mode;
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Hexotic command : " << run_Hexotic << endl;
OSD_File( Hexotic_In ).Remove();
OSD_File( Hexotic_Out ).Remove();
ofstream HexoticFile (Hexotic_In.ToCString() , ios::out);
Ok = ( writeHexoticFile(HexoticFile, meshDS, aSmdsToHexoticIdMap, aHexoticIdToNodeMap, Hexotic_In) );
+ aSmdsToHexoticIdMap.clear();
+ aHexoticIdToNodeMap.clear();
// read a result
// --------------
- FILE * aResultFile = fopen( Hexotic_Out.ToCString(), "r" );
- if (aResultFile) {
- Ok = readResult( aResultFile, meshDS, theShape, aHexoticIdToNodeMap, Hexotic_Out, _nodeRefNumber );
- fclose(aResultFile);
- cout << "Hexotic output file read !" << endl;
- cout << endl;
+ ifstream fileRes( Hexotic_Out.ToCString() );
+ if ( ! fileRes.fail() ) {
+ Ok = readResult( Hexotic_Out.ToCString(), meshDS, _nbShape, tabShape, tabBox );
+ hexahedraMessage = "success";
- else
+ else {
+ hexahedraMessage = "failed";
+ cout << "Problem with Hexotic output file " << Hexotic_Out.ToCString() << endl;
Ok = false;
- _iShape=0;
+ }
+ cout << "Hexahedra meshing " << hexahedraMessage << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ delete [] tabShape;
+ for (int i=0; i<_nbShape; i++)
+ delete [] tabBox[i];
+ delete [] tabBox;
+ _nbShape = 0;
+ _iShape = 0;
return Ok;