aVecY = aLineStart.y() - aLineEnd.y()
return math.hypot(aVecX, aVecY)
-def arcLength(theArc):
- aCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc.attribute("ArcCenter"))
- aStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc.attribute("ArcStartPoint"))
- aEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc.attribute("ArcEndPoint"))
- # use the law of cosines to calculate angular length of arc
- aRadius = math.hypot(aStart.x() - aCenter.x(), aStart.y() - aCenter.y())
- aDist2 = (aEnd.x()-aStart.x())**2 + (aEnd.y()-aStart.y())**2
- anAngle = math.acos(1. - aDist2 / (2. * aRadius**2))
- return aRadius * anAngle
# Start of test
aLine2Len = lineLength(aSketchLine2)
assert (math.fabs(aLine1Len - anExtLineLen) < 1.e-10)
assert (math.fabs(aLine2Len - anExtLineLen) < 1.e-10)
-# A constraint to make equal lengths of line and arc
-# Third Line
-aSketchLine3 = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
-aLine3StartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine3.attribute("StartPoint"))
-aLine3EndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine3.attribute("EndPoint"))
-aLine3StartPoint.setValue(20., 15.)
-aLine3EndPoint.setValue(20., 25.)
-anEqArcLineLen = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintEqual")
-aRefObjectA = anEqArcLineLen.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
-aRefObjectB = anEqArcLineLen.refattr("ConstraintEntityB")
-aLine3Len = lineLength(aSketchLine3)
-anArcLen = arcLength(aSketchArc)
-assert (math.fabs(aLine3Len - anArcLen) < 1.e-7)
# End of test