# L'utilisation de $? ne fonctionne pas s'il on modifie qu'un catalogue car il ne redonne pas le fichier non modifier et pyxb détecte
# que l'autre fichier en dépend et n'est pas regénéré : $^
+cata_Vimmp_genere.py: cata_Vimmp.py
+ generateXSD.py -c ./$<
+cata_gromacs_genere.py: cata_gromacs.py
+ generateXSD.py -c ./$<
all: cata_Vimmp_genere.py cata_gromacs_genere.py
cata_Vimmp_genere.py: cata_Vimmp_genere.xsd
),# fin bloc_elec
bloc_VdW = BLOC( condition = 'Type_Of_Unbonded_Interaction == "Repulsion_and_VdW"',
- type_Repulsion_and_VdW = SIMP( statut='o', typ='TXM', into = [ 'Lennard_Jones', 'Hard_sphere_model'], position='global' ),
- ), # fin bloc_VdW
- bloc_not_elec = BLOC( condition = 'Type_Of_Unbonded_Interaction not in( "electro_magnetic", "No") ',
- Species_Pair_Parameters = FACT( statut='o', max="**",
+ Species_Pair_Parameters = FACT( statut='o', max="**",
+ Type_Repulsion_and_VdW = SIMP( statut='o', typ='TXM', into = [ 'Lennard_Jones', 'Hard_sphere_model']),
Species_Pair = SIMP( statut='o', max=2, typ='TXM'),
- b_Param_Potential_Type_LJ_1 = BLOC( condition = "Type_Of_Unbonded_Interaction == 'Repulsion_and_VdW'",
- VdW_Radius = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R', val_min=0),
- b_PPal_LJ2 = BLOC( condition = "type_Repulsion_and_VdW == 'Lennard_Jones'",
+ VdW_Radius = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R', val_min=0),
+ b_Lennard = BLOC( condition = "Type_Repulsion_and_VdW == 'Lennard_Jones'",
Depth_Of_The_Potential_Well = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R', val_min=0),
- ), # fin b_b_PPal_LJ2
- ), # fin b_Param_Potential_Type_LJ_1
+ ), # fin b_Lennard
+ ), # fin Species_Pair_Parameters
+ ), # bloc_VdW
- b_Param_Soft_Potentiel = BLOC( condition = "Type_Of_Unbonded_Interaction == 'Soft_Potentiel'",
+ b_Param_Soft_Potentiel = BLOC( condition = "Type_Of_Unbonded_Interaction == 'Soft_Potentiel'",
Groot_Warren_Repulsion = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R', defaut=25.0, val_min=0),
Groot_Warren_Cutoff = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R', defaut=1.0, val_min=0),
Drag_Coefficient = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R'), # les 2 valent 0 pour MD
Drag_Force_Cutoff = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R', val_min=0),
- ), # b_Param_Soft_Potentiel
- ), # Species_Pair_Parameters
- ),# fin bloc_not_elec
+ ), # b_Param_Soft_Potentiel
), # fin UnBonded_Interactions
# Gromacs_Physical_Description = FACT(statut='o',
- gen_vel = SIMP(statut='o', typ = bool, defaut = False),
- b_Velocity_Generation = BLOC(condition = "gen_vel == True",
- gen_temp = SIMP(statut='o', typ='R', ang='temperature for Maxwell distribution'),
- gen_seed = SIMP(statut='o', typ='R', ang='used to initialize random generator,when -1 a pseudo random seed is used', defaut = -1),
- ),
Gromacs_Physical_Constraints = FACT(statut = 'o',
# pour Gromacs, rien = linear
rcoulomb = SIMP(statut ='o', typ='R', defaut=1, val_min=0,ang="[nm] distance for the Coulomb cut-off"),
rvdw = SIMP(statut ='o', typ='R', defaut=1, val_min=0,ang="[nm] distance for the LJ or Buckingham cut-off"),
- ),
+ ),
+ Gromacs_Initial_Conditions = FACT(statut='f',
+ gen_vel = SIMP(statut='o', typ = 'TXM', into=['yes','no'], defaut = 'yes'),
+ b_Velocity_Generation = BLOC(condition = "gen_vel == yes",
+ gen_temp = SIMP(statut='o', typ='R', ang='temperature for Maxwell distribution'),
+ gen_seed = SIMP(statut='o', typ='R', ang='used to initialize random generator,when -1 a pseudo random seed is used', defaut = -1),
+ ),
+ ), # Gromacs_Initial_Conditions
Gromacs_Run_Options = FACT(statut='o',
UserDef=SIMP(statut='f', typ='TXM', into=['-DFLEX_SRC',]),
Files_Energy_Minimization = FACT(statut='o',
- MDP_Initial_Input_File = SIMP(statut='o', typ = ('FichierNoAbs','mdp Files (*.mdp);;All Files (*)')),
+ MDP_Initial_Input_File = SIMP(statut='f', typ = ('FichierNoAbs','mdp Files (*.mdp);;All Files (*)')),
Gromos_File = SIMP(statut='o', typ = ('Fichier','gro Files (*.gro);;All Files (*)')),
# en entree de grompp et de mdrun option -c
Gromacs_Topology_File = SIMP(statut='o', typ = ('Fichier','Top Files (*.top);;All Files (*)')),
), # Files_Energy_Minimization
), # Gromacs_Run_Options
- type_Repulsion_and_VdW='Lennard_Jones',
+ Type_Repulsion_and_VdW='Lennard_Jones',
- VdW_Radius=0.355,
- Depth_Of_The_Potential_Well=0.292288,),),
+ VdW_Radius=0.355e-01,
+ Depth_Of_The_Potential_Well=2.92288e-01,),),
-#CHECKSUM:36af6eab259960058e9e5820059cf926 -:FIN CHECKSUM
\ No newline at end of file
+#CHECKSUM:de076b75bd06fb1d8435eb83bdcfbe4f -:FIN CHECKSUM
\ No newline at end of file