# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# @package BLSURFPluginDC
+# Python API for the BLSURF meshing plug-in module.
+# @package smesh
+# Documentation of the methods dynamically added by the BLSURF meshing plug-in to the
+# smesh.Mesh class.
from smesh import Mesh_Algorithm, AssureGeomPublished
# Topology treatment way of BLSURF
noBLSURFPlugin = 1
+# Mesh algo type identifiers
-# a constant to call Mesh.Triangle(BLSURF,geom=0)
+## Algorithm type: BLSurf triangle 2D algorithm, see BLSURF_Algorithm
-## BLSURF 2D algorithm. It is created by calling Mesh.Triangle(BLSURF,geom=0)
+# Algorithms
+## BLSurf 2D algorithm.
+# It can be created by calling smesh.Mesh.Triangle(smesh.BLSURF,geom=0)
class BLSURF_Algorithm(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ ## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
meshMethod = "Triangle"
+ ## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
algoType = BLSURF
+ ## doc string of the method
+ # @internal
+ docHelper = "Creates triangle 2D algorithm for faces"
_angleMeshS = 8
_gradation = 1.1
## Private constructor.
+ # @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
+ # @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
+ # if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
if noBLSURFPlugin:
self.Create(mesh, geom, BLSURF, "libBLSURFEngine.so")
#self.SetPhysicalMesh() - PAL19680
+ pass
## Sets a way to define size of mesh elements to generate.
# @param thePhysicalMesh is: DefaultSize, BLSURF_Custom or SizeMap.
def SetPhysicalMesh(self, thePhysicalMesh=DefaultSize):
+ pass
## Sets size of mesh elements to generate.
+ # @param theVal value of mesh element size
def SetPhySize(self, theVal):
+ pass
## Sets lower boundary of mesh element size (PhySize).
+ # @param theVal value of mesh element minimal size
def SetPhyMin(self, theVal=-1):
+ pass
## Sets upper boundary of mesh element size (PhySize).
+ # @param theVal value of mesh element maximal size
def SetPhyMax(self, theVal=-1):
+ pass
## Sets a way to define maximum angular deflection of mesh from CAD model.
# @param theGeometricMesh is: 0 (None) or 1 (Custom)
def SetGeometricMesh(self, theGeometricMesh=0):
if self.Parameters().GetPhysicalMesh() == 0: theGeometricMesh = 1
+ pass
## Sets angular deflection (in degrees) of a mesh face from CAD surface.
+ # @param theVal value of angular deflection for mesh face
def SetAngleMeshS(self, theVal=_angleMeshS):
if self.Parameters().GetGeometricMesh() == 0: theVal = self._angleMeshS
+ pass
## Sets angular deflection (in degrees) of a mesh edge from CAD curve.
+ # @param theVal value of angular deflection for mesh edge
def SetAngleMeshC(self, theVal=_angleMeshS):
if self.Parameters().GetGeometricMesh() == 0: theVal = self._angleMeshS
+ pass
## Sets lower boundary of mesh element size computed to respect angular deflection.
+ # @param theVal value of mesh element minimal size
def SetGeoMin(self, theVal=-1):
+ pass
## Sets upper boundary of mesh element size computed to respect angular deflection.
+ # @param theVal value of mesh element maximal size
def SetGeoMax(self, theVal=-1):
+ pass
## Sets maximal allowed ratio between the lengths of two adjacent edges.
+ # @param theVal value of maximal length ratio
def SetGradation(self, theVal=_gradation):
if self.Parameters().GetGeometricMesh() == 0: theVal = self._gradation
+ pass
## Sets topology usage way.
- # @param way defines how mesh conformity is assured <ul>
- # <li>FromCAD - mesh conformity is assured by conformity of a shape</li>
- # <li>PreProcess or PreProcessPlus - by pre-processing a CAD model</li>
- # <li>PreCAD - by pre-processing with PreCAD a CAD model</li></ul>
+ # @param way defines how mesh conformity is assured
+ # - FromCAD - mesh conformity is assured by conformity of a shape
+ # - PreProcess or PreProcessPlus - by pre-processing a CAD model
+ # - PreCAD - by pre-processing with PreCAD a CAD model
def SetTopology(self, way):
+ pass
## To respect geometrical edges or not.
+ # @param toIgnoreEdges "ignore edges" flag value
def SetDecimesh(self, toIgnoreEdges=False):
+ pass
## Sets verbosity level in the range 0 to 100.
+ # @param level verbosity level
def SetVerbosity(self, level):
+ pass
## To optimize merges edges.
+ # @param toMergeEdges "merge edges" flag value
def SetPreCADMergeEdges(self, toMergeEdges=False):
+ pass
## To remove nano edges.
+ # @param toRemoveNanoEdges "remove nano edges" flag value
def SetPreCADRemoveNanoEdges(self, toRemoveNanoEdges=False):
+ pass
## To compute topology from scratch
+ # @param toDiscardInput "discard input" flag value
def SetPreCADDiscardInput(self, toDiscardInput=False):
+ pass
## Sets the length below which an edge is considered as nano
# for the topology processing.
+ # @param epsNano nano edge length threshold value
def SetPreCADEpsNano(self, epsNano):
+ pass
## Sets advanced option value.
+ # @param optionName advanced option name
+ # @param level advanced option value
def SetOptionValue(self, optionName, level):
+ pass
## Sets advanced PreCAD option value.
- # Keyword arguments:
- # optionName: name of the option
- # optionValue: value of the option
+ # @param optionName name of the option
+ # @param optionValue value of the option
def SetPreCADOptionValue(self, optionName, optionValue):
+ pass
## Sets GMF file for export at computation
+ # @param fileName GMF file name
def SetGMFFile(self, fileName):
+ pass
- ## Enforced vertices (BLSURF)
+ #-----------------------------------------
+ # Enforced vertices (BLSURF)
+ #-----------------------------------------
## To get all the enforced vertices
def GetAllEnforcedVertices(self):
return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertex(theFace, x, y, z)
return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup(theFace, x, y, z, groupName)
+ pass
if groupName == "":
return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexNamed(theFace, x, y, z, vertexName)
return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexNamedWithGroup(theFace, x, y, z, vertexName, groupName)
+ pass
+ pass
## To set an enforced vertex on a face (or group, compound) given a GEOM vertex, group or compound.
# @param theFace : GEOM face (or group, compound) on which to define an enforced vertex
return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexGeom(theFace, theVertex)
return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup(theFace, theVertex,groupName)
+ pass
## To remove an enforced vertex on a given GEOM face (or group, compound) given the coordinates.
# @param theFace : GEOM face (or group, compound) on which to remove the enforced vertex
def GetInternalEnforcedVertexAllFacesGroup(self):
return self.Parameters().GetInternalEnforcedVertexAllFacesGroup()
- ## Attractors
+ #-----------------------------------------
+ # Attractors
+ #-----------------------------------------
## Sets an attractor on the chosen face. The mesh size will decrease exponentially with the distance from theAttractor, following the rule h(d) = theEndSize - (theEndSize - theStartSize) * exp [ - ( d / theInfluenceDistance ) ^ 2 ]
# @param theFace : face on which the attractor will be defined
AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, theFace )
AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, theAttractor )
self.Parameters().SetAttractorGeom(theFace, theAttractor, theStartSize, theEndSize, theInfluenceDistance, theConstantSizeDistance)
+ pass
## Unsets an attractor on the chosen face.
# @param theFace : face on which the attractor has to be removed
def UnsetAttractorGeom(self, theFace):
AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, theFace )
+ pass
- ## Size maps (BLSURF)
+ #-----------------------------------------
+ # Size maps (BLSURF)
+ #-----------------------------------------
## To set a size map on a face, edge or vertex (or group, compound) given Python function.
# If theObject is a face, the function can be: def f(u,v): return u+v
def SetSizeMap(self, theObject, theSizeMap):
AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, theObject )
self.Parameters().SetSizeMap(theObject, theSizeMap)
+ pass
## To remove a size map defined on a face, edge or vertex (or group, compound)
# @param theObject : GEOM face, edge or vertex (or group, compound) on which to define a size map
def UnsetSizeMap(self, theObject):
AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, theObject )
+ pass
## To remove all the size maps
def ClearSizeMaps(self):
+ pass
## Sets QuadAllowed flag.
+ # @param toAllow "allow quadrangles" flag value
def SetQuadAllowed(self, toAllow=True):
+ pass
## Defines hypothesis having several parameters
- #
+ # @return hypothesis object
def Parameters(self):
if not self.params:
self.params = self.Hypothesis("BLSURF_Parameters", [],
"libBLSURFEngine.so", UseExisting=0)
+ pass
return self.params
+ pass # end of BLSURF_Algorithm class