def executeYACSScheme(self, FileName=None):
"Permet de lancer le calcul d'assimilation"
if FileName is None or not os.path.exists(FileName):
- raise ValueError("an existing DIC Python file name has to be given for YACS execution.\n")
+ raise ValueError("a YACS file name has to be given for YACS execution.\n")
if not PlatformInfo.has_salome or not PlatformInfo.has_yacs or not PlatformInfo.has_adao:
raise ImportError("Unable to get SALOME, YACS or ADAO environnement variables. Please launch SALOME before executing.\n")
- __converterExe = os.path.join(os.environ["ADAO_ROOT_DIR"], "bin/salome", "")
- __inputFile = os.path.abspath(FileName)
- __outputFile = __inputFile[:__inputFile.rfind(".")] + '.xml'
- #
- __args = ["python", __converterExe, __inputFile, __outputFile]
- import subprocess
- __p = subprocess.Popen(__args)
- (__stdoutdata, __stderrdata) = __p.communicate()
- if not os.path.exists(__outputFile):
- __msg = "An error occured during the execution of the ADAO YACS Schema\n"
- __msg += "Creator applied on the input file:\n"
- __msg += " %s\n"%__inputFile
- __msg += "If SALOME GUI is launched by command line, see errors\n"
- __msg += "details in your terminal.\n"
- raise ValueError(__msg)
- #
import pilot
import SALOMERuntime
xmlLoader = loader.YACSLoader()
- catalogAd = r.loadCatalog("proc", __outputFile)
+ catalogAd = r.loadCatalog("proc", os.path.abspath(FileName))
- p = xmlLoader.load(__outputFile)
+ p = xmlLoader.load(os.path.abspath(FileName))
except IOError as ex:
print("IO exception: %s"%(ex,))
self.__objname = str(__objname)
self.__logSerie = []
self.__switchoff = False
- self.__viewers = self.__loaders = {"TUI":_TUIViewer, "DIC":_DICViewer}
+ self.__viewers = self.__loaders = {
+ "TUI":_TUIViewer,
+ "DIC":_DICViewer,
+ "YACS":_YACSViewer,
+ }
if __addViewers is not None:
if __addLoaders is not None:
__text +="\n"
if __filename is not None:
__file = os.path.abspath(__filename)
- fid = open(__file,"w")
- fid.write(__text)
- fid.close()
+ __fid = open(__file,"w")
+ __fid.write(__text)
+ __fid.close()
return __text
def load(self, __filename=None):
"Chargement normalisé des commandes"
GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
raise NotImplementedError()
+class _YACSViewer(GenericCaseViewer):
+ """
+ Etablissement des commandes de creation d'un cas YACS
+ """
+ def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None):
+ "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
+ GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content)
+ self.__internalDIC = _DICViewer(__name, __objname, __content)
+ self._append = self.__internalDIC._append
+ def dump(self, __filename=None):
+ "Restitution normalisée des commandes"
+ self.__internalDIC._finalize()
+ # -----
+ if __filename is not None:
+ __file = os.path.abspath(__filename)
+ __DICfile = __file[:__file.rfind(".")] + ''
+ __DICdump = self.__internalDIC.dump(__DICfile)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("A file name has to be given for YACS XML output.")
+ # -----
+ if not PlatformInfo.has_salome or \
+ not PlatformInfo.has_adao:
+ raise ImportError("\n\n"+\
+ "Unable to get SALOME or ADAO environnement variables.\n"+\
+ "Please load the right environnement before trying to use it.\n")
+ else:
+ if os.path.isfile(__file) or os.path.islink(__file):
+ os.remove(__file)
+ __converterExe = os.path.join(os.environ["ADAO_ROOT_DIR"], "bin/salome", "")
+ __args = ["python", __converterExe, __DICfile, __file]
+ import subprocess
+ __p = subprocess.Popen(__args)
+ (__stdoutdata, __stderrdata) = __p.communicate()
+ if not os.path.exists(__file):
+ __msg = "An error occured during the ADAO YACS Schema build.\n"
+ __msg += "Creator applied on the input file:\n"
+ __msg += " %s\n"%__DICfile
+ __msg += "If SALOME GUI is launched by command line, see errors\n"
+ __msg += "details in your terminal.\n"
+ raise ValueError(__msg)
+ os.remove(__DICfile)
+ # -----
+ __fid = open(__file,"r")
+ __text =
+ __fid.close()
+ return __text
# ==============================================================================
class ImportFromScript(object):
from daYacsSchemaCreator.methods import *
from daYacsSchemaCreator.help_methods import *
-def create_schema(config_file, yacs_schema_filename):
+def create_schema(config_file, config_content, yacs_schema_filename):
- # Import config_file
- try:
- exec(compile(open(config_file).read(), config_file, 'exec'))
- except Exception as e:
- if isinstance(e, SyntaxError): msg = "at %s: %s"%(e.offset, e.text)
- else: msg = ""
- raise ValueError("\n\nexception in loading %s\n\nThe following error occurs:\n\n%s %s\n\nSee also the potential messages, which can show the origin of the above error, in the launching terminal.\n"%(config_file,str(e),msg))
+ if config_file is not None and config_content is None:
+ # Import config_file
+ try:
+ exec(compile(open(config_file).read(), config_file, 'exec'))
+ except Exception as e:
+ if isinstance(e, SyntaxError): msg = "at %s: %s"%(e.offset, e.text)
+ else: msg = ""
+ raise ValueError("\n\nexception in loading %s\n\nThe following error occurs:\n\n%s %s\n\nSee also the potential messages, which can show the origin of the above error, in the launching terminal.\n"%(config_file,str(e),msg))
+ elif config_file is None and config_content is not None:
+ # Import config_content
+ try:
+ exec(compile(config_content, None, 'exec'))
+ except Exception as e:
+ if isinstance(e, SyntaxError): msg = "at %s: %s"%(e.offset, e.text)
+ else: msg = ""
+ raise ValueError("\n\nexception in loading the DIC config content\n\nThe following error occurs:\n\n%s %s\n\nSee also the potential messages, which can show the origin of the above error, in the launching terminal.\n"%(str(e),msg))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Error in schema creation, file or content has to be given")
- if "study_config" not in locals():
- raise ValueError("\n\n Cannot found study_config in %s\n"%str(config_file))
- else:
- globals()['study_config'] = locals()['study_config']
+ if "study_config" not in locals():
+ raise ValueError("\n\n Cannot find study_config in %s\n"%str(config_file))
+ else:
+ globals()['study_config'] = locals()['study_config']
- check_study(study_config)
- proc = create_yacs_proc(study_config)
- write_yacs_proc(proc, yacs_schema_filename)
+ check_study(study_config)
+ proc = create_yacs_proc(study_config)
+ write_yacs_proc(proc, yacs_schema_filename)
+def create_schema_from_file(config_file, yacs_schema_filename):
+ create_schema(config_file, None, yacs_schema_filename)
+def create_schema_from_content(config_content, yacs_schema_filename):
+ create_schema(None, config_content, yacs_schema_filename)