if ( theNodeFiles.empty() )
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "Input MED file:" << theInputMedFile << std::endl;
if ( !FT_Utils::fileExists( theInputMedFile ))
throw std::invalid_argument( "Input MED file does not exist: " + theInputMedFile );
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "Output MED file:" << theOutputMedFile << std::endl;
if ( !FT_Utils::canWrite( theOutputMedFile ))
throw std::invalid_argument( "Can't create the output MED file: " + theOutputMedFile );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < theNodeFiles.size(); ++i )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "Fichier" << theNodeFiles[i] << std::endl;
if ( !FT_Utils::fileExists( theNodeFiles[i] ))
throw std::invalid_argument( "Input node file does not exist: " + theNodeFiles[i] );
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "XAO file:" << theXaoFileName << std::endl;
if ( !FT_Utils::fileExists( theXaoFileName ))
throw std::invalid_argument( "Input XAO file does not exist: " + theXaoFileName );
// read a mesh
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "Lecture du maillage" << std::endl;
MEDCoupling::MCAuto< MEDCoupling::MEDFileUMesh >
mfMesh( MEDCoupling::MEDFileUMesh::New( theInputMedFile ));
if ( mfMesh.isNull() )
// read a geometry
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "Lecture de la geometrie" << std::endl;
XAO::Xao xao;
if ( !xao.importXAO( theXaoFileName ) || !xao.getGeometry() )
throw std::invalid_argument( "Failed to read the XAO input file: " + theXaoFileName );
// read groups of nodes and associate them with boundary shapes using names (no projection so far)
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "Lecture des groupes" << std::endl;
FT_NodeGroups nodeGroups;
nodeGroups.read( theNodeFiles, &xao, nodeCoords );
// project nodes to the boundary shapes and change their coordinates
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ std::cout << "Projection des noeuds" << std::endl;
OSD_Parallel::For( 0, nodeGroups.nbOfGroups(), nodeGroups, !theIsParallel );
// save the modified mesh