return nbvol;
+/*! get the volumes containing a face or an edge of the downward structure
+ * The edge or face does not necessary belong to the vtkUnstructuredGrid
+ * @param volVtkIds vector of parent volume ids to fill (reserve enough space!)
+ * @param downId id in the downward structure
+ * @param downType type of cell
+ */
+int SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::GetParentVolumes(int* volVtkIds, int downId, unsigned char downType)
+ int vtkType = downType;
+ int dim = SMDS_Downward::getCellDimension(vtkType);
+ int nbFaces = 0;
+ int faces[1000];
+ unsigned char cellTypes[1000];
+ int downCellId[1000];
+ if (dim == 1)
+ {
+ nbFaces = _downArray[vtkType]->getNumberOfUpCells(downId);
+ const int *upCells = _downArray[vtkType]->getUpCells(downId);
+ const unsigned char* upTypes = _downArray[vtkType]->getUpTypes(downId);
+ for (int i=0; i< nbFaces; i++)
+ {
+ faces[i] = _downArray[upTypes[i]]->getVtkCellId(upCells[i]);
+ cellTypes[i] = upTypes[i];
+ downCellId[i] = upCells[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dim == 2)
+ {
+ nbFaces = 1;
+ cellTypes[0] = vtkType;
+ downCellId[0] = downId;
+ }
+ int nbvol =0;
+ for (int i=0; i<nbFaces; i++)
+ {
+ int vtkTypeFace = cellTypes[i];
+ int downId = downCellId[i];
+ int nv = _downArray[vtkTypeFace]->getNumberOfUpCells(downId);
+ const int *upCells = _downArray[vtkTypeFace]->getUpCells(downId);
+ const unsigned char* upTypes = _downArray[vtkTypeFace]->getUpTypes(downId);
+ for (int j=0; j<nv; j++)
+ {
+ int vtkVolId = _downArray[upTypes[j]]->getVtkCellId(upCells[j]);
+ if (vtkVolId >= 0)
+ volVtkIds[nbvol++] = vtkVolId;
+ }
+ }
+ return nbvol;
/*! get the node id's of a cell.
* The cell is defined by it's downward connectivity id and type.
* @param nodeSet set of of vtk node id's to fill.
#include <set>
#include <numeric>
#include <limits>
+#include <algorithm>
#define cast2Node(elem) static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( elem )
return DoubleNodes( theElems, theNodesNot, anAffected );
+ * \brief compute an oriented angle between two planes defined by four points.
+ * The vector (p0,p1) defines the intersection of the 2 planes (p0,p1,g1) and (p0,p1,g2)
+ * @param p0 base of the rotation axe
+ * @param p1 extremity of the rotation axe
+ * @param g1 belongs to the first plane
+ * @param g2 belongs to the second plane
+ */
+double SMESH_MeshEditor::OrientedAngle(const gp_Pnt& p0, const gp_Pnt& p1, const gp_Pnt& g1, const gp_Pnt& g2)
+// MESSAGE(" p0: " << p0.X() << " " << p0.Y() << " " << p0.Z());
+// MESSAGE(" p1: " << p1.X() << " " << p1.Y() << " " << p1.Z());
+// MESSAGE(" g1: " << g1.X() << " " << g1.Y() << " " << g1.Z());
+// MESSAGE(" g2: " << g2.X() << " " << g2.Y() << " " << g2.Z());
+ gp_Vec vref(p0, p1);
+ gp_Vec v1(p0, g1);
+ gp_Vec v2(p0, g2);
+ gp_Vec n1 = vref.Crossed(v1);
+ gp_Vec n2 = vref.Crossed(v2);
+ return n2.AngleWithRef(n1, vref);
* \brief Double nodes on shared faces between groups of volumes and create flat elements on demand.
* The list of groups must describe a partition of the mesh volumes.
std::map<int,int> emptyMap;
+ std::set<int> emptySet;
for (int idom = 0; idom < theElems.size(); idom++)
- MESSAGE("Number of shared faces " << faceDomains.size());
+ //MESSAGE("Number of shared faces " << faceDomains.size());
std::map<DownIdType, std::map<int, int>, DownIdCompare>::iterator itface;
// --- explore the shared faces domain by domain,
// for each shared face, get the nodes
// for each node, for each domain of the face, create a clone of the node
+ // --- edges at the intersection of 3 or 4 domains, with the order of domains to build
+ // junction elements of type prism or hexa. the key is the pair of nodesId (lower first)
+ // the value is the ordered domain ids. (more than 4 domains not taken into account)
+ std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int> > edgesMultiDomains; // nodes of edge --> ordered domains
+ std::map<int, std::vector<int> > mutipleNodes; // nodes muti domains with domain order
for (int idomain = 0; idomain < theElems.size(); idomain++)
itface = faceDomains.begin();
std::set<int> oldNodes;
grid->GetNodeIds(oldNodes, face.cellId, face.cellType);
+ bool isMultipleDetected = false;
std::set<int>::iterator itn = oldNodes.begin();
for (; itn != oldNodes.end(); ++itn)
int idom = itdom->first;
//MESSAGE(" domain " << idom);
- if (!nodeDomains[oldId].count(idom))
+ if (!nodeDomains[oldId].count(idom)) // --- node to clone
+ if (nodeDomains[oldId].size() >= 2) // a multiple node
+ {
+ vector<int> orderedDoms;
+ //MESSAGE("multiple node " << oldId);
+ isMultipleDetected =true;
+ if (mutipleNodes.count(oldId))
+ orderedDoms = mutipleNodes[oldId];
+ else
+ {
+ map<int,int>::iterator it = nodeDomains[oldId].begin();
+ for (; it != nodeDomains[oldId].end(); ++it)
+ orderedDoms.push_back(it->first);
+ }
+ orderedDoms.push_back(idom); // TODO order ==> push_front or back
+ //stringstream txt;
+ //for (int i=0; i<orderedDoms.size(); i++)
+ // txt << orderedDoms[i] << " ";
+ //MESSAGE("orderedDoms " << txt.str());
+ mutipleNodes[oldId] = orderedDoms;
+ }
double *coords = grid->GetPoint(oldId);
SMDS_MeshNode *newNode = meshDS->AddNode(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]);
int newId = newNode->getVtkId();
nodeDomains[oldId][idom] = newId; // cloned node for other domains
- //MESSAGE(" newNode " << newId);
+ //MESSAGE(" newNode " << newId << " oldNode " << oldId << " size=" <<nodeDomains[oldId].size());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isMultipleDetected) // check if an edge of the face is shared between 3 or more domains
+ {
+ //MESSAGE("multiple Nodes detected on a shared face");
+ int downId = itface->first.cellId;
+ unsigned char cellType = itface->first.cellType;
+ int nbEdges = grid->getDownArray(cellType)->getNumberOfDownCells(downId);
+ const int *downEdgeIds = grid->getDownArray(cellType)->getDownCells(downId);
+ const unsigned char* edgeType = grid->getDownArray(cellType)->getDownTypes(downId);
+ for (int ie =0; ie < nbEdges; ie++)
+ {
+ int nodes[3];
+ int nbNodes = grid->getDownArray(edgeType[ie])->getNodes(downEdgeIds[ie], nodes);
+ if (mutipleNodes.count(nodes[0]) && mutipleNodes.count(nodes[nbNodes-1]))
+ {
+ vector<int> vn0 = mutipleNodes[nodes[0]];
+ vector<int> vn1 = mutipleNodes[nodes[nbNodes - 1]];
+ sort( vn0.begin(), vn0.end() );
+ sort( vn1.begin(), vn1.end() );
+ if (vn0 == vn1)
+ {
+ //MESSAGE(" detect edgesMultiDomains " << nodes[0] << " " << nodes[nbNodes - 1]);
+ double *coords = grid->GetPoint(nodes[0]);
+ gp_Pnt p0(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]);
+ coords = grid->GetPoint(nodes[nbNodes - 1]);
+ gp_Pnt p1(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]);
+ gp_Pnt gref;
+ int vtkVolIds[1000]; // an edge can belong to a lot of volumes
+ map<int, SMDS_VtkVolume*> domvol; // domain --> a volume with the edge
+ map<int, double> angleDom; // oriented angles between planes defined by edge and volume centers
+ int nbvol = grid->GetParentVolumes(vtkVolIds, downEdgeIds[ie], edgeType[ie]);
+ for (int id=0; id < vn0.size(); id++)
+ {
+ int idom = vn0[id];
+ for (int ivol=0; ivol<nbvol; ivol++)
+ {
+ int smdsId = meshDS->fromVtkToSmds(vtkVolIds[ivol]);
+ SMDS_MeshElement* elem = (SMDS_MeshElement*)meshDS->FindElement(smdsId);
+ if (theElems[idom].count(elem))
+ {
+ SMDS_VtkVolume* svol = dynamic_cast<SMDS_VtkVolume*>(elem);
+ domvol[idom] = svol;
+ //MESSAGE(" domain " << idom << " volume " << elem->GetID());
+ double values[3];
+ vtkIdType npts = 0;
+ vtkIdType* pts = 0;
+ grid->GetCellPoints(vtkVolIds[ivol], npts, pts);
+ SMDS_VtkVolume::gravityCenter(grid, pts, npts, values);
+ if (id ==0)
+ {
+ gref.SetXYZ(gp_XYZ(values[0], values[1], values[2]));
+ angleDom[idom] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gp_Pnt g(values[0], values[1], values[2]);
+ angleDom[idom] = OrientedAngle(p0, p1, gref, g); // -pi<angle<+pi
+ //MESSAGE(" angle=" << angleDom[idom]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map<double, int> sortedDom; // sort domains by angle
+ for (map<int, double>::iterator ia = angleDom.begin(); ia != angleDom.end(); ++ia)
+ sortedDom[ia->second] = ia->first;
+ vector<int> vnodes;
+ vector<int> vdom;
+ for (map<double, int>::iterator ib = sortedDom.begin(); ib != sortedDom.end(); ++ib)
+ {
+ vdom.push_back(ib->second);
+ //MESSAGE(" ordered domain " << ib->second << " angle " << ib->first);
+ }
+ for (int ino = 0; ino < nbNodes; ino++)
+ vnodes.push_back(nodes[ino]);
+ edgesMultiDomains[vnodes] = vdom; // nodes vector --> ordered domains
+ }
+ // --- create volumes on multiple domain intersection if requested
+ // iterate on edgesMultiDomains
+ if (createJointElems)
+ {
+ std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int> >::iterator ite = edgesMultiDomains.begin();
+ for (; ite != edgesMultiDomains.end(); ++ite)
+ {
+ vector<int> nodes = ite->first;
+ vector<int> orderDom = ite->second;
+ vector<int> orderedNodes;
+ if (nodes.size() == 2)
+ {
+ //MESSAGE(" use edgesMultiDomains " << nodes[0] << " " << nodes[1]);
+ for (int ino=0; ino < nodes.size(); ino++)
+ if (orderDom.size() == 3)
+ for (int idom = 0; idom <orderDom.size(); idom++)
+ orderedNodes.push_back( nodeDomains[nodes[ino]][orderDom[idom]] );
+ else
+ for (int idom = orderDom.size()-1; idom >=0; idom--)
+ orderedNodes.push_back( nodeDomains[nodes[ino]][orderDom[idom]] );
+ this->GetMeshDS()->AddVolumeFromVtkIds(orderedNodes);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO quadratic nodes
+ }
+ }
+ }
// --- list the explicit faces and edges of the mesh that need to be modified,
// i.e. faces and edges built with one or more duplicated nodes.
// associate these faces or edges to their corresponding domain.