return uv;
+//function : CalcUV2
+//purpose : auxilary function for ComputeQuadPref
+static gp_UV CalcUV2(double x, double y,
+ FaceQuadStruct* quad,
+ const gp_UV& a0, const gp_UV& a1,
+ const gp_UV& a2, const gp_UV& a3)
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& uv_eb = quad->side[0]->GetUVPtStruct(true,0 );
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& uv_er = quad->side[1]->GetUVPtStruct(false,1);
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& uv_et = quad->side[2]->GetUVPtStruct(true,1 );
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& uv_el = quad->side[3]->GetUVPtStruct(false,0);
+ //double x = (x0 + y0 * (x1 - x0)) / (1 - (y1 - y0) * (x1 - x0));
+ //double y = y0 + x * (y1 - y0);
+ double param_b = uv_eb[0].normParam + x * (uv_eb.back().normParam - uv_eb[0].normParam);
+ double param_t = uv_et[0].normParam + x * (uv_et.back().normParam - uv_et[0].normParam);
+ double param_r = uv_er[0].normParam + y * (uv_er.back().normParam - uv_er[0].normParam);
+ double param_l = uv_el[0].normParam + y * (uv_el.back().normParam - uv_el[0].normParam);
+ gp_UV p0 = quad->side[BOTTOM_SIDE]->Value2d(param_b).XY();
+ gp_UV p1 = quad->side[RIGHT_SIDE ]->Value2d(param_r).XY();
+ gp_UV p2 = quad->side[TOP_SIDE ]->Value2d(param_t).XY();
+ gp_UV p3 = quad->side[LEFT_SIDE ]->Value2d(param_l).XY();
+ gp_UV uv = p0 * (1 - y) + p1 * x + p2 * y + p3 * (1 - x);
+ uv -= (1 - x) * (1 - y) * a0 + x * (1 - y) * a1 + x * y * a2 + (1 - x) * y * a3;
+ return uv;
* Create only quandrangle faces
const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
FaceQuadStruct* quad)
+ // Auxilary key in order to keep old variant
+ // of meshing after implementation new variant
+ // for bug 0016220 from Mantis.
+ bool OldVersion = false;
SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS();
const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face(aShape);
Handle(Geom_Surface) S = BRep_Tool::Surface(F);
int addh = 0;
int addv = 0;
+ // ----------- Old version ---------------
// orientation of face and 3 main domain for future faces
// 0 top 1
// 1------------1
// 0------------0
// 0 bottom 1
+ // ----------- New version ---------------
+ // orientation of face and 3 main domain for future faces
+ // 0 top 1
+ // 1------------1
+ // | |____| |
+ // |L / \ R|
+ // | / C \ |
+ // left |/________\| rigth
+ // | |
+ // | |
+ // | |
+ // 0------------0
+ // 0 bottom 1
if(dh>dv) {
addv = (dh-dv)/2;
nbv = nbv + addv;
- // add some params to right and left after the first param
- // insert to right
- int dr = nbv - nr;
- double dpr = (npr.Value(2) - npr.Value(1))/(dr+1);
- for(i=1; i<=dr; i++) {
- npr.InsertAfter(1,npr.Value(2)-dpr);
- }
- // insert to left
- int dl = nbv - nl;
- dpr = (npl.Value(2) - npl.Value(1))/(dl+1);
- for(i=1; i<=dl; i++) {
- npl.InsertAfter(1,npl.Value(2)-dpr);
+ int dl,dr;
+ if(OldVersion) {
+ // add some params to right and left after the first param
+ // insert to right
+ dr = nbv - nr;
+ double dpr = (npr.Value(2) - npr.Value(1))/(dr+1);
+ for(i=1; i<=dr; i++) {
+ npr.InsertAfter(1,npr.Value(2)-dpr);
+ }
+ // insert to left
+ dl = nbv - nl;
+ dpr = (npl.Value(2) - npl.Value(1))/(dl+1);
+ for(i=1; i<=dl; i++) {
+ npl.InsertAfter(1,npl.Value(2)-dpr);
+ }
//for(i=1; i<=npb.Length(); i++) {
TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVL;
TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVR;
- // step1: create faces for left domain
- StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesL(1,dl+1,1,nl);
- // add left nodes
- for(j=1; j<=nl; j++)
- NodesL.SetValue(1,j,uv_el[j-1].node);
- if(dl>0) {
- // add top nodes
- for(i=1; i<=dl; i++)
- NodesL.SetValue(i+1,nl,uv_et[i].node);
+ if(OldVersion) {
+ // step1: create faces for left domain
+ StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesL(1,dl+1,1,nl);
+ // add left nodes
+ for(j=1; j<=nl; j++)
+ NodesL.SetValue(1,j,uv_el[j-1].node);
+ if(dl>0) {
+ // add top nodes
+ for(i=1; i<=dl; i++)
+ NodesL.SetValue(i+1,nl,uv_et[i].node);
+ // create and add needed nodes
+ TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVtmp;
+ for(i=1; i<=dl; i++) {
+ double x0 = npt.Value(i+1);
+ double x1 = x0;
+ // diagonal node
+ double y0 = npl.Value(i+1);
+ double y1 = npr.Value(i+1);
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode * N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesL.SetValue(i+1,1,N);
+ if(UVL.Length()<nbv-nnn-1) UVL.Append(UV);
+ // internal nodes
+ for(j=2; j<nl; j++) {
+ double y0 = npl.Value(dl+j);
+ double y1 = npr.Value(dl+j);
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesL.SetValue(i+1,j,N);
+ if( i==dl ) UVtmp.Append(UV);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=UVtmp.Length() && UVL.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
+ UVL.Append(UVtmp.Value(i));
+ }
+ //cout<<"Dump NodesL:"<<endl;
+ //for(i=1; i<=dl+1; i++) {
+ // cout<<"i="<<i;
+ // for(j=1; j<=nl; j++) {
+ // cout<<" ("<<NodesL.Value(i,j)->X()<<","<<NodesL.Value(i,j)->Y()<<","<<NodesL.Value(i,j)->Z()<<")";
+ // }
+ // cout<<endl;
+ //}
+ // create faces
+ for(i=1; i<=dl; i++) {
+ for(j=1; j<nl; j++) {
+ if(WisF) {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesL.Value(i,j), NodesL.Value(i+1,j),
+ NodesL.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesL.Value(i,j+1));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ else {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesL.Value(i,j), NodesL.Value(i,j+1),
+ NodesL.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesL.Value(i+1,j));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // fill UVL using c2d
+ for(i=1; i<npl.Length() && UVL.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
+ UVL.Append( gp_UV ( uv_el[i].u, uv_el[i].v ));
+ }
+ }
+ // step2: create faces for right domain
+ StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesR(1,dr+1,1,nr);
+ // add right nodes
+ for(j=1; j<=nr; j++)
+ NodesR.SetValue(1,j,uv_er[nr-j].node);
+ if(dr>0) {
+ // add top nodes
+ for(i=1; i<=dr; i++)
+ NodesR.SetValue(i+1,1,uv_et[nt-1-i].node);
+ // create and add needed nodes
+ TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVtmp;
+ for(i=1; i<=dr; i++) {
+ double x0 = npt.Value(nt-i);
+ double x1 = x0;
+ // diagonal node
+ double y0 = npl.Value(i+1);
+ double y1 = npr.Value(i+1);
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode * N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesR.SetValue(i+1,nr,N);
+ if(UVR.Length()<nbv-nnn-1) UVR.Append(UV);
+ // internal nodes
+ for(j=2; j<nr; j++) {
+ double y0 = npl.Value(nbv-j+1);
+ double y1 = npr.Value(nbv-j+1);
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesR.SetValue(i+1,j,N);
+ if( i==dr ) UVtmp.Prepend(UV);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=UVtmp.Length() && UVR.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
+ UVR.Append(UVtmp.Value(i));
+ }
+ // create faces
+ for(i=1; i<=dr; i++) {
+ for(j=1; j<nr; j++) {
+ if(WisF) {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesR.Value(i,j), NodesR.Value(i+1,j),
+ NodesR.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesR.Value(i,j+1));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ else {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesR.Value(i,j), NodesR.Value(i,j+1),
+ NodesR.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesR.Value(i+1,j));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // fill UVR using c2d
+ for(i=1; i<npr.Length() && UVR.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
+ UVR.Append( gp_UV( uv_er[i].u, uv_er[i].v ));
+ }
+ }
+ // step3: create faces for central domain
+ StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesC(1,nb,1,nbv);
+ // add first string using NodesL
+ for(i=1; i<=dl+1; i++)
+ NodesC.SetValue(1,i,NodesL(i,1));
+ for(i=2; i<=nl; i++)
+ NodesC.SetValue(1,dl+i,NodesL(dl+1,i));
+ // add last string using NodesR
+ for(i=1; i<=dr+1; i++)
+ NodesC.SetValue(nb,i,NodesR(i,nr));
+ for(i=1; i<nr; i++)
+ NodesC.SetValue(nb,dr+i+1,NodesR(dr+1,nr-i));
+ // add top nodes (last columns)
+ for(i=dl+2; i<nbh-dr; i++)
+ NodesC.SetValue(i-dl,nbv,uv_et[i-1].node);
+ // add bottom nodes (first columns)
+ for(i=2; i<nb; i++)
+ NodesC.SetValue(i,1,uv_eb[i-1].node);
// create and add needed nodes
- TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVtmp;
- for(i=1; i<=dl; i++) {
- double x0 = npt.Value(i+1);
+ // add linear layers
+ for(i=2; i<nb; i++) {
+ double x0 = npt.Value(dl+i);
double x1 = x0;
- // diagonal node
- double y0 = npl.Value(i+1);
- double y1 = npr.Value(i+1);
- gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
- SMDS_MeshNode * N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
- meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
- NodesL.SetValue(i+1,1,N);
- if(UVL.Length()<nbv-nnn-1) UVL.Append(UV);
- // internal nodes
- for(j=2; j<nl; j++) {
- double y0 = npl.Value(dl+j);
- double y1 = npr.Value(dl+j);
+ for(j=1; j<nnn; j++) {
+ double y0 = npl.Value(nbv-nnn+j);
+ double y1 = npr.Value(nbv-nnn+j);
gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
- NodesL.SetValue(i+1,j,N);
- if( i==dl ) UVtmp.Append(UV);
+ NodesC.SetValue(i,nbv-nnn+j,N);
- for(i=1; i<=UVtmp.Length() && UVL.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
- UVL.Append(UVtmp.Value(i));
- }
- //cout<<"Dump NodesL:"<<endl;
- //for(i=1; i<=dl+1; i++) {
- // cout<<"i="<<i;
- // for(j=1; j<=nl; j++) {
- // cout<<" ("<<NodesL.Value(i,j)->X()<<","<<NodesL.Value(i,j)->Y()<<","<<NodesL.Value(i,j)->Z()<<")";
- // }
- // cout<<endl;
+ // add diagonal layers
+ //cout<<"UVL.Length()="<<UVL.Length()<<" UVR.Length()="<<UVR.Length()<<endl;
+ //cout<<"Dump UVL:"<<endl;
+ //for(i=1; i<=UVL.Length(); i++) {
+ // cout<<" ("<<UVL.Value(i).X()<<","<<UVL.Value(i).Y()<<")";
+ //cout<<endl;
+ for(i=1; i<nbv-nnn; i++) {
+ double du = UVR.Value(i).X() - UVL.Value(i).X();
+ double dv = UVR.Value(i).Y() - UVL.Value(i).Y();
+ for(j=2; j<nb; j++) {
+ double u = UVL.Value(i).X() + du*npb.Value(j);
+ double v = UVL.Value(i).Y() + dv*npb.Value(j);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(u,v);
+ SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, u, v);
+ NodesC.SetValue(j,i+1,N);
+ }
+ }
// create faces
- for(i=1; i<=dl; i++) {
- for(j=1; j<nl; j++) {
+ for(i=1; i<nb; i++) {
+ for(j=1; j<nbv; j++) {
if(WisF) {
SMDS_MeshFace* F =
- myTool->AddFace(NodesL.Value(i,j), NodesL.Value(i+1,j),
- NodesL.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesL.Value(i,j+1));
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesC.Value(i,j), NodesC.Value(i+1,j),
+ NodesC.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesC.Value(i,j+1));
meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
else {
SMDS_MeshFace* F =
- myTool->AddFace(NodesL.Value(i,j), NodesL.Value(i,j+1),
- NodesL.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesL.Value(i+1,j));
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesC.Value(i,j), NodesC.Value(i,j+1),
+ NodesC.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesC.Value(i+1,j));
meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
- else {
- // fill UVL using c2d
- for(i=1; i<npl.Length() && UVL.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
- UVL.Append( gp_UV ( uv_el[i].u, uv_el[i].v ));
- }
- }
- // step2: create faces for right domain
- StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesR(1,dr+1,1,nr);
- // add right nodes
- for(j=1; j<=nr; j++)
- NodesR.SetValue(1,j,uv_er[nr-j].node);
- if(dr>0) {
- // add top nodes
- for(i=1; i<=dr; i++)
- NodesR.SetValue(i+1,1,uv_et[nt-1-i].node);
- // create and add needed nodes
- TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVtmp;
- for(i=1; i<=dr; i++) {
- double x0 = npt.Value(nt-i);
- double x1 = x0;
- // diagonal node
- double y0 = npl.Value(i+1);
- double y1 = npr.Value(i+1);
- gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
- SMDS_MeshNode * N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
- meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
- NodesR.SetValue(i+1,nr,N);
- if(UVR.Length()<nbv-nnn-1) UVR.Append(UV);
- // internal nodes
- for(j=2; j<nr; j++) {
- double y0 = npl.Value(nbv-j+1);
- double y1 = npr.Value(nbv-j+1);
- gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ else { // New version (!OldVersion)
+ // step1: create faces for bottom rectangle domain
+ StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesBRD(1,nb,1,nnn-1);
+ // fill UVL and UVR using c2d
+ for(j=0; j<nb; j++) {
+ NodesBRD.SetValue(j+1,1,uv_eb[j].node);
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<nnn-1; i++) {
+ NodesBRD.SetValue(1,i+1,uv_el[i].node);
+ NodesBRD.SetValue(nb,i+1,uv_er[i].node);
+ double du = uv_er[i].u - uv_el[i].u;
+ double dv = uv_er[i].v - uv_el[i].v;
+ for(j=2; j<nb; j++) {
+ double u = uv_el[i].u + du*npb.Value(j);
+ double v = uv_el[i].v + dv*npb.Value(j);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(u,v);
SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
- meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
- NodesR.SetValue(i+1,j,N);
- if( i==dr ) UVtmp.Prepend(UV);
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, u, v);
+ NodesBRD.SetValue(j,i+1,N);
- for(i=1; i<=UVtmp.Length() && UVR.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
- UVR.Append(UVtmp.Value(i));
- }
- // create faces
- for(i=1; i<=dr; i++) {
- for(j=1; j<nr; j++) {
+ for(j=1; j<nnn-1; j++) {
+ for(i=1; i<nb; i++) {
if(WisF) {
SMDS_MeshFace* F =
- myTool->AddFace(NodesR.Value(i,j), NodesR.Value(i+1,j),
- NodesR.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesR.Value(i,j+1));
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesBRD.Value(i,j), NodesBRD.Value(i+1,j),
+ NodesBRD.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesBRD.Value(i,j+1));
meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
else {
SMDS_MeshFace* F =
- myTool->AddFace(NodesR.Value(i,j), NodesR.Value(i,j+1),
- NodesR.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesR.Value(i+1,j));
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesBRD.Value(i,j), NodesBRD.Value(i,j+1),
+ NodesBRD.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesBRD.Value(i+1,j));
meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
- }
- else {
- // fill UVR using c2d
- for(i=1; i<npr.Length() && UVR.Length()<nbv-nnn-1; i++) {
- UVR.Append( gp_UV( uv_er[i].u, uv_er[i].v ));
- }
- }
- // step3: create faces for central domain
- StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesC(1,nb,1,nbv);
- // add first string using NodesL
- for(i=1; i<=dl+1; i++)
- NodesC.SetValue(1,i,NodesL(i,1));
- for(i=2; i<=nl; i++)
- NodesC.SetValue(1,dl+i,NodesL(dl+1,i));
- // add last string using NodesR
- for(i=1; i<=dr+1; i++)
- NodesC.SetValue(nb,i,NodesR(i,nr));
- for(i=1; i<nr; i++)
- NodesC.SetValue(nb,dr+i+1,NodesR(dr+1,nr-i));
- // add top nodes (last columns)
- for(i=dl+2; i<nbh-dr; i++)
- NodesC.SetValue(i-dl,nbv,uv_et[i-1].node);
- // add bottom nodes (first columns)
- for(i=2; i<nb; i++)
- NodesC.SetValue(i,1,uv_eb[i-1].node);
- // create and add needed nodes
- // add linear layers
- for(i=2; i<nb; i++) {
- double x0 = npt.Value(dl+i);
- double x1 = x0;
- for(j=1; j<nnn; j++) {
- double y0 = npl.Value(nbv-nnn+j);
- double y1 = npr.Value(nbv-nnn+j);
- gp_UV UV = CalcUV(x0, x1, y0, y1, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
- SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
- meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
- NodesC.SetValue(i,nbv-nnn+j,N);
+ int drl = abs(nr-nl);
+ // create faces for region C
+ StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesC(1,nb,1,drl+1+addv);
+ // add nodes from previous region
+ for(j=1; j<=nb; j++) {
+ NodesC.SetValue(j,1,NodesBRD.Value(j,nnn-1));
- }
- // add diagonal layers
- //cout<<"UVL.Length()="<<UVL.Length()<<" UVR.Length()="<<UVR.Length()<<endl;
- //cout<<"Dump UVL:"<<endl;
- //for(i=1; i<=UVL.Length(); i++) {
- // cout<<" ("<<UVL.Value(i).X()<<","<<UVL.Value(i).Y()<<")";
- //}
- //cout<<endl;
- for(i=1; i<nbv-nnn; i++) {
- double du = UVR.Value(i).X() - UVL.Value(i).X();
- double dv = UVR.Value(i).Y() - UVL.Value(i).Y();
- for(j=2; j<nb; j++) {
- double u = UVL.Value(i).X() + du*npb.Value(j);
- double v = UVL.Value(i).Y() + dv*npb.Value(j);
- gp_Pnt P = S->Value(u,v);
- SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
- meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, u, v);
- NodesC.SetValue(j,i+1,N);
- }
- }
- // create faces
- for(i=1; i<nb; i++) {
- for(j=1; j<nbv; j++) {
- if(WisF) {
- SMDS_MeshFace* F =
- myTool->AddFace(NodesC.Value(i,j), NodesC.Value(i+1,j),
- NodesC.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesC.Value(i,j+1));
- meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ if( (drl+addv) > 0 ) {
+ int n1,n2;
+ if(nr>nl) {
+ n1 = 1;
+ n2 = drl + 1;
+ TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVtmp;
+ double drparam = npr.Value(nr) - npr.Value(nnn-1);
+ double dlparam = npl.Value(nnn) - npl.Value(nnn-1);
+ double y0,y1;
+ for(i=1; i<=drl; i++) {
+ // add existed nodes from right edge
+ NodesC.SetValue(nb,i+1,uv_er[nnn+i-2].node);
+ //double dtparam = npt.Value(i+1);
+ y1 = npr.Value(nnn+i-1); // param on right edge
+ double dpar = (y1 - npr.Value(nnn-1))/drparam;
+ y0 = npl.Value(nnn-1) + dpar*dlparam; // param on left edge
+ double dy = y1 - y0;
+ for(j=1; j<nb; j++) {
+ double x = npt.Value(i+1) + npb.Value(j)*(1-npt.Value(i+1));
+ double y = y0 + dy*x;
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV2(x, y, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesC.SetValue(j,i+1,N);
+ }
+ }
+ double dy0 = (1-y0)/(addv+1);
+ double dy1 = (1-y1)/(addv+1);
+ for(i=1; i<=addv; i++) {
+ double yy0 = y0 + dy0*i;
+ double yy1 = y1 + dy1*i;
+ double dyy = yy1 - yy0;
+ for(j=1; j<=nb; j++) {
+ double x = npt.Value(i+1+drl) +
+ npb.Value(j) * ( npt.Value(nt-i) - npt.Value(i+1+drl) );
+ double y = yy0 + dyy*x;
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV2(x, y, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesC.SetValue(j,i+drl+1,N);
+ }
+ }
- else {
- SMDS_MeshFace* F =
- myTool->AddFace(NodesC.Value(i,j), NodesC.Value(i,j+1),
- NodesC.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesC.Value(i+1,j));
- meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ else { // nr<nl
+ n2 = 1;
+ n1 = drl + 1;
+ TColgp_SequenceOfXY UVtmp;
+ double dlparam = npl.Value(nl) - npl.Value(nnn-1);
+ double drparam = npr.Value(nnn) - npr.Value(nnn-1);
+ double y0 = npl.Value(nnn-1);
+ double y1 = npr.Value(nnn-1);
+ for(i=1; i<=drl; i++) {
+ // add existed nodes from right edge
+ NodesC.SetValue(1,i+1,uv_el[nnn+i-2].node);
+ y0 = npl.Value(nnn+i-1); // param on left edge
+ double dpar = (y0 - npl.Value(nnn-1))/dlparam;
+ y1 = npr.Value(nnn-1) + dpar*drparam; // param on right edge
+ double dy = y1 - y0;
+ for(j=2; j<=nb; j++) {
+ double x = npb.Value(j)*npt.Value(nt-i);
+ double y = y0 + dy*x;
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV2(x, y, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesC.SetValue(j,i+1,N);
+ }
+ }
+ double dy0 = (1-y0)/(addv+1);
+ double dy1 = (1-y1)/(addv+1);
+ for(i=1; i<=addv; i++) {
+ double yy0 = y0 + dy0*i;
+ double yy1 = y1 + dy1*i;
+ double dyy = yy1 - yy0;
+ for(j=1; j<=nb; j++) {
+ double x = npt.Value(i+1) +
+ npb.Value(j) * ( npt.Value(nt-i-drl) - npt.Value(i+1) );
+ double y = yy0 + dyy*x;
+ gp_UV UV = CalcUV2(x, y, quad, a0, a1, a2, a3);
+ gp_Pnt P = S->Value(UV.X(),UV.Y());
+ SMDS_MeshNode* N = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z());
+ meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(N, geomFaceID, UV.X(), UV.Y());
+ NodesC.SetValue(j,i+drl+1,N);
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
+ // create faces
+ for(j=1; j<=drl+addv; j++) {
+ for(i=1; i<nb; i++) {
+ if(WisF) {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesC.Value(i,j), NodesC.Value(i+1,j),
+ NodesC.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesC.Value(i,j+1));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ else {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesC.Value(i,j), NodesC.Value(i,j+1),
+ NodesC.Value(i+1,j+1), NodesC.Value(i+1,j));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ }
+ } // end nr<nl
+ StdMeshers_Array2OfNode NodesLast(1,nt,1,2);
+ for(i=1; i<=nt; i++) {
+ NodesLast.SetValue(i,2,uv_et[i-1].node);
+ }
+ int nnn=0;
+ for(i=n1; i<drl+addv+1; i++) {
+ nnn++;
+ NodesLast.SetValue(nnn,1,NodesC.Value(1,i));
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=nb; i++) {
+ nnn++;
+ NodesLast.SetValue(nnn,1,NodesC.Value(i,drl+addv+1));
+ }
+ for(i=drl+addv; i>=n2; i--) {
+ nnn++;
+ NodesLast.SetValue(nnn,1,NodesC.Value(nb,i));
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<nt; i++) {
+ if(WisF) {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesLast.Value(i,1), NodesLast.Value(i+1,1),
+ NodesLast.Value(i+1,2), NodesLast.Value(i,2));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ else {
+ SMDS_MeshFace* F =
+ myTool->AddFace(NodesLast.Value(i,1), NodesLast.Value(i,2),
+ NodesLast.Value(i+1,2), NodesLast.Value(i+1,2));
+ meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(F, geomFaceID);
+ }
+ }
+ } // if( (drl+addv) > 0 )
+ } // end new version implementation
bool isOk = true;
return isOk;