--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 CEA/DEN
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import src
+parser = src.options.Options()
+parser.add_option( 'p', 'prefix', 'string', 'prefix', _("Where the profile's "
+ "sources will be "
+ "generated.") )
+parser.add_option( 'n', 'name', 'string', 'name', _("Name of the profile's "
+ "sources. [Default: "
+ "${config.PRODUCT.name}"
+ "_PROFILE]") )
+parser.add_option( 'f', 'force', 'boolean', 'force', _("Overwrites "
+ "existing sources.") )
+parser.add_option( 'u', 'no_update', 'boolean', 'no_update', _("Does not update"
+ " pyconf file."))
+parser.add_option( 'v', 'version', 'string', 'version', _("Version of the "
+ "application. [Defa"
+ "ult: 1.0]"), '1.0' )
+parser.add_option( 's', 'slogan', 'string', 'slogan', _("Slogan of the "
+ "application.") )
+# Class that overrides common.Reference
+# in order to manipulate fields starting with '@'
+class profileReference( src.pyconf.Reference ) :
+ def __str__(self):
+ s = self.elements[0]
+ for tt, tv in self.elements[1:]:
+ if tt == src.pyconf.DOT:
+ s += '.%s' % tv
+ else:
+ s += '[%r]' % tv
+ if self.type == src.pyconf.BACKTICK:
+ return src.pyconf.BACKTICK + s + src.pyconf.BACKTICK
+ elif self.type == src.pyconf.AT:
+ return src.pyconf.AT + s
+ else:
+ return src.pyconf.DOLLAR + s
+# Class that overrides how fields starting with '@' are read.
+class profileConfigReader( src.pyconf.ConfigReader ) :
+ def parseMapping(self, parent, suffix):
+ if self.token[0] == src.pyconf.LCURLY:
+ self.match(src.pyconf.LCURLY)
+ rv = src.pyconf.Mapping(parent)
+ rv.setPath(
+ src.pyconf.makePath(object.__getattribute__(parent, 'path'),
+ suffix))
+ self.parseMappingBody(rv)
+ self.match(src.pyconf.RCURLY)
+ else:
+ self.match(src.pyconf.AT)
+ __, fn = self.match('"')
+ rv = profileReference(self, src.pyconf.AT, fn)
+ return rv
+# Describes the command
+def description():
+ return _("The profile command creates default profile.\nusage: sat profile "
+ "[PRODUCT] [-p|--prefix (string)] [-n|--name (string)] [-f|--force"
+ "] [-v|--version (string)] [-s|--slogan (string)]")
+# Gets the profile name
+def get_profile_name ( options, config ):
+ if options.name :
+ res = options.name
+ else :
+ res = config.APPLICATION.name + "_PROFILE"
+ return res
+# Generates the sources of the profile
+def generate_profile_sources( config, options, logger ):
+ #Check script app-quickstart.py exists
+ kernel_cfg = src.product.get_product_config(config, "KERNEL")
+ kernel_root_dir = kernel_cfg.install_dir
+ if not src.product.check_installation(kernel_cfg):
+ raise src.SatException(_("KERNEL is not installed"))
+ script = os.path.join(kernel_root_dir,"bin","salome","app-quickstart.py")
+ if not os.path.exists( script ):
+ raise src.SatException(_("KERNEL's install has not the script "
+ "app-quickstart.py"))
+ # Check that GUI is installed
+ gui_cfg = src.product.get_product_config(config, "GUI")
+ gui_root_dir = gui_cfg.install_dir
+ if not src.product.check_installation(gui_cfg):
+ raise src.SatException(_("GUI is not installed"))
+ #Set prefix option passed to app-quickstart.py
+ name = get_profile_name ( options, config )
+ prefix = os.path.join( options.prefix, name )
+ if os.path.exists( prefix ) :
+ if not options.force :
+ raise src.SatException( _("The path %s already exists, use option"
+ " --force to remove it." %prefix ) )
+ else :
+ shutil.rmtree( prefix )
+ #Set name option passed to app-quickstart.py
+ if name.upper().endswith("_PROFILE"):
+ name = name[:-8]
+ #Write command line that calls app-quickstart.py
+ command = "python %s --prefix=%s --name=%s --modules=_NO_ --version=%s" % (
+ script, prefix, name, options.version )
+ if options.force :
+ command += " --force"
+ if options.slogan :
+ command += " --slogan=%s" % options.slogan
+ logger.write("\n>" + command + "\n", 5, False)
+ #Run command
+ os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] = kernel_root_dir
+ os.environ["GUI_ROOT_DIR"] = gui_root_dir
+ res = subprocess.call(command,
+ shell=True,
+ env=os.environ,
+ stdout=logger.logTxtFile,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ #Check result of command
+ if res != 0:
+ raise src.SatException(_("Cannot create application, code = %d\n")%res)
+ else:
+ logger.write(_("Profile sources were generated in directory %s."%prefix),
+ 3)
+ return res
+# Updates the pyconf
+def update_pyconf( config, options, logger ):
+ #Save previous version
+ pyconf = config.VARS.product + '.pyconf'
+ pyconfBackup = config.VARS.product + '-backup.pyconf'
+ logger.write(_("Updating %(new)s (previous version saved "
+ "as %(old)s).") % { "new": pyconf, "old": pyconfBackup }, 3)
+ path = config.getPath( pyconf )
+ shutil.copyfile( os.path.join( path, pyconf ),
+ os.path.join( path, pyconfBackup ) )
+ #Load config
+ cfg = src.pyconf.Config( )
+ object.__setattr__( cfg, 'reader', profileConfigReader( cfg ) )
+ cfg.load( src.pyconf.defaultStreamOpener( os.path.join( path, pyconf ) ) )
+ #Check if profile is in APPLICATION.products
+ profile = get_profile_name ( options, config )
+ if not profile in cfg.APPLICATION.products:
+ cfg.APPLICATION.products.append( profile, None )
+ #Check if profile is in APPLICATION
+ if not 'profile' in cfg.APPLICATION:
+ cfg.APPLICATION.addMapping( 'profile', src.pyconf.Mapping(), None )
+ cfg.APPLICATION.profile.addMapping( 'module', profile, None )
+ cfg.APPLICATION.profile.addMapping( 'launcher_name',
+ config.VARS.product.lower(), None )
+ #Check if profile info is in PRODUCTS
+ if not 'PRODUCTS' in cfg:
+ cfg.addMapping( 'PRODUCTS', src.pyconf.Mapping(), None )
+ if not profile in cfg.PRODUCTS:
+ cfg.PRODUCTS.addMapping( profile, src.pyconf.Mapping(), None )
+ cfg.PRODUCTS[profile].addMapping( 'default', src.pyconf.Mapping(),
+ None )
+ prf = cfg.TOOLS.common.module_info[profile].default
+ prf.addMapping( 'name', profile, None )
+ prf.addMapping( 'get_source', 'archive', None )
+ prf.addMapping( 'build_source', 'cmake', None )
+ prf.addMapping( 'archive_info', src.pyconf.Mapping(), None )
+ prf.archive_info.addMapping( 'name',
+ os.path.join(os.path.abspath(options.prefix),
+ profile ), None )
+ prf.addMapping( 'source_dir', src.pyconf.Reference(cfg,
+ src.pyconf.DOLLAR,
+ 'APPLICATION.workdir'
+ ' + $VARS.sep + "SOU'
+ 'RCES" + $VARS.sep +'
+ ' $name' ), None )
+ prf.addMapping( 'build_dir', src.pyconf.Reference(cfg,
+ src.pyconf.DOLLAR,
+ 'APPLICATION.workdir '
+ '+ $VARS.sep + "BUILD'
+ '" + $VARS.sep + $nam'
+ 'e' ), None )
+ prf.addMapping( 'depend', src.pyconf.Sequence(), None )
+ prf.depend.append( 'KERNEL', None )
+ prf.depend.append( 'GUI', None )
+ prf.depend.append( 'Python', None )
+ prf.depend.append( 'Sphinx', None )
+ prf.depend.append( 'qt', None )
+ prf.addMapping( 'opt_depend', src.pyconf.Sequence(), None )
+ #Save config
+ f = file( os.path.join( path, pyconf ) , 'w')
+ cfg.__save__(f)
+# Runs the command.
+def run(args, runner, logger):
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with profile parameter.
+ '''
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+ src.check_config_has_application(runner.cfg)
+ if options.prefix is None:
+ msg = _("The --%s argument is required\n") % "prefix"
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcWarning(msg), 1)
+ return 1
+ retcode = generate_profile_sources( runner.cfg, options, logger )
+ if not options.no_update :
+ update_pyconf( runner.cfg, options )
+ return retcode