-// mainFrame()->RadioButton2->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
-// mainFrame()->RadioButton2->close();
-// mainFrame()->RadioButton3->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
-// mainFrame()->RadioButton3->close();
+ mainFrame()->RadioButton3->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ mainFrame()->RadioButton3->close();
// myViewGroup = new DlgRef_3Radio(centralWidget());
// myViewGroup->GroupBox1->setTitle(tr("GEOM_VIEW"));
mySelButton = new QPushButton(mySelectionGroup);
myLineEdit = new QLineEdit(mySelectionGroup);
- myCheckBox = new QCheckBox(mySelectionGroup);
mySnapshotLabel = new QLabel(mySelectionGroup);
mySelectGrpLayout->addWidget(myLineEdit, 0, 1);
mySelectGrpLayout->addWidget(mySelButton, 0, 0);
mySelectGrpLayout->addWidget(mySnapshotLabel, 1, 1);
mySelectGrpLayout->addWidget(myPushButton, 1, 0);
- mySelectGrpLayout->addWidget(myCheckBox, 2, 0);
myOutputGroup = new DlgRef_3Radio(centralWidget());
// myViewGroup->show();
// mySelectionGroup->show();
+ myOutputGroup->hide();
// myViewGroup->hide();
// mySelectionGroup->hide();
// mySelectionGroup->show();
+ myOutputGroup->show();
// myViewGroup->hide();
// mySelectionGroup->hide();
// mySelectionGroup->show();
+ myOutputGroup->hide();
int winHeight = vp->height();
int winWidth = vp->width();
double x_offset, y_offset;
- int i;
// Recompute of the values computed in OCC OpenGl_view.c
// while waiting for a function to retrieve parameters of the displayed backgroun image
double hratio = winHeight * 1.0 / height;
imgZoomRatio = wratio;
- // Selection rectangle coordinates in the view
- double rectLeft = myStartPnt.x();
- double rectTop = myStartPnt.y();
+// // Selection rectangle coordinates in the view
+// double rectLeft = myStartPnt.x();
+// double rectTop = myStartPnt.y();
// Operations to display the corners properly in the 3D scene
- double viewLeft = 0.5 * winWidth - x_offset; // X coordinate of the top left corner of the background image in the view
- double viewTop = 0.5 * winHeight - y_offset; // Y coordinate of both top corners
+ double viewLeft = -0.5 * width; // X coordinate of the top left corner of the background image in the view
+ double viewTop = 0.5 * height; // Y coordinate of both top corners
- // Set detection rectangle in the background image coordinates system and detect the corners
+ // Set detection rectangle in the background image coordinates system
myStartPnt.setX( (myStartPnt.x() - (0.5 * winWidth - x_offset)) * 1.0 / imgZoomRatio );
myStartPnt.setY( (myStartPnt.y() - (0.5 * winHeight - y_offset)) * 1.0 / imgZoomRatio );
myEndPnt.setX( (myEndPnt.x() - (0.5 * winWidth - x_offset)) * 1.0 / imgZoomRatio );
if( !aRect.isEmpty() )
aDetector->SetROI( aRect );
- viewLeft = rectLeft;
- viewTop = rectTop;
+// viewLeft = rectLeft;
+// viewTop = rectTop;
CvPoint2D32f* corners = aDetector->GetCorners();
int cornerCount = aDetector->GetCornerCount();
+ int i;
// Build the geom objects associated to the detected corners and returned by execute
if( !aBasicOperations->_is_nil() && !aShapesOperations->_is_nil() )
// double z = aCornerPnt.Z();
// When using the new way with textures on shapes we just have to do the following
- double x = -0.5*width + corners[i].x;
- double y = 0.5*height - corners[i].y;
+ double x = viewLeft + corners[i].x;
+ double y = viewTop - corners[i].y;
double z = 0;
aGeomCorner = aBasicOperations->MakePointXYZ( x,y,z );
bool insert;
- // TEST for debug only
-// GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aRemovedPnt;
-// GEOM::ListOfGO_var removedPnts = new GEOM::ListOfGO();
-// int r = 0;
MESSAGE("hierarchy.size() =" << hierarchy.size())
for( ; idx >= 0; idx = hierarchy[idx][0])
std::vector<int> pnt (pnt_array, pnt_array + sizeof(pnt_array) / sizeof(int) );
- if (pnt_it.second == true || !myCheckBox->isChecked() ) // To avoid double points in the contours
+ if (pnt_it.second == true) // To avoid double points in the contours
insert = true;
if (it!=contour.begin()) // From the second point on perform some checking to avoid loops in the contours we build
if (fabs(u_v_sinus) < Precision::Confusion())
- // TEST for debug only
-// if (myCheckBox->isChecked())
-// {
-// MESSAGE("correction appliquee : fabs(u_v_sinus) ="<<fabs(u_v_sinus))
-// MESSAGE("it->x = "<<it->x)
-// MESSAGE("it->y = "<<it->y)
-// MESSAGE("it_previous->x = "<<it_previous->x)
-// MESSAGE("it_previous->y = "<<it_previous->y)
-// MESSAGE("it_next->x = "<<it_next->x)
-// MESSAGE("it_next->y = "<<it_next->y)
-// MESSAGE("norme_u = "<<norme_u)
-// MESSAGE("norme_v = "<<norme_v)
-// MESSAGE("u_v_det = "<<u_v_det)
-// }
- insert = !myCheckBox->isChecked(); // TEST correction appliquee que si la checkbox est cochee
+ insert = false;
geomContourPnts[j] = aGeomContourPnt;
-// TEST for debug only
-// else
-// {
-// aRemovedPnt = aBasicOperations->MakePointXYZ( x,y,z );
-// removedPnts->length( r+1 );
-// removedPnts[r] = aRemovedPnt;
-// r++;
-// }
// }
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aContoursCompound = aShapesOperations->MakeCompound(geomContours);
-// TEST for debu only GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aRemovedPntsCompound = aShapesOperations->MakeCompound(removedPnts);
if ( !aContoursCompound->_is_nil() )
objects.push_back( aContoursCompound._retn() );
-// TEST for debug only
-// if ( !aRemovedPntsCompound->_is_nil() )
-// {
-// objects.push_back( aRemovedPntsCompound._retn() );
-// }