class simulatedTime(UserASSD):pass
class constitutiveRelation(UserASSD):pass
-class boundaryObject(UserASSD) : pass
-class scalar(boundaryObject):pass
-class dynamicVariable(boundaryObject):pass
+class stateVariable(UserASSD) : pass
+class scalar(stateVariable):pass
+class dynamicVariable(stateVariable):pass
# PN a faire --> ajouter un MC modeleNumerique ( apres avoir renomme le modeleNumerique actuel en classe de modele numerique)
('Fluent', 'OpenFOAM') : ('Fluent2CDM and CDM2OpenFoam'),
-dictVariableDynamique = {
- 'K-Epsilon' : ('K', 'epsilon'),
+#dictScalarsImplicites = {
+# 'K-Epsilon' : ('K', 'Epsilon'),
+# 'K-Omega' : ('K', 'Omega'),
def prepareBlocSystemType(systemType) :
for typeMod in ('Particles', 'Fields'):
conditionType = "ModelType == '" + typeMod + "'"
- NumericalMethod = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM', into=dictTypModNumModNum[systemType, typeMod],
+ NumericalMethod = SIMP(statut='o',typ='TXM', into=dictTypModNumModNum[systemType, typeMod],
position='global', intoXML=allValueInDict(dictTypModNumModNum))
dicoBloc = {}
for modeleNumerique in list(dictTypModNumModNum[systemType,typeMod]):
def allValueInDict(dico):
-# retourne la liste de toutes les valeurs possible dans dico
+# retourne la liste de toutes les valeurs possibles dans dico
for clef in dico :
for val in dico[clef] : monSet.add(val)
# ajouter les extensions pour le fichier et les blocs associes
# certains champs ne seront jamais uniformes
+# probablement a refaire
#PNPN : Passer le nom du champ pour le label du vecteur
# A revoir
dicoBloc = {}
dicoBloc[nomDelaContante] = SIMP( statut='o', typ='R')
return FACT( statut='o',
OriginOfSourceTerm = SIMP( statut='o', typ='TXM',into=['Interaction', 'Chemical Reaction', 'Other Scalar']),
-def FactTurbulence(statut, ajout=None):
+def FactTurbulence(statut, ajout=None , position=None):
listInto = ['Fully resolved (DNS)', 'Spatial filtering (LES)', 'One-point moment', 'One-point PDF']
if ajout != None : listInto.append(ajout)
return FACT(statut=statut,
- TurbulenceModellingType = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =listInto, ),
+ TurbulenceModellingType = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =listInto, ),
bloc_one_point = BLOC(condition= "TurbulenceModellingType == 'One-point moment'",
- RANSModel = SIMP(statut="o", typ="TXM", into=['Turbulent-Viscosity Model(TVM)', 'Reynolds Stress Model (RSM)']),
- bloc_TVM = BLOC(condition= "RANSModel == 'Turbulent-Viscosity Model(TVM)'",
- TVMChoice = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['k-epsilon', 'k-omega']),
- ), # fin bloc_TVM
- bloc_RSM = BLOC(condition = "RANSModel == 'Reynolds Stress Model (RSM)'",
- RSMChoice = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['Rotta', 'LRR-IP','LRR-QI','SSG']),
- ), # fin bloc_RSM
+ RANSModel = SIMP(statut="o", typ="TXM",
+ into=['Turbulent-Viscosity Model (TVM)', 'Reynolds Stress Model (RSM)']),
+ bloc_TVM = BLOC(condition= "RANSModel == 'Turbulent-Viscosity Model (TVM)'",
+ TVMChoice = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['K-Epsilon', 'K-Omega'] , position=position),
+ ), # fin bloc_TVM
+ bloc_RSM = BLOC(condition = "RANSModel == 'Reynolds Stress Model (RSM)'",
+ RSMChoice = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['Rotta', 'LRR-IP','LRR-QI','SSG']),
+ ), # fin bloc_RSM
), # fin bloc_one_point
bloc_one_spatial = BLOC(condition = "TurbulenceModellingType == 'Spatial filtering (LES)'",
- ChoiceOfApproach = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['Field-based LES', 'Filtered Density Function (FDF)']),
- SubgridScaleModel = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['No SGS', 'Smagorinsky','Dynamical model', 'SGS Transport Equations']),
+ ChoiceOfApproach = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['Field-based (LES)', 'Filtered Density Function (FDF)']),
+ SubgridScaleModel = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['No SGS', 'Smagorinsky','Dynamical model', 'SGS Transport Equations']),
), # fin bloc_one_spatial
bloc_one_point_pdf = BLOC(condition = "TurbulenceModellingType == 'One-point PDF'",
- ChoiceOfApproach = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['One-point Eulerian PDF', 'One-particle Lagrangian PDF']),
- bloc_lagrangian_pdf=BLOC(condition = "ChoiceOfApproach == 'One-particle Lagrangian PDF'",
- StochasticModel = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['Langevin','Other'], defaut='Langevin'),
- )# fin lagrangian
+ ChoiceOfApproach = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['One-point Eulerian PDF', 'One-particle Lagrangian PDF']),
+ bloc_lagrangian_pdf = BLOC(condition = "ChoiceOfApproach == 'One-particle Lagrangian PDF'",
+ StochasticModel = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['Langevin','Other'], defaut='Langevin'),
+ )# fin lagrangian
), # fin bloc_one_point_pdf
bloc_no_model = BLOC(condition = "TurbulenceModellingType == 'Fully resolved (DNS)'",
- ChoiceOfApproach = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['Field-based DNS', 'N-Particle Method']),
- bloc_Field = BLOC(condition = "ChoiceOfApproach == 'Field-based DNS'",
- NumericalMethod=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['FV', 'Spectral Method']),
- ),# fin bloc_Field
- bloc_N_particle = BLOC(condition = "ChoiceOfApproach == 'N-Particle Method'",
- NumericalMethod=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['SPH', 'Vortex Method']),
- ),# fin bloc_N_particle
+ ChoiceOfApproach = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['Field-based (DNS)', 'N-Particle Method']),
+ bloc_Field = BLOC(condition = "ChoiceOfApproach == 'Field-based (DNS)'",
+ NumericalMethod = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['FV', 'Spectral Method'],
+ intoXML=['FV', 'Spectral Method','SPH', 'Vortex Method']),
+ ),# fin bloc_Field
+ bloc_N_particle = BLOC(condition = "ChoiceOfApproach == 'N-Particle Method'",
+ NumericalMethod = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['SPH', 'Vortex Method'],
+ intoXML=['FV', 'Spectral Method','SPH', 'Vortex Method']),
+ ),# fin bloc_N_particle
), # fin bloc_no_model
) # fin du return de la fonction factTurbulence
) # fin Particle
def bloc_CPS():
return BLOC(condition = 'SystemType == "Classical particle system"',
Particle = Particle('**'),
def bloc_FluideMacro():
return BLOC(condition = 'SystemType == "Continuum system"',
ComplexFluid = SIMP(typ=bool, statut='o', defaut = False, position='global'),
- FlowNature = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =['Laminar', 'Turbulent'], position='global'),
+ FlowNature = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =['Laminar', 'Turbulent'], position='global'),
bloc_FlowNature_Turbulent = BLOC(condition = ' FlowNature == "Turbulent"',
- TurbulenceForFlowDynamics = FactTurbulence('o'),
- ), #------ fin bloc_FlowNature_Turbulent
+ TurbulenceForFlowDynamics = FactTurbulence('o',position='global'),
+ ), #------ fin bloc_FlowNature_Turbulent
# ---------------------- Effets thermiques
Thermal = FACT (statut ='o',
- ThermalEffects = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =['Non thermal',
- 'Passive on flow dynamics', 'Active on flow dynamics'], defaut='Non thermal', position='global' ),
- TemperatureInitialisation = FACT( statut ='o',
- bloc_NonThermalEffects = BLOC(condition = ' ThermalEffects == "Non thermal"',
- InitialTemperature = SIMP(typ='R', statut='o', val_min=-273.15 ),
- ), # fin bloc_NonThermal
- bloc_NonNonThermalEffects = BLOC(condition = 'not(ThermalEffects == "Non thermal")',
- OriginOfThermalFluxModel = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Given', 'Interaction', 'to be simulated'], typ ='TXM'),
- BlocGiven =creeBlocPourLesFichiers (' OriginOfThermalFluxModel == "Given"', 'FileName', ('Med', 'cgns' ), FieldName=1),
- ),
- ),
- bloc_ThermalEffects_Active = BLOC(condition = ' ThermalEffects == "Active on flow dynamics"',
- ActiveOnFlowEffect = FACT(statut = 'o', max='**',
- RelationType = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Equation Of State', 'Force-Flux Relation'], typ ='TXM'),
- bloc_EOS=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Equation Of State"',
- TypeOfEquationOfState = SIMP( statut='o', into =['variable density', 'compressible'], typ ='TXM'),
- ),
- bloc_NonEOSAndSimple=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force-Flux Relation" and ComplexFluid == False',
+ ThermalEffects = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =['Non thermal',
+ 'Passive on flow dynamics', 'Active on flow dynamics'], defaut='Non thermal', position='global' ),
+ TemperatureInitialisation = FACT( statut ='o',
+ bloc_NonThermalEffects = BLOC(condition = ' ThermalEffects == "Non thermal"',
+ ReferenceTemperature = SIMP(typ='R', statut='o', val_min=-273.15 ),
+ ), # fin bloc_NonThermal
+ bloc_NonNonThermalEffects = BLOC(condition = 'not(ThermalEffects == "Non thermal")',
+ OriginOfThermalFluxField = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Given', 'Interaction', 'to be simulated'], typ ='TXM'),
+ BlocGiven = creeBlocPourLesFichiers('OriginOfThermalFluxField == "Given"', 'FileName', ('Med', 'cgns' ), FieldName=1),
+ ), # fin bloc_NonNonThermalEffects
+ ),# fin TemperatureInitialisation
+ bloc_ThermalEffects_Active = BLOC(condition = ' ThermalEffects == "Active on flow dynamics"',
+ ActiveOnFlowEffect = FACT(statut = 'o', max='**',
+ RelationType = SIMP(statut = 'o', into =['Equation Of State', 'Force-Flux Relation'], typ ='TXM'),
+ bloc_EOS = BLOC(condition = 'RelationType == "Equation Of State"',
+ TypeOfEquationOfState = SIMP( statut='o', into =['variable density', 'compressible'], typ ='TXM'),
+ ),
+ bloc_NonEOSAndSimple=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force-Flux Relation" and ComplexFluid == False',
TypeOfForceFluxRelation = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Viscosity', 'Diffusivity', 'Thermal Conductivity'], intoXML=['Viscosity', 'Diffusivity', 'Thermal Conductivity','Shear-stress closure', 'Scalar flux'], typ ='TXM'),
blocViscosity=BLOC( condition = 'TypeOfForceFluxRelation == "Viscosity"',
AFAIRE=SIMP(typ='TXM', statut = 'o', defaut = 'Initialisation ?')
bloc_NonEOSAndComplex=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force-Flux Relation" and ComplexFluid == True',
TypeOfForceFluxRelation = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Shear-stress closure', 'Scalar flux'], typ ='TXM', intoXML=['Viscosity', 'Diffusivity', 'Thermal Conductivity','Shear-stress closure', 'Scalar flux']),
- ),
+ ), # fin ActiveOnFlowEffect
), # fin bloc_ThermalEffects_Active
DensityInitialisation = FACT( statut ='o',
Name = SIMP(typ=(scalar,'createObject'), statut='o', defaut ='Temperature', homo='constant'),
SourceTerm=SIMP(typ=bool, statut='o', defaut=False),
blocSourceTerm = FactTermeSource('SourceTerm==True'),
- # bloc_scalar_FluidTurbulentandNonComplexe = BLOC (condition = "FlowNature == 'Turbulent'",
- # ImplicitScalarFluxModel = FactTurbulence('f'),
- # ) # bloc_scalar_FluidTurbulentandNonComplexe
- ),# ObligatoireScalaire
+ ),# TemperatureScalar
+ ),
+ bloc_Turbulence_TWMChoice1 = BLOC(condition = 'TVMChoice == "K-Epsilon" or TVMChoice == "K-Omega"',
+ KScalar =FACT(statut ='o',
+ Name = SIMP(typ=(scalar,'createObject'), statut='o', defaut ='K', homo='constant'),
+ SourceTerm=SIMP(typ=bool, statut='o', defaut=False),
+ blocSourceTerm = FactTermeSource('SourceTerm==True'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ bloc_Turbulence_TWMChoice2 = BLOC(condition = 'TVMChoice == "K-Epsilon"',
+ EpsilonScalar =FACT(statut ='o',
+ Name = SIMP(typ=(scalar,'createObject'), statut='o', defaut ='Epsilon', homo='constant'),
+ SourceTerm=SIMP(typ=bool, statut='o', defaut=False),
+ blocSourceTerm = FactTermeSource('SourceTerm==True'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ bloc_Turbulence_TWMChoice3 = BLOC(condition = 'TVMChoice == "K-Omega"',
+ OmegaScalar =FACT(statut ='o',
+ Name = SIMP(typ=(scalar,'createObject'), statut='o', defaut ='Omega', homo='constant'),
+ SourceTerm=SIMP(typ=bool, statut='o', defaut=False),
+ blocSourceTerm = FactTermeSource('SourceTerm==True'),
+ ),
Scalar = FACT(statut = 'o', max ='**',
Name = SIMP(typ=(scalar,'createObject'), statut='o',),
def prepareBoundaryCondition():
return FACT( statut='o',max = '**', # max = nb de facette de bord
- applyOnEssai = SIMP (statut ='o', typ=boundaryObject, ),
+ applyOnStateVariable = SIMP (statut ='o', typ=stateVariable ),
Type_Of_Boundary_Condition = SIMP( statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['Inlet', 'Outlet', 'Symmetry','Periodicity', 'Wall', 'Free Surface'], ),
b_periodique = BLOC( condition = "Type_Of_Boundary_Condition == 'Periodic'",
Direction = SIMP( statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['X','Y','Z', 'XYZ']),