return ret.retn();
- * Returns a pointer to the underground DataArrayDouble instance and a
- * sequence describing parameters of a support of each part of \a this field. The
- * caller should not decrRef() the returned DataArrayDouble. This method allows for a
- * direct access to the field values. This method is intended for the field lying on one
- * mesh only.
- * \param [in,out] entries - the sequence describing parameters of a support of each
- * part of \a this field. Each item of this sequence consists of two parts. The
- * first part describes a type of mesh entity and an id of discretization of a
- * current field part. The second part describes a range of values [begin,end)
- * within the returned array relating to the current field part.
- * \return DataArrayDouble * - the pointer to the field values array.
- * \throw If the number of underlying meshes is not equal to 1.
- * \throw If no field values are available.
- * \sa getUndergroundDataArray()
- */
-DataArrayDouble *MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA::getUndergroundDataArrayDoubleExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const
- if(_field_per_mesh.size()!=1)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA::getUndergroundDataArrayExt : field lies on several meshes, this method has no sense !");
- if(_field_per_mesh[0]==0)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA::getUndergroundDataArrayExt : no field specified !");
- _field_per_mesh[0]->getUndergroundDataArrayExt(entries);
- return getUndergroundDataArrayTemplate();
* Returns a pointer to the underground DataArrayDouble instance and a
* sequence describing parameters of a support of each part of \a this field. The
DataArray *MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA::getUndergroundDataArrayExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const
- return getUndergroundDataArrayDoubleExt(entries);
+ return getUndergroundDataArrayTemplateExt(entries);
MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA::MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA(const std::string& fieldName, const std::string& meshName, int csit, int iteration, int order, const std::vector<std::string>& infos):MEDFileField1TSTemplateWithoutSDA<double>(fieldName,meshName,csit,iteration,order)
-DataArrayDouble *MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayDouble(MCAuto<DataArray>& arr)
- if(arr.isNull())
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayDouble : no array !");
- DataArrayDouble *arrOutC(dynamic_cast<DataArrayDouble *>((DataArray*)arr));
- if(!arrOutC)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayDouble : mismatch between dataArrays type and MEDFileField1TS ! Expected double !");
- arrOutC->incrRef();
- return arrOutC;
* Return an extraction of \a this using \a extractDef map to specify the extraction.
* The keys of \a extractDef is level relative to max ext of \a mm mesh.
return ret.retn();
- * Returns values and a profile of the field of a given type lying on a given support.
- * For more info, see \ref AdvMEDLoaderAPIFieldRW
- * \param [in] type - a spatial discretization of the field.
- * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of the supporting mesh entities.
- * \param [in] mesh - the supporting mesh.
- * \param [out] pfl - a new instance of DataArrayInt holding ids of mesh entities the
- * field of interest lies on. If the field lies on all entities of the given
- * dimension, all ids in \a pfl are zero. The caller is to delete this array
- * using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
- * \return DataArrayDouble * - a new instance of DataArrayDouble holding values of the
- * field. The caller is to delete this array using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
- * \throw If there are no mesh entities of \a meshDimRelToMax dimension in \a mesh.
- * \throw If no field of \a this is lying on \a mesh.
- * \throw If no field values of the given \a type or given \a meshDimRelToMax are available.
- */
-DataArrayDouble *MEDFileField1TS::getFieldWithProfile(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, DataArrayInt *&pfl) const
- MCAuto<DataArray> ret=contentNotNull()->getFieldWithProfile(type,meshDimRelToMax,mesh,pfl,this,*contentNotNull());
- return MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayDouble(ret);
* Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this. The underlying mesh of the given field is
* checked if its elements are sorted suitable for writing to MED file ("STB" stands for
return new MEDFileField1TS(*this);
-DataArrayDouble *MEDFileField1TS::getUndergroundDataArray() const
- return contentNotNull()->getUndergroundDataArrayTemplate();
-DataArrayDouble *MEDFileField1TS::getUndergroundDataArrayExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const
- return contentNotNull()->getUndergroundDataArrayDoubleExt(entries);
std::vector< std::vector<DataArrayDouble *> > MEDFileField1TS::getFieldSplitedByType2(const std::string& mname, std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> >& typesF,
std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& pfls, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& locs) const
-DataArrayInt *MEDFileIntField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayInt(MCAuto<DataArray>& arr)
- if(arr.isNull())
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileIntField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayInt : input DataArray is NULL !");
- DataArrayInt *arrC(dynamic_cast<DataArrayInt *>((DataArray *)arr));
- if(!arrC)
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileIntField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayInt : input DataArray is not of type INT32 !");
- arrC->incrRef();
- return arrC;
MEDCouplingFieldInt *MEDFileIntField1TS::getFieldAtLevel(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, int renumPol) const
return ret2.retn();
- * Returns values and a profile of the field of a given type lying on a given support.
- * For more info, see \ref AdvMEDLoaderAPIFieldRW
- * \param [in] type - a spatial discretization of the field.
- * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of the supporting mesh entities.
- * \param [in] mesh - the supporting mesh.
- * \param [out] pfl - a new instance of DataArrayInt holding ids of mesh entities the
- * field of interest lies on. If the field lies on all entities of the given
- * dimension, all ids in \a pfl are zero. The caller is to delete this array
- * using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
- * \return DataArrayInt * - a new instance of DataArrayInt holding values of the
- * field. The caller is to delete this array using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
- * \throw If there are no mesh entities of \a meshDimRelToMax dimension in \a mesh.
- * \throw If no field of \a this is lying on \a mesh.
- * \throw If no field values of the given \a type or given \a meshDimRelToMax are available.
- */
-DataArrayInt *MEDFileIntField1TS::getFieldWithProfile(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, DataArrayInt *&pfl) const
+//= MEDFileFloatField1TS
+MEDFileFloatField1TS::MEDFileFloatField1TS(med_idt fid, bool loadAll, const MEDFileMeshes *ms)
- MCAuto<DataArray> arr=contentNotNull()->getFieldWithProfile(type,meshDimRelToMax,mesh,pfl,this,*contentNotNull());
- return MEDFileIntField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayInt(arr);
+catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+{ throw e; }
+MEDFileFloatField1TS::MEDFileFloatField1TS(med_idt fid, const std::string& fieldName, bool loadAll, const MEDFileMeshes *ms)
+catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+{ throw e; }
-DataArrayInt *MEDFileIntField1TS::getUndergroundDataArray() const
+MEDFileFloatField1TS::MEDFileFloatField1TS(med_idt fid, const std::string& fieldName, int iteration, int order, bool loadAll, const MEDFileMeshes *ms)
- return contentNotNull()->getUndergroundDataArrayTemplate();
+catch(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception& e)
+{ throw e; }
+//= MEDFileFloatField1TS
//= MEDFileAnyTypeFieldMultiTSWithoutSDA
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileFieldMultiTS::getFieldWithProfile : mismatch of type of field !");
MCAuto<DataArray> ret=myF1TSC->getFieldWithProfile(type,meshDimRelToMax,mesh,pfl,this,*contentNotNullBase());
- return MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayDouble(ret);
+ return MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyTypedDataArray(ret);
const MEDFileFieldMultiTSWithoutSDA *MEDFileFieldMultiTS::contentNotNull() const
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileIntFieldMultiTS::getFieldWithProfile : mismatch of type of field ! INT32 expected !");
MCAuto<DataArray> ret=myF1TSC->getFieldWithProfile(type,meshDimRelToMax,mesh,pfl,this,*contentNotNullBase());
- return MEDFileIntField1TS::ReturnSafelyDataArrayInt(ret);
+ return MEDFileIntField1TS::ReturnSafelyTypedDataArray(ret);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *getOrCreateAndGetArrayTemplate();
MEDLOADER_EXPORT typename Traits<T>::ArrayType const *getOrCreateAndGetArrayTemplate() const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *getUndergroundDataArrayTemplate() const;
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *getUndergroundDataArrayTemplateExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArray *getOrCreateAndGetArray();
MEDLOADER_EXPORT const DataArray *getOrCreateAndGetArray() const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArray *getUndergroundDataArray() const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT const char *getTypeStr() const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArray *getUndergroundDataArrayExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const;
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArrayDouble *getUndergroundDataArrayDoubleExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT std::vector< std::vector<DataArrayDouble *> > getFieldSplitedByType2(const std::string& mname, std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> >& typesF, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& pfls, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& locs) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static void CheckMeshDimRel(int meshDimRelToMax);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static std::vector<int> CheckSBTMesh(const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSType *New(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& fieldName, int iteration, int order, bool loadAll=true);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSType *New(med_idt fid, const std::string& fieldName, int iteration, int order, bool loadAll=true);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSType *New(const typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSWSDAType& other, bool shallowCopyOfContent);
+ public:
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT static typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *ReturnSafelyTypedDataArray(MCAuto<DataArray>& arr);
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *getFieldWithProfile(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, DataArrayInt *&pfl) const;
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *getUndergroundDataArray() const;
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *getUndergroundDataArrayExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const;
~MEDFileTemplateField1TS() { }
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDCouplingFieldDouble *getFieldOnMeshAtLevel(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, int renumPol=0) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDCouplingFieldDouble *getFieldOnMeshAtLevel(TypeOfField type, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh, int renumPol=0) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDCouplingFieldDouble *getFieldAtLevelOld(TypeOfField type, const std::string& mname, int meshDimRelToMax, int renumPol=0) const;
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArrayDouble *getFieldWithProfile(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, DataArrayInt *&pfl) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void setFieldNoProfileSBT(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble *field);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void setFieldProfile(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble *field, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, int meshDimRelToMax, const DataArrayInt *profile);
// direct forwarding to MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA instance _content
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDFileField1TS *shallowCpy() const;
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArrayDouble *getUndergroundDataArray() const;
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArrayDouble *getUndergroundDataArrayExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT std::vector< std::vector<DataArrayDouble *> > getFieldSplitedByType2(const std::string& mname, std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> >& typesF,
std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& pfls, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& locs) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static void SetDataArrayDoubleInField(MEDCouplingFieldDouble *f, MCAuto<DataArray>& arr);
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT static DataArrayDouble *ReturnSafelyDataArrayDouble(MCAuto<DataArray>& arr);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDFileField1TS *extractPart(const std::map<int, MCAuto<DataArrayInt> >& extractDef, MEDFileMesh *mm) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDCouplingFieldInt *getFieldOnMeshAtLevel(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, int renumPol=0) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDCouplingFieldInt *getFieldOnMeshAtLevel(TypeOfField type, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh, int renumPol=0) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT MEDCouplingFieldInt *getFieldAtLevelOld(TypeOfField type, const std::string& mname, int meshDimRelToMax, int renumPol=0) const;
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArrayInt *getFieldWithProfile(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, DataArrayInt *&pfl) const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void setFieldNoProfileSBT(const MEDCouplingFieldInt *field);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT void setFieldProfile(const MEDCouplingFieldInt *field, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, int meshDimRelToMax, const DataArrayInt *profile);
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT DataArrayInt *getUndergroundDataArray() const;
- MEDLOADER_EXPORT static DataArrayInt *ReturnSafelyDataArrayInt(MCAuto<DataArray>& arr);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MCAuto<MEDCouplingFieldInt> SetDataArrayDoubleInIntField(MEDCouplingFieldDouble *f, MCAuto<DataArray>& arr);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT static MCAuto<MEDCouplingFieldDouble> ConvertFieldIntToFieldDouble(const MEDCouplingFieldInt *f);
MEDFileIntField1TS(const MEDFileIntField1TSWithoutSDA& other, bool shallowCopyOfContent);
+ class MEDFileFloatField1TS : public MEDFileTemplateField1TS<float>
+ {
+ friend class MEDFileTemplateField1TS<float>;
+ private:
+ ~MEDFileFloatField1TS() { }
+ MEDFileFloatField1TS() { }
+ MEDFileFloatField1TS(med_idt fid, bool loadAll, const MEDFileMeshes *ms);
+ MEDFileFloatField1TS(med_idt fid, const std::string& fieldName, bool loadAll, const MEDFileMeshes *ms);
+ MEDFileFloatField1TS(med_idt fid, const std::string& fieldName, int iteration, int order, bool loadAll, const MEDFileMeshes *ms);
+ MEDFileFloatField1TS(const MEDFileFloatField1TSWithoutSDA& other, bool shallowCopyOfContent);
+ };
class MEDFileAnyTypeFieldMultiTSWithoutSDA : public RefCountObject, public MEDFileFieldNameScope
return 0;
+ /*!
+ * Returns a pointer to the underground DataArrayDouble instance and a
+ * sequence describing parameters of a support of each part of \a this field. The
+ * caller should not decrRef() the returned DataArrayDouble. This method allows for a
+ * direct access to the field values. This method is intended for the field lying on one
+ * mesh only.
+ * \param [in,out] entries - the sequence describing parameters of a support of each
+ * part of \a this field. Each item of this sequence consists of two parts. The
+ * first part describes a type of mesh entity and an id of discretization of a
+ * current field part. The second part describes a range of values [begin,end)
+ * within the returned array relating to the current field part.
+ * \return DataArrayDouble * - the pointer to the field values array.
+ * \throw If the number of underlying meshes is not equal to 1.
+ * \throw If no field values are available.
+ * \sa getUndergroundDataArrayTemplate()
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *MEDFileField1TSTemplateWithoutSDA<T>::getUndergroundDataArrayTemplateExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const
+ {
+ if(this->_field_per_mesh.size()!=1)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA::getUndergroundDataArrayExt : field lies on several meshes, this method has no sense !");
+ if(this->_field_per_mesh[0]==0)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA::getUndergroundDataArrayExt : no field specified !");
+ this->_field_per_mesh[0]->getUndergroundDataArrayExt(entries);
+ return getUndergroundDataArrayTemplate();
+ }
* Returns a pointer to the underground DataArrayDouble instance. So the
* caller should not decrRef() it. This method allows for a direct access to the field
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::contentNotNull : the content pointer is null !");
const typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSWSDAType *ret(dynamic_cast<const typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSWSDAType *>(pt));
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::contentNotNull : the content pointer is not null but it is not of type double ! Reason is maybe that the read field has not the type FLOAT64 !");
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::contentNotNull : the content pointer is not null but it is not of type double ! Reason is maybe that the read field has not the type " << MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSWSDAType::TYPE_STR;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str());
+ }
return ret;
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::contentNotNull : the non const content pointer is null !");
typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSWSDAType *ret(dynamic_cast<typename MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSWSDAType *>(pt));
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::contentNotNull : the non const content pointer is not null but it is not of type double ! Reason is maybe that the read field has not the type FLOAT64 !");
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::contentNotNull : the non const content pointer is not null but it is not of type double ! Reason is maybe that the read field has not the type " << MLFieldTraits<T>::F1TSWSDAType::TYPE_STR;
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str());
+ }
return ret;
+ template<class T>
+ typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::ReturnSafelyTypedDataArray(MCAuto<DataArray>& arr)
+ {
+ if(arr.isNull())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyTypedDataArray : no array !");
+ typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *arrOutC(dynamic_cast<typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *>((DataArray*)arr));
+ if(!arrOutC)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TS::ReturnSafelyTypedDataArray : mismatch between dataArrays type and MEDFileField1TS ! Expected double !");
+ arrOutC->incrRef();
+ return arrOutC;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Returns values and a profile of the field of a given type lying on a given support.
+ * For more info, see \ref AdvMEDLoaderAPIFieldRW
+ * \param [in] type - a spatial discretization of the field.
+ * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of the supporting mesh entities.
+ * \param [in] mesh - the supporting mesh.
+ * \param [out] pfl - a new instance of DataArrayInt holding ids of mesh entities the
+ * field of interest lies on. If the field lies on all entities of the given
+ * dimension, all ids in \a pfl are zero. The caller is to delete this array
+ * using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
+ * \return DataArrayInt * - a new instance of DataArrayInt holding values of the
+ * field. The caller is to delete this array using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
+ * \throw If there are no mesh entities of \a meshDimRelToMax dimension in \a mesh.
+ * \throw If no field of \a this is lying on \a mesh.
+ * \throw If no field values of the given \a type or given \a meshDimRelToMax are available.
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::getFieldWithProfile(TypeOfField type, int meshDimRelToMax, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, DataArrayInt *&pfl) const
+ {
+ MCAuto<DataArray> arr(contentNotNull()->getFieldWithProfile(type,meshDimRelToMax,mesh,pfl,this,*contentNotNull()));
+ return ReturnSafelyTypedDataArray(arr);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::getUndergroundDataArray() const
+ {
+ return contentNotNull()->getUndergroundDataArrayTemplate();
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ typename Traits<T>::ArrayType *MEDFileTemplateField1TS<T>::getUndergroundDataArrayExt(std::vector< std::pair<std::pair<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,int>,std::pair<int,int> > >& entries) const
+ {
+ return contentNotNull()->getUndergroundDataArrayTemplateExt(entries);
+ }
class MEDFileField1TS;
class MEDFileIntFieldMultiTS;
class MEDFileIntField1TS;
+ class MEDFileFloatField1TS;
class MEDFileField1TSWithoutSDA;
class MEDFileIntField1TSWithoutSDA;
class MEDFileFloatField1TSWithoutSDA;
struct MEDLOADER_EXPORT MLFieldTraits<float>
//typedef MEDFileFloatFieldMultiTS FMTSType;
- //typedef MEDFileFloatField1TS F1TSType;
+ typedef MEDFileFloatField1TS F1TSType;
typedef MEDFileFloatField1TSWithoutSDA F1TSWSDAType;