return ret.release();
+Engines::vectorOfString_var FromVecStringCppToCORBA( const std::vector<std::string>& group)
+ Engines::vectorOfString_var ret( new Engines::vectorOfString );
+ auto sz( group.size() );
+ ret->length( sz );
+ for(auto i = 0 ; i < sz ; ++i)
+ {
+ ret[i] = CORBA::string_dup( group[i].c_str() );
+ }
+ return ret;
+std::vector<std::string> FromCORBAVecStringToCpp(const Engines::vectorOfString& groupOfLogFileNames)
+ auto len = groupOfLogFileNames.length();
+ std::vector<std::string> ret( len );
+ for( auto i = 0 ; i < len ; ++i )
+ {
+ ret[i] = groupOfLogFileNames[i];
+ }
+ return ret;
+void Abstract_Engines_Container_i::addLogFileNameGroup(const Engines::vectorOfString& groupOfLogFileNames)
+ this->_groups_of_log_files.push_back( FromCORBAVecStringToCpp(groupOfLogFileNames) );
+Engines::vectorOfVectorOfString *Abstract_Engines_Container_i::getAllLogFileNameGroups()
+ std::unique_ptr<Engines::vectorOfVectorOfString> ret( new Engines::vectorOfVectorOfString );
+ auto nbOfGrps = this->_groups_of_log_files.size();
+ ret->length( nbOfGrps );
+ for(auto i = 0 ; i < nbOfGrps ; ++i)
+ {
+ (*ret)[i] = FromVecStringCppToCORBA( _groups_of_log_files[i] );
+ }
+ return ret.release();
void Abstract_Engines_Container_i::execute_python_code(const char *code)
AutoGIL gstate;
for fileToDestroy in [self._main_filename,self._code_filename,self._in_context_filename,self._out_context_filename]:
if os.path.exists( fileToDestroy ):
os.unlink( fileToDestroy )
- def destroyOnKO(self):
+ def destroyOnKO(self, containerRef):
+ """
+ Called in the context of failure with replay mode activated
+ """
for fileToDestroy in [self._out_context_filename]:
if os.path.exists( fileToDestroy ):
os.unlink( fileToDestroy )
+ # register to container files group associated to the
+ containerRef.addLogFileNameGroup([self._main_filename,self._code_filename,self._in_context_filename])
def replayCmd(self):
return "To replay : ( cd {} && python3 {} )".format(os.path.dirname(self._main_filename),os.path.basename(self._main_filename))
-def ExecCrashProofGeneric( code, context, outargsname, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, keepFilesToReplay ):
+def ExecCrashProofGeneric( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, keepFilesToReplay ):
Equivalent of exec(code,context) but executed in a separate subprocess to avoid to make the current process crash.
code (str) : python code to be executed using context
context (dict) : context to be used for execution. This context will be updated in accordance with the execution of code.
+ outargsname (list<str>) : list of arguments to be exported
+ containerRef (Engines.Container) : Container ref (retrieving the Files to created when keepFilesToReplay is set to False)
instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession (LogOfCurrentExecutionSession) : instance of LogOfCurrentExecutionSession to build remotely the reference in order to log information
keepFilesToReplay (bool) : if True when something goes wrong during execution all the files to replay post mortem case are kept. If False only error is reported but files to replay are destoyed.
ScriptExecInfo : instance serverside
+ In/Out:
+ -------
+ context will be modified by this method. elts in outargsname will be added and their corresponding value coming from evaluation.
import tempfile
import pickle
return ret
if returnCode != 0:
if keepFilesToReplay:
- evParams.destroyOnKO()
+ evParams.destroyOnKO( containerRef )
raise RuntimeError(f"Subprocess launched {evParams.strDependingOnReturnCode(keepFilesToReplay,returnCode)}stdout :\n{stdout}\nstderr :\n{stderr}")
-def ExecCrashProofWithReplay( code, context, outargsname, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
- return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, True)
+def ExecCrashProofWithReplay( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
+ return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, True)
-def ExecCrashProofWithoutReplay( code, context, outargsname, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
- return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, False)
+def ExecCrashProofWithoutReplay( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
+ return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, False)
-def ExecLocal( code, context, outargsname, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
+def ExecLocal( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
exec( code, context )
return instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession._current_instance
super().__init__(nodeName, code, poa, my_container, logscript)
def executeNow(self, outargsname):
- return ExecLocal(self.ccode,self.context,outargsname,self._current_execution_session)
+ return ExecLocal(self.ccode,self.context,outargsname,self.my_container,self._current_execution_session)
class PyScriptNode_OutOfProcess_i(PyScriptNode_Abstract_i):
def __init__(self, nodeName, code, poa, my_container, logscript):
super().__init__(nodeName, code, poa, my_container, logscript)
def executeNow(self, outargsname):
- return ExecCrashProofWithoutReplay(self.code,self.context,outargsname,self._current_execution_session)
+ return ExecCrashProofWithoutReplay(self.code,self.context,outargsname,self.my_container,self._current_execution_session)
class PyScriptNode_OutOfProcess_Replay_i(PyScriptNode_Abstract_i):
def __init__(self, nodeName, code, poa, my_container, logscript):
super().__init__(nodeName, code, poa, my_container, logscript)
def executeNow(self, outargsname):
- return ExecCrashProofWithReplay(self.code,self.context,outargsname,self._current_execution_session)
+ return ExecCrashProofWithReplay(self.code,self.context,outargsname,self.my_container,self._current_execution_session)
import tempfile
import logging
from datetime import datetime
+import subprocess as sp
killMeCode = """
import os
+import sys
j = 7 * i
+sys.stdout.write(str(j)) ; sys.stdout.flush() # the aime of test in replay mode to be sure that case is runnable
os.kill( os.getpid() , signal.SIGKILL)# the aim of test is here
class testPerfLogManager1(unittest.TestCase):
- def tess0(self):
+ def test0(self):
EDF29852 : Kill container with OutOfProcessNoReplay mode and see if container still responds.
self.assertEqual(ret,24) # container has received a SIGKILL but it kindly continue to respond :)
a = salome.logm.NaiveFetch()
+ grpsOfLogToKill = cont.getAllLogFileNameGroups()
+ self.assertEqual(1,len(grpsOfLogToKill))
+ replayInput = grpsOfLogToKill[0]
+ # now try to replay the failing case
+ p = sp.Popen(["python3",os.path.basename(replayInput[0])],cwd = os.path.dirname(replayInput[0]),stdout=sp.PIPE,stderr=sp.PIPE)
+ out,err = p.communicate()
+ self.assertEqual(1,p.returncode) # very important ! The failing case must continue to fail :)
+ self.assertEqual("21".encode(),out) # very important to check that the reported case is standalone enough to be replayable poste mortem
+ # cleanup
+ dn = os.path.dirname(replayInput[0])
+ for elt in replayInput:
+ zeFile = os.path.join( dn, os.path.basename(elt) )
+ if os.path.exists( zeFile ):
+ os.unlink( zeFile )
if __name__ == '__main__':