CreateTestExecAndInstall(IsothermalTwoFluid_2DVidangeReservoir.cxx "${libs_for_tests}" )
- add_executable(WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.cxx)
- target_link_libraries(WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe CoreFlowsLibs )
- install(TARGETS WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_SQUARE COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe")
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_HEXAGON COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe" resources/
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_CUBE COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe" resources/
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_TETRAHEDRON COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe" resources/
+add_executable(WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.cxx)
+target_link_libraries(WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe CoreFlowsLibs )
+install(TARGETS WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
+add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_SQUARE COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe")
+add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_HEXAGON COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe" resources/
+add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_CUBE COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe" resources/
+add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH_TETRAHEDRON COMMAND "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_CDMATH.exe" resources/
+if( SOLVERLAB_WITH_MPI )#Tests parallèles
+ add_executable(MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldSameMesh_MPI.exe MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldSameMesh_MPI.cxx)
+ target_link_libraries(MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldSameMesh_MPI.exe ${MPI_LIBRARY} medcoupling medloader paramedmem)
+ install(TARGETS MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldSameMesh_MPI.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
+ add_test(NAME MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldSameMesh_MPI_4Procs.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "4" "./MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldSameMesh_MPI.exe" )
+ add_executable(MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldDifferentMeshes_MPI.exe MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldDifferentMeshes_MPI.cxx)
+ target_link_libraries(MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldDifferentMeshes_MPI.exe ${MPI_LIBRARY} medcoupling medloader paramedmem)
+ install(TARGETS MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldDifferentMeshes_MPI.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
+ add_test(NAME MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldDifferentMeshes_MPI_4Procs.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "4" "./MEDCouplingSendRecvFieldDifferentMeshes_MPI.exe" )
+ add_executable(DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FE_MPI.exe DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FE_MPI.cxx) # compilation of the testxxx.exe
+ target_link_libraries(DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FE_MPI.exe CoreFlowsLibs ${MPI_LIBRARY}) # provide required lib for testxxx.exe
+ install(TARGETS DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FE_MPI.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
+ add_test(NAME DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FE_MPI_2Procs.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FE_MPI.exe")
+ add_executable(DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FV_MPI.exe DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FV_MPI.cxx) # compilation of the testxxx.exe
+ target_link_libraries(DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FV_MPI.exe CoreFlowsLibs ${MPI_LIBRARY}) # provide required lib for testxxx.exe
+ install(TARGETS DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FV_MPI.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
+ add_test(NAME DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FV_MPI_2Procs.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./DiffusionEquation_1DHeatedRod_FV_MPI.exe")
+ add_executable(TransportEquation_1DHeatedChannel_MPI.exe TransportEquation_1DHeatedChannel_MPI.cxx) # compilation of the testxxx.exe
+ target_link_libraries(TransportEquation_1DHeatedChannel_MPI.exe CoreFlowsLibs ${MPI_LIBRARY}) # provide required lib for testxxx.exe
+ install(TARGETS TransportEquation_1DHeatedChannel_MPI.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
+ add_test(NAME TransportEquation_1DHeatedChannel_MPI_2Procs.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./TransportEquation_1DHeatedChannel_MPI.exe")
add_executable(WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.cxx) # compilation of the testxxx.exe
- target_link_libraries(WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe CoreFlowsLibs ${MPI_LIBRARY}) # provide required lib for testxxx.exe
+ target_link_libraries(WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe CoreFlowsLibs ${MPI_LIBRARY}) # provide required lib for testxxx.exe
install(TARGETS WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe DESTINATION share/examples)
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_SEQ_SQUARE COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe")
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_SEQ_HEXAGON COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_SEQ_CUBE COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_SEQ_TETRAHEDRON COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_PAR_SQUARE COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe")
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_PAR_HEXAGON COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_PAR_CUBE COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
- add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_PAR_TETRAHEDRON COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_1Proc_SQUARE.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe")
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_1Proc_HEXAGON.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_1Proc_CUBE.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_1Proc_TETRAHEDRON.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "1" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_2Procs_SQUARE.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe")
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_2DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_2Procs_HEXAGON.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_2Procs_CUBE.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
+ add_test(NAME WaveSystem_3DFV_SphericalExplosion_MPI_2Procs_TETRAHEDRON.exe COMMAND "${MPIEXEC}" "-n" "2" "./WaveSystem_FV_SphericalExplosion_MPI.exe" resources/
--- /dev/null
+#include "DiffusionEquation.hxx"\r
+using namespace std;\r
+#define PI 3.14159265\r
+void power_field_diffusionTest(Field & Phi){\r
+ double L=4.2;\r
+ double lambda=0.2;\r
+ double phi=1e5;\r
+ double x;\r
+ Mesh M = Phi.getMesh();\r
+ int nbNodes = M.getNumberOfNodes();\r
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbNodes; j++) {\r
+ x=M.getNode(j).x();\r
+ Phi(j) = phi*cos(PI*(x-L/2)/(L+lambda));\r
+ }\r
+int main(int argc, char** argv)\r
+ //Preprocessing: mesh and group creation\r
+ double xinf=0.0;\r
+ double xsup=4.2;\r
+ int nx=10;\r
+ cout << "Building of a 1D mesh with "<<nx<<" cells" << endl;\r
+ Mesh M(xinf,xsup,nx);\r
+ double eps=1.E-6;\r
+ M.setGroupAtPlan(xsup,0,eps,"Neumann");\r
+ M.setGroupAtPlan(xinf,0,eps,"Neumann");\r
+ int spaceDim = M.getSpaceDimension();\r
+ //Solid parameters\r
+ double cp_ur=300;//Uranium specific heat\r
+ double rho_ur=10000;//Uranium density\r
+ double lambda_ur=5;\r
+ \r
+ bool FEcalculation=true;\r
+ DiffusionEquation myProblem(spaceDim,FEcalculation,rho_ur,cp_ur,lambda_ur);\r
+ Field VV("Solid temperature", NODES, M, 1);\r
+ //Set fluid temperature (temperature du fluide)\r
+ double fluidTemp=573;//fluid mean temperature\r
+ double heatTransfertCoeff=1000;//fluid/solid exchange coefficient\r
+ myProblem.setFluidTemperature(fluidTemp);\r
+ myProblem.setHeatTransfertCoeff(heatTransfertCoeff);\r
+ //Set heat source\r
+ Field Phi("Heat power field", NODES, M, 1);\r
+ power_field_diffusionTest(Phi);\r
+ myProblem.setHeatPowerField(Phi);\r
+ Phi.writeVTK("1DheatPowerField");\r
+ //Initial field creation\r
+ Vector VV_Constant(1);\r
+ VV_Constant(0) = 623;//Rod clad temperature\r
+ cout << "Building initial data" << endl;\r
+ myProblem.setInitialFieldConstant(M,VV_Constant,NODES);\r
+ //set the boundary conditions\r
+ myProblem.setNeumannBoundaryCondition("Neumann");\r
+ // set the numerical method\r
+ myProblem.setTimeScheme( Explicit);\r
+ // name result file\r
+ string fileName = "1DRodTemperature_FE";\r
+ // parameters calculation\r
+ unsigned MaxNbOfTimeStep =3;\r
+ int freqSave = 1;\r
+ double cfl = 0.5;\r
+ double maxTime = 1000000;\r
+ double precision = 1e-6;\r
+ myProblem.setCFL(cfl);\r
+ myProblem.setPrecision(precision);\r
+ myProblem.setMaxNbOfTimeStep(MaxNbOfTimeStep);\r
+ myProblem.setTimeMax(maxTime);\r
+ myProblem.setFreqSave(freqSave);\r
+ myProblem.setFileName(fileName);\r
+ // set display option to monitor the calculation\r
+ myProblem.setVerbose( true);\r
+ //set file saving format\r
+ myProblem.setSaveFileFormat(CSV);\r
+ // evolution\r
+ myProblem.initialize();\r
+ bool ok =;\r
+ if (ok)\r
+ cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<" is successful !" << endl;\r
+ else\r
+ cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<" failed ! " << endl;\r
+ cout << "------------ End of calculation -----------" << endl;\r
+ myProblem.terminate();\r
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;\r
--- /dev/null
+#include "DiffusionEquation.hxx"\r
+using namespace std;\r
+#define PI 3.14159265\r
+void power_field_diffusionTest(Field & Phi){\r
+ double L=4.2;\r
+ double lambda=0.2;\r
+ double phi=1e5;\r
+ double x;\r
+ Mesh M = Phi.getMesh();\r
+ int nbCells = M.getNumberOfCells();\r
+ for (int j = 0; j < nbCells; j++) {\r
+ x=M.getCell(j).x();\r
+ Phi(j) = phi*cos(PI*(x-L/2)/(L+lambda));\r
+ }\r
+int main(int argc, char** argv)\r
+ //Preprocessing: mesh and group creation\r
+ double xinf=0.0;\r
+ double xsup=4.2;\r
+ int nx=10;\r
+ cout << "Building of a 1D mesh with "<<nx<<" cells" << endl;\r
+ Mesh M(xinf,xsup,nx);\r
+ double eps=1.E-6;\r
+ M.setGroupAtPlan(xsup,0,eps,"Neumann");\r
+ M.setGroupAtPlan(xinf,0,eps,"Neumann");\r
+ int spaceDim = M.getSpaceDimension();\r
+ //Solid parameters\r
+ double cp_ur=300;//Uranium specific heat\r
+ double rho_ur=10000;//Uranium density\r
+ double lambda_ur=5;\r
+ \r
+ bool FEcalculation=false;\r
+ DiffusionEquation myProblem(spaceDim,FEcalculation,rho_ur,cp_ur,lambda_ur);\r
+ Field VV("Solid temperature", CELLS, M, 1);\r
+ //Set fluid temperature (temperature du fluide)\r
+ double fluidTemp=573;//fluid mean temperature\r
+ double heatTransfertCoeff=1000;//fluid/solid exchange coefficient\r
+ myProblem.setFluidTemperature(fluidTemp);\r
+ myProblem.setHeatTransfertCoeff(heatTransfertCoeff);\r
+ //Set heat source\r
+ Field Phi("Heat power field", CELLS, M, 1);\r
+ power_field_diffusionTest(Phi);\r
+ myProblem.setHeatPowerField(Phi);\r
+ Phi.writeVTK("1DheatPowerField");\r
+ //Initial field creation\r
+ Vector VV_Constant(1);\r
+ VV_Constant(0) = 623;//Rod clad temperature\r
+ cout << "Building initial data" << endl;\r
+ myProblem.setInitialFieldConstant(M,VV_Constant);\r
+ //set the boundary conditions\r
+ myProblem.setNeumannBoundaryCondition("Neumann");\r
+ // set the numerical method\r
+ myProblem.setTimeScheme( Explicit);\r
+ // name result file\r
+ string fileName = "1DRodTemperature_FV";\r
+ // parameters calculation\r
+ unsigned MaxNbOfTimeStep =3;\r
+ int freqSave = 1;\r
+ double cfl = 0.5;\r
+ double maxTime = 1000000;\r
+ double precision = 1e-6;\r
+ myProblem.setCFL(cfl);\r
+ myProblem.setPrecision(precision);\r
+ myProblem.setMaxNbOfTimeStep(MaxNbOfTimeStep);\r
+ myProblem.setTimeMax(maxTime);\r
+ myProblem.setFreqSave(freqSave);\r
+ myProblem.setFileName(fileName);\r
+ // set display option to monitor the calculation\r
+ myProblem.setVerbose( true);\r
+ //set file saving format\r
+ myProblem.setSaveFileFormat(CSV);\r
+ // evolution\r
+ myProblem.initialize();\r
+ bool ok =;\r
+ if (ok)\r
+ cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<" is successful !" << endl;\r
+ else\r
+ cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<" failed ! " << endl;\r
+ cout << "------------ End of calculation -----------" << endl;\r
+ myProblem.terminate();\r
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;\r
--- /dev/null
+// Name : Tests of using a subcommnicator for sending and receiving a 2D MEDCoupling field on cells (P0) lying on different meshes between two groups of two processors
+// Author : Michael NDJINGA
+// Date : November 2021
+// Description : Use of the parallel Data Exchange Channel InterpKernelDEC of MEDCoupling
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#include "InterpKernelDEC.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingCMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ /* PETSc initialisation */
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size; /* size of communicator */
+ int rank; /* processor rank */
+ int sub_rank, sub_size;/* rank in subcommunicator */
+ int color;/* tells if I belong to the sub_communicator */
+ MPI_Comm sub_comm ;/*subcommunicator will be used in exchanges */
+ std::set<int> procs_source, procs_target;/* group of procs that will send or receive data */
+ MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingFieldDouble * field;/*field used to send or receive data */
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ if(size!=4)
+ printf("Processor %d : aborting.\n Simulation should done on four processors.\n %d processors given\n",rank,size);
+ color=rank/2;
+ printf("My rank is %d among %d processors, my color is %d\n",rank, size,color);
+ MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, color, rank, &sub_comm); /* two groups (0,1) and (2,3) */
+ MPI_Comm_rank(sub_comm, &sub_rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(sub_comm, &sub_size);
+ printf("WORLD RANK/SIZE: %d/%d \t subcommunicator RANK/SIZE: %d/%d\n", rank, size, sub_rank, sub_size);
+ procs_source.insert(0);/* sub rank 0 will send data */
+ procs_target.insert(1);/* sub rank 1 will receive data */
+ MEDCoupling::CommInterface interface = MEDCoupling::CommInterface();
+ MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup source_group = MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup(interface, procs_source,sub_comm);
+ MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup target_group = MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup(interface, procs_target,sub_comm);
+ MEDCoupling::InterpKernelDEC dec = MEDCoupling::InterpKernelDEC(source_group, target_group);
+ //Create a MEDCouplingUMesh from a 3D cartesian mesh
+ MEDCoupling::DataArrayDouble * xarr=MEDCoupling::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ xarr->alloc(11,1);
+ xarr->iota(0.);
+ MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh * cmesh=MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh::New("My2D_CMesh");
+ cmesh->setCoords(xarr,xarr);
+ MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingUMesh * mesh=cmesh->buildUnstructured();
+ mesh->setName("RegularSquare");
+ mesh->simplexize(sub_rank);//The squares are cut in two right triangles according to one of the two possible diagonals
+ if(sub_rank == 0)
+ {
+ field = mesh->fillFromAnalytic(MEDCoupling::ON_CELLS,1,"(x-5.)*(x-5.)+(y-5.)*(y-5.)");
+ field->setName("SourceField");
+ field->setNature(MEDCoupling::IntensiveMaximum);
+ MEDCoupling::WriteField("source_field"+to_string(rank)+".med", field, true);
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has created and saved the source field\n", rank);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ field=mesh->fillFromAnalytic(MEDCoupling::ON_CELLS,1,"0");
+ field->setName("TargetField");
+ field->setNature(MEDCoupling::IntensiveMaximum);
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has created the target field\n", rank);
+ }
+ dec.attachLocalField(field);
+ dec.synchronize();
+ if(sub_rank == 0)
+ {
+ dec.sendData();
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has sent the source field\n", rank);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dec.recvData();
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has received the source field on the target mesh\n", rank);
+ MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingFieldDouble * exact_field=mesh->fillFromAnalytic(MEDCoupling::ON_CELLS,1,"(x-5.)*(x-5.)+(y-5.)*(y-5.)");
+ exact_field->setName("ExactField");
+ //To do : compare target and exact field (maximul value etc ...
+ //double error=((*field)-(*exact_field))->normMax(0)/exact_field->normMax(0);
+ //printf("Processor with global rank %d received source field that differs from theoretical value by %d (maximum relative norm on cells)\n", rank, error );
+ //assert( fabs(error)<1.e-6 );
+ MEDCoupling::WriteField("target_field"+to_string(rank)+".med", field, true);
+ MEDCoupling::WriteField("exact_field"+to_string(rank)+".med", exact_field, true);
+ }
+ MPI_Comm_free(&sub_comm);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// Name : Tests of using a subcommnicator for sending and receiving a 3D MEDCoupling field on cells (P0) lying on the same mesh between two groups of two processors
+// Author : Michael NDJINGA
+// Date : November 2021
+// Description : Use of the parallel Data Exchange Channel StructuredCoincidentDEC of MEDCoupling
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#include "StructuredCoincidentDEC.hxx"
+#include "MPIProcessorGroup.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingFieldDouble.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingCMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
+#include "MEDLoader.hxx"
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ /* PETSc initialisation */
+ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+ int size; /* size of communicator */
+ int rank; /* processor rank */
+ int sub_rank, sub_size;/* rank in subcommunicator */
+ int color;/* tells if I belong to the sub_communicator */
+ MPI_Comm sub_comm ;/*subcommunicator will be used in exchanges */
+ std::set<int> procs_source, procs_target;/* group of procs that will send or receive data */
+ MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingFieldDouble * field;/*field used to send or receive data */
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);
+ if(size!=4)
+ printf("Processor %d : aborting.\n Simulation should done on four processors.\n %d processors given\n",rank,size);
+ color=rank/2;
+ printf("My rank is %d among %d processors, my color is %d\n",rank, size,color);
+ MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, color, rank, &sub_comm); /* two groups (0,1) and (2,3) */
+ MPI_Comm_rank(sub_comm, &sub_rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(sub_comm, &sub_size);
+ printf("WORLD RANK/SIZE: %d/%d \t subcommunicator RANK/SIZE: %d/%d\n", rank, size, sub_rank, sub_size);
+ procs_source.insert(0);/* sub rank 0 will send data */
+ procs_target.insert(1);/* sub rank 1 will receive data */
+ MEDCoupling::CommInterface interface = MEDCoupling::CommInterface();
+ MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup source_group = MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup(interface, procs_source,sub_comm);
+ MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup target_group = MEDCoupling::MPIProcessorGroup(interface, procs_target,sub_comm);
+ MEDCoupling::StructuredCoincidentDEC dec = MEDCoupling::StructuredCoincidentDEC(source_group, target_group);
+ //Create a MEDCouplingUMesh from a 2D cartesian mesh
+ MEDCoupling::DataArrayDouble * xarr=MEDCoupling::DataArrayDouble::New();
+ xarr->alloc(11,1);
+ xarr->iota(0.);
+ MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh * cmesh=MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh::New("My2D_CMesh");
+ cmesh->setCoords(xarr,xarr,xarr);
+ MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingUMesh * mesh=cmesh->buildUnstructured();
+ mesh->setName("RegularSquare");
+ if(sub_rank == 0)
+ {
+ field = mesh->fillFromAnalytic(MEDCoupling::ON_CELLS,1,"(x-5.)*(x-5.)+(y-5.)*(y-5.)+(z-5.)*(z-5.)");
+ field->setName("SourceField");
+ MEDCoupling::WriteField("source_field"+to_string(rank)+".med", field, true);
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has created and saved the source field\n", rank);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ field=mesh->fillFromAnalytic(MEDCoupling::ON_CELLS,1,"0");
+ field->setName("TargetField");
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has created the target field\n", rank);
+ }
+ dec.attachLocalField(field);
+ dec.synchronize();
+ if(sub_rank == 0)
+ {
+ dec.sendData();
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has sent the source field\n", rank);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dec.recvData();
+ printf("Processor with global rank %d has received the source field on the target mesh\n", rank);
+ /* Solve the bug in StructuredCoincidentDEC then uncomment the lines below to check the result */
+ //MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingFieldDouble * exact_field=mesh->fillFromAnalytic(MEDCoupling::ON_CELLS,1,"(x-5.)*(x-5.)+(y-5.)*(y-5.)+(z-5.)*(z-5.)");
+ //exact_field->setName("ExactField");
+ //double error=((*field)-(*exact_field))->normMax(0)/exact_field->normMax(0);
+ //printf("Processor with global rank %d received source field that differs from theoretical value by %d (maximum relative norm on cells)\n", rank, error );
+ //assert( fabs(error)<1.e-6 );
+ //MEDCoupling::WriteField("target_field"+to_string(rank)+".med", field, true);
+ //MEDCoupling::WriteField("exact_field"+to_string(rank)+".med", exact_field, true);
+ }
+ MPI_Comm_free(&sub_comm);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include "TransportEquation.hxx"\r
+using namespace std;\r
+int main(int argc, char** argv)\r
+ //Preprocessing: mesh and group creation\r
+ double xinf=0.0;\r
+ double xsup=4.2;\r
+ int nx=10;\r
+ cout << "Building a 1D mesh with "<<nx<<" cells" << endl;\r
+ Mesh M(xinf,xsup,nx);\r
+ double eps=1.E-8;\r
+ M.setGroupAtPlan(xsup,0,eps,"Neumann");\r
+ M.setGroupAtPlan(xinf,0,eps,"Inlet");\r
+ int spaceDim = M.getSpaceDimension();\r
+ // Boundary conditions\r
+ map<string, LimitFieldTransport> boundaryFields;\r
+ LimitFieldTransport limitNeumann;\r
+ limitNeumann.bcType=NeumannTransport;\r
+ boundaryFields["Neumann"] = limitNeumann;\r
+ LimitFieldTransport limitInlet;\r
+ limitInlet.bcType=InletTransport;\r
+ limitInlet.h =1.3e6;//Inlet water enthalpy\r
+ boundaryFields["Inlet"] = limitInlet;\r
+ //Set the fluid transport velocity\r
+ vector<double> transportVelocity(1,5);//fluid velocity vector\r
+ TransportEquation myProblem(LiquidPhase,around155bars600KTransport,transportVelocity);\r
+ Field VV("Enthalpy", CELLS, M, 1);\r
+ //Set rod temperature and heat exchamge coefficient\r
+ double rodTemp=623;//Rod clad temperature\r
+ double heatTransfertCoeff=1000;//fluid/solid exchange coefficient \r
+ myProblem.setRodTemperature(rodTemp);\r
+ myProblem.setHeatTransfertCoeff(heatTransfertCoeff);\r
+ //Initial field creation\r
+ Vector VV_Constant(1);//initial enthalpy\r
+ VV_Constant(0) = 1.3e6;\r
+ cout << "Building the initial data " << endl;\r
+ // generate initial condition\r
+ myProblem.setInitialFieldConstant(M,VV_Constant);\r
+ //set the boundary conditions\r
+ myProblem.setBoundaryFields(boundaryFields);\r
+ // set the numerical method\r
+ myProblem.setTimeScheme( Explicit);\r
+ // name result file\r
+ string fileName = "1DFluidEnthalpy";\r
+ // parameters calculation\r
+ unsigned MaxNbOfTimeStep =3;\r
+ int freqSave = 1;\r
+ double cfl = 0.95;\r
+ double maxTime = 5;\r
+ double precision = 1e-6;\r
+ myProblem.setCFL(cfl);\r
+ myProblem.setPrecision(precision);\r
+ myProblem.setMaxNbOfTimeStep(MaxNbOfTimeStep);\r
+ myProblem.setTimeMax(maxTime);\r
+ myProblem.setFreqSave(freqSave);\r
+ myProblem.setFileName(fileName);\r
+ // set display option to monitor the calculation\r
+ bool computation=true;\r
+ bool system=true;\r
+ myProblem.setVerbose( computation, system);\r
+ myProblem.setSaveFileFormat(CSV);\r
+ // evolution\r
+ myProblem.initialize();\r
+ bool ok =;\r
+ if (ok)\r
+ cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<" is successful !" << endl;\r
+ else\r
+ cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<" failed ! " << endl;\r
+ cout << "------------ End of calculation -----------" << endl;\r
+ myProblem.terminate();\r
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;\r