void rearrange(std::size_t newNbOfCompo);
void transpose();
void pushBackSilent(T val);
- void pushBackValsSilent(const T *valsBg, const T *valsEnd);
+ template<class InputIterator>
+ void pushBackValsSilent(InputIterator valsBg, InputIterator valsEnd);
T popBackSilent();
T front() const;
T back() const;
void sortToHaveConsecutivePairs();
MCAuto<DataArrayType> fromLinkedListOfPairToList() const;
DataArrayType *getDifferentValues() const;
+ MCAuto<DataArrayType> forThisAsPartitionBuildReduction(const MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& commonEntities, const MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& commonEntitiesIndex,
+ MCAuto<DataArrayType>& partitionsToBeModified, MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& partitionsToBeModifiedIndex) const;
std::vector<DataArrayIdType *> partitionByDifferentValues(std::vector<T>& differentIds) const;
std::vector< std::pair<mcIdType,mcIdType> > splitInBalancedSlices(mcIdType nbOfSlices) const;
static DataArrayType *Modulus(const DataArrayType *a1, const DataArrayType *a2);
void modulusEqual(const DataArrayType *other);
static DataArrayType *Pow(const DataArrayType *a1, const DataArrayType *a2);
void powEqual(const DataArrayType *other);
- //MemArray<T>& accessToMemArray() { return _mem; }
- //const MemArray<T>& accessToMemArray() const { return _mem; }
static DataArrayIdType *FindPermutationFromFirstToSecond(const DataArrayType *ids1, const DataArrayType *ids2);
static DataArrayIdType *FindPermutationFromFirstToSecondDuplicate(const DataArrayType *ids1, const DataArrayType *ids2);
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::insertAtTheEnd : not available for DataArrayDouble with number of components different than 1 !");
+ /*!
+ * This method adds at the end of \a this a series of values [\c valsBg,\c valsEnd). This method do \b not update its time label to avoid useless incrementation
+ * of counter. So the caller is expected to call TimeLabel::declareAsNew on \a this at the end of the push session.
+ *
+ * \param [in] valsBg - an array of values to push at the end of \c this.
+ * \param [in] valsEnd - specifies the end of the array \a valsBg, so that
+ * the last value of \a valsBg is \a valsEnd[ -1 ].
+ * \throw If \a this has already been allocated with number of components different from one.
+ * \sa DataArrayDouble::pushBackSilent
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ template<class InputIterator>
+ void DataArrayTemplate<T>::pushBackValsSilent(InputIterator valsBg, InputIterator valsEnd)
+ {
+ std::size_t nbCompo(getNumberOfComponents());
+ if(nbCompo==1)
+ _mem.insertAtTheEnd(valsBg,valsEnd);
+ else if(nbCompo==0)
+ {
+ _info_on_compo.resize(1);
+ _mem.insertAtTheEnd(valsBg,valsEnd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << Traits<T>::ArrayTypeName << "::pushBackValsSilent : not available for DataArrayDouble with number of components different than 1 !";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
#include "MCAuto.hxx"
#include "MEDCouplingMap.txx"
+#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
namespace MEDCoupling
- /*!
- * This method adds at the end of \a this a series of values [\c valsBg,\c valsEnd). This method do \b not update its time label to avoid useless incrementation
- * of counter. So the caller is expected to call TimeLabel::declareAsNew on \a this at the end of the push session.
- *
- * \param [in] valsBg - an array of values to push at the end of \c this.
- * \param [in] valsEnd - specifies the end of the array \a valsBg, so that
- * the last value of \a valsBg is \a valsEnd[ -1 ].
- * \throw If \a this has already been allocated with number of components different from one.
- * \sa DataArrayDouble::pushBackSilent
- */
- template<class T>
- void DataArrayTemplate<T>::pushBackValsSilent(const T *valsBg, const T *valsEnd)
- {
- std::size_t nbCompo(getNumberOfComponents());
- if(nbCompo==1)
- _mem.insertAtTheEnd(valsBg,valsEnd);
- else if(nbCompo==0)
- {
- _info_on_compo.resize(1);
- _mem.insertAtTheEnd(valsBg,valsEnd);
- }
- else
- {
- std::ostringstream oss; oss << Traits<T>::ArrayTypeName << "::pushBackValsSilent : not available for DataArrayDouble with number of components different than 1 !";
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
- }
- }
* This method returns silently ( without updating time label in \a this ) the last value, if any and suppress it.
* \throw If \a this is already empty.
return ret2.retn();
+ template<class T>
+ class PartitionCfg : public std::set<T>
+ {
+ public:
+ PartitionCfg() = default;
+ void setID(T id) { _id = id; }
+ T getID() const { return _id; }
+ bool operator<(const PartitionCfg<T>& other) { return std::set<T>::operator<( other._data ); }
+ bool operator>(const PartitionCfg<T>& other) { return std::set<T>::operator>( other._data ); }
+ bool operator==(const PartitionCfg<T>& other) { return std::set<T>::operator==( other._data ); }
+ private:
+ T _id = 0;
+ };
+ /*!
+ * \a this is considered as an array defining a partition. It means that values in \a this define partition-ids. All tuples in \a this with same value can be considered as partition.
+ * Typically MED stores families uses this compact storage method.
+ *
+ * This method computes and returns the partition stored in \a this on reduced space using a reduction operation specified by pairs \a commonEntities and \a commonEntitiesIndex parameters.
+ * The reduction operation is the consequence of a fusion of enties. It explains the storage format defining reduction.
+ *
+ * An another way to consider this method : This method can be seen as an interpolation on integer field (\a this). For fused entities it returns in compact way all combinations of partition configuration.
+ *
+ * \param [out] partitionsToBeModified - For all partitions impacted by the reduction a n-uplet is returned (n is deduced thanks to \a partitionsToBeModifiedIndex)
+ * Each n-uplet represents a list of partitions impacted by reduction. The first element of n-uplet represents the ID to locate entities (using for example findIdsEqual in returned array)
+ * Remaining IDs in n-uplet are Partition IDs impacted.
+ * \param [out] partitionsToBeModifiedIndex - Index attached to \a partitionsToBeModified to interprete.
+ *
+ * \return - The partition array that is the output of the reduction of \a this.
+ *
+ * \sa MEDCouplingUMesh::findCommonCells, DataArrayDouble::findCommonTuples
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ MCAuto< typename DataArrayDiscrete<T>::DataArrayType > DataArrayDiscrete<T>::forThisAsPartitionBuildReduction(const MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& commonEntities, const MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& commonEntitiesIndex, MCAuto<DataArrayType>& partitionsToBeModified, MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>& partitionsToBeModifiedIndex) const
+ {
+ constexpr char MSG[] = "this should have only one component";
+ this->checkAllocated(); this->checkNbOfComps(1,MSG);
+ commonEntities->checkAllocated(); commonEntities->checkNbOfComps(1,MSG);
+ commonEntitiesIndex->checkAllocated(); commonEntitiesIndex->checkNbOfComps(1,MSG);
+ std::size_t initialSpaceSz( this->getNumberOfTuples() );
+ mcIdType returnedSpaceSz( 0 );// store size of reducted returned size
+ //
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> sizeOfPacks( commonEntitiesIndex->deltaShiftIndex() );
+ mcIdType maxSizeOfPacks = sizeOfPacks->getMaxValueInArray();// store the max size of common entities
+ T newValueInThis = this->getMaxValueInArray() + 1;
+ //
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> o2n( DataArrayIdType::ConvertIndexArrayToO2N(initialSpaceSz,commonEntities->begin(),commonEntitiesIndex->begin(),commonEntitiesIndex->end(),returnedSpaceSz) );
+ MCAuto< DataArrayType > ret( DataArrayDiscrete<T>::New() );
+ ret->alloc( returnedSpaceSz, 1 );
+ ret->fillWithValue( std::numeric_limits<T>::max() );
+ // First deal with entities not fused.
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> eltsNotFused( commonEntities->copySorted() );
+ eltsNotFused = eltsNotFused->buildComplement( initialSpaceSz );
+ MCAuto<DataArrayType> partionIdsOfNotFused = this->mySelectByTupleIdSafe(eltsNotFused->begin(),eltsNotFused->end());
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> tupleIdsToSelect = o2n->selectByTupleIdSafe(eltsNotFused->begin(),eltsNotFused->end());
+ ret->setPartOfValues3(partionIdsOfNotFused,tupleIdsToSelect->begin(),tupleIdsToSelect->end(),0,1,1);
+ T *retPt( ret->getPointer() );
+ const mcIdType *o2nPt( o2n->begin() );
+ //
+ partitionsToBeModified = DataArrayType::New(); partitionsToBeModified->alloc(0,1);
+ partitionsToBeModifiedIndex = DataArrayIdType::New(); partitionsToBeModifiedIndex->alloc(1,1); partitionsToBeModifiedIndex->setIJSilent(0,0,0);
+ const T *ptOfThisData( this->begin() );
+ const mcIdType *ceBg( commonEntities->begin() ), *ceiBg( commonEntitiesIndex->begin() );
+ for(mcIdType szOfPack = 2 ; szOfPack <= maxSizeOfPacks ; ++szOfPack)
+ {
+ MCAuto<DataArrayIdType> idsInThisWithSamePackSz = findIdsEqual( FromIdType<T>( szOfPack ) );
+ std::set< PartitionCfg<T> > partitionCfgHolder;
+ for( const mcIdType *idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt = idsInThisWithSamePackSz->begin() ; idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt != idsInThisWithSamePackSz->end() ; ++idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt )
+ {
+ PartitionCfg<T> partitionCfg;
+ std::transform(ceBg + ceiBg[*idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt],ceBg + ceiBg[*idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt + 1], std::inserter(partitionCfg,partitionCfg.end()),[ptOfThisData](mcIdType elt) { return ptOfThisData[elt]; });
+ auto existCfg = partitionCfgHolder.find( partitionCfg );
+ if( existCfg != partitionCfgHolder.end() )
+ {//partition already exist by a previous pack -> reuse it !
+ T newPartitionID = existCfg->getID();
+ retPt[ o2nPt[ ceBg [ ceiBg[*idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt] ] ] ] = newPartitionID;// hypothesis that o2n is so that all o2n[ceBg + ceiBg[*idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt],ceBg + ceiBg[*idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt + 1]) points to the same point in new renumbering
+ }
+ else
+ {//partition does not exist yet -> create it !
+ partitionCfg.setID( newValueInThis++ );
+ partitionCfgHolder.insert( partitionCfg );
+ retPt[ o2nPt[ ceBg [ ceiBg[*idsInThisWithSamePackSzIt] ] ] ] = partitionCfg.getID();
+ partitionsToBeModified->pushBackSilent( partitionCfg.getID() );
+ partitionsToBeModified->pushBackValsSilent(partitionCfg.begin(),partitionCfg.end());
+ partitionsToBeModifiedIndex->pushBackSilent( partitionsToBeModifiedIndex->back() + szOfPack + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
* This method is a refinement of DataArrayInt::getDifferentValues because it returns not only different values in \a this but also, for each of
* them it tells which tuple id have this id.