setStudyDS( study );
- // build a SUIT_DataObject-s tree under myRoot member field
- // 1. create myRoot
- setRoot( new SalomeApp_RootObject( this ) );
- // 2. iterate through all components and create corresponding sub-trees under them
- _PTR(SComponentIterator) it ( studyDS()->NewComponentIterator() );
- for ( ; it->More(); it->Next() ) {
- // don't use shared_ptr here, for Data Object will take
- // ownership of this pointer
- _PTR(SComponent) aComponent ( it->Value() );
+ setRoot( new SalomeApp_RootObject( this ) ); // create myRoot
- if ( aComponent->ComponentDataType() == "Interface Applicative" )
- continue; // skip the magic "Interface Applicative" component
+ //SRN: BugID IPAL9021, put there the same code as in a method openDocument
- SalomeApp_DataModel::BuildTree( aComponent, root(), this );
- }
+ // update loaded data models: call open() and update() on them.
+ ModelList dm_s;
+ dataModels( dm_s );
+ for ( ModelListIterator it( dm_s ); it.current(); ++it )
+ openDataModel( studyName(), it.current() );
+ // this will build a SUIT_DataObject-s tree under myRoot member field
+ // passing "false" in order NOT to rebuild existing data models' trees - it was done in previous step
+ // but tree that corresponds to not-loaded data models will be updated any way.
+ ((SalomeApp_Application*)application())->updateObjectBrowser( false );
- // TODO: potentially unsafe call, since base study's openDocument() might try to access the file directly - to be improved
- //bool res = true;
bool res = CAM_Study::openDocument( theStudyName );
+ emit opened( this );
- //emit opened( this );
+ //SRN: BugID IPAL9021: End
return res;