// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SMESH_HexaBlocks.cxx
-// Author :
+// Author :
// Module : SMESH
-static double HEXA_EPSILON = 1E-3; //1E-3;
+static double HEXA_EPS = 1.0e-3; //1E-3;
static double HEXA_QUAD_WAY = PI/4.; //3.*PI/8.;
// static double HEXA_QUAD_WAY2 = 499999999.*PI/1000000000.;
+// ============================================================ string2shape
TopoDS_Shape string2shape( const string& brep )
TopoDS_Shape shape;
return shape;
+// ============================================================ shape2coord
bool shape2coord(const TopoDS_Shape& aShape, double& x, double& y, double& z)
if ( aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX ){
+// ============================================================= edge_length
+double edge_length(const TopoDS_Edge & E)
+ double UMin = 0, UMax = 0;
+ if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E))
+ return 0;
+ TopLoc_Location L;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, L, UMin, UMax);
+ GeomAdaptor_Curve AdaptCurve(C);
+ double length = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(AdaptCurve, UMin, UMax);
+ return length;
+// =============================================================== make_curve
+BRepAdaptor_Curve* make_curve (Hex::Shape* assoc, gp_Pnt& pstart, gp_Pnt& pend,
+ double& length, double& u_start)
+ string theBrep = assoc->getBrep();
+ double ass_debut = std::min (assoc->getStart(), assoc->getEnd());
+ double ass_fin = std::max (assoc->getStart(), assoc->getEnd());
+ TopoDS_Shape theShape = string2shape( theBrep );
+ TopoDS_Edge theEdge = TopoDS::Edge( theShape );
+ double curv_length = edge_length( theEdge );
+ double u_end = 0;
+ if ( curv_length <= 0.0 )
+ return NULL;
+ BRepAdaptor_Curve* theCurve = new BRepAdaptor_Curve( theEdge );
+ GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_start (*theCurve, curv_length*ass_debut,
+ theCurve->FirstParameter() );
+ GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_end (*theCurve, curv_length*ass_fin,
+ theCurve->FirstParameter() );
+ u_start = discret_start.Parameter();
+ u_end = discret_end .Parameter();
+ ASSERT( discret_start.IsDone() && discret_end.IsDone() );
+ pstart = theCurve->Value( u_start);
+ pend = theCurve->Value( u_end );
+ length = curv_length*( ass_fin - ass_debut);
+ return theCurve;
+// ============================================================== Constructeur
// SMESH_HexaBlocks::SMESH_HexaBlocks( SMESH_Mesh* theMesh ):
SMESH_HexaBlocks::SMESH_HexaBlocks(SMESH_Mesh& theMesh):
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Vertex computing
// --------------------------------------------------------------
+// ============================================================== computeVertex
bool SMESH_HexaBlocks::computeVertex(HEXA_NS::Vertex& vx)
- bool ok = false;
- ok = computeVertexByAssoc( vx );
+ double px, py, pz;
+ vx.getAssoCoord (px, py, pz);
+ SMDS_MeshNode* new_node = _theMeshDS->AddNode (px, py, pz);
+ _vertex [new_node] = &vx;
+ _node [&vx] = new_node; //needed in computeEdge()
+ _computeVertexOK = true;
+ return true;
+ bool ok = computeVertexByAssoc( vx );
if ( ok == false ){
ok = computeVertexByModel( vx );
_computeVertexOK = true;
return ok;
SMDS_MeshNode* LAST_NODE = _node[vx1];
- // A) Build myCurve
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > myCurve;
- double myCurve_length;
+ // A) Build myCurve_list
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > myCurve_list;
+ double myCurve_tot_len;
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double> myCurve_lengths;
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool> myCurve_ways;
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double> myCurve_starts;
- gp_Pnt myCurve_start( FIRST_NODE->X(), FIRST_NODE->Y(), FIRST_NODE->Z() );
- gp_Pnt myCurve_end( LAST_NODE->X(), LAST_NODE->Y(), LAST_NODE->Z() );
+ gp_Pnt myCurve_pt_start(FIRST_NODE->X(), FIRST_NODE->Y(), FIRST_NODE->Z());
+ gp_Pnt myCurve_pt_end (LAST_NODE->X(), LAST_NODE->Y(), LAST_NODE->Z());
- myCurve_start,
- myCurve_end,
- myCurve,
- myCurve_length,
+ myCurve_pt_start,
+ myCurve_pt_end,
+ myCurve_list,
+ myCurve_tot_len,
- // B) Build nodes and edges on mesh from myCurve
+ // B) Build nodes and edges on mesh from myCurve_list
SMDS_MeshNode* node_a = NULL;
SMDS_MeshNode* node_b = NULL;
SMDS_MeshEdge* edge_ab = NULL;
if (MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("nbNodes -> "<<nbNodes);
for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i){
u = _Xx(i, law, nbNodes); //u between [0,1]
- myCurve_u = u*myCurve_length;
+ myCurve_u = u*myCurve_tot_len;
if (MYDEBUG) {
MESSAGE("u -> "<<u);
MESSAGE("myCurve_u -> "<<myCurve_u);
- MESSAGE("myCurve_length -> "<<myCurve_length);
+ MESSAGE("myCurve_tot_len -> "<<myCurve_tot_len);
ptOnMyCurve = _getPtOnMyCurve( myCurve_u,
- myCurve,
+ myCurve_list,
edge_ab = _theMeshDS->AddEdge( node_a, node_b );
nodesOnEdge.push_back( node_b );
edgesOnEdge.push_back( edge_ab );
-// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back( u );
if (_nodeXx.count(node_b) >= 1 ) ASSERT(false);
_nodeXx[node_b] = u;
node_a = node_b;
edge_ab = _theMeshDS->AddEdge( node_a, LAST_NODE );
nodesOnEdge.push_back( LAST_NODE );
edgesOnEdge.push_back( edge_ab );
-// nodesXxOnEdge.push_back( 1. );
- // _nodeXx[LAST_NODE] = 1.;
_nodesOnEdge[&edge] = nodesOnEdge;
_edgesOnEdge[&edge] = edgesOnEdge;
-// _edgeXx[&edge] = nodesXxOnEdge;
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeEdgeByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");
return ok;
- // SECOND STEP: setting edges ways
+ // SECOND STEP: setting edges ways
while ( skinQuad.size()>0 ){
for ( std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*>::iterator it = skinQuad.begin(); it != skinQuad.end(); it++ ){
- if ( e_0 == NULL and e_1 == NULL ) ASSERT(false);// should never happened,
+ if ( e_0 == NULL and e_1 == NULL ) ASSERT(false);// should never happened,
for ( int j=0 ; j < 4 ; ++j ){
e = q->getEdge(j);
if ( q == first_q ){
localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( edgeWays[e].first, edgeWays[e].second );
} else {
- localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( edgeWays[e].second, edgeWays[e].first);
+ localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( edgeWays[e].second, edgeWays[e].first);
firstVertex = localEdgeWays[e].first;
lastVertex = localEdgeWays[e].second;
} else {
HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);
HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);
if ( lastVertex == e_0 ){
firstVertex = e_0; lastVertex = e_1;
} else if ( lastVertex == e_1 ){
//add new working quad
for ( int i=0 ; i < 4; ++i ){
HEXA_NS::Quad* next_q = NULL;
next_q = NULL;
int fromSkin = std::count( skinQuad.begin(), skinQuad.end(), next_q );
- if (fromSkin != 0){
+ if (fromSkin != 0){
int fromWorkingQuad = std::count( workingQuad.begin(), workingQuad.end(), next_q );
if ( fromWorkingQuad == 0 ){
workingQuad.push_front( next_q );
// setting quad way
HEXA_NS::Edge* e0 = q->getEdge(0);
HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0_0 = e0->getVertex(0);
if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].first ){
quadWays[q] = true;
} else if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].second ){
// // std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, bool> edgeWays;
// // std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > edgeWays;
// std::map<HEXA_NS::Quad*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > workingQuads;
// std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> skinQuad;
// std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> notSkinQuad;
// // std::list<HEXA_NS::Quad*> workingQuad;
// HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;
// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = NULL;
// HEXA_NS::Vertex *e_0, *e_1 = NULL;
// // FIRST STEP: eliminate free quad + internal quad
// int nTotalQuad = doc.countQuad();
// for (int i=0; i < nTotalQuad; ++i ){
// default: if ( q->getNbrParents() > 2 ) ASSERT(false);
// }
// }
// q = first_q = skinQuad.front();
// e = q->getUsedEdge(0);
// e_0 = e->getVertex(0);
// e_1 = e->getVertex(1);
// workingQuads[q] = std::make_pair( e_0, e_1 );
// while ( workingQuads.size() > 0 ){
// MESSAGE("CURRENT QUAD ------>"<< q->getId());
// HEXA_NS::Vertex *lastVertex=NULL, *firstVertex = NULL;
// int i = 0;
// std::map<HEXA_NS::Edge*, std::pair<HEXA_NS::Vertex*, HEXA_NS::Vertex*> > localEdgeWays;
// while ( localEdgeWays.size() != 4 ){
// HEXA_NS::Edge* e = q->getUsedEdge(i%4);
// if ( lastVertex == NULL ){
// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_0 = e->getVertex(0);
// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e_1 = e->getVertex(1);
-// if ( (workingQuads[q].first == e_0 and workingQuads[q].second == e_1)
+// if ( (workingQuads[q].first == e_0 and workingQuads[q].second == e_1)
// or (workingQuads[q].first == e_1 and workingQuads[q].second == e_0) ){
// if ( q == first_q ){
// localEdgeWays[e] = std::make_pair( workingQuads[q].first, workingQuads[q].second );
// }
// ++i;
// }
// //add new working quad
// for ( int i=0 ; i < 4; ++i ){
// HEXA_NS::Quad* next_q = NULL;
// next_q = NULL;
// }
// int fromSkin = std::count( skinQuad.begin(), skinQuad.end(), next_q );
-// if (fromSkin != 0){
+// if (fromSkin != 0){
// // int fromWorkingQuad = std::count( workingQuads.begin(), workingQuads.end(), next_q );
// int fromWorkingQuad = workingQuads.count( next_q );
-// // MESSAGE("CHECK QUAD:"<< newWorkingQuad->getId());
+// // MESSAGE("CHECK QUAD:"<< newWorkingQuad->getId());
// if ( fromWorkingQuad == 0 ){
// // workingQuads.push_front( next_q );
// workingQuads[ next_q ] = localEdgeWays[e];
-// // MESSAGE("EDGE :"<<e->getId()<<"ADD QUAD :"<< newWorkingQuad->getId());
+// // MESSAGE("EDGE :"<<e->getId()<<"ADD QUAD :"<< newWorkingQuad->getId());
// }
// }
// }
// }
// //setting quad way
// HEXA_NS::Edge* e0 = q->getUsedEdge(0);
// HEXA_NS::Vertex* e0_0 = e0->getVertex(0);
// if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].first ){
// quadWays[q] = true;
// } else if ( e0_0 == localEdgeWays[ e0 ].second ){
// ASSERT(false);
// }
// MESSAGE("quadWays ID ="<< q->getId() << ", WAY = " << quadWays[q] );
// // workingQuad.remove( q );
// workingQuads.erase( q );
// skinQuad.remove( q );
if ( shapes.size() == 0 ){
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByAssoc() : end >>>>>>>>");
return false;
- }
+ }
TopoDS_Shape shapeOrCompound = _getShapeOrCompound( shapes );
// bool quadWay = _computeQuadWay( quad, S1, S2, S3, S4, &shapeOrCompound );
// bool quadWay = _computeQuadWay( quad );
double v = yy[j];
_nodeInterpolationUV(u, v, Pg, Pd, Ph, Pb, S1, S2, S3, S4, newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ);
- gp_Pnt newPt = gp_Pnt( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );//interpolated point
+ gp_Pnt newPt = gp_Pnt( newNodeX, newNodeY, newNodeZ );//interpolated point
gp_Pnt pt1;
gp_Pnt pt3;
if ( interpolatedPoints.count(n1) > 0 ){
_quadNodes[ &quad ] = nodesOnQuad;
_facesOnQuad[&quad] = facesOnQuad;
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : end >>>>>>>>");
return ok;
std::vector<double> xx, yy;
// Elements for quad computation
- SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3;
+ SMDS_MeshNode *S1, *S2, *S4, *S3;
// bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, eh, eb, eg, ed, S1, S2, S3, S4 );
bool initOk = _computeQuadInit( quad, nodesOnQuad, xx, yy );
_quadNodes[ &quad ] = nodesOnQuad;
_facesOnQuad[&quad] = facesOnQuad;
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("computeQuadByLinearApproximation() : end >>>>>>>>");
return ok;
bool ok = true;
// A) Vertex computation
doc->lockDump ();
int nVertex = doc->countUsedVertex();
HEXA_NS::Vertex* vertex = NULL;
+// ============================================================= _edgeLength
double SMESH_HexaBlocks::_edgeLength(const TopoDS_Edge & E)
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_edgeLength() : : begin <<<<<<");
return length;
+// ============================================================== _buildMyCurve
+// === construire ma courbe a moi
void SMESH_HexaBlocks::_buildMyCurve(
const std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*>& associations, //IN
- const gp_Pnt& myCurve_start, //IN
- const gp_Pnt& myCurve_end, //IN
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve, //INOUT
- double& myCurve_length, //INOUT
+ const gp_Pnt& myCurve_pt_start, //IN
+ const gp_Pnt& myCurve_pt_end, //IN
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve_list, //INOUT
+ double& myCurve_tot_len, //INOUT
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lengths,//INOUT
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool>& myCurve_ways, //INOUT
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_starts, //INOUT
HEXA_NS::Edge& edge) // For error diagnostic
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_buildMyCurve() : : begin <<<<<<");
- bool myCurve_way = true;
- myCurve_length = 0.;
+ bool current_way = true;
+ myCurve_tot_len = 0.;
BRepAdaptor_Curve* thePreviousCurve = NULL;
BRepAdaptor_Curve* theCurve = NULL;
- gp_Pnt theCurve_start, theCurve_end;
- gp_Pnt thePreviousCurve_start , thePreviousCurve_end;
+ gp_Pnt curv_start, curv_end;
+ gp_Pnt p_curv_start , p_curv_end;
+ double u_start = 0;
+ double curv_length = 0;
- for ( std::vector <HEXA_NS::Shape*> ::const_iterator assoc = associations.begin();
- assoc != associations.end();
- ++assoc ){
- string theBrep = (*assoc)->getBrep();
- double ass_debut = std::min ((*assoc)->getStart(), (*assoc)->getEnd());
- double ass_fin = std::max ((*assoc)->getStart(), (*assoc)->getEnd());
- TopoDS_Shape theShape = string2shape( theBrep );
- TopoDS_Edge theEdge = TopoDS::Edge( theShape );
- double theCurve_length = _edgeLength( theEdge );
- if (MYDEBUG)
- MESSAGE("_edgeLength ->"<<theCurve_length);
- if ( theCurve_length > 0 ){
+ int nbass = associations.size ();
+ for (int nro = 0 ; nro < nbass ; ++nro)
+ {
+ theCurve = make_curve (associations[nro], curv_start, curv_end,
+ curv_length, u_start);
+ if (theCurve != NULL)
+ {
+ bool sens = true;
double f, l;
- Handle(Geom_Curve) testCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(theEdge, f, l);
- theCurve = new BRepAdaptor_Curve( theEdge );
- GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_start (*theCurve,
- theCurve_length*ass_debut,
- theCurve->FirstParameter() );
- GCPnts_AbscissaPoint discret_end (*theCurve,
- theCurve_length*ass_fin,
- theCurve->FirstParameter() );
- double u_start = discret_start.Parameter();
- double u_end = discret_end.Parameter();
- ASSERT( discret_start.IsDone() && discret_end.IsDone() );
- theCurve_start = theCurve->Value( u_start);
- theCurve_end = theCurve->Value( u_end );
- theCurve_length = theCurve_length*( ass_fin - ass_debut);
- if (MYDEBUG){
- MESSAGE("testCurve->f ->"<<f);
- MESSAGE("testCurve->l ->"<<l);
- MESSAGE("testCurve->FirstParameter ->"<<testCurve->FirstParameter());
- MESSAGE("testCurve->LastParameter ->"<<testCurve->LastParameter());
- MESSAGE("FirstParameter ->"<<theCurve->FirstParameter());
- MESSAGE("LastParameter ->"<<theCurve->LastParameter());
- MESSAGE("theCurve_length ->"<<theCurve_length);
- MESSAGE("(*assoc)->getStart() ->"<< ass_debut );
- MESSAGE("(*assoc)->getEnd() ->"<< ass_fin );
- MESSAGE("u_start ->"<<u_start);
- MESSAGE("u_end ->"<<u_end);
- MESSAGE("myCurve_start( "<<myCurve_start.X()<<", "<<myCurve_start.Y()<<", "<<myCurve_start.Z()<<") ");
- MESSAGE("theCurve_start( "<<theCurve_start.X()<<", "<<theCurve_start.Y()<<", "<<theCurve_start.Z()<<") ");
- MESSAGE("myCurve_end( "<<myCurve_end.X()<<", "<<myCurve_end.Y()<<", "<<myCurve_end.Z()<<") ");
- MESSAGE("theCurve_end( "<<theCurve_end.X()<<", "<<theCurve_end.Y()<<", "<<theCurve_end.Z()<<") ");
- }
- if ( thePreviousCurve == NULL ){
- // setting myCurve_way and first curve way
- if ( myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON)");
- myCurve_way = true;
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = true;
- } else if ( myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_start.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON)");
- myCurve_way = true;
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = false;
- } else if ( myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON)");
- myCurve_way = false;
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = true;
- } else if ( myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON) ){
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("myCurve_end.IsEqual(theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON)");
- myCurve_way = false;
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = false;
- } else {
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... Bad script?");
-// ASSERT(false);
- edge.dumpAsso();
- throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Edge association : check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));
- }
+ if ( thePreviousCurve == NULL )
+ {
+ // setting current_way and first curve way
+ if ( myCurve_pt_start.IsEqual(curv_start, HEXA_EPS) )
+ {
+ current_way = true;
+ sens = true;
+ }
+ else if ( myCurve_pt_start.IsEqual(curv_end, HEXA_EPS) )
+ {
+ current_way = true;
+ sens = false;
+ }
+ else if ( myCurve_pt_end.IsEqual(curv_end, HEXA_EPS) )
+ {
+ current_way = false;
+ sens = true;
+ }
+ else if ( myCurve_pt_end.IsEqual(curv_start, HEXA_EPS) )
+ {
+ current_way = false;
+ sens = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (MYDEBUG)
+ MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... Bad script?");
+ edge.dumpAsso();
+ throw (SALOME_Exception (LOCALIZED("Edge association : check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));
+ }
- } else {
+ }
// it is not the first or last curve.
// ways are calculated between previous and new one.
- if ( thePreviousCurve_end.IsEqual( theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON )
- or thePreviousCurve_start.IsEqual( theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON ) ){
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = !myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// opposite WAY
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("opposite WAY");
- } else if ( thePreviousCurve_end.IsEqual( theCurve_start, HEXA_EPSILON )
- or thePreviousCurve_start.IsEqual( theCurve_end, HEXA_EPSILON ) ){
- myCurve_ways[theCurve] = myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// same WAY
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("same WAY");
- } else {
- if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... bad script?");
+ else
+ {
+ if ( p_curv_end.IsEqual( curv_end, HEXA_EPS )
+ || p_curv_start.IsEqual( curv_start, HEXA_EPS ) )
+ {
+ sens = NOT myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// opposite WAY
+ }
+ else if ( p_curv_end.IsEqual( curv_start, HEXA_EPS )
+ || p_curv_start.IsEqual( curv_end, HEXA_EPS ) )
+ {
+ sens = myCurve_ways[thePreviousCurve];// same WAY
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (MYDEBUG)
+ MESSAGE("SOMETHING WRONG on edge association... bad script?");
// ASSERT(false);
- throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Edge association : Check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));
+ edge.dumpAsso();
+ throw (SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("Edge association : Check association parameters ( first, last ) between HEXA model and CAO")));
- myCurve_starts[theCurve] = u_start;
- myCurve_lengths[theCurve] = theCurve_length;
- myCurve_length += theCurve_length;
- myCurve.push_back( theCurve );
+ myCurve_list.push_back( theCurve );
+ myCurve_ways [theCurve] = sens;
+ myCurve_starts [theCurve] = u_start;
+ myCurve_lengths[theCurve] = curv_length;
+ myCurve_tot_len += curv_length;
thePreviousCurve = theCurve;
- thePreviousCurve_start = theCurve_start;
- thePreviousCurve_end = theCurve_end;
- }//if ( theCurveLength > 0 ){
+ p_curv_start = curv_start;
+ p_curv_end = curv_end;
+ }//if ( theCurveLength > 0 )
}// for
- if ( myCurve_way == false ){
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > tmp( myCurve.size() );
- std::copy( myCurve.rbegin(), myCurve.rend(), tmp.begin() );
- myCurve = tmp;
+ if ( NOT current_way ){
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* > tmp( myCurve_list.size() );
+ std::copy( myCurve_list.rbegin(), myCurve_list.rend(), tmp.begin() );
+ myCurve_list = tmp;
if (MYDEBUG) {
- MESSAGE("myCurve_way was :"<<myCurve_way);
+ MESSAGE("current_way was :" << current_way);
MESSAGE("_buildMyCurve() : end >>>>>>>>");
-gp_Pnt SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getPtOnMyCurve(
+gp_Pnt SMESH_HexaBlocks::_getPtOnMyCurve(
const double& myCurve_u, //IN
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, bool>& myCurve_ways, //IN
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lengths,//IN
std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_starts, //IN
- std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve, //INOUT
+ std::list< BRepAdaptor_Curve* >& myCurve_list, //INOUT
double& myCurve_start ) //INOUT
// std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_firsts,
// std::map< BRepAdaptor_Curve*, double>& myCurve_lasts,
if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("_getPtOnMyCurve() : : begin <<<<<<");
gp_Pnt ptOnMyCurve;
- // looking for curve which contains parameter myCurve_u
- BRepAdaptor_Curve* curve = myCurve.front();
+ // looking for curve which contains parameter myCurve_u
+ BRepAdaptor_Curve* curve = myCurve_list.front();
double curve_start = myCurve_start;
double curve_end = curve_start + myCurve_lengths[curve];
double curve_u;
MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_start = "<<curve_start);
MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_end = "<<curve_end);
MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve_lenght = "<<myCurve_lengths[curve]);
- MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve.size _lenght= "<<myCurve.size());
+ MESSAGE("looking for curve: curve.size _lenght= "<<myCurve_list.size());
while ( not ( (myCurve_u >= curve_start) and (myCurve_u <= curve_end) ) ) {
- // if (myCurve.size() == 0 )
- // {
- // PutData (myCurve.size());
- // PutData (myCurve_u);
- // }
- ASSERT( myCurve.size() != 0 );
- myCurve.pop_front();
- curve = myCurve.front();
+ ASSERT( myCurve_list.size() != 0 );
+ myCurve_list.pop_front();
+ curve = myCurve_list.front();
curve_start = curve_end;
curve_end = curve_start + myCurve_lengths[curve];
SMDS_MeshNode* Pg, SMDS_MeshNode* Pd, SMDS_MeshNode* Ph, SMDS_MeshNode* Pb,
SMDS_MeshNode* S1, SMDS_MeshNode* S2, SMDS_MeshNode* S3, SMDS_MeshNode* S4,
double& xOut, double& yOut, double& zOut )
MESSAGE("_nodeInterpolationUV() IN:");
MESSAGE("u ( "<< u <<" )");
ASSERT( shapesIn.size()!=0 );
if (shapesIn.size() == 1) {
- HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = shapesIn.front();
+ HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = shapesIn.front();
string strBrep = assoc->getBrep();
return string2shape( strBrep );
} else {
// ================================================== dist2
inline double dist2 (const gp_Pnt& pt1, const gp_Pnt& pt2)
- double dist = carre (pt2.X()-pt1.X()) + carre (pt2.Y()-pt1.Y())
+ double dist = carre (pt2.X()-pt1.X()) + carre (pt2.Y()-pt1.Y())
+ carre (pt2.Z()-pt1.Z());
return dist;
gp_Vec AB( pA, pB );
gp_Vec AC( pA, pC );
- gp_Vec normP = AB^AC;
+ gp_Vec normP = AB^AC;
gp_Dir dirP( normP );
// building plane for point projection
if ( CC.IsOpposite(DD, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) return;
// ok, give the input quad the good orientation by
- // setting 2 vertex
+ // setting 2 vertex
if ( !dirP.IsOpposite(AA, HEXA_QUAD_WAY) ) { //OK
v0 = qA; v1 = qB;
} else {
- case HEXA_NS::HexaNode:
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaNode:
HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = reinterpret_cast<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(grHexElt);
if ( _volumesOnHexa.count(h)>0 ){
for ( SMESHVolumes::iterator aVolume = volumes.begin(); aVolume != volumes.end(); ++aVolume ){
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aNodeIter = (*aVolume)->nodesIterator();
while( aNodeIter->more() ){
- const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode =
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aNode =
dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( aNodeIter->next() );
if ( aNode ){