for ( ; id != idList.end(); ++id )
presentObjects.insert( *id );
+ //================================================================================
+ /*!
+ * \brief Fix SMESH::FunctorType arguments of SMESH::Filter::Criterion()
+ */
+ //================================================================================
+ void fixFunctorType( TCollection_AsciiString& Type,
+ TCollection_AsciiString& Compare,
+ TCollection_AsciiString& UnaryOp,
+ TCollection_AsciiString& BinaryOp )
+ {
+ // The problem is that dumps of old studies created using filters becomes invalid
+ // when new items are inserted in the enum SMESH::FunctorType since values
+ // of this enum are dumped as integer values.
+ // This function corrects enum values of old studies given as args (Type,Compare,...)
+ // We can find out how to correct them by value of BinaryOp which can have only two
+ // values: FT_Undefined or FT_LogicalNOT.
+ // Hereafter is the history of the enum SMESH::FunctorType since v3.0.0
+ // where PythonDump appeared
+ // v 3.0.0: FT_Undefined == 25
+ // v 3.1.0: FT_Undefined == 26, new items:
+ // - FT_Volume3D = 7
+ // v 4.1.2: FT_Undefined == 27, new items:
+ // - FT_BelongToGenSurface = 17
+ // v 5.1.1: FT_Undefined == 33, new items:
+ // - FT_FreeNodes = 10
+ // - FT_FreeFaces = 11
+ // - FT_LinearOrQuadratic = 23
+ // - FT_GroupColor = 24
+ // - FT_ElemGeomType = 25
+ // v 5.1.5: FT_Undefined == 34, new items:
+ // - FT_CoplanarFaces = 26
+ // v 6.2.0: FT_Undefined == 39, new items:
+ // - FT_MaxElementLength2D = 8
+ // - FT_MaxElementLength3D = 9
+ // - FT_BareBorderVolume = 25
+ // - FT_BareBorderFace = 26
+ // - FT_OverConstrainedVolume = 27
+ // - FT_OverConstrainedFace = 28
+ // v 6.5.0: FT_Undefined == 43, new items:
+ // - FT_EqualNodes = 14
+ // - FT_EqualEdges = 15
+ // - FT_EqualFaces = 16
+ // - FT_EqualVolumes = 17
+ typedef map< int, vector< int > > TUndef2newItems;
+ static TUndef2newItems undef2newItems;
+ if ( undef2newItems.empty() )
+ {
+ undef2newItems[ 26 ].push_back( 7 );
+ undef2newItems[ 27 ].push_back( 17 );
+ { int items[] = { 10, 11, 23, 24, 25 };
+ undef2newItems[ 33 ].assign( items, items+5 ); }
+ undef2newItems[ 34 ].push_back( 26 );
+ { int items[] = { 8, 9, 25, 26, 27, 28 };
+ undef2newItems[ 39 ].assign( items, items+6 ); }
+ { int items[] = { 14, 15, 16, 17 };
+ undef2newItems[ 43 ].assign( items, items+4 ); }
+ }
+ int iType = Type.IntegerValue();
+ int iCompare = Compare.IntegerValue();
+ int iUnaryOp = UnaryOp.IntegerValue();
+ int iBinaryOp = BinaryOp.IntegerValue();
+ // find out integer value of FT_Undefined at the moment of dump
+ int oldUndefined = iBinaryOp;
+ if ( iBinaryOp < iUnaryOp ) // BinaryOp was FT_LogicalNOT
+ oldUndefined += 3;
+ // apply history to args
+ TUndef2newItems::const_iterator undef_items =
+ undef2newItems.upper_bound( oldUndefined );
+ if ( undef_items != undef2newItems.end() )
+ {
+ int* pArg[4] = { &iType, &iCompare, &iUnaryOp, &iBinaryOp };
+ for ( ; undef_items != undef2newItems.end(); ++undef_items )
+ {
+ const vector< int > & addedItems = undef_items->second;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < addedItems.size(); ++i )
+ for ( int iArg = 0; iArg < 4; ++iArg )
+ {
+ int& arg = *pArg[iArg];
+ if ( arg >= addedItems[i] )
+ arg++;
+ }
+ }
+ Type = TCollection_AsciiString( iType );
+ Compare = TCollection_AsciiString( iCompare );
+ UnaryOp = TCollection_AsciiString( iUnaryOp );
+ BinaryOp = TCollection_AsciiString( iBinaryOp );
+ }
+ }
Tolerance = aCommand->GetArg(8), // double
TypeOfElement = aCommand->GetArg(9), // ElementType
Precision = aCommand->GetArg(10); // long
+ fixFunctorType( Type, Compare, UnaryOp, BinaryOp );
Type = SMESH + SMESH::FunctorTypeToString( SMESH::FunctorType( Type.IntegerValue() ));
Compare = SMESH + SMESH::FunctorTypeToString( SMESH::FunctorType( Compare.IntegerValue() ));
UnaryOp = SMESH + SMESH::FunctorTypeToString( SMESH::FunctorType( UnaryOp.IntegerValue() ));