--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# @package GHS3DPluginBuilder
+# Python API for the GHS3D meshing plug-in module.
+from salome.smesh.smesh_algorithm import Mesh_Algorithm
+from salome.smesh.smeshBuilder import AssureGeomPublished
+# import GHS3DPlugin module if possible
+noGHS3DPlugin = 0
+ import GHS3DPlugin
+except ImportError:
+ noGHS3DPlugin = 1
+ pass
+# Optimization level of GHS3D
+# V3.1
+None_Optimization, Light_Optimization, Medium_Optimization, Strong_Optimization = 0,1,2,3
+# V4.1 (partialy redefines V3.1). Issue 0020574
+None_Optimization, Light_Optimization, Standard_Optimization, StandardPlus_Optimization, Strong_Optimization = 0,1,2,3,4
+# Mesh algo type identifiers
+## Algorithm type: GHS3D tetrahedron 3D algorithm, see GHS3D_Algorithm
+GHS3D = "GHS3D_3D"
+## Tetrahedron GHS3D 3D algorithm
+# It can be created by calling smesh.Mesh.Tetrahedron( smesh.GHS3D, geom=0 )
+class GHS3D_Algorithm(Mesh_Algorithm):
+ ## name of the dynamic method in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
+ meshMethod = "Tetrahedron"
+ ## type of algorithm used with helper function in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
+ algoType = GHS3D
+ ## doc string of the method in smesh.Mesh class
+ # @internal
+ docHelper = "Creates tetrahedron 3D algorithm for volumes"
+ ## Private constructor.
+ # @param mesh parent mesh object algorithm is assigned to
+ # @param geom geometry (shape/sub-shape) algorithm is assigned to;
+ # if it is @c 0 (default), the algorithm is assigned to the main shape
+ def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
+ Mesh_Algorithm.__init__(self)
+ if noGHS3DPlugin: print "Warning: GHS3DPlugin module unavailable"
+ self.Create(mesh, geom, self.algoType, "libGHS3DEngine.so")
+ self.params = None
+ pass
+ ## Defines hypothesis having several parameters
+ # @return hypothesis object
+ def Parameters(self):
+ if not self.params:
+ self.params = self.Hypothesis("GHS3D_Parameters", [],
+ "libGHS3DEngine.so", UseExisting=0)
+ pass
+ return self.params
+ ## To mesh "holes" in a solid or not. Default is to mesh.
+ # @param toMesh "mesh holes" flag value
+ def SetToMeshHoles(self, toMesh):
+ self.Parameters().SetToMeshHoles(toMesh)
+ pass
+ ## Set Optimization level:
+ # @param level optimization level, one of the following values
+ # - None_Optimization
+ # - Light_Optimization
+ # - Standard_Optimization
+ # - StandardPlus_Optimization
+ # - Strong_Optimization.
+ # .
+ # Default is Standard_Optimization
+ def SetOptimizationLevel(self, level):
+ self.Parameters().SetOptimizationLevel(level)
+ pass
+ ## Set maximal size of memory to be used by the algorithm (in Megabytes).
+ # @param MB maximal size of memory
+ def SetMaximumMemory(self, MB):
+ self.Parameters().SetMaximumMemory(MB)
+ pass
+ ## Set initial size of memory to be used by the algorithm (in Megabytes) in
+ # automatic memory adjustment mode.
+ # @param MB initial size of memory
+ def SetInitialMemory(self, MB):
+ self.Parameters().SetInitialMemory(MB)
+ pass
+ ## Set path to working directory.
+ # @param path working directory
+ def SetWorkingDirectory(self, path):
+ self.Parameters().SetWorkingDirectory(path)
+ pass
+ ## To keep working files or remove them. Log file remains in case of errors anyway.
+ # @param toKeep "keep working files" flag value
+ def SetKeepFiles(self, toKeep):
+ self.Parameters().SetKeepFiles(toKeep)
+ pass
+ ## Set verbosity level [0-10].
+ # @param level verbosity level
+ # - 0 - no standard output,
+ # - 2 - prints the data, quality statistics of the skin and final meshes and
+ # indicates when the final mesh is being saved. In addition the software
+ # gives indication regarding the CPU time.
+ # - 10 - same as 2 plus the main steps in the computation, quality statistics
+ # histogram of the skin mesh, quality statistics histogram together with
+ # the characteristics of the final mesh.
+ def SetVerboseLevel(self, level):
+ self.Parameters().SetVerboseLevel(level)
+ pass
+ ## To create new nodes.
+ # @param toCreate "create new nodes" flag value
+ def SetToCreateNewNodes(self, toCreate):
+ self.Parameters().SetToCreateNewNodes(toCreate)
+ pass
+ ## To use boundary recovery version which tries to create mesh on a very poor
+ # quality surface mesh.
+ # @param toUse "use boundary recovery version" flag value
+ def SetToUseBoundaryRecoveryVersion(self, toUse):
+ self.Parameters().SetToUseBoundaryRecoveryVersion(toUse)
+ pass
+ ## Applies finite-element correction by replacing overconstrained elements where
+ # it is possible. The process is cutting first the overconstrained edges and
+ # second the overconstrained facets. This insure that no edges have two boundary
+ # vertices and that no facets have three boundary vertices.
+ # @param toUseFem "apply finite-element correction" flag value
+ def SetFEMCorrection(self, toUseFem):
+ self.Parameters().SetFEMCorrection(toUseFem)
+ pass
+ ## To remove initial central point.
+ # @param toRemove "remove initial central point" flag value
+ def SetToRemoveCentralPoint(self, toRemove):
+ self.Parameters().SetToRemoveCentralPoint(toRemove)
+ pass
+ ## To set an enforced vertex.
+ # @param x : x coordinate
+ # @param y : y coordinate
+ # @param z : z coordinate
+ # @param size : size of 1D element around enforced vertex
+ # @param vertexName : name of the enforced vertex
+ # @param groupName : name of the group
+ def SetEnforcedVertex(self, x, y, z, size, vertexName = "", groupName = ""):
+ if vertexName == "":
+ if groupName == "":
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertex(x, y, z, size)
+ else:
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexWithGroup(x, y, z, size, groupName)
+ pass
+ else:
+ if groupName == "":
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexNamed(x, y, z, size, vertexName)
+ else:
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexNamedWithGroup(x, y, z, size, vertexName, groupName)
+ pass
+ pass
+ ## To set an enforced vertex given a GEOM vertex, group or compound.
+ # @param theVertex : GEOM vertex (or group, compound) to be projected on theFace.
+ # @param size : size of 1D element around enforced vertex
+ # @param groupName : name of the group
+ def SetEnforcedVertexGeom(self, theVertex, size, groupName = ""):
+ AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, theVertex )
+ if groupName == "":
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexGeom(theVertex, size)
+ else:
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedVertexGeomWithGroup(theVertex, size, groupName)
+ pass
+ ## To remove an enforced vertex.
+ # @param x : x coordinate
+ # @param y : y coordinate
+ # @param z : z coordinate
+ def RemoveEnforcedVertex(self, x, y, z):
+ return self.Parameters().RemoveEnforcedVertex(x, y, z)
+ ## To remove an enforced vertex given a GEOM vertex, group or compound.
+ # @param theVertex : GEOM vertex (or group, compound) to be projected on theFace.
+ def RemoveEnforcedVertexGeom(self, theVertex):
+ AssureGeomPublished( self.mesh, theVertex )
+ return self.Parameters().RemoveEnforcedVertexGeom(theVertex)
+ ## To set an enforced mesh with given size and add the enforced elements in the group "groupName".
+ # @param theSource : source mesh which provides constraint elements/nodes
+ # @param elementType : SMESH.ElementType (NODE, EDGE or FACE)
+ # @param size : size of elements around enforced elements. Unused if -1.
+ # @param groupName : group in which enforced elements will be added. Unused if "".
+ def SetEnforcedMesh(self, theSource, elementType, size = -1, groupName = ""):
+ if size < 0:
+ if groupName == "":
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedMesh(theSource, elementType)
+ else:
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedMeshWithGroup(theSource, elementType, groupName)
+ pass
+ else:
+ if groupName == "":
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedMeshSize(theSource, elementType, size)
+ else:
+ return self.Parameters().SetEnforcedMeshSizeWithGroup(theSource, elementType, size, groupName)
+ pass
+ pass
+ ## Sets command line option as text.
+ # @param option command line option
+ def SetTextOption(self, option):
+ self.Parameters().SetTextOption(option)
+ pass
+ pass # end of GHS3D_Algorithm class