funValue[0] = 0.5*(1.0 - gc[0]);
funValue[1] = 0.5*(1.0 + gc[0]);
+ devFunValue[0] = -0.5;
+ devFunValue[1] = 0.5;
void GaussInfo::seg2bInit()
funValue[0] = 1.0 - gc[0];
funValue[1] = gc[0];
+ devFunValue[0] = -1.0 ;
+ devFunValue[1] = 1.0 ;
void assign(mcIdType newn, mcIdType newm, const T &a);
T determinant() const;
+ T toJacobian() const;
using DenseMatrix = DenseMatrixT<double>;
#include "InterpKernelDenseMatrix.hxx"
#include "InterpKernelException.hxx"
+#include "VectorUtils.hxx"
+#include <cmath>
template <class T>
T DenseMatrixT<T>::determinant() const
+ if(nn==1 && mm==1)
+ return v[0][0];
if(nn==2 && mm==2)
return Determinant22(v[0]);
if(nn==3 && mm==3)
return Determinant33(v[0]);
- THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("DenseMatrixT::determinant : only 2x2 and 3x3 implemented !");
+ THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("DenseMatrixT::determinant : only 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 implemented !");
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ T DenseMatrixT<T>::toJacobian() const
+ {
+ if(nn == mm)
+ return determinant();
+ const T *vPtr(this->v[0]);
+ if(nn==3 && mm==1)
+ return norm(vPtr);
+ if(nn==2 && mm==1)
+ return std::sqrt(vPtr[0]*vPtr[0] + vPtr[1]*vPtr[1]);
+ if(nn==3 && mm==2)
+ {
+ T tmp[3];
+ T VA[3] = {v[0][0],v[1][0],v[2][0]};
+ T VB[3] = {v[0][1],v[1][1],v[2][1]};
+ cross(VA,VB,tmp);
+ return norm(tmp);
+ }
+ THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("DenseMatrixT::toJacobian : only 1x1, 2x1, 3x1, 3x2, 2x2 and 3x3 implemented !");
MCAuto<MEDCouplingUMesh> umesh(mesh->buildUnstructured());
const double *coordsOfMesh( umesh->getCoords()->begin() );
auto spaceDim(mesh->getSpaceDimension());
- if( spaceDim != mesh->getMeshDimension())
- THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationGauss::getMeasureField : only implemented when space dimension and mesh dimension are equal !");
+ auto meshDim(mesh->getMeshDimension());
MCAuto<MEDCouplingFieldDouble> ret=MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New(ON_GAUSS_PT);
ret->setDiscretization(const_cast<MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationGauss *>(this));
std::vector<double> ptsInCell; ptsInCell.reserve(conn.size()*loc.getDimension());
std::for_each( conn.cbegin(), conn.cend(), [spaceDim,coordsOfMesh,&ptsInCell](mcIdType c) { ptsInCell.insert(ptsInCell.end(),coordsOfMesh+c*spaceDim,coordsOfMesh+(c+1)*spaceDim); } );
std::size_t nbPtsInCell(ptsInCell.size()/spaceDim);
- INTERP_KERNEL::DenseMatrix jacobian(spaceDim,spaceDim);
+ INTERP_KERNEL::DenseMatrix jacobian(spaceDim,meshDim);
MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> shapeFunc = loc.getDerivativeOfShapeFunctionValues();
for(mcIdType iGPt = 0 ; iGPt < nbOfGaussPt ; ++iGPt)
for(auto i = 0 ; i < spaceDim ; ++i)
- for(auto j = 0 ; j < spaceDim ; ++j)
+ for(auto j = 0 ; j < meshDim ; ++j)
double res = 0.0;
for( std::size_t k = 0 ; k < nbPtsInCell ; ++k )
- res += ptsInCell[spaceDim*k+i] * shapeFunc->getIJ(iGPt,spaceDim*k+j);
+ res += ptsInCell[spaceDim*k+i] * shapeFunc->getIJ(iGPt,meshDim*k+j);
jacobian[ i ][ j ] = res;
- arrPtr[offsetPtr[*cellId]+iGPt]=std::abs( jacobian.determinant() )*loc.getWeight(FromIdType<int>(iGPt));
+ arrPtr[offsetPtr[*cellId]+iGPt]=std::abs( jacobian.toJacobian() )*loc.getWeight(FromIdType<int>(iGPt));
self.assertTrue( ret.isEqual(DataArrayInt([1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2]) ) )
+ def testMeasureOnGaussPtMeshDimNotEqualSpaceDim0(self):
+ """
+ [EDF26877] : This test focuses on computation of measure field on field on Gauss Point in the special case where SpaceDim
+ are not eqaul to the meshDim.
+ """
+ seg2 = MEDCouplingUMesh("mesh",1)
+ seg2.setCoords(DataArrayDouble([(3,3),(4,4)]))
+ seg2.allocateCells()
+ seg2.insertNextCell(NORM_SEG2,[0,1])
+ fff=MEDCouplingFieldDouble.New(ON_GAUSS_PT) ; fff.setName("CH1RB") ; fff.setNature(IntensiveMaximum)
+ fff.setMesh(seg2)
+ fff.setGaussLocalizationOnCells([0], [0.,1.], [0.333333333333333], [1.0])
+ disc = fff.getDiscretization()
+ # spaceDim = 2 meshDim = 1
+ self.assertTrue( disc.getMeasureField(seg2,True).getArray().isEqual(DataArrayDouble([sqrt(2.0)]),1e-10) )
+ # spaceDim = 3 meshDim = 1
+ seg2.setCoords(DataArrayDouble([(3,3,3),(4,4,4)]))
+ self.assertTrue( disc.getMeasureField(seg2,True).getArray().isEqual(DataArrayDouble([sqrt(3.0)]),1e-10) )
+ # spaceDim = 3 meshDim = 2
+ tri = MEDCouplingUMesh("mesh",2)
+ tri.setCoords( DataArrayDouble([(0,0,0),(1,1,0),(2,2,2)]) )
+ tri.allocateCells()
+ tri.insertNextCell(NORM_TRI3,[0,1,2])
+ fff=MEDCouplingFieldDouble.New(ON_GAUSS_PT) ; fff.setName("CH1RB") ; fff.setNature(IntensiveMaximum)
+ fff.setMesh(tri)
+ fff.setGaussLocalizationOnCells(list(range(0, 1)), [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1.], [0.3333333333333333, 0.3333333333333333], [0.5])
+ disc = fff.getDiscretization()
+ self.assertTrue( disc.getMeasureField(tri,True).getArray().isEqual( tri.getMeasureField(True).getArray(), 1e-10) )
+ pass
if __name__ == '__main__':