--- /dev/null
+This module is imported from C++ (GeometryGUI.cxx)
+and initialized (call to initialize function)
+A plugins manager is created at import (singleton object).
+The plugins manager creates a submenu Plugins in the "New Entity" menu.
+The plugins manager searches all files named geom_plugins.py in special directories and executes them.
+The directories are :
+- $HOME/.salome/Plugins
+- $HOME/$APPLI/Plugins
+- the directory where this file is installed
+- a list of directories given by SALOME_PLUGINS_PATH environment variable (paths separated by ":")
+These files should contain python code that register functions into the plugins manager.
+geom_plugins.py example::
+ import geom_pluginsmanager
+ def about(context):
+ from PyQt4.QtGui import QMessageBox
+ QMessageBox.about(None, "About GEOM pluginmanager", "GEOM plugins manager in GEOM module ")
+ geom_pluginsmanager.AddFunction('AboutGEOM','About GEOM plugins manager',about)
+First import the python module geom_pluginsmanager
+Second write a function with one argument context (it's an object with 3 attributes)
+Third register the function with a call to AddFunction (entry in menu plugins, tooltip, function)
+context attributes:
+- sg : the SALOME Swig interface
+- studyId : the SALOME studyId that must be used to execute the plugin
+- study : the SALOME study object that must be used to execute the plugin
+import os,sys,traceback
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+from PyQt4 import QtCore
+import salome
+# Get SALOME PyQt interface
+import SalomePyQt
+sgPyQt = SalomePyQt.SalomePyQt()
+# Get SALOME Swig interface
+import libSALOME_Swig
+sg = libSALOME_Swig.SALOMEGUI_Swig()
+def initialize():
+ plugins.activate()
+class Context:
+ def __init__(self,sg):
+ self.sg=sg
+ self.studyId=salome.sg.getActiveStudyId()
+ self.study= salome.myStudyManager.GetStudyByID(self.studyId)
+class Plugins:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.registry={}
+ self.handlers={}
+ self.lasttime=0
+ self.plugindirs=[]
+ self.plugins_files=[]
+ # USER plugins directory
+ user_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.salome/Plugins")
+ self.plugindirs.append(user_dir)
+ # APPLI plugins directory
+ appli=os.getenv("APPLI")
+ if appli:
+ appli_dir=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),appli,"Plugins")
+ self.plugindirs.append(appli_dir)
+ #SALOME_PLUGINS_PATH environment variable (list of directories separated by ":")
+ pluginspath=os.getenv("SALOME_PLUGINS_PATH")
+ if pluginspath:
+ for directory in pluginspath.split(SEP):
+ self.plugindirs.append(directory)
+ #Add also the directory GEOMGUI
+ self.plugindirs.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ a=QtGui.QAction("Plugins",sgPyQt.getPopupMenu("New Entity"))
+ self.menu=QtGui.QMenu("Plugins",sgPyQt.getPopupMenu("New Entity"))
+ a.setMenu(self.menu)
+ mid=sgPyQt.createMenu(a,"New Entity")
+ self.menu.connect(self.menu,QtCore.SIGNAL("aboutToShow()"),self.importPlugins)
+ def AddFunction(self,name,description,script,script_type=None):
+ """ Add a plugin function
+ """
+ self.registry[name]=script,description,script_type
+ def handler(obj=self,script=script):
+ try:
+ script(Context(sgPyQt))
+ except:
+ s=traceback.format_exc()
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(None,"Exception occured",s)
+ self.handlers[name]=handler
+ def importPlugins(self):
+ """Import the geom_plugins module that contains plugins definition """
+ if self.lasttime ==0:
+ studyId=sg.getActiveStudyId()
+ salome.salome_init(embedded=1)
+ lasttime=0
+ plugins_files=[]
+ for directory in self.plugindirs:
+ geom_plugins_file = os.path.join(directory,"geom_plugins.py")
+ if os.path.isfile(geom_plugins_file):
+ plugins_files.append((directory,geom_plugins_file))
+ lasttime=max(lasttime,os.path.getmtime(geom_plugins_file))
+ plugins_files.sort()
+ if not plugins_files:
+ self.registry.clear()
+ self.handlers.clear()
+ self.lasttime=0
+ self.menu.clear()
+ return
+ if self.plugins_files != plugins_files or lasttime > self.lasttime:
+ self.registry.clear()
+ self.handlers.clear()
+ self.lasttime=lasttime
+ for directory,salome_plugins_file in plugins_files:
+ if directory not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0,directory)
+ try:
+ execfile(salome_plugins_file,globals(),{})
+ except:
+ print "Error while loading plugins from file:",salome_plugins_file
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.updateMenu()
+ def updateMenu(self):
+ """Update the Plugins menu"""
+ self.menu.clear()
+ for name,handler in self.handlers.items():
+ act=self.menu.addAction(name,handler)
+ def activate(self):
+ """Add the Plugins menu to the specified menu"""
+ def deactivate(self):
+ """Remove the Plugins menu from Tools menu (not implemented)"""
+def AddFunction(name,description,script,script_type=None):
+ """ Add a plugin function
+ Called by a user to register a function (script)
+ """
+ return plugins.AddFunction(name,description,script,script_type)
## @}
+import os
import salome
from salome import *
RaiseIfFailed("AddTexture", self.InsertOp)
return ID
+#Try to load commands that are found in command plugins
+# command plugins are python files named geom_commands.py that are found in special directories.
+# These directories are :
+# $HOME/.salome/Plugins
+# $HOME/$APPLI/Plugins
+# The directory where this file is installed
+# a list of directories given by SALOME_PLUGINS_PATH environment variable (paths separated by ":")
+# USER plugins directory
+# APPLI plugins directory
+if appli:
+ plugindirs.append(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),appli,"Plugins"))
+#This file directory
+#SALOME_PLUGINS_PATH environment variable (list of directories separated by ":")
+if pluginspath:
+ for directory in pluginspath.split(SEP):
+ plugindirs.append(directory)
+for directory in plugindirs:
+ commands_file = os.path.join(directory,"geom_commands.py")
+ if os.path.isfile(commands_file):
+ if directory not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(0,directory)
+ try:
+ execfile(commands_file)
+ except:
+ print "Error while loading plugins from file:",commands_file
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
import omniORB
#Register the new proxy for GEOM_Gen
omniORB.registerObjref(GEOM._objref_GEOM_Gen._NP_RepositoryId, geompyDC)