--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# Author: Jean-Philippe Argaud, jean-philippe.argaud@edf.fr, EDF R&D
+ Interface de scripting pour une étude ADAO
+__author__ = "Jean-Philippe ARGAUD"
+__all__ = ["NewPy"]
+from daCore import AssimilationStudy
+class NewPy(object):
+ """
+ Creation TUI d'un cas ADAO sans lien avec YACS
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name = ""):
+ self.__adaoStudy = AssimilationStudy.AssimilationStudy( name )
+ self.__dumper = _DumpLogger(name)
+ def set(
+ self,
+ Concept = None,
+ Algorithm = None,
+ DiagonalSparseMatrix = None,
+ DirectFunction = None,
+ Info = None,
+ Matrix = None,
+ Variable = None,
+ Parameters = None,
+ ScalarSparseMatrix = None,
+ String = None,
+ Stored = False,
+ Template = None,
+ ThreeFunctions = None,
+ Vector = None,
+ VectorSerie = None):
+ "Interface unique de définition de variables d'entrées par argument"
+ self.__dumper.register("set",dir(),locals(),None,True)
+ try:
+ if Concept == "AlgorithmParameters":
+ self.setAlgorithmParameters(Algorithm,Parameters)
+ elif Concept == "Background":
+ self.setBackground(Vector,VectorSerie,Stored)
+ elif Concept == "Observation":
+ self.setObservation(Vector,VectorSerie,Stored)
+ elif Concept == "BackgroundError":
+ self.setBackgroundError(Matrix,ScalarSparseMatrix,
+ DiagonalSparseMatrix,Stored)
+ elif Concept == "ObservationError":
+ self.setObservationError(Matrix,ScalarSparseMatrix,
+ DiagonalSparseMatrix,Stored)
+ elif Concept == "ObservationOperator":
+ self.setObservationOperator(Matrix,DirectFunction,
+ ThreeFunctions,Parameters,Stored)
+ elif Concept == "Observer":
+ self.setObserver(Variable,Template,String,Info)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("the variable named '%s' is not allowed."%str(Concept))
+ except Exception as e:
+ if type(e) == type(SyntaxError()): msg = "at %s: %s"%(e.offset, e.text)
+ else: msg = ""
+ raise ValueError("during settings, the following error occurs:\n\n%s %s\n\nSee also the potential messages, which can show the origin of the above error, in the launching terminal."%(str(e),msg))
+ def setAlgorithmParameters(
+ self,
+ Algorithm = None,
+ Parameters = None):
+ "Définition d'une entrée de calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("setAlgorithmParameters", dir(), locals())
+ self.__adaoStudy.setAlgorithm( choice = Algorithm )
+ self.__adaoStudy.setAlgorithmParameters( asDico = Parameters )
+ def setBackground(
+ self,
+ Vector = None,
+ VectorSerie = None,
+ # Script = None, # Nom du script contenant une variable Vector/VectorSerie
+ Stored = False):
+ "Définition d'une entrée de calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("setBackground", dir(), locals())
+ __Vector, __PersistentVector = Vector, VectorSerie
+ #
+ self.__adaoStudy.setBackground(
+ asVector = __Vector,
+ asPersistentVector = __PersistentVector,
+ toBeStored = Stored,
+ )
+ def setObservation(
+ self,
+ Vector = None,
+ VectorSerie = None,
+ # Script = None, # Nom du script contenant une variable nommée
+ Stored = False):
+ "Définition d'une entrée de calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("setObservation", dir(), locals())
+ __Vector, __PersistentVector = Vector, VectorSerie
+ #
+ self.__adaoStudy.setObservation(
+ asVector = __Vector,
+ asPersistentVector = __PersistentVector,
+ toBeStored = Stored,
+ )
+ def setBackgroundError(
+ self,
+ Matrix = None,
+ ScalarSparseMatrix = None,
+ DiagonalSparseMatrix = None,
+ # Script = None, # Nom du script contenant une variable nommée
+ Stored = False):
+ "Définition d'une entrée de calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("setBackgroundError", dir(), locals())
+ __Covariance, __Scalar, __Vector = Matrix, ScalarSparseMatrix, DiagonalSparseMatrix
+ #
+ self.__adaoStudy.setBackgroundError(
+ asCovariance = __Covariance,
+ asEyeByScalar = __Scalar,
+ asEyeByVector = __Vector,
+ toBeStored = Stored,
+ )
+ def setObservationError(
+ self,
+ Matrix = None,
+ ScalarSparseMatrix = None,
+ DiagonalSparseMatrix = None,
+ # Script = None, # Nom du script contenant une variable nommée
+ Stored = False):
+ "Définition d'une entrée de calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("setObservationError", dir(), locals())
+ __Covariance, __Scalar, __Vector = Matrix, ScalarSparseMatrix, DiagonalSparseMatrix
+ #
+ self.__adaoStudy.setObservationError(
+ asCovariance = __Covariance,
+ asEyeByScalar = __Scalar,
+ asEyeByVector = __Vector,
+ toBeStored = Stored,
+ )
+ def setObservationOperator(
+ self,
+ Matrix = None,
+ DirectFunction = None,
+ ThreeFunctions = None,
+ Parameters = None,
+ # MatrixAsScript = None, # Nom du script contenant une variable nommée
+ # DirectFunctionAsScript = None, # Nom du script contenant une variable nommée
+ # ThreeFunctionsAsScript = None, # Nom du script contenant une variable nommée
+ Stored = False):
+ "Définition d'une entrée de calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("setObservationOperator", dir(), locals())
+ __Parameters = {}
+ if Parameters is not None and type(Parameters) == type({}):
+ for par in ("useApproximatedDerivatives", "withCenteredDF", "withIncrement", "withmpEnabled", "withmpWorkers"):
+ if Parameters.has_key(par):
+ __Parameters[par] = Parameters[par]
+ __Matrix = Matrix
+ if DirectFunction is not None:
+ __Function = { "Direct":DirectFunction }
+ __Function.update(__Parameters)
+ elif ThreeFunctions is not None:
+ if (type(ThreeFunctions) is not type({})) or \
+ not ThreeFunctions.has_key("Direct") or \
+ not ThreeFunctions.has_key("Tangent") or \
+ not ThreeFunctions.has_key("Adjoint"):
+ raise ValueError("ThreeFunctions has to be a dictionnary and to have the 3 keys Direct, Tangent, Adjoint")
+ __Function = ThreeFunctions
+ __Function.update(__Parameters)
+ else:
+ __Function = None
+ #
+ self.__adaoStudy.setObservationOperator(
+ asFunction = __Function,
+ asMatrix = __Matrix,
+ toBeStored = Stored,
+ )
+ def analyze(self):
+ "Lancement du calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("analyze", dir(), locals())
+ try:
+ self.__adaoStudy.analyze()
+ except Exception as e:
+ if type(e) == type(SyntaxError()): msg = "at %s: %s"%(e.offset, e.text)
+ else: msg = ""
+ raise ValueError("during analyse, the following error occurs:\n\n%s %s\n\nSee also the potential messages, which can show the origin of the above error, in the launching terminal."%(str(e),msg))
+ def get(self, Variable=None):
+ "Récupération d'une sortie du calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("get",dir(),locals(),Variable)
+ return self.__adaoStudy.get(Variable)
+ def setObserver(
+ self,
+ Variable = None,
+ Template = None,
+ String = None,
+ Info = None):
+ "Définition d'un observateur du calcul"
+ self.__dumper.register("setObserver", dir(), locals())
+ if Variable is None:
+ raise ValueError("setting an observer has to be done over a variable name, not over None.")
+ else:
+ __Variable = str(Variable)
+ if Info is None:
+ __Info = str(Variable)
+ else:
+ __Info = str(Info)
+ #
+ if String is not None:
+ __FunctionText = String
+ elif Template is not None:
+ if Template == "ValuePrinter":
+ __FunctionText = "print info,var[-1]"
+ if Template == "ValueSeriePrinter":
+ __FunctionText = "print info,var[:]"
+ if Template == "ValueSaver":
+ __FunctionText = r"import numpy,re\nv=numpy.array((var[-1]))\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"
+ if Template == "ValueSerieSaver":
+ __FunctionText = r"import numpy,re\nv=numpy.array((var[:])) \nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"
+ if Template == "ValuePrinterAndSaver":
+ __FunctionText = r"import numpy,re\nv=numpy.array((var[-1]))\nprint info,v\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"
+ if Template == "ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver":
+ __FunctionText = r"import numpy,re\nv=numpy.array((var[:])) \nprint info,v\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"
+ if Template == "ValueGnuPlotter":
+ __FunctionText = r"import Gnuplot\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( var[-1], with_='lines lw 2' ) )"
+ if Template == "ValueSerieGnuPlotter":
+ __FunctionText = r"import Gnuplot\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( var[:], with_='lines lw 2' ) )"
+ else:
+ __FunctionText = ""
+ __Function = _ObserverF(__FunctionText)
+ #
+ self.__adaoStudy.setDataObserver(
+ VariableName = __Variable,
+ HookFunction = __Function.getfunc(),
+ HookParameters = __Info,
+ )
+ def dumpNormalizedCommands(self):
+ "Récupération de la liste des commandes de création d'un cas"
+ return self.__dumper.dump()
+# def __dir__(self):
+# # return set(self.__dict__.keys() + dir(self.__class__))
+# return [
+# 'AlgorithmParameters',
+# 'Background',
+# 'BackgroundError',
+# 'ControlInput',
+# 'ControlModel',
+# 'Controls',
+# 'Debug',
+# 'EvolutionError',
+# 'EvolutionModel',
+# 'InputVariables',
+# 'Observation',
+# 'ObservationError',
+# 'ObservationOperator',
+# 'Observers',
+# 'OutputVariables',
+# 'StudyName',
+# 'StudyRepertory',
+# 'UserDataInit',
+# 'UserPostAnalysis',
+# '__doc__',
+# '__init__',
+# '__module__',
+# 'analyze',
+# 'get',
+# 'prepare_to_pickle',
+# 'saveAsEFICASFile',
+# ]
+# def UserPostAnalysis(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def Controls(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def StudyName(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def StudyRepertory(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def Debug(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def EvolutionModel(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def EvolutionError(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def ControlModel(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def ControlInput(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def UserDataInit(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def InputVariables(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def OutputVariables(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def prepare_to_pickle(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# def saveAsEFICASFile(self):
+# raise NotImplementedError()
+# class NewFromYacsTemplate():
+# """
+# Creation TUI d'un cas ADAO à l'aide d'un cas YACS pré-existant
+# """
+# def __init__(self, salome_Study = None, name = ""):
+# raise NotImplementedError(NewFromYacsTemplate.__doc__)
+# class NewYacs():
+# """
+# Creation TUI d'un cas ADAO de type YACS
+# """
+# def __init__(self, salome_Study = None, name = ""):
+# raise NotImplementedError(NewYacs.__doc__)
+class _DumpLogger(object):
+ """
+ Conservation des commandes de création d'un cas
+ """
+ def __init__(self,__name="",__objname="case"):
+ self.__logSerie = []
+ # self.__logSerie.append("#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n#")
+ # self.__logSerie.append("# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 EDF R&D\n#")
+ self.__logSerie.append("#\n# Python script for ADAO\n#")
+ self.__logSerie.append("from numpy import *")
+ self.__logSerie.append("import adaoBuilder")
+ self.__logSerie.append("%s = adaoBuilder.NewPy('%s')"%(__objname,__name))
+ self.__switchoff = False
+ def register(self, __command=None, __keys=None, __local=None, __pre=None, __switchoff=False):
+ "Enregistrement d'une commande individuelle"
+ if __command is not None and __keys is not None and __local is not None and not self.__switchoff:
+ __text = ""
+ if __pre is not None:
+ __text += "%s = "%__pre
+ __text += "case.%s( "%str(__command)
+ __keys.remove("self")
+ for k in __keys:
+ __v = __local[k]
+ if __v is None: continue
+ __text += "%s=%s, "%(k,repr(__v))
+ __text += ")"
+ self.__logSerie.append(__text)
+ if __switchoff:
+ self.__switchoff = True
+ if not __switchoff:
+ self.__switchoff = False
+ def dump(self,filename=None):
+ "Restitution de la liste des commandes de création d'un cas"
+ if filename is None:
+ return "\n".join(self.__logSerie)
+ else:
+ fid = open(filename,"w")
+ fid.writelines(self.__logSerie)
+ fid.close()
+class _ObserverF(object):
+ """
+ Création d'une fonction d'observateur à partir de son texte
+ """
+ def __init__(self, corps=""):
+ self.__corps = corps
+ def func(self,var,info):
+ "Fonction d'observation"
+ exec(self.__corps)
+ def getfunc(self):
+ "Restitution du pointeur de fonction dans l'objet"
+ return self.func
+# ==============================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print '\n AUTODIAGNOSTIC \n'