--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// ---
+// File : BLSURFPlugin_Attractor.cxx
+// Authors : Renaud Nédélec (OCC)
+// ---
+// The idea of the algorithm used to calculate the distance on a
+// non-euclidian parametric surface has been found in the ref. below:
+// Ref:"Accurate Anisotropic Fast Marching for Diffusion-Based Geodesic Tractography"
+// S. Jbabdi, P. Bellec, R. Toro, Daunizeau, M. Pélégrini-Issac, and H. Benali1
+#include "BLSURFPlugin_Attractor.hxx"
+#include <utilities.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+// cascade include
+#include "ShapeAnalysis.hxx"
+#include "ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface.hxx"
+#include <Precision.hxx>
+BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::BLSURFPlugin_Attractor ()
+ : _face(),
+ _attractorShape(),
+ _attEntry(),
+ _step(0),
+ _gridU(0),
+ _gridV(0),
+ _vectU(),
+ _vectV(),
+ _DMap(),
+ _known(),
+ _trial(),
+ _u1 (0.),
+ _u2 (0.),
+ _v1 (0.),
+ _v2 (0.),
+ _startSize(-1),
+ _endSize(-1),
+ _actionRadius(-1),
+ _constantRadius(-1),
+ _type(-1),
+ _isMapBuilt(false),
+ _isEmpty(true){ MESSAGE("construction of a void attractor"); }
+BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::BLSURFPlugin_Attractor (const TopoDS_Face& Face, const TopoDS_Shape& Attractor, const std::string& attEntry, double Step) // TODO Step is now unused -> remove it if testing is OK
+ : _face(),
+ _attractorShape(),
+ _attEntry(attEntry),
+ _step(),
+ _gridU(),
+ _gridV(),
+ _vectU(),
+ _vectV(),
+ _DMap(),
+ _known(),
+ _trial(),
+ _u1 (0.),
+ _u2 (0.),
+ _v1 (0.),
+ _v2 (0.),
+ _startSize(-1),
+ _endSize(-1),
+ _actionRadius(-1),
+ _constantRadius(-1),
+ _type(0),
+ _isMapBuilt(false),
+ _isEmpty(false)
+ _face = Face;
+ _attractorShape = Attractor;
+ init();
+bool BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::init(){
+ Standard_Real u0,v0;
+ int i,j,i0,j0 ;
+ _known.clear();
+ _trial.clear();
+ Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurf = BRep_Tool::Surface(_face);
+ Trial_Pnt TPnt(3,0);
+ // Calculation of the bounds of the face
+ ShapeAnalysis::GetFaceUVBounds(_face,_u1,_u2,_v1,_v2);
+ MESSAGE("u1 = "<<_u1<<" ,u2 = "<<_u2);
+ MESSAGE("v1 = "<<_v1<<" ,v2 = "<<_v2);
+// _gridU = floor (_u2 - _u1) / _step;
+// _gridV = floor (_v2 - _v1) / _step;
+ // TEST
+ _gridU = 300;
+ _gridV = 300;
+ _step = std::min((_u2-_u1)/_gridU,(_v2-_v1)/_gridV);
+ for (i=0; i<=_gridU; i++){
+ _vectU.push_back(_u1+i*(_u2-_u1)/_gridU) ;
+ }
+ for (j=0; j<=_gridV; j++){
+ _vectV.push_back(_v1+j*(_v2-_v1)/_gridV) ;
+ }
+ // Initialization of _DMap and _known
+ std::vector<double> temp(_gridV+1,std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); // Set distance of all "far" points to Infinity
+ for (i=0; i<=_gridU; i++){
+ _DMap.push_back(temp);
+ }
+ std::vector<bool> temp2(_gridV+1,false);
+ for (i=0; i<=_gridU; i++){
+ _known.push_back(temp2);
+ }
+ // Determination of the starting points
+ if (_attractorShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX){
+ gp_Pnt P = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(_attractorShape));
+ GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf projector( P, aSurf );
+ projector.LowerDistanceParameters(u0,v0);
+ MESSAGE("u0 = "<<u0<<" ,v0 = "<<v0);
+ i0 = floor ( (u0 - _u1) * _gridU / (_u2 - _u1) + 0.5 );
+ j0 = floor ( (v0 - _v1) * _gridV / (_v2 - _v1) + 0.5 );
+ TPnt[0]=0.; // Set the distance of the starting point to 0.
+ TPnt[1]=i0;
+ TPnt[2]=j0;
+ _DMap[i0][j0] = 0.;
+ _trial.insert(TPnt); // Move starting point to _trial
+ }
+ else if (_attractorShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE){
+ gp_Pnt2d P2;
+ double first;
+ double last;
+ Handle(Geom2d_Curve) aCurve2d;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve3d = BRep_Tool::Curve (TopoDS::Edge(_attractorShape), first, last);
+ ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface curveProjector;
+ curveProjector.Init(aSurf, Precision::Confusion());
+ curveProjector.PerformAdvanced (aCurve3d, first, last, aCurve2d);
+ // TEST
+ //int N = 20 * (last - first) / _step; // If the edge is a circle : 4>Pi so the number of points on the edge should be good -> 5 for ellipses
+ int N = 1200;
+ MESSAGE("Initialisation des points de départ")
+ for (i=0; i<=N; i++){
+ P2 = aCurve2d->Value(first + i * (last-first) / N);
+ i0 = floor( (P2.X() - _u1) * _gridU / (_u2 - _u1) + 0.5 );
+ j0 = floor( (P2.Y() - _v1) * _gridV / (_v2 - _v1) + 0.5 );
+ //MESSAGE("i0 = "<<i0<<" , j0 = "<<j0)
+ TPnt[0] = 0.;
+ TPnt[1] = i0;
+ TPnt[2] = j0;
+ _DMap[i0][j0] = 0.;
+ _trial.insert(TPnt);
+ }
+ }
+void BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::SetParameters(double Start_Size, double End_Size, double Action_Radius, double Constant_Radius){
+ MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::SetParameters")
+ _startSize = Start_Size;
+ _endSize = End_Size;
+ _actionRadius = Action_Radius;
+ _constantRadius = Constant_Radius;
+double BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::_distance(double u, double v){
+// // calcul des coins du carre
+// double stepU = (_u2 - _u1) / _gridU ;
+// double stepV = (_v2 - _v1) / _gridV ;
+// int i_sup = floor ( fabs(u - _u1) / stepU ) + 1;
+// int j_sup = floor ( fabs(v - _v1) / stepV ) + 1;
+// i_sup = std::min( i_sup, _gridU);
+// j_sup = std::min( j_sup, _gridV);
+// // int i_inf = floor ( (u - _u1) * _mapGrid / (_u2 - _u1) );
+// // int j_inf = floor ( (v - _v1) * _mapGrid / (_v2 - _v1) );
+// int i_inf = i_sup - 1;
+// int j_inf = j_sup - 1;
+// double u_sup = _vectU[i_sup];
+// double v_sup = _vectV[j_sup];
+// double u_inf = _vectU[i_inf];
+// double v_inf = _vectV[j_inf];
+// //
+// // // MESSAGE("i_inf , i_sup, j_inf, j_sup = "<<i_inf<<" , "<<i_sup<<" , "<<j_inf<<" , "<<j_sup)
+// // // MESSAGE("u = "<<u<<", _u1 ="<<_u1)
+// // // MESSAGE("(u - _u1) / stepU = "<< (u - _u1) / stepU)
+// double d1 = _DMap[i_sup][j_sup];
+// double d2 = _DMap[i_sup][j_inf];
+// double d3 = _DMap[i_inf][j_sup];
+// double d4 = _DMap[i_inf][j_inf];
+// //
+// // double d = 0.25 * (d1 + d2 + d3 + d4);
+// // //double d = d1;
+// // //
+// // // if (fabs(v_inf-v_sup) < 1e-14 || fabs(u_inf-u_sup) < 1e-14 ){
+// // // MESSAGE("division par zero v_inf-v_sup = "<< fabs(v_inf-v_sup)<<" , u_inf-u_sup"<<fabs(u_inf-u_sup))
+// // // MESSAGE("v_inf = "<< v_inf<<" , v_sup"<<v_sup)
+// // // MESSAGE("u_inf = "<< u_inf<<" , u_sup"<<u_sup)
+// // // }
+// double P_inf = d4 * ( 1 + (u_inf - u) / stepU + (v_inf - v) / stepV )
+// + d3 * ( (v - v_inf) / stepV )
+// + d2 * ( (u - u_inf) / stepU ) ;
+// double P_sup = d1 * ( 1 + (u - u_sup) / stepU + (v - v_sup) / stepV )
+// + d3 * ( (u_sup - u) / stepU )
+// + d2 * ( (v_sup - v) / stepV ) ;
+// // calcul de la distance (interpolation lineaire)
+// bool P_switch = (u+v > u_sup+v_sup);
+// double d;
+// if (P_switch){
+// d = P_inf;
+// }
+// else {
+// d = P_sup;
+// }
+// return d;
+ // BLSURF seems to perform a linear interpolation so it's sufficient to give it a non-continuous distance map
+ int i = floor ( (u - _u1) * _gridU / (_u2 - _u1) + 0.5 );
+ int j = floor ( (v - _v1) * _gridV / (_v2 - _v1) + 0.5 );
+ return _DMap[i][j];
+double BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::GetSize(double u, double v){
+ double myDist = 0.5 * (_distance(u,v) - _constantRadius + fabs(_distance(u,v) - _constantRadius));
+ if (myDist<0){
+ MESSAGE("Warning myDist<0 : myDist= "<<myDist)
+ }
+ switch(_type)
+ {
+ case TYPE_EXP:
+ if (fabs(_actionRadius) < 1e-12){ // TODO definir eps et decommenter
+ if (myDist < 1e-12){
+ return _startSize;
+ }
+ else {
+ return _endSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ return _endSize - (_endSize - _startSize) * exp(- myDist * myDist / (_actionRadius * _actionRadius) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case TYPE_LIN:
+ return _startSize + ( 0.5 * (_distance(u,v) - _constantRadius + abs(_distance(u,v) - _constantRadius)) ) ;
+ break;
+ }
+void BLSURFPlugin_Attractor::BuildMap(){
+ MESSAGE("building the map");
+ int i, j, k, n;
+ int count = 0;
+ int ip, jp, kp, np;
+ int i0, j0;
+ gp_Pnt P;
+ gp_Vec D1U,D1V;
+ double Guu, Gvv, Guv; // Components of the local metric tensor
+ double du, dv;
+ double D_Ref = 0.;
+ double Dist = 0.;
+ bool Dist_changed;
+ IJ_Pnt Current_Pnt(2,0);
+ Trial_Pnt TPnt(3,0);
+ TTrialSet::iterator min;
+ TTrialSet::iterator found;
+ Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurf = BRep_Tool::Surface(_face);
+ // While there are points in "Trial" (representing a kind of advancing front), loop on them -----------------------------------------------------------
+ while (_trial.size() > 0 ){
+ min = _trial.begin(); // Get trial point with min distance from start
+ i0 = (*min)[1];
+ j0 = (*min)[2];
+ _known[i0][j0] = true; // Move it to "Known"
+ _trial.erase(min); // Remove it from "Trial"
+ // Loop on neighbours of the trial min --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (i=i0 - 1 ; i <= i0 + 1 ; i++){
+ if (!aSurf->IsUPeriodic()){ // Periodic conditions in U
+ if (i > _gridU ){
+ break; }
+ else if (i < 0){
+ i++; }
+ }
+ ip = (i + _gridU + 1) % (_gridU+1); // We get a periodic index :
+ for (j=j0 - 1 ; j <= j0 + 1 ; j++){ // ip=modulo(i,N+2) so that i=-1->ip=N; i=0 -> ip=0 ; ... ; i=N+1 -> ip=0;
+ if (!aSurf->IsVPeriodic()){ // Periodic conditions in V .
+ if (j > _gridV ){
+ break; }
+ else if (j < 0){
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ jp = (j + _gridV + 1) % (_gridV+1);
+ if (!_known[ip][jp]){ // If the distance is not known yet
+ aSurf->D1(_vectU[ip],_vectV[jp],P,D1U,D1V); // Calculate the metric at (i,j)
+ // G(i,j) = | ||dS/du||**2 * |
+ // | <dS/du,dS/dv> ||dS/dv||**2 |
+ Guu = D1U.X()*D1U.X() + D1U.Y()*D1U.Y() + D1U.Z()*D1U.Z(); // Guu = ||dS/du||**2
+ Gvv = D1V.X()*D1V.X() + D1V.Y()*D1V.Y() + D1V.Z()*D1V.Z(); // Gvv = ||dS/dv||**2
+ Guv = D1U.X()*D1V.X() + D1U.Y()*D1V.Y() + D1U.Z()*D1V.Z(); // Guv = Gvu = < dS/du,dS/dv >
+ D_Ref = _DMap[ip][jp]; // Set a ref. distance of the point to its value in _DMap
+ TPnt[0] = D_Ref; // (may be infinite or uncertain)
+ TPnt[1] = ip;
+ TPnt[2] = jp;
+ Dist_changed = false;
+ // Loop on neighbours to calculate the min distance from them ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (k=i - 1 ; k <= i + 1 ; k++){
+ if (!aSurf->IsUPeriodic()){ // Periodic conditions in U
+ if(k > _gridU ){
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (k < 0){
+ k++; }
+ }
+ kp = (k + _gridU + 1) % (_gridU+1); // periodic index
+ for (n=j - 1 ; n <= j + 1 ; n++){
+ if (!aSurf->IsVPeriodic()){ // Periodic conditions in V
+ if(n > _gridV){
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (n < 0){
+ n++; }
+ }
+ np = (n + _gridV + 1) % (_gridV+1);
+ if (_known[kp][np]){ // If the distance of the neighbour is known
+ // Calculate the distance from (k,n)
+ du = (k-i) * (_u2 - _u1) / _gridU;
+ dv = (n-j) * (_v2 - _v1) / _gridV;
+ Dist = _DMap[kp][np] + sqrt( Guu * du*du + 2*Guv * du*dv + Gvv * dv*dv ); // ds**2 = du'Gdu + 2*du'Gdv + dv'Gdv (G is always symetrical)
+ if (Dist < D_Ref) { // If smaller than ref. distance -> update ref. distance
+ D_Ref = Dist;
+ Dist_changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // End of the loop on neighbours --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (Dist_changed) { // If distance has been updated, update _trial
+ found=_trial.find(TPnt);
+ if (found != _trial.end()){
+ _trial.erase(found); // Erase the point if it was already in _trial
+ }
+ TPnt[0] = D_Ref;
+ TPnt[1] = ip;
+ TPnt[2] = jp;
+ _DMap[ip][jp] = D_Ref; // Set it distance to the minimum distance found during the loop above
+ _trial.insert(TPnt); // Insert it (or reinsert it) in _trial
+ }
+ } // if
+ } // for
+ } // for
+ } // while (_trial)
+ _known.clear();
+ _trial.clear();
+ _isMapBuilt = true;
+ MESSAGE("_gridU = "<<_gridU<<" , _gridV = "<<_gridV)
+} // end of BuildMap()
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// ---
+// File : BLSURFPlugin_Attractor.hxx
+// Authors : Renaud Nédélec (OCC)
+// ---
+// The idea of the algorithm used to calculate the distance on a
+// non-euclidian parametric surface has been found in the ref. below:
+// Ref:"Accurate Anisotropic Fast Marching for Diffusion-Based Geodesic Tractography"
+// S. Jbabdi, P. Bellec, R. Toro, Daunizeau, M. Pélégrini-Issac, and H. Benali1
+#ifndef _BLSURFPlugin_Attractor_HXX_
+#define _BLSURFPlugin_Attractor_HXX_
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <limits>
+#include <utilities.h>
+// OPENCASCADE includes
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+#include <NCollection_Map.hxx>
+#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
+#include <Handle_Geom_Surface.hxx>
+#include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Handle_Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Handle_Geom_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
+#include <BRepTools.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger.hxx>
+#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
+#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
+#ifndef WNT
+#include <fenv.h>
+#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
+#include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx>
+#include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf.hxx>
+#include <gp_XY.hxx>
+#include <gp_XYZ.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
+#define TYPE_EXP 0
+#define TYPE_LIN 1
+class BLSURFPlugin_Attractor {
+ public:
+ BLSURFPlugin_Attractor ();
+ BLSURFPlugin_Attractor (const TopoDS_Face& Face, const TopoDS_Shape& Attractor, const std::string& attEntry, double Step = 0.015);
+ bool init(); // Calculates the discrete points correponding to attractor
+ // and intialises the map of distances
+ double GetSize (double u, double v);
+ TopoDS_Face GetFace() const { return _face; }
+ TopoDS_Shape GetAttractorShape() const { return _attractorShape; }
+ std::string GetAttractorEntry() const { return _attEntry; }
+ double GetStep() const { return _step; }
+ std::vector<double> GetParameters() const
+ {
+ double tab_params[] = {_startSize, _endSize, _actionRadius, _constantRadius};
+ std::vector<double> params (tab_params, tab_params + sizeof(tab_params) / sizeof(double) );
+ return params;
+ }
+ void SetParameters(double Start_Size, double End_Size, double Action_Radius, double Constant_Radius);
+ void SetType(int type){ _type = type; }
+ void BuildMap(); // Builds the map of distances between source point and any point P(u,v)
+ bool IsMapBuilt() const { return _isMapBuilt; } // Controls if the map has been built
+ bool Empty() const { return _isEmpty; }
+ typedef std::vector<double> TDiscreteParam;
+ typedef std::vector< std::vector<double> > TDistMap;
+ typedef std::vector< std::vector<bool> > TPointSet;
+ typedef std::set< std::vector<double> > TTrialSet;
+ typedef std::vector<double> Trial_Pnt;
+ typedef std::vector<int> IJ_Pnt;
+ private:
+ TopoDS_Face _face;
+ TopoDS_Shape _attractorShape;
+ std::string _attEntry;
+ TDiscreteParam _vectU;
+ TDiscreteParam _vectV;
+ TDistMap _DMap;
+ TPointSet _known;
+ TTrialSet _trial;
+ int _type; // Type of function used to calculate the size from the distance (unused for now)
+ double _step; // Step between to value of the discretized parametric space in U or V direction
+ int _gridU; // Number of grid points in U direction
+ int _gridV; // Number of grid points in V direction
+ double _u1, _u2, _v1, _v2; // Bounds of the parametric space of the face
+ double _startSize, _endSize; // User parameters
+ double _actionRadius, _constantRadius; //
+ bool _isMapBuilt;
+ bool _isEmpty;
+ double _distance(double u, double v);