--- /dev/null
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : SALOME_ConvexTool.cxx
+// Author : Eugeny Nikolaev
+// Module : SALOME
+// $Header$
+#include "SALOME_ConvexTool.h"
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtkTriangle.h>
+#include <vtkConvexPointSet.h>
+#include <vtkMath.h>
+#include <set>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <algo.h>
+static float FACE_TOLERANCE=0;
+typedef std::set<vtkIdType> TUIDS; // unique ids
+typedef std::map<vtkIdType,TUIDS> TPTOIDS; // id points -> unique ids
+namespace CONVEX_TOOL{
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+static void GetCenter(vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,TCell theptIds,float *center)
+ float *p;
+ center[0] = center[1] = center[2] = 0.0;
+ int numIds=theptIds.size();
+ // get the center of the cell
+ for (int i=0; i < numIds; i++)
+ {
+ p = theGrid->GetPoint(theptIds[i]);
+ for (int j=0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ center[j] += p[j];
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
+ {
+ center[j] /= numIds;
+ }
+static void ReverseIds(TCell &theIds){
+ int i;
+ vtkIdType tmp;
+ vtkIdType npts=theIds.size();
+ for(i=0;i<(npts/2);i++){
+ tmp = theIds[i];
+ theIds[i] = theIds[npts-i-1];
+ theIds[npts-i-1] = tmp;
+ }
+// caclulation of connected faces (faceId -> (faceId1,faceId2, ...))
+void GetFriends(const TPTOIDS p2faces,const TCellArray f2points,TPTOIDS& face2face_output)
+ TCellArray::const_iterator f2pIter = f2points.begin();
+ for( ; f2pIter!=f2points.end() ; f2pIter++ ){
+ vtkIdType faceId = f2pIter->first;
+ TCell face_points = f2pIter->second;
+ int nb_face_points = face_points.size();
+ vtkIdType id1;
+ vtkIdType id2;
+ TPTOIDS::const_iterator faces1;
+ TPTOIDS::const_iterator faces2;
+ id1 = face_points[0];
+ faces1 = p2faces.find(id1);
+ TUIDS output_faces;
+ for(int i=1 ; i<nb_face_points ; i++ ){
+ id2 = face_points[i];
+ faces2 = p2faces.find(id2);
+ std::set_intersection(faces1->second.begin(), faces1->second.end(), faces2->second.begin(), faces2->second.end(),
+ inserter(output_faces,output_faces.begin()));
+ id1 = id2;
+ faces1 = faces2;
+ }
+ id1 = face_points[0];
+ faces1 = p2faces.find(id1);
+ std::set_intersection(faces1->second.begin(), faces1->second.end(), faces2->second.begin(), faces2->second.end(),
+ inserter(output_faces,output_faces.begin()));
+ output_faces.erase(faceId); // erase the face id for which we found friends
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ cout << "fId[" << faceId <<"]: ";
+ copy(output_faces.begin(), output_faces.end(), ostream_iterator<vtkIdType>(cout, " "));
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ face2face_output[faceId] = output_faces;
+ }
+bool IsConnectedFacesOnOnePlane(vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,
+ vtkIdType theFId1,vtkIdType theFId2,
+ TUIDS FpIds1,TUIDS FpIds2)
+ bool status = false;
+ TUIDS common_ids;
+ std::set_intersection(FpIds1.begin(), FpIds1.end(), FpIds2.begin(), FpIds2.end(),
+ inserter(common_ids,common_ids.begin()));
+ /* Number of common ids = 2 (A1,A2)
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vectors:
+ | \ / | v1 {A2,A1}
+ \ / v2 {A1,B1}
+ | | A2 | v3 {A1,C1}
+ |
+ | | |
+ |
+ | | A1 |
+ / \
+ |_ _ _ _ _/ \_ _ _ _ _|
+ B2 B1 C1 C2
+ */
+ TUIDS::iterator common_iter = common_ids.begin();
+ if(common_ids.size() == 2){
+ TUIDS::iterator loc_id1_0 = FpIds1.find(*(common_iter));
+ common_iter++;
+ TUIDS::iterator loc_id1_1 = FpIds1.find(*(common_iter));
+ TUIDS::iterator loc_id2_0 = FpIds1.begin();
+ TUIDS::iterator loc_id2_1 = FpIds2.begin();
+ vtkIdType A1 = *loc_id1_0;
+ vtkIdType A2 = *loc_id1_1;
+ vtkIdType B1,B2;
+ vtkIdType C1,C2;
+ for(;loc_id2_0!=FpIds1.end();loc_id2_0++)
+ if(*loc_id2_0 != A1 && *loc_id2_0!= A2){
+ B1 = *loc_id2_0;
+ break;
+ }
+ for(;loc_id2_1!=FpIds2.end();loc_id2_1++)
+ if(*loc_id2_1 != A1 && *loc_id2_1!= A2){
+ C1 = *loc_id2_1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout <<endl;
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << "FId_1="<<theFId1<<" FId_2="<<theFId2<<endl;
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << " A1="<<A1<<" A2="<<A2<<" B1="<<B1<<" C1="<<C1<<" ->";
+ float *p[4];
+ float v1[3],v2[3],v3[3];
+ p[0] = theGrid->GetPoint(A1);
+ p[1] = theGrid->GetPoint(A2);
+ p[2] = theGrid->GetPoint(B1);
+ p[3] = theGrid->GetPoint(C1);
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
+ v1[i] = p[1][i] - p[0][i];
+ v2[i] = p[2][i] - p[0][i];
+ v3[i] = p[3][i] - p[0][i];
+ }
+ float det = vtkMath::Determinant3x3(v1,v2,v3);
+// float det = v1[0]*(v2[1]*v3[2]-v2[2]*v3[1]) -
+// v1[1]*(v2[0]*v3[2]-v2[2]*v3[0]) +
+// v1[2]*(v2[0]*v3[1]-v2[1]*v3[0]);
+ if(det < 0)
+ det = -det;
+ if( det <= FACE_TOLERANCE )
+ status = true;
+ if (MYDEBUG){
+ for(int k=0;k<4;k++){
+ cout << " (";
+ for(int j=0;j<2;j++){
+ cout << p[k][j] << ",";
+ }
+ cout << p[k][2] << ") ";
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ } else if (common_ids.size() >2){
+ // not implemented yet
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << "Warning! SALOME_ConvexTool::IsConnectedFacesOnOnePlane()";
+ } else {
+ // one or no connection ... continue
+ }
+ return status;
+void GetAllFacesOnOnePlane(TPTOIDS theFaces, vtkIdType faceId,
+ TUIDS &new_faces,TCell &new_faces_v2){
+ if (new_faces.find(faceId) != new_faces.end()) return;
+ new_faces.insert(new_faces.begin(),faceId);
+ new_faces_v2.push_back(faceId);
+ TPTOIDS::const_iterator aIter1 = theFaces.find(faceId);
+ if(aIter1!=theFaces.end()){
+ TUIDS::const_iterator aIter2 = (aIter1->second).begin();
+ for(;aIter2!=(aIter1->second).end();aIter2++){
+ if (new_faces.find(*aIter2) != new_faces.end()) continue;
+ GetAllFacesOnOnePlane(theFaces,*aIter2,
+ new_faces,new_faces_v2); // recurvise
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void GetSumm(TCell v1,TCell v2,TCell &output){
+ output.clear();
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << "========================================="<<endl;
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << "v1:";
+ if(MYDEBUG) copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), ostream_iterator<vtkIdType>(cout, " "));
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << "\tv2:";
+ if(MYDEBUG) copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), ostream_iterator<vtkIdType>(cout, " "));
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << endl;
+ TUIDS v1_set;
+ copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), inserter(v1_set,v1_set.begin()));
+ TUIDS v2_set;
+ copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), inserter(v2_set,v2_set.begin()));
+ TUIDS tmpIntersection;
+ set_intersection(v1_set.begin(),v1_set.end(),v2_set.begin(),v2_set.end(),inserter(tmpIntersection,tmpIntersection.begin()));
+ if(MYDEBUG) copy(tmpIntersection.begin(),tmpIntersection.end(),ostream_iterator<vtkIdType>(cout, " "));
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << endl;
+ if(tmpIntersection.size() < 2)
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << __FILE__ << "[" << __LINE__ << "]: Warning ! Wrong ids" << endl;
+ TCell::iterator v1_iter = v1.begin();
+ for(;v1_iter!=v1.end();v1_iter++){
+ vtkIdType curr_id = *v1_iter;
+ output.push_back(curr_id);
+ if(tmpIntersection.find(curr_id) != tmpIntersection.end()){
+ TCell::iterator v1_iter_tmp;
+ v1_iter_tmp = v1_iter;
+ v1_iter++;
+ if(v1_iter==v1.end()) v1_iter=v1.begin();
+ curr_id = *v1_iter;
+ if(tmpIntersection.find(curr_id) != tmpIntersection.end()){
+ TCell::iterator v2_iter = v2.begin();
+ for(;v2_iter!=v2.end();v2_iter++){
+ vtkIdType v2_id = *v2_iter;
+ if(tmpIntersection.find(v2_id) == tmpIntersection.end())
+ output.push_back(v2_id);
+ }
+ }
+ v1_iter = v1_iter_tmp;
+ curr_id = *v1_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << "Result: " ;
+ if(MYDEBUG) copy(output.begin(),output.end(),ostream_iterator<vtkIdType>(cout, " "));
+ if(MYDEBUG) cout << endl;
+void GetPolygonalFaces(vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid,int cellId,TCellArray &outputCellArray)
+ if (theGrid->GetCellType(cellId) == VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET){
+ // get vtkCell type = VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET
+ if(vtkConvexPointSet* convex = static_cast<vtkConvexPointSet*>(theGrid->GetCell(cellId))){
+ TCellArray f2points;
+ float convex_center[3]; // convex center point coorinat
+ int aNbFaces = convex->GetNumberOfFaces();
+ int numPts = convex->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ TCell convex_ids;
+ TPTOIDS p2faces; // key=pointId , value facesIds set
+ for(int i=0;i<numPts;i++)
+ convex_ids.push_back(convex->GetPointId(i));
+ GetCenter(theGrid,convex_ids,convex_center);
+ for (vtkIdType faceId=0; faceId < aNbFaces; faceId++){
+ vtkCell *aFace = convex->GetFace(faceId);
+ int numFacePts = aFace->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ TCell aIds;
+ for(int i=0;i<numFacePts;i++)
+ aIds.push_back(aFace->GetPointId(i));
+ float v_a[3],v_b[3],v_convex2face[3]; // vectors
+ float *id_0,*id_1,*id_n;
+ /*=============================================
+ ,+- - - - _
+ _ / id_n | v_b {id_0,id_n}
+ v_b / _
+ / | v_a {id_0,id_1}
+ /
+ / |
+ + id_0
+ \
+ _ \ |
+ v_a \
+ \ id_1 |
+ "+- - - -
+ ============================================*/
+ id_0 = theGrid->GetPoint(aIds[0]);
+ id_1 = theGrid->GetPoint(aIds[1]);
+ id_n = theGrid->GetPoint(aIds[numFacePts-1]);
+ for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
+ v_a[i] = id_1[i] - id_0[i];
+ v_b[i] = id_n[i] - id_0[i];
+ v_convex2face[i] = id_0[i] - convex_center[i];
+ }
+ if (vtkMath::Determinant3x3(v_a,v_b,v_convex2face) < 0){
+ ReverseIds(aIds);
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<aIds.size();i++){
+ TUIDS &acell = p2faces[aIds[i]];
+ acell.insert(faceId);
+ }
+ f2points[faceId] = aIds;
+ }
+ TPTOIDS face2face;
+ GetFriends(p2faces,f2points,face2face);
+ TPTOIDS face2points;
+ // copy TCellArray::f2points to TPTOIDS::face2points
+ for(TCellArray::iterator f2points_iter=f2points.begin();
+ f2points_iter!=f2points.end();
+ f2points_iter++){
+ TUIDS tmp;
+ for(TCell::iterator points_iter=(f2points_iter->second).begin();
+ points_iter!=(f2points_iter->second).end();
+ points_iter++)
+ tmp.insert(*points_iter);
+ face2points[f2points_iter->first] = tmp;
+ } // end copy
+ TPTOIDS new_face2faces; // which connected and in one plane
+ int count=0;
+ TPTOIDS::const_iterator aF2FIter = face2face.begin();
+ for(;aF2FIter!=face2face.end();aF2FIter++){
+ vtkIdType f_key = aF2FIter->first;
+ TUIDS &faces = new_face2faces[f_key];
+ //faces.insert(f_key);
+ TUIDS f_friends = aF2FIter->second;
+ TUIDS::const_iterator a_friends_iter = f_friends.begin();
+ for(;a_friends_iter!=f_friends.end();a_friends_iter++){
+ vtkIdType friend_id = *a_friends_iter;
+ if( IsConnectedFacesOnOnePlane(theGrid,f_key,friend_id,
+ (face2points.find(f_key))->second,
+ (face2points.find(friend_id))->second)){
+ faces.insert(friend_id);
+ } // end if
+ } // end a_friends_iter
+ } // end aF2FIter
+ {
+ TPTOIDS::const_iterator new_face2face_iter = new_face2faces.begin();
+ cout << "Connected faces and on plane:" << endl;
+ for(;new_face2face_iter!=new_face2faces.end();new_face2face_iter++){
+ cout << "Group ["<<new_face2face_iter->first<<"] :";
+ TUIDS::const_iterator new_faces_iter = (new_face2face_iter->second).begin();
+ for(;new_faces_iter!=(new_face2face_iter->second).end();new_faces_iter++)
+ cout << " " << *new_faces_iter ;
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ TPTOIDS output_newid2face;
+ TCellArray output_newid2face_v2;
+ {
+ TUIDS already_in;
+ TUIDS already_in_tmp;
+ int k=0;
+ TPTOIDS::const_iterator new_face2face_iter = new_face2faces.begin();
+ for(;new_face2face_iter!=new_face2faces.end();new_face2face_iter++){
+ if(already_in.find(new_face2face_iter->first) != already_in.end())
+ continue;
+ if(new_face2face_iter->second.size() > 1)
+ continue;
+ TCell &tmp_v2 = output_newid2face_v2[k];
+ tmp_v2.push_back(new_face2face_iter->first);
+ already_in.insert(new_face2face_iter->first);
+ TUIDS::const_iterator new_faces_iter = (new_face2face_iter->second).begin();
+ for(;new_faces_iter!=(new_face2face_iter->second).end();new_faces_iter++){
+ if(already_in.find(*new_faces_iter) != already_in.end()) continue;
+ already_in.insert(*new_faces_iter);
+ already_in_tmp.clear();
+ already_in_tmp.insert(new_face2face_iter->first);
+ TUIDS &tmp = output_newid2face[k];
+ GetAllFacesOnOnePlane(new_face2faces,*new_faces_iter,
+ already_in_tmp,tmp_v2);
+ for(TUIDS::const_iterator aIter=already_in_tmp.begin();
+ aIter!=already_in_tmp.end();
+ aIter++)
+ {
+ already_in.insert(*aIter);
+ tmp.insert(*aIter);
+ }
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) {
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ {
+ TPTOIDS::const_iterator new_face2face_iter = output_newid2face.begin();
+ for(;new_face2face_iter!=output_newid2face.end();new_face2face_iter++){
+ cout << "Group ["<<new_face2face_iter->first<<"] :";
+ TUIDS::const_iterator new_faces_iter = (new_face2face_iter->second).begin();
+ for(;new_faces_iter!=(new_face2face_iter->second).end();new_faces_iter++)
+ cout << " " << *new_faces_iter ;
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ {
+ TCellArray::const_iterator new_face2face_iter = output_newid2face_v2.begin();
+ for(;new_face2face_iter!=output_newid2face_v2.end();new_face2face_iter++){
+ cout << "Group ["<<new_face2face_iter->first<<"] :";
+ TCell::const_iterator new_faces_iter = (new_face2face_iter->second).begin();
+ for(;new_faces_iter!=(new_face2face_iter->second).end();new_faces_iter++)
+ cout << " " << *new_faces_iter ;
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TCellArray output_new_face2ids;
+// {
+// TPTOIDS::const_iterator new_face2face_iter = output_newid2face.begin();
+// for(;new_face2face_iter!=output_newid2face.end();new_face2face_iter++){
+// vtkIdType new_faceId = new_face2face_iter->first;
+// TUIDS::const_iterator new_faces_iter = (new_face2face_iter->second).begin();
+// vtkIdType fId0 = *new_faces_iter;
+// TCellArray::const_iterator pIds0_iter = f2points.find(fId0);
+// TCell pIds0 = pIds0_iter->second;
+// TCell &output = output_new_face2ids[new_faceId];
+// new_faces_iter++;
+// if(new_face2face_iter->second.size() > 2 ){}
+// for(;new_faces_iter!=(new_face2face_iter->second).end();new_faces_iter++){
+// vtkIdType faceId = *new_faces_iter;
+// // find how much nodes in face (f2points)
+// TCellArray::const_iterator pIds_iter = f2points.find(faceId);
+// TCell pIds = pIds_iter->second;
+// GetSumm(pIds0,pIds,output);
+// pIds0 = output;
+// } // end new_faces_iter
+// } // new_face2face_iter
+// }
+ {
+ TCellArray::const_iterator new_face2face_iter = output_newid2face_v2.begin();
+ for(;new_face2face_iter!=output_newid2face_v2.end();new_face2face_iter++){
+ vtkIdType new_faceId = new_face2face_iter->first;
+ TCell::const_iterator new_faces_iter = (new_face2face_iter->second).begin();
+ vtkIdType fId0 = *new_faces_iter;
+ TCellArray::const_iterator pIds0_iter = f2points.find(fId0);
+ TCell pIds0 = pIds0_iter->second;
+ TCell &output = output_new_face2ids[new_faceId];
+ new_faces_iter++;
+ if(new_face2face_iter->second.size() == 1 ){
+ TCellArray::const_iterator pIds_iter = f2points.find(fId0);
+ TCell pIds = pIds_iter->second;
+ output = pIds;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(;new_faces_iter!=(new_face2face_iter->second).end();new_faces_iter++){
+ vtkIdType faceId = *new_faces_iter;
+ // find how much nodes in face (f2points)
+ TCellArray::const_iterator pIds_iter = f2points.find(faceId);
+ TCell pIds = pIds_iter->second;
+ GetSumm(pIds0,pIds,output);
+ pIds0 = output;
+ } // end new_faces_iter
+ } // new_face2face_iter
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) {
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"<<endl;
+ }
+ outputCellArray = output_new_face2ids;//f2points;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // not implemented
+ }