--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2014-2019 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+ TestOffset.py
+ Unit test of SketchPlugin_Offset class
+ SketchPlugin_Offset
+ static const std::string ID("SketchOffset");
+ data()->addAttribute(EDGES_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeRefList::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(VALUE_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeDouble::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(REVERSED_ID(), ModelAPI_AttributeBoolean::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A(), ModelAPI_AttributeRefList::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_B(), ModelAPI_AttributeRefList::typeId());
+ data()->addAttribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_C(), ModelAPI_AttributeIntArray::typeId());
+from GeomDataAPI import *
+from ModelAPI import *
+import math
+from salome.shaper import model
+# Initialization of the test
+__updated__ = "2020-06-30"
+# Auxiliary functions
+def normalize(theDir):
+ aLen = math.hypot(theDir[0], theDir[1])
+ if aLen < 1.e-10:
+ aLen = 1.0
+ return [theDir[0] / aLen, theDir[1] / aLen]
+def checkOffset(theListInit, theListOff, theValue, theIsReversed):
+ TOL = 6.e-5
+ aListSize = theListInit.size()
+ #aLineStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theMirrorLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ #aLineEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theMirrorLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ #aLineDir = [aLineEndPoint.x() - aLineStartPoint.x(), aLineEndPoint.y() - aLineStartPoint.y()]
+ #aLineDir = normalize(aLineDir)
+ for ind in range(0, aListSize):
+ aFeatureB = ModelAPI_Feature.feature(theListInit.object(ind))
+ aFeatureC = ModelAPI_Feature.feature(theListOff.object(ind))
+ assert(aFeatureB is not None)
+ assert(aFeatureC is not None)
+ assert(aFeatureB.getKind() == aFeatureC.getKind())
+ anAttributes = []
+ if (aFeatureB.getKind() == "SketchLine"):
+ anAttributes = ['StartPoint', 'EndPoint']
+ elif (aFeatureB.getKind() == "SketchArc"):
+ anAttributes = ['center_point', 'start_point', 'end_point']
+ for key in anAttributes:
+ aPointB = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aFeatureB.attribute(key))
+ aPointC = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aFeatureC.attribute(key))
+ aDir = [aPointC.x() - aPointB.x(), aPointC.y() - aPointB.y()]
+ aDir = normalize(aDir)
+ #aDot = aLineDir[0] * aDir[0] + aLineDir[1] * aDir[1]
+ #assert math.fabs(aDot) < TOL, "aDot = {0}".format(aDot)
+ #aDir[0] = aLineEndPoint.x() - 0.5 * (aPointB.x() + aPointC.x())
+ #aDir[1] = aLineEndPoint.y() - 0.5 * (aPointB.y() + aPointC.y())
+ #aCross = aLineDir[0] * aDir[1] - aLineDir[1] * aDir[0]
+ #assert math.fabs(aCross) < TOL, "aCross = {0}".format(aCross)
+# Start of test
+aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
+aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
+# Creation of a sketch
+aSketchCommonFeature = aDocument.addFeature("Sketch")
+aSketchFeature = featureToCompositeFeature(aSketchCommonFeature)
+origin = geomDataAPI_Point(aSketchFeature.attribute("Origin"))
+origin.setValue(0, 0, 0)
+dirx = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("DirX"))
+dirx.setValue(1, 0, 0)
+norm = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("Norm"))
+norm.setValue(0, 0, 1)
+# Creation of an arc and two lines
+# Arc
+aSketchArc1 = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchArc")
+anArcCentr = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchArc1.attribute("center_point"))
+anArcCentr.setValue(10., 10.)
+anArcStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchArc1.attribute("start_point"))
+anArcStartPoint.setValue(50., 0.)
+anArcEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchArc1.attribute("end_point"))
+anArcEndPoint.setValue(0., 50.)
+# Line 1
+aSketchLine1 = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+aLine1StartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine1.attribute("StartPoint"))
+aLine1EndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine1.attribute("EndPoint"))
+aLine1StartPoint.setValue(0., 50.)
+aLine1EndPoint.setValue(-20., 0.)
+# Line 2
+aSketchLine2 = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+aLine2StartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine2.attribute("StartPoint"))
+aLine2EndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine2.attribute("EndPoint"))
+aLine2StartPoint.setValue(50., 0.)
+aLine2EndPoint.setValue(-20., 0.)
+assert (model.dof(aSketchFeature) == 13)
+# Link arc points and lines points by the coincidence constraint
+aConstraint = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintCoincidence")
+reflistA = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
+reflistB = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityB")
+aConstraint = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintCoincidence")
+reflistA = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
+reflistB = aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityB")
+assert (model.dof(aSketchFeature) == 9)
+# Make offset for objects created above
+VALUE = 13
+anOffset = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchOffset")
+aRefListInitial = anOffset.reflist("segments")
+assert (model.dof(aSketchFeature) == 9)
+# Verify all offset objects
+aRefListA = anOffset.reflist("ConstraintEntityA")
+aRefListB = anOffset.reflist("ConstraintEntityB")
+assert (aRefListA.size() == 3)
+assert (aRefListB.size() == 6)
+#checkOffset(aRefListA, aRefListB, VALUE, IS_REVERSED)
+assert (model.dof(aSketchFeature) == 9)
+# Remove object from offset
+assert (aRefListA.size() == 2)
+assert (aRefListB.size() == 4)
+#checkOffset(aRefListA, aRefListB, VALUE, IS_REVERSED)
+assert (model.dof(aSketchFeature) == 9)
+# Clear list of mirrored features
+assert (aRefListA.size() == 0)
+assert (aRefListB.size() == 0)
+# add arc once again
+assert (aRefListA.size() == 1)
+assert (aRefListB.size() == 1)
+#checkOffset(aRefListA, aRefListB, VALUE, IS_REVERSED)
+assert (model.dof(aSketchFeature) == 9)
+# End of test