geom = 0
subm = 0
algo = 0
+ hypos = {}
+ def FindHypothesis(self,hypname, args):
+ key = "%s %s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, hypname, args)
+ if Mesh_Algorithm.hypos.has_key( key ):
+ return Mesh_Algorithm.hypos[ key ]
+ return None
## If the algorithm is global, return 0; \n
# else return the submesh associated to this algorithm.
## Private method.
def Create(self, mesh, geom, hypo, so=""):
+ if geom is None:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Attemp to create " + hypo + " algoritm on None shape"
+ algo = smesh.CreateHypothesis(hypo, so)
+ self.Assign(algo, mesh, geom)
+ return self.algo
+ ## Private method
+ def Assign(self, algo, mesh, geom):
if geom is None:
raise RuntimeError, "Attemp to create " + hypo + " algoritm on None shape"
self.mesh = mesh
piece = mesh.geom
- if geom==0:
+ if not geom:
self.geom = piece
- name = GetName(piece)
self.geom = geom
name = GetName(geom)
if name==NO_NAME:
name = geompy.SubShapeName(geom, piece)
geompy.addToStudyInFather(piece, geom, name)
- self.subm = mesh.mesh.GetSubMesh(geom, hypo)
+ self.subm = mesh.mesh.GetSubMesh(geom, algo.GetName())
- self.algo = smesh.CreateHypothesis(hypo, so)
- SetName(self.algo, name + "/" + hypo)
+ self.algo = algo
status = mesh.mesh.AddHypothesis(self.geom, self.algo)
- TreatHypoStatus( status, hypo, name, 1 )
+ TreatHypoStatus( status, algo.GetName(), GetName(algo), True )
## Private method
- def Hypothesis(self, hyp, args=[], so=""):
- hypo = smesh.CreateHypothesis(hyp, so)
- a = ""
- s = "="
- i = 0
- n = len(args)
- while i<n:
- a = a + s + str(args[i])
- s = ","
- i = i + 1
- name = GetName(self.geom)
- SetName(hypo, name + "/" + hyp + a)
+ def Hypothesis(self, hyp, args=[], so="", UseExisting=0):
+ CreateNew = 1
+ if UseExisting:
+ hypo = self.FindHypothesis(hyp, args)
+ if hypo!=None: CreateNew = 0
+ pass
+ if CreateNew:
+ hypo = smesh.CreateHypothesis(hyp, so)
+ key = "%s %s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, hyp, args)
+ Mesh_Algorithm.hypos[key] = hypo
+ a = ""
+ s = "="
+ i = 0
+ n = len(args)
+ while i<n:
+ a = a + s + str(args[i])
+ s = ","
+ i = i + 1
+ name = GetName(self.geom)
+ #SetName(hypo, name + "/" + hyp + a) - NPAL16198
+ SetName(hypo, hyp + a)
+ pass
status = self.mesh.mesh.AddHypothesis(self.geom, hypo)
- TreatHypoStatus( status, hyp, name, 0 )
+ TreatHypoStatus( status, hyp, GetName(hypo), 0 )
return hypo
# More details.
class Mesh_Segment(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Segment's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Regular_1D")
+ if not Mesh_Segment.algo:
+ Mesh_Segment.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Regular_1D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Segment.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
## Define "LocalLength" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with the same length
# @param l for the length of segments that cut an edge
- def LocalLength(self, l):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("LocalLength", [l])
+ def LocalLength(self, l, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("LocalLength", [l], UseExisting=UseExisting)
return hyp
## Define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut an edge in several fixed number of segments
# @param n for the number of segments that cut an edge
# @param s for the scale factor (optional)
- def NumberOfSegments(self, n, s=[]):
+ def NumberOfSegments(self, n, s=[], UseExisting=0):
if s == []:
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n])
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n], UseExisting=UseExisting)
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n,s])
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n,s], UseExisting=UseExisting)
hyp.SetDistrType( 1 )
## Define "Arithmetic1D" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with arithmetic length increasing
# @param start for the length of the first segment
# @param end for the length of the last segment
- def Arithmetic1D(self, start, end):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("Arithmetic1D", [start, end])
+ def Arithmetic1D(self, start, end, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("Arithmetic1D", [start, end], UseExisting=UseExisting)
hyp.SetLength(start, 1)
hyp.SetLength(end , 0)
return hyp
## Define "StartEndLength" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with geometric length increasing
# @param start for the length of the first segment
# @param end for the length of the last segment
- def StartEndLength(self, start, end):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("StartEndLength", [start, end])
+ def StartEndLength(self, start, end, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("StartEndLength", [start, end], UseExisting=UseExisting)
hyp.SetLength(start, 1)
hyp.SetLength(end , 0)
return hyp
## Define "Deflection1D" hypothesis
# @param d for the deflection
- def Deflection1D(self, d):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("Deflection1D", [d])
+ def Deflection1D(self, d, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("Deflection1D", [d], UseExisting=UseExisting)
return hyp
## Define "Propagation" hypothesis that propagate all other hypothesis on all others edges that are in
# the opposite side in the case of quadrangular faces
def Propagation(self):
- return self.Hypothesis("Propagation")
+ return self.Hypothesis("Propagation", UseExisting=1)
## Define "AutomaticLength" hypothesis
# @param fineness for the fineness [0-1]
- def AutomaticLength(self, fineness=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("AutomaticLength")
+ def AutomaticLength(self, fineness=0, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("AutomaticLength",[fineness],UseExisting=UseExisting)
hyp.SetFineness( fineness )
return hyp
## Define "SegmentLengthAroundVertex" hypothesis
# @param length for the segment length
# @param vertex for the length localization: vertex index [0,1] | verext object
- def LengthNearVertex(self, length, vertex=0):
+ def LengthNearVertex(self, length, vertex=0, UseExisting=0):
import types
store_geom = self.geom
if vertex:
self.geom = vertex
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentAroundVertex_0D")
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentLengthAroundVertex")
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentAroundVertex_0D",[length],UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentLengthAroundVertex",[length],UseExisting=UseExisting)
self.geom = store_geom
hyp.SetLength( length )
return hyp
# The 3D mesher generates quadratic volumes only if all boundary faces
# are quadratic ones, else it fails.
def QuadraticMesh(self):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadraticMesh")
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadraticMesh", UseExisting=1)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_CompositeSegment
# More details.
class Mesh_CompositeSegment(Mesh_Segment):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_CompositeSegment's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "CompositeSegment_1D")
+ if not Mesh_CompositeSegment.algo:
+ Mesh_CompositeSegment.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "CompositeSegment_1D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_CompositeSegment.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
# Public class: Mesh_Segment_Python
# More details.
class Mesh_Segment_Python(Mesh_Segment):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Segment_Python's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
import Python1dPlugin
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Python_1D", "")
+ if not Mesh_Segment_Python.algo:
+ Mesh_Segment_Python.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Python_1D", "")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Segment_Python.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
## Define "PythonSplit1D" hypothesis based on the Erwan Adam patch, awaiting equivalent SALOME functionality
# @param n for the number of segments that cut an edge
# @param func for the python function that calculate the length of all segments
- def PythonSplit1D(self, n, func):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("PythonSplit1D", [n], "")
+ def PythonSplit1D(self, n, func, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("PythonSplit1D", [n], "", UseExisting=UseExisting)
return hyp
algoType = 0
params = 0
+ algoMEF = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Triangle's
+ algoNET = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Triangle's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, algoType, geom=0):
if algoType == MEFISTO:
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "MEFISTO_2D")
+ if not Mesh_Triangle.algoMEF:
+ Mesh_Triangle.algoMEF = self.Create(mesh, geom, "MEFISTO_2D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Triangle.algoMEF, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ pass
elif algoType == NETGEN:
if noNETGENPlugin:
print "Warning: NETGENPlugin module has not been imported."
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
+ pass
+ if not Mesh_Triangle.algoNET:
+ Mesh_Triangle.algoNET = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Triangle.algoNET, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ pass
self.algoType = algoType
## Define "MaxElementArea" hypothesis to give the maximun area of each triangles
# @param area for the maximum area of each triangles
- def MaxElementArea(self, area):
+ def MaxElementArea(self, area, UseExisting=0):
if self.algoType == MEFISTO:
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementArea", [area])
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementArea", [area], UseExisting=UseExisting)
return hyp
elif self.algoType == NETGEN:
## Define "LengthFromEdges" hypothesis to build triangles based on the length of the edges taken from the wire
def LengthFromEdges(self):
if self.algoType == MEFISTO:
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("LengthFromEdges")
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("LengthFromEdges", UseExisting=1)
return hyp
elif self.algoType == NETGEN:
print "Netgen 1D-2D algo doesn't support this hypothesis"
## Define "Netgen 2D Parameters" hypothesis
def Parameters(self):
if self.algoType == NETGEN:
- self.params = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters_2D", [], "")
+ self.params = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters_2D", [],
+ "", UseExisting=0)
return self.params
elif self.algoType == MEFISTO:
print "Mefisto algo doesn't support this hypothesis"
# More details.
class Mesh_Quadrangle(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Quadrangle's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Quadrangle_2D")
+ if not Mesh_Quadrangle.algo:
+ Mesh_Quadrangle.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Quadrangle_2D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Quadrangle.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
## Define "QuadranglePreference" hypothesis, forcing construction
# of quadrangles if the number of nodes on opposite edges is not the same
# in the case where the global number of nodes on edges is even
def QuadranglePreference(self):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadranglePreference")
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadranglePreference", UseExisting=1)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Tetrahedron
params = 0
algoType = 0
+ algoNET = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Tetrahedron's
+ algoGHS = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Tetrahedron's
+ algoFNET = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Tetrahedron's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, algoType, geom=0):
if algoType == NETGEN:
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_3D", "")
+ if not Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoNET:
+ Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoNET = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_3D", "")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoNET, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ pass
elif algoType == GHS3D:
- import GHS3DPlugin
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "GHS3D_3D" , "")
+ if not Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoGHS:
+ import GHS3DPlugin
+ Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoGHS = self.Create(mesh, geom, "GHS3D_3D" , "")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoGHS, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ pass
elif algoType == FULL_NETGEN:
if noNETGENPlugin:
print "Warning: NETGENPlugin module has not been imported."
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
+ if not Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoFNET:
+ Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoFNET = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoFNET, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ pass
self.algoType = algoType
## Define "MaxElementVolume" hypothesis to give the maximun volume of each tetrahedral
# @param vol for the maximum volume of each tetrahedral
- def MaxElementVolume(self, vol):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementVolume", [vol])
+ def MaxElementVolume(self, vol, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementVolume", [vol], UseExisting=UseExisting)
return hyp
## Define "Netgen 3D Parameters" hypothesis
def Parameters(self):
if (self.algoType == FULL_NETGEN):
- self.params = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters", [], "")
+ self.params = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters", [],
+ "", UseExisting=0)
return self.params
print "Algo doesn't support this hypothesis"
# More details.
class Mesh_Hexahedron(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Hexahedron's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexa_3D")
+ if not Mesh_Hexahedron.algo:
+ Mesh_Hexahedron.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexa_3D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Hexahedron.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
# Deprecated, only for compatibility!
# Public class: Mesh_Netgen
is3D = 0
+ algoNET23 = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Netgen's
+ algoNET2 = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Netgen's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, is3D, geom=0):
if noNETGENPlugin:
self.is3D = is3D
if is3D:
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
+ if not Mesh_Netgen.algoNET23:
+ Mesh_Netgen.algoNET23 = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Netgen.algoNET23, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ pass
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
+ if not Mesh_Netgen.algoNET2:
+ Mesh_Netgen.algoNET2 = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Netgen.algoNET2, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ pass
## Define hypothesis containing parameters of the algorithm
def Parameters(self):
if self.is3D:
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters", [], "")
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters", [],
+ "", UseExisting=0)
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters_2D", [], "")
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("NETGEN_Parameters_2D", [],
+ "", UseExisting=0)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Projection1D
# More details.
class Mesh_Projection1D(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Projection1D's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_1D")
+ if not Mesh_Projection1D.algo:
+ Mesh_Projection1D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_1D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Projection1D.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
## Define "Source Edge" hypothesis, specifying a meshed edge to
# take a mesh pattern from, and optionally association of vertices
# @param srcV is vertex of \a edge to associate with \a tgtV (optional)
# @param tgtV is vertex of \a the edge where the algorithm is assigned,
# to associate with \a srcV (optional)
- def SourceEdge(self, edge, mesh=None, srcV=None, tgtV=None):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource1D")
+ def SourceEdge(self, edge, mesh=None, srcV=None, tgtV=None, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource1D", [edge,mesh,srcV,tgtV], UseExisting=UseExisting)
hyp.SetSourceEdge( edge )
if not mesh is None and isinstance(mesh, Mesh):
mesh = mesh.GetMesh()
# More details.
class Mesh_Projection2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Projection2D's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_2D")
+ if not Mesh_Projection2D.algo:
+ Mesh_Projection2D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_2D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Projection2D.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
## Define "Source Face" hypothesis, specifying a meshed face to
# take a mesh pattern from, and optionally association of vertices
# to associate with \a srcV2 (optional)
# Note: association vertices must belong to one edge of a face
- def SourceFace(self, face, mesh=None, srcV1=None, tgtV1=None, srcV2=None, tgtV2=None):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource2D")
+ def SourceFace(self, face, mesh=None, srcV1=None, tgtV1=None,
+ srcV2=None, tgtV2=None, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource2D", [face,mesh,srcV1,tgtV1,srcV2,tgtV2],
+ UseExisting=UseExisting)
hyp.SetSourceFace( face )
if not mesh is None and isinstance(mesh, Mesh):
mesh = mesh.GetMesh()
# More details.
class Mesh_Projection3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Projection3D's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_3D")
+ if not Mesh_Projection3D.algo:
+ Mesh_Projection3D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_3D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Projection3D.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
## Define "Source Shape 3D" hypothesis, specifying a meshed solid to
# take a mesh pattern from, and optionally association of vertices
# to associate with \a srcV2 (optional)
# Note: association vertices must belong to one edge of a solid
- def SourceShape3D(self, solid, mesh=0, srcV1=0, tgtV1=0, srcV2=0, tgtV2=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource3D")
+ def SourceShape3D(self, solid, mesh=0, srcV1=0, tgtV1=0,
+ srcV2=0, tgtV2=0, UseExisting=0):
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource3D",
+ [solid,mesh,srcV1,tgtV1,srcV2,tgtV2],
+ UseExisting=UseExisting)
hyp.SetSource3DShape( solid )
if not mesh is None and isinstance(mesh, Mesh):
mesh = mesh.GetMesh()
# More details.
class Mesh_Prism3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Prism3D's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "Prism_3D")
+ if not Mesh_Prism3D.algo:
+ Mesh_Prism3D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Prism_3D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_Prism3D.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
# Public class: Mesh_RadialPrism
# -------------------------------
# More details.
class Mesh_RadialPrism3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_RadialPrism3D's
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- self.Create(mesh, geom, "RadialPrism_3D")
- self.distribHyp = self.Hypothesis( "LayerDistribution" )
+ if not Mesh_RadialPrism3D.algo:
+ Mesh_RadialPrism3D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "RadialPrism_3D")
+ else:
+ self.Assign( Mesh_RadialPrism3D.algo, mesh, geom)
+ pass
+ self.distribHyp = self.Hypothesis( "LayerDistribution", UseExisting=0)
self.nbLayers = None
## Return 3D hypothesis holding the 1D one
## Define "NumberOfLayers" hypothesis, specifying a number of layers of
# prisms to build between the inner and outer shells
- def NumberOfLayers(self, n ):
+ def NumberOfLayers(self, n, UseExisting=0):
self.mesh.GetMesh().RemoveHypothesis( self.geom, self.distribHyp )
- self.nbLayers = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfLayers")
+ self.nbLayers = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfLayers", [n], UseExisting=UseExisting)
self.nbLayers.SetNumberOfLayers( n )
return self.nbLayers
# to build between the inner and outer shells
# @param l for the length of segments
def LocalLength(self, l):
- hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("LocalLength", [l])
+ hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("LocalLength", [l] )
return hyp
# @param s for the scale factor (optional)
def NumberOfSegments(self, n, s=[]):
if s == []:
- hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n])
+ hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n] )
hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n,s])
hyp.SetDistrType( 1 )
# to build between the inner and outer shells as arithmetic length increasing
# @param start for the length of the first segment
# @param end for the length of the last segment
- def Arithmetic1D(self, start, end):
+ def Arithmetic1D(self, start, end ):
hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("Arithmetic1D", [start, end])
hyp.SetLength(start, 1)
hyp.SetLength(end , 0)
geom = self.geom
status = self.mesh.AddHypothesis(geom, hyp)
- isAlgo = ( hyp._narrow( SMESH.SMESH_Algo ) is not None )
+ isAlgo = hyp._narrow( SMESH.SMESH_Algo )
TreatHypoStatus( status, GetName( hyp ), GetName( geom ), isAlgo )
return status