JdC = JDC_CATA (code = 'ADAO',
execmodul = None,
-String_data_bloc = """
- STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
- STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
- ),
-Script_data_bloc = """
- SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
- SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
- ),
-Dict_data_bloc = """
- DICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
- SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
- ),
+data_method = """
+def F_${data_name}(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=(${data_into}), defaut=${data_default}),
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
-# Pour l'instant on ne gère qu'un seul script pour toutes les functions
-FunctionDict_data_bloc = """
- FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
+ ),
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
- FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
- ),
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ),
+ FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
-data_method = """
-def F_${data_name}(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
- FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=(${data_into})),
+ FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
+ ),
- "Analysis",
+ "UserPostAnalysis",
def F_Init(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
INIT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
TARGET_LIST = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max="**", into=F_InitChoice(), validators=(VerifExiste(2))),
assim_data_method = """
def F_${assim_name}(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
- regles = ( UN_PARMI (${choices})),
+ INPUT_TYPE = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=(${choices}), defaut=${default_choice}),
assim_data_choice = """
- ${choice_name} = F_${choice_name}("f"),
-assim_opt_choice = """
- ${choice_name} = F_${choice_name}("f"),
+ ${choice_name} = BLOC ( condition = " INPUT_TYPE in ( '${choice_name}', ) ",
+ data = F_${choice_name}("o"),
+ ),
-assim_algo = """
- ${name} = FACT(regles = ( ENSEMBLE ("Background", "BackgroundError",
- "Observation", "ObservationError",
- "ObservationOperator")),
- Background = F_Background("o"),
- BackgroundError = F_BackgroundError("o"),
- Observation = F_Observation("o"),
- ObservationError = F_ObservationError("o"),
- ObservationOperator = F_ObservationOperator("o"),
- AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("f"),
- Init = F_Init("f"),
- ),
assim_study = """
- op=None,
- repetable = "n",
- STUDY_NAME = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM"),
- ALGORITHM_NAME = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=(${algos_names})),
- STUDY_REPERTORY = SIMP(statut="f", typ
- ALGORITHM = FACT(statut='o',
- regles = ( UN_PARMI (${algos}),),
- ),
- )
+ op=None,
+ repetable = "n",
+ Study_name = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM"),
+ Study_repertory = SIMP(statut="f", typ = "TXM"),
+ Debug = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "I", into=(0, 1), defaut=0),
+ Algorithm = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM", into=(${algos_names})),
+ Background = F_Background("o"),
+ BackgroundError = F_BackgroundError("o"),
+ Observation = F_Observation("o"),
+ ObservationError = F_ObservationError("o"),
+ ObservationOperator = F_ObservationOperator("o"),
+ AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("f"),
+ UserDataInit = F_Init("f"),
+ UserPostAnalysis = F_Analysis("f")
+ )
begin_catalog_file = string.Template(begin_catalog_file)
data_method = string.Template(data_method)
assim_data_method = string.Template(assim_data_method)
assim_data_choice = string.Template(assim_data_choice)
-assim_opt_choice = string.Template(assim_opt_choice)
-assim_algo = string.Template(assim_algo)
assim_study = string.Template(assim_study)
#----------- End of Templates Part ---------------#
import daEficas
import daYacsSchemaCreator
import daCore.AssimilationStudy
+ import daYacsSchemaCreator.infos_daComposant as infos
logging.fatal("Import of ADAO python modules failed !" +
"\n add ADAO python installation directory in your PYTHONPATH")
from time import strftime
mem_file.write(begin_catalog_file.substitute(date=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
-# Step 1: Check basic data input types
-import daYacsSchemaCreator.infos_daComposant as infos
-for basic_type in infos.BasicDataInputs:
- logging.debug('A basic data input type is found: ' + basic_type)
- if basic_type + '_data_bloc' not in locals().keys():
- logging.fatal("Basic data input type not found: " + basic_type)
- sys.exit(1)
-# Step 2: Add data input dict
+# Step 1: A partir des infos, on crée les fonctions qui vont permettre
+# d'entrer les données utilisateur
for data_input_name in infos.DataTypeDict.keys():
- logging.debug('A data input is found: ' + data_input_name)
+ logging.debug('A data input Type is found: ' + data_input_name)
data_name = data_input_name
data_into = ""
- data_bloc = ""
+ data_default = ""
+ # On récupère les différentes façon d'entrer les données
for basic_type in infos.DataTypeDict[data_input_name]:
data_into += "\"" + basic_type + "\", "
- data_bloc += locals()[basic_type + '_data_bloc'] + "\n"
- mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
- data_into = data_into,
- data_bloc = data_bloc))
+ # On choisit le défault
+ data_default = "\"" + infos.DataTypeDefaultDict[data_input_name] + "\""
+ mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
+ data_into = data_into,
+ data_default = data_default))
-# Step 3: Add assimilation algorithm data input
+# Step 2: On crée les fonctions qui permettent de rentrer les données des algorithmes
for assim_data_input_name in infos.AssimDataDict.keys():
logging.debug("An assimilation algorithm data input is found: " + assim_data_input_name)
assim_name = assim_data_input_name
choices = ""
+ default_choice = ""
decl_choices = ""
decl_opts = ""
for choice in infos.AssimDataDict[assim_data_input_name]:
choices += "\"" + choice + "\", "
decl_choices += assim_data_choice.substitute(choice_name = choice)
+ default_choice = "\"" + infos.AssimDataDefaultDict[assim_data_input_name] + "\""
mem_file.write(assim_data_method.substitute(assim_name = assim_name,
choices = choices,
- decl_choices = decl_choices))
+ decl_choices = decl_choices,
+ default_choice=default_choice))
-# Step 4: Add optional nodes
+# Step 3: On ajoute les fonctions représentant les options possibles
opt_names = []
for opt_name in infos.OptDict.keys():
logging.debug("An optional node is found: " + opt_name)
data_name = opt_name
data_into = ""
- data_bloc = ""
+ data_default = ""
for choice in infos.OptDict[opt_name]:
data_into += "\"" + choice + "\", "
- data_bloc += locals()[choice + '_data_bloc'] + "\n"
+ data_default = "\"" + infos.OptDefaultDict[opt_name] + "\""
mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
data_into = data_into,
- data_bloc = data_bloc))
+ data_default = data_default))
-# Step 5: Add init node
+# Step 4: On ajoute la méthode optionnelle init
+# TODO uniformiser avec le step 3
# Final step: Add algorithm and assim_study
-algos = ""
algos_names = ""
decl_algos = ""
-decl_opts = ""
-for opt_name in opt_names:
- decl_opts += assim_opt_choice.substitute(choice_name = opt_name)
assim_study_object = daCore.AssimilationStudy.AssimilationStudy()
algos_list = assim_study_object.get_available_algorithms()
for algo_name in algos_list:
logging.debug("An assimilation algorithm is found: " + algo_name)
algos_names += "\"" + algo_name + "\", "
- if algo_name == "3DVAR":
- algo_name = "ThreeDVAR"
- algos += "\"" + algo_name + "\", "
- decl_algos += assim_algo.substitute(name = algo_name, decl_opts=decl_opts) + "\n"
- algos_names=algos_names,
# Write file
final_file = open(catalog_path + "/" + catalog_name, "wr")