return make_pair(aFamily->myNbCells,aFamily->myCellsSize);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ void
+ TMeshValue
+ ::Init(vtkIdType theNbElem,
+ vtkIdType theNbGauss,
+ vtkIdType theNbComp)
+ {
+ myNbElem = theNbElem;
+ myNbGauss = theNbGauss;
+ myNbComp = theNbComp;
+ myStep = theNbComp*theNbGauss;
+ myValue.resize(theNbElem*myStep);
+ }
+ TCValueSliceArr
+ TMeshValue
+ ::GetGaussValueSliceArr(vtkIdType theElemId) const
+ {
+ TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbGauss);
+ vtkIdType anId = theElemId*myStep;
+ for(vtkIdType aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < myNbGauss; aGaussId++){
+ aValueSliceArr[aGaussId] =
+ TCValueSlice(myValue,std::slice(anId,myNbComp,1));
+ anId += myNbComp;
+ }
+ return aValueSliceArr;
+ }
+ TValueSliceArr
+ TMeshValue
+ ::GetGaussValueSliceArr(vtkIdType theElemId)
+ {
+ TValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbGauss);
+ vtkIdType anId = theElemId*myStep;
+ for(vtkIdType aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < myNbGauss; aGaussId++){
+ aValueSliceArr[aGaussId] =
+ TValueSlice(myValue,std::slice(anId,myNbComp,1));
+ anId += myNbComp;
+ }
+ return aValueSliceArr;
+ }
+ TCValueSliceArr
+ TMeshValue
+ ::GetCompValueSliceArr(vtkIdType theElemId) const
+ {
+ TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbComp);
+ vtkIdType anId = theElemId*myStep;
+ for(vtkIdType aCompId = 0; aCompId < myNbComp; aCompId++){
+ aValueSliceArr[aCompId] =
+ TCValueSlice(myValue,std::slice(anId,myNbGauss,myNbGauss));
+ anId += 1;
+ }
+ return aValueSliceArr;
+ }
+ TValueSliceArr
+ TMeshValue
+ ::GetCompValueSliceArr(vtkIdType theElemId)
+ {
+ TValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr(myNbComp);
+ vtkIdType anId = theElemId*myStep;
+ for(vtkIdType aCompId = 0; aCompId < myNbComp; aCompId++){
+ aValueSliceArr[aCompId] =
+ TValueSlice(myValue,std::slice(anId,myNbGauss,myNbGauss));
+ anId += 1;
+ }
+ return aValueSliceArr;
+ }
+ const TMeshValue&
+ TValForTimeImpl
+ ::GetMeshValue(vtkIdType theGeom) const
+ {
+ TGeom2Value::const_iterator anIter = myGeom2Value.find(theGeom);
+ if(anIter == myGeom2Value.end())
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TValForTimeImpl::GetMeshValue - myGeom2Value.find(theGeom) fails");
+ return anIter->second;
+ }
+ TMeshValue&
+ TValForTimeImpl
+ ::GetMeshValue(vtkIdType theGeom)
+ {
+ return myGeom2Value[theGeom];
+ }
::GetNbGauss(vtkIdType theGeom) const
- int aNbComp = theField->myNbComp;
- const VISU::TValForCells& aValForCells = theValForTime->myValForCells;
- VISU::TValForCells::const_iterator anIter = aValForCells.begin();
- for(int aTupleId = 0; anIter != aValForCells.end(); anIter++) {
+ TGeom2Value& aGeom2Value = theValForTime->myGeom2Value;
+ TGeom2Value::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Value.begin();
+ for(int aTupleId = 0; anIter != aGeom2Value.end(); anIter++){
int aGeom = anIter->first;
- const VISU::TValForCellsWithType& anArray = anIter->second;
- int aNbGauss = theValForTime->GetNbGauss(aGeom);
- int aStep = aNbComp*aNbGauss;
- int aNbElem = anArray.size()/aStep;
+ const TMeshValue& aMeshValue = anIter->second;
+ int aNbElem = aMeshValue.myNbElem;
+ int aNbGauss = aMeshValue.myNbGauss;
+ int aNbComp = aMeshValue.myNbComp;
INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"GetTimeStampOnProfile2 - aGeom = "<<aGeom<<
"; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
"; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<
"; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
+ if(aNbComp == 4)
+ aNbComp = 2;
case 1:
for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
+ float aValue[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr = aMeshValue.GetCompValueSliceArr(iElem);
for(int iComp = 0; iComp < aNbComp; iComp++){
- float aValue = 0;
- int aFirstId = iElem*aStep + iComp*aNbGauss;
- if(aNbGauss > 0){
- for(int iGauss = 0, anId = aFirstId; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++, anId++)
- aValue +=;
- aValue /= aNbGauss;
- }else
- aValue =;
- theFloatArray->SetTuple1(aTupleId++,aValue);
+ const TCValueSlice& aValueSlice = aValueSliceArr[iComp];
+ for(int iGauss = 0; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++){
+ aValue[iComp] += aValueSlice[iGauss];
+ }
+ aValue[iComp] /= aNbGauss;
+ theFloatArray->SetTuple1(aTupleId++,aValue[0]);
case 2:
for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- float aValue[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
+ float aValue[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr = aMeshValue.GetCompValueSliceArr(iElem);
for(int iComp = 0; iComp < aNbComp; iComp++){
- int aFirstId = iElem*aStep + iComp*aNbGauss;
- if(aNbGauss > 0){
- for(int iGauss = 0, anId = aFirstId; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++, anId++)
- aValue[iComp] += anArray[anId];
- aValue[iComp] /= aNbGauss;
- }else
- aValue[iComp] = anArray[aFirstId];
- }
- theFloatArray->SetTuple3(aTupleId++,aValue[0],aValue[1],0.0);
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- float aValue[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
- for(int iComp = 0; iComp < 2; iComp++){
- int aFirstId = iElem*aStep + iComp*aNbGauss;
- if(aNbGauss > 0){
- for(int iGauss = 0, anId = aFirstId; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++, anId++)
- aValue[iComp] += anArray[anId];
- aValue[iComp] /= aNbGauss;
- }else
- aValue[iComp] = anArray[aFirstId];
+ const TCValueSlice& aValueSlice = aValueSliceArr[iComp];
+ for(int iGauss = 0; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++){
+ aValue[iComp] += aValueSlice[iGauss];
+ }
+ aValue[iComp] /= aNbGauss;
- if(aNbComp > 0)
- for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- float aValue[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
- for(int iComp = 0; iComp < 3; iComp++){
- int aFirstId = iElem*aStep + iComp*aNbGauss;
- if(aNbGauss > 0){
- for(int iGauss = 0, anId = aFirstId; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++, anId++)
- aValue[iComp] += anArray[anId];
- aValue[iComp] /= aNbGauss;
- }else
- aValue[iComp] = anArray[aFirstId];
+ for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
+ float aValue[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+ TCValueSliceArr aValueSliceArr = aMeshValue.GetCompValueSliceArr(iElem);
+ for(int iComp = 0; iComp < aNbComp; iComp++){
+ const TCValueSlice& aValueSlice = aValueSliceArr[iComp];
+ for(int iGauss = 0; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++){
+ aValue[iComp] += aValueSlice[iGauss];
- theFloatArray->SetTuple3(aTupleId++,aValue[0],aValue[1],aValue[2]);
+ aValue[iComp] /= aNbGauss;
- else
- EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetTimeStampOnProfile2 - There is no an algorithm for representation of the field !!!");
- break;
+ theFloatArray->SetTuple3(aTupleId++,aValue[0],aValue[1],aValue[2]);
+ }
#define _EDF_NODE_IDS_
using namespace std;
-using namespace MED;
using namespace VISU;
+using MED::TInt;
+using MED::TFloat;
+using MED::EBooleen;
#ifdef _DEBUG_
static int MYDEBUG = 1;
static int MY_FAMILY_DEBUG = 0;
- using namespace MED;
- using namespace VISU;
MEDGeom2NbNodes(MED::EGeometrieElement theMEDGeomType)
MEDGeomToVTK(MED::EGeometrieElement theMEDGeomType)
- case ePOINT1: return VTK_VERTEX;
- case eSEG2: return VTK_LINE;
- case eSEG3: return VTK_LINE;
- case eTRIA3: return VTK_TRIANGLE;
- case eTRIA6: return VTK_TRIANGLE;
- case eQUAD4: return VTK_QUAD;
- case eQUAD8: return VTK_QUAD;
- case eTETRA4: return VTK_TETRA;
- case eTETRA10: return VTK_TETRA;
- case eHEXA8: return VTK_HEXAHEDRON;
- case eHEXA20: return VTK_HEXAHEDRON;
- case ePENTA6: return VTK_WEDGE;
- case ePENTA15: return VTK_WEDGE;
- case ePYRA5: return VTK_PYRAMID;
- case ePYRA13: return VTK_PYRAMID;
- case ePOLYGONE: return VTK_POLYGON;
+ case MED::ePOINT1: return VTK_VERTEX;
+ case MED::eSEG2: return VTK_LINE;
+ case MED::eSEG3: return VTK_LINE;
+ case MED::eTRIA3: return VTK_TRIANGLE;
+ case MED::eTRIA6: return VTK_TRIANGLE;
+ case MED::eQUAD4: return VTK_QUAD;
+ case MED::eQUAD8: return VTK_QUAD;
+ case MED::eTETRA4: return VTK_TETRA;
+ case MED::eTETRA10: return VTK_TETRA;
+ case MED::eHEXA8: return VTK_HEXAHEDRON;
+ case MED::eHEXA20: return VTK_HEXAHEDRON;
+ case MED::ePENTA6: return VTK_WEDGE;
+ case MED::ePENTA15: return VTK_WEDGE;
+ case MED::ePYRA5: return VTK_PYRAMID;
+ case MED::ePYRA13: return VTK_PYRAMID;
+ case MED::ePOLYGONE: return VTK_POLYGON;
return -1;
VTKGeomToMED(int theVTKGeomType)
- case VTK_VERTEX: return ePOINT1;
- case VTK_LINE: return eSEG2;
- case VTK_TRIANGLE: return eTRIA3;
- case VTK_QUAD: return eQUAD4;
- case VTK_TETRA: return eTETRA4;
- case VTK_HEXAHEDRON: return eHEXA8;
- case VTK_WEDGE: return ePENTA6;
- case VTK_PYRAMID: return ePYRA5;
- case VTK_POLYGON: return ePOLYGONE;
+ case VTK_VERTEX: return MED::ePOINT1;
+ case VTK_LINE: return MED::eSEG2;
+ case VTK_TRIANGLE: return MED::eTRIA3;
+ case VTK_QUAD: return MED::eQUAD4;
+ case VTK_TETRA: return MED::eTETRA4;
+ case VTK_HEXAHEDRON: return MED::eHEXA8;
+ case VTK_WEDGE: return MED::ePENTA6;
+ case VTK_PYRAMID: return MED::ePYRA5;
+ case VTK_POLYGON: return MED::ePOLYGONE;
- return EGeometrieElement(-1);
+ return MED::EGeometrieElement(-1);
MEDEntityToVTK(MED::EEntiteMaillage theMEDEntity)
- case eNOEUD: return NODE_ENTITY;
- case eARETE: return EDGE_ENTITY;
- case eFACE: return FACE_ENTITY;
- case eMAILLE: return CELL_ENTITY;
+ case MED::eNOEUD: return NODE_ENTITY;
+ case MED::eARETE: return EDGE_ENTITY;
+ case MED::eFACE: return FACE_ENTITY;
+ case MED::eMAILLE: return CELL_ENTITY;
return TEntity(-1);
VTKEntityToMED(TEntity theVTKEntity)
- case NODE_ENTITY: return eNOEUD;
- case EDGE_ENTITY: return eARETE;
- case FACE_ENTITY: return eFACE;
- case CELL_ENTITY: return eMAILLE;
+ case NODE_ENTITY: return MED::eNOEUD;
+ case EDGE_ENTITY: return MED::eARETE;
+ case FACE_ENTITY: return MED::eFACE;
+ case CELL_ENTITY: return MED::eMAILLE;
return MED::EEntiteMaillage(-1);
aSubProfile->myGeom = aVGeom;
aSubProfile->myStatus = eAddAll;
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator aTimeStampIter = theGeom2Size.find(theMGeom);
+ MED::TGeom2Size::const_iterator aTimeStampIter = theGeom2Size.find(theMGeom);
if(aTimeStampIter == theGeom2Size.end())
aSubProfile->myStatus = eRemoveAll;
aSubProfile->myNbCells = aTimeStampIter->second;
- TGeom2Profile::const_iterator aProfileIter = theGeom2Profile.find(theMGeom);
+ MED::TGeom2Profile::const_iterator aProfileIter = theGeom2Profile.find(theMGeom);
if(aProfileIter != theGeom2Profile.end()){
- PProfileInfo aProfileInfo = aProfileIter->second;
+ MED::PProfileInfo aProfileInfo = aProfileIter->second;
aSubProfile->myNbCells = aProfileInfo->myElemNum.size();
aSubProfile->myName = aProfileInfo->GetName();
TProfileKey aProfileKey;
- const TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampVal.GetGeom2Profile();
+ const MED::TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampVal.GetGeom2Profile();
- const TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = theMeshOnEntity.myGeom2Size;
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
+ const MED::TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = theMeshOnEntity.myGeom2Size;
+ MED::TGeom2Size::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
for(; anIter != aGeom2Size.end(); anIter++){
- EGeometrieElement aMGeom = anIter->first;
+ MED::EGeometrieElement aMGeom = anIter->first;
PSubProfile aSubProfile = CrSubProfile(aMGeom,theGeom2Size,aGeom2Profile);
TGeom2SubProfile& aGeom2SubProfile = aProfile->myGeom2SubProfile;
TGaussKey aGaussKey;
- const TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampVal.GetGeom2Profile();
- const TTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampVal.GetTimeStampInfo();
- const TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo.GetGeom2Gauss();
+ const MED::TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampVal.GetGeom2Profile();
+ const MED::TTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampVal.GetTimeStampInfo();
+ const MED::TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo.GetGeom2Gauss();
- const TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = theMeshOnEntity.myGeom2Size;
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
+ const MED::TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = theMeshOnEntity.myGeom2Size;
+ MED::TGeom2Size::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Size.begin();
for(; anIter != aGeom2Size.end(); anIter++){
- EGeometrieElement aMGeom = anIter->first;
+ MED::EGeometrieElement aMGeom = anIter->first;
vtkIdType aVGeom = MEDGeomToVTK(aMGeom);
TGeom2SubProfile::iterator anIter2 = aGeom2SubProfile.find(aVGeom);
- TGeom2Size::const_iterator aTimeStampIter = theGeom2Size.find(aMGeom);
+ MED::TGeom2Size::const_iterator aTimeStampIter = theGeom2Size.find(aMGeom);
if(aTimeStampIter != theGeom2Size.end()){
- TGeom2Gauss::const_iterator aGaussIter = aGeom2Gauss.find(aMGeom);
+ MED::TGeom2Gauss::const_iterator aGaussIter = aGeom2Gauss.find(aMGeom);
if(aGaussIter != aGeom2Gauss.end()){
PMEDGaussSubMesh aGaussSubMesh(new TMEDGaussSubMesh());
aGaussSubMesh->myGauss = aGauss;
aGauss->myGeom = aVGeom;
- PGaussInfo aGaussInfo = aGaussIter->second;
+ MED::PGaussInfo aGaussInfo = aGaussIter->second;
aGauss->myGaussInfo = aGaussInfo;
std::string aName = aGaussInfo->GetName();
- PWrapper aMed = CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
+ MED::PWrapper aMed = MED::CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
- TKey2Gauss aKey2Gauss = GetKey2Gauss(aMed);
- TMKey2Profile aMKey2Profile = GetMKey2Profile(aMed);
+ MED::TKey2Gauss aKey2Gauss = MED::GetKey2Gauss(aMed);
+ MED::TMKey2Profile aMKey2Profile = MED::GetMKey2Profile(aMed);
TInt aNbMeshes = aMed->GetNbMeshes();
TMeshMap& aMeshMap = myMeshMap;
for(TInt iMesh = 1; iMesh <= aNbMeshes; iMesh++){
- PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = aMed->GetPMeshInfo(iMesh);
+ MED::PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = aMed->GetPMeshInfo(iMesh);
- PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = aMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ MED::PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = aMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
MED::TEntityInfo aEntityInfo = aMed->GetEntityInfo(aMeshInfo);
- TElemGroup aElemGroup = GetElemsByEntity(aMed,aMeshInfo,aEntityInfo);
+ MED::TElemGroup aElemGroup = MED::GetElemsByEntity(aMed,aMeshInfo,aEntityInfo);
// creating TMesh structure and TMeshOnEntityMap
typedef map<TInt,TInt> TFamilyCounterMap;
TMeshOnEntityMap& aMeshOnEntityMap = aMesh->myMeshOnEntityMap;
MED::TEntityInfo::iterator anEntityIter = aEntityInfo.begin();
for(; anEntityIter != aEntityInfo.end(); anEntityIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& aMEntity = anEntityIter->first;
+ const MED::EEntiteMaillage& aMEntity = anEntityIter->first;
const MED::TGeom2Size& aGeom2Size = anEntityIter->second;
TEntity aVEntity = MEDEntityToVTK(aMEntity);
"; aVEntity = "<<aVEntity<<
- if(aMEntity == eNOEUD){
+ if(aMEntity == MED::eNOEUD){
aMeshOnEntity->myNbCells = aMesh->myNbPoints;
aMeshOnEntity->myCellsSize = 2*aMesh->myNbPoints;
aMeshOnEntity->myNbCells = 0;
aMeshOnEntity->myCellsSize = 0;
for(; aGeom2SizeIter != aGeom2Size.end(); aGeom2SizeIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aMGeom = aGeom2SizeIter->first;
+ const MED::EGeometrieElement& aMGeom = aGeom2SizeIter->first;
- case ePOLYGONE: {
- PPolygoneInfo aPolygoneInfo = aMed->GetPPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
+ case MED::ePOLYGONE: {
+ MED::PPolygoneInfo aPolygoneInfo = aMed->GetPPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
TInt aNbElem = aPolygoneInfo->GetNbElem();
- TElemNum aConn = aPolygoneInfo->GetConnectivite();
- TElemNum aIndex = aPolygoneInfo->GetIndex();
+ MED::TElemNum aConn = aPolygoneInfo->GetConnectivite();
+ MED::TElemNum aIndex = aPolygoneInfo->GetIndex();
TInt aNbIndex = aIndex.size();
TInt aNbConn = aConn.size();
- case ePOLYEDRE: {
- PPolyedreInfo aPolyedreInfo = aMed->GetPPolyedreInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
+ case MED::ePOLYEDRE: {
+ MED::PPolyedreInfo aPolyedreInfo = aMed->GetPPolyedreInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
TInt aNbElem = aPolyedreInfo->GetNbElem();
- TElemNum aConn = aPolyedreInfo->GetConnectivite();
- TElemNum aIndex = aPolyedreInfo->GetIndex();
+ MED::TElemNum aConn = aPolyedreInfo->GetConnectivite();
+ MED::TElemNum aIndex = aPolyedreInfo->GetIndex();
TInt aNbIndex = aIndex.size();
TInt aNbConn = aConn.size();
default: {
vtkIdType aVGeom = MEDGeomToVTK(aMGeom);
int aVNbNodes = VTKGeom2NbNodes(aVGeom);
- PCellInfo aCellInfo = aMed->GetPCellInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
+ MED::PCellInfo aCellInfo = aMed->GetPCellInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
TInt aNbElem = aCellInfo->GetNbElem();
aMeshOnEntity->myNbCells += aNbElem;
aMeshOnEntity->myCellsSize += aNbElem*(aVNbNodes+1);
TInt aNbFields = aMed->GetNbFields();
BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"TField: aNbFields = "<<aNbFields<<"\n");
for(TInt iField = 1; iField <= aNbFields; iField++){
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aMed->GetPFieldInfo(aMeshInfo,iField);
+ MED::PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aMed->GetPFieldInfo(aMeshInfo,iField);
TInt aNbComp = aFieldInfo->GetNbComp();
- const string& aFieldName = aFieldInfo->GetName();
+ const std::string& aFieldName = aFieldInfo->GetName();
MED::TGeom2Size aGeom2Size;
- EEntiteMaillage aMEntity;
+ MED::EEntiteMaillage aMEntity;
TInt aNbTimeStamps = aMed->GetNbTimeStamps(aFieldInfo,
for(TInt iTimeStamp = 1; iTimeStamp <= aNbTimeStamps; iTimeStamp++){
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo = aMed->GetPTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo,
- aMEntity,
- aGeom2Size,
- iTimeStamp);
+ MED::PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo = aMed->GetPTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo,
+ aMEntity,
+ aGeom2Size,
+ iTimeStamp);
TFloat aDt = aTimeStampInfo->GetDt();
- const string& anUnitDt = aTimeStampInfo->GetUnitDt();
- PTimeStampVal aTimeStampVal = aMed->GetPTimeStampVal(aTimeStampInfo,
- aMKey2Profile,
- aKey2Gauss);
+ const std::string& anUnitDt = aTimeStampInfo->GetUnitDt();
+ MED::PTimeStampVal aTimeStampVal = aMed->GetPTimeStampVal(aTimeStampInfo,
+ aMKey2Profile,
+ aKey2Gauss);
TValField& aValField = aField->myValField;
PMEDValForTime aValForTime = aValField[iTimeStamp](new TMEDValForTime());
aValForTime->myId = iTimeStamp;
- TFamilyGroup aFamilyGroup = GetFamilies(aMed,aMeshInfo);
- TFamilyByEntity aFamilyByEntity = GetFamiliesByEntity(aMed,aElemGroup,aFamilyGroup);
- TFamilyByEntity::const_iterator aFamilyByEntityIter = aFamilyByEntity.begin();
+ MED::TFamilyGroup aFamilyGroup = MED::GetFamilies(aMed,aMeshInfo);
+ MED::TFamilyByEntity aFamilyByEntity = MED::GetFamiliesByEntity(aMed,aElemGroup,aFamilyGroup);
+ MED::TFamilyByEntity::const_iterator aFamilyByEntityIter = aFamilyByEntity.begin();
for(; aFamilyByEntityIter != aFamilyByEntity.end(); aFamilyByEntityIter++){
- const EEntiteMaillage& aMEntity = aFamilyByEntityIter->first;
- const TFamilyGroup& aFamilyGroup = aFamilyByEntityIter->second;
+ const MED::EEntiteMaillage& aMEntity = aFamilyByEntityIter->first;
+ const MED::TFamilyGroup& aFamilyGroup = aFamilyByEntityIter->second;
TEntity aVEntity = MEDEntityToVTK(aMEntity);
- VISU::PMEDMeshOnEntity aMeshOnEntity = aMesh->myMeshOnEntityMap[aVEntity];
- VISU::TFamilyMap& aFamilyMap = aMeshOnEntity->myFamilyMap;
+ PMEDMeshOnEntity aMeshOnEntity = aMesh->myMeshOnEntityMap[aVEntity];
+ TFamilyMap& aFamilyMap = aMeshOnEntity->myFamilyMap;
INITMSG(MY_FAMILY_DEBUG,"aMEntity = "<<aMEntity<<"; aVEntity = "<<aVEntity<<"\n");
- TFamilyGroup::const_iterator aFamilyGroupIter = aFamilyGroup.begin();
+ MED::TFamilyGroup::const_iterator aFamilyGroupIter = aFamilyGroup.begin();
for(; aFamilyGroupIter != aFamilyGroup.end(); aFamilyGroupIter++){
- const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *aFamilyGroupIter;
+ const MED::PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *aFamilyGroupIter;
if (aFamilyInfo->GetId() == 0)
- VISU::TGroupMap& aGroupMap = aMesh->myGroupMap;
- TGroupInfo aGroupInfo = GetFamiliesByGroup(aFamilyGroup);
- TGroupInfo::const_iterator aGroupInfoIter = aGroupInfo.begin();
- for(;aGroupInfoIter != aGroupInfo.end(); aGroupInfoIter++){
- const string& aGroupName = aGroupInfoIter->first;
- const TFamilyGroup& aFamilyGroup = aGroupInfoIter->second;
+ TGroupMap& aGroupMap = aMesh->myGroupMap;
+ MED::TGroupInfo aGroupInfo = GetFamiliesByGroup(aFamilyGroup);
+ MED::TGroupInfo::const_iterator aGroupInfoIter = aGroupInfo.begin();
+ for(; aGroupInfoIter != aGroupInfo.end(); aGroupInfoIter++){
+ const std::string& aGroupName = aGroupInfoIter->first;
+ const MED::TFamilyGroup& aFamilyGroup = aGroupInfoIter->second;
PMEDGroup aGroup(new TMEDGroup());
aGroup->myName = aGroupName;
aGroup->myMeshName = aMesh->myName;
INITMSG(MY_GROUP_DEBUG,"aGroup->myName = '"<<aGroup->myName<<"'\n");
- TFamilyGroup::const_iterator aFamilyIter = aFamilyGroup.begin();
+ MED::TFamilyGroup::const_iterator aFamilyIter = aFamilyGroup.begin();
for(; aFamilyIter != aFamilyGroup.end(); aFamilyIter++){
- const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *aFamilyIter;
- const string& aFamilyName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
+ const MED::PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *aFamilyIter;
+ const std::string& aFamilyName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
TEntity aVEntity = TEntity(-1);
PMEDFamily aFamily;
const TFamilyMap& aFamilyMap = aMeshOnEntity->myFamilyMap;
TFamilyMap::const_iterator aFamilyMapIter = aFamilyMap.begin();
for(; aFamilyMapIter != aFamilyMap.end(); aFamilyMapIter++){
- const string& aName = aFamilyMapIter->first;
+ const std::string& aName = aFamilyMapIter->first;
aFamily = aFamilyMapIter->second;
if(aName == aFamilyName){
aVEntity = aFamily->myEntity;
::LoadMeshOnEntity(VISU::PMeshOnEntityImpl theMeshOnEntity,
const string& theFamilyName)
- PWrapper aMed = CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
- const string& aMeshName = theMeshOnEntity->myMeshName;
- const VISU::TEntity& anEntity = theMeshOnEntity->myEntity;
+ MED::PWrapper aMed = MED::CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
+ const std::string& aMeshName = theMeshOnEntity->myMeshName;
+ const TEntity& anEntity = theMeshOnEntity->myEntity;
PMeshImpl aMesh = myMeshMap[aMeshName];
int isPointsUpdated;
- if(anEntity == VISU::NODE_ENTITY)
+ if(anEntity == NODE_ENTITY)
isPointsUpdated = LoadPoints(aMed,aMesh,theFamilyName);
isPointsUpdated = LoadPoints(aMed,aMesh);
::LoadMeshOnGroup(VISU::PMeshImpl theMesh,
const VISU::TFamilyAndEntitySet& theFamilyAndEntitySet)
- PWrapper aMed = CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
+ MED::PWrapper aMed = MED::CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
int isPointsUpdated = 0, isCellsOnEntityUpdated = 0;
- VISU::TFamilyAndEntitySet::const_iterator aFamilyAndEntitySetIter = theFamilyAndEntitySet.begin();
+ TFamilyAndEntitySet::const_iterator aFamilyAndEntitySetIter = theFamilyAndEntitySet.begin();
for(; aFamilyAndEntitySetIter != theFamilyAndEntitySet.end(); aFamilyAndEntitySetIter++){
- const string& aFamilyName = aFamilyAndEntitySetIter->first;
- const VISU::TEntity& anEntity = aFamilyAndEntitySetIter->second;
- const VISU::PMEDMeshOnEntity aMeshOnEntity = theMesh->myMeshOnEntityMap[anEntity];
- if(anEntity == VISU::NODE_ENTITY){
+ const std::string& aFamilyName = aFamilyAndEntitySetIter->first;
+ const TEntity& anEntity = aFamilyAndEntitySetIter->second;
+ const PMEDMeshOnEntity aMeshOnEntity = theMesh->myMeshOnEntityMap[anEntity];
+ if(anEntity == NODE_ENTITY){
isPointsUpdated += LoadPoints(aMed,theMesh,aFamilyName);
isCellsOnEntityUpdated += LoadCellsOnEntity(aMed,theMesh,aMeshOnEntity);
VISU::PFieldImpl theField,
VISU::PValForTimeImpl theValForTime)
- PWrapper aMed = CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
+ MED::PWrapper aMed = MED::CrWrapper(myFileInfo.absFilePath().latin1());
int isPointsUpdated = LoadPoints(aMed,theMesh);
int isCellsOnEntityUpdated = LoadCellsOnEntity(aMed,theMesh,theMeshOnEntity);
int isFieldUpdated = LoadField(aMed,theMesh,theMeshOnEntity,theField,theValForTime);
//Check on existing family
- VISU::PMEDMeshOnEntity aMeshOnEntity = theMesh->myMeshOnEntityMap[VISU::NODE_ENTITY];
- aMeshOnEntity->myEntity = VISU::NODE_ENTITY;
+ PMEDMeshOnEntity aMeshOnEntity = theMesh->myMeshOnEntityMap[VISU::NODE_ENTITY];
+ aMeshOnEntity->myEntity = NODE_ENTITY;
aMeshOnEntity->myMeshName = theMesh->myName;
PMEDFamily aFamily = GetFamily(aMeshOnEntity,theFamilyName);
"; theFamilyName = '"<<theFamilyName<<"'\n");
//Main part of code
- PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = theMed->GetPNodeInfo(theMesh->myMeshInfo);
+ MED::PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = theMed->GetPNodeInfo(theMesh->myMeshInfo);
TInt aNbElem = aNodeInfo->GetNbElem();
aCoords.GetName(iDim) = aNodeInfo->GetCoordName(iDim);
for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- VISU::TCoordSlice aCoordSlice = aCoords.GetCoordSlice(iElem);
+ TCoordSlice aCoordSlice = aCoords.GetCoordSlice(iElem);
for(int iDim = 0; iDim < aDim; iDim++)
aCoordSlice[iDim] = aNodeInfo->GetNodeCoord(iElem,iDim);
- VISU::TCell2Connect& aConnForCellType = aMeshOnEntity->myGeom2Cell2Connect[VTK_VERTEX];
+ TCell2Connect& aConnForCellType = aMeshOnEntity->myGeom2Cell2Connect[VTK_VERTEX];
for (int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++)
aConnForCellType[iElem] = VISU::TConnect(1,iElem);
if(aNbElem > 0){
- VISU::TSubMeshID& aSubMeshID = aFamily->myGeom2SubMeshID[VTK_VERTEX];
+ TSubMeshID& aSubMeshID = aFamily->myGeom2SubMeshID[VTK_VERTEX];
for (int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++)
if(aNodeInfo->GetFamNum(iElem) == aFamily->myId)
INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"LoadCellsOnEntity - theFamilyName = '"<<theFamilyName<<"'\n");
BEGMSG(MYDEBUG,"LoadCellsOnEntity - isCellsLoaded = "<<isCellsLoaded<<"; isFamilyPresent = "<<bool(aFamily)<<endl);
- const VISU::TEntity& aVEntity = theMeshOnEntity->myEntity;
- const EEntiteMaillage& aMEntity = VTKEntityToMED(aVEntity);
+ const TEntity& aVEntity = theMeshOnEntity->myEntity;
+ const MED::EEntiteMaillage& aMEntity = VTKEntityToMED(aVEntity);
- const PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMesh->myMeshInfo;
- PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = theMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ const MED::PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMesh->myMeshInfo;
+ MED::PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = theMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
TInt aNbPoints = aNodeInfo->GetNbElem();
std::map<TInt,TInt> aNodeIdMap;
#ifdef _EDF_NODE_IDS_
- EBooleen anIsNodeNum = eFAUX;
+ EBooleen anIsNodeNum = MED::eFAUX;
EBooleen anIsNodeNum = aNodeInfo->IsElemNum();
TGeom2Cell2Connect& aGeom2Cell2Connect = theMeshOnEntity->myGeom2Cell2Connect;
for(; aGeom2SizeIter != aGeom2Size.end(); aGeom2SizeIter++){
- const EGeometrieElement& aMGeom = aGeom2SizeIter->first;
+ const MED::EGeometrieElement& aMGeom = aGeom2SizeIter->first;
int aVGeom = MEDGeomToVTK(aMGeom);
INITMSG(MYDEBUG,"aMGeom = "<<aMGeom<<"\n");
- case ePOLYGONE: {
- PPolygoneInfo aPolygoneInfo = theMed->GetPPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
+ case MED::ePOLYGONE: {
+ MED::PPolygoneInfo aPolygoneInfo = theMed->GetPPolygoneInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
TInt aNbElem = aPolygoneInfo->GetNbElem();
TCell2Connect& aCell2Connect = aGeom2Cell2Connect[aVGeom];
- const TElemNum& aIndex = aPolygoneInfo->GetIndex();
- const TElemNum& aConnect = aPolygoneInfo->GetConnectivite();
+ const MED::TElemNum& aIndex = aPolygoneInfo->GetIndex();
+ const MED::TElemNum& aConnect = aPolygoneInfo->GetConnectivite();
- for (int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++) {
+ for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++) {
TConnect& anArray = aCell2Connect[iElem];
int aNbConn = aPolygoneInfo->GetNbConn(iElem);
- case ePOLYEDRE: {
- PPolyedreInfo aPolyedreInfo = theMed->GetPPolyedreInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
+ case MED::ePOLYEDRE: {
+ MED::PPolyedreInfo aPolyedreInfo = theMed->GetPPolyedreInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
TInt aNbElem = aPolyedreInfo->GetNbElem();
TCell2Connect& aCell2Connect = aGeom2Cell2Connect[aVGeom];
- const TElemNum& aConnect = aPolyedreInfo->GetConnectivite();
- const TElemNum& aFaces = aPolyedreInfo->GetFaces();
- const TElemNum& aIndex = aPolyedreInfo->GetIndex();
+ const MED::TElemNum& aConnect = aPolyedreInfo->GetConnectivite();
+ const MED::TElemNum& aFaces = aPolyedreInfo->GetFaces();
+ const MED::TElemNum& aIndex = aPolyedreInfo->GetIndex();
for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
typedef set<TInt> TConnectSet;
default: {
int aVNbNodes = VTKGeom2NbNodes(aVGeom);
- PCellInfo aCellInfo = theMed->GetPCellInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
+ MED::PCellInfo aCellInfo = theMed->GetPCellInfo(aMeshInfo,aMEntity,aMGeom);
TInt aNbElem = aCellInfo->GetNbElem();
- VISU::TCell2Connect& aConnForCellType = aGeom2Cell2Connect[aVGeom];
+ TCell2Connect& aConnForCellType = aGeom2Cell2Connect[aVGeom];
int aMNbNodes = MEDGeom2NbNodes(aMGeom);
vector<TInt> aConnect(aMNbNodes);
for (int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++) {
- VISU::TConnect& anArray = aConnForCellType[iElem];
+ TConnect& anArray = aConnForCellType[iElem];
- case eTETRA4:
- case eTETRA10:
+ case MED::eTETRA4:
+ case MED::eTETRA10:
anArray[0] = aConnect[0];
anArray[1] = aConnect[1];
anArray[2] = aConnect[3];
anArray[3] = aConnect[2];
- case ePYRA5:
- case ePYRA13:
+ case MED::ePYRA5:
+ case MED::ePYRA13:
anArray[0] = aConnect[0];
anArray[1] = aConnect[3];
anArray[2] = aConnect[2];
//Filling aFamily Geom2SubMeshID
- VISU::TSubMeshID& aSubMeshID = aFamily->myGeom2SubMeshID[aVGeom];
+ TSubMeshID& aSubMeshID = aFamily->myGeom2SubMeshID[aVGeom];
for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++)
if(aCellInfo->GetFamNum(iElem) == aFamily->myId)
const TGeom2SubProfile& aGeom2SubProfile = aProfile->myGeom2SubProfile;
- const TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampVal.GetGeom2Profile();
- TGeom2Profile::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Profile.begin();
+ const MED::TGeom2Profile& aGeom2Profile = theTimeStampVal.GetGeom2Profile();
+ MED::TGeom2Profile::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Profile.begin();
for(; anIter != aGeom2Profile.end(); anIter++){
MED::PProfileInfo aProfileInfo = anIter->second;
MED::EGeometrieElement aMGeom = anIter->first;
- const PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMesh->myMeshInfo;
- PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = theMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ const MED::PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMesh->myMeshInfo;
+ MED::PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = theMed->GetPNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
TEntity aVEntity = theMeshOnEntity.myEntity;
- EEntiteMaillage aMEntity = VTKEntityToMED(aVEntity);
+ MED::EEntiteMaillage aMEntity = VTKEntityToMED(aVEntity);
const TGeom2GaussSubMesh& aGeom2GaussSubMesh = aGaussMesh->myGeom2GaussSubMesh;
- const TTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampVal.GetTimeStampInfo();
- const TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo.GetGeom2Gauss();
- TGeom2Gauss::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Gauss.begin();
+ const MED::TTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampVal.GetTimeStampInfo();
+ const MED::TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo.GetGeom2Gauss();
+ MED::TGeom2Gauss::const_iterator anIter = aGeom2Gauss.begin();
for(; anIter != aGeom2Gauss.end(); anIter++){
MED::PGaussInfo aGaussInfo = anIter->second;
MED::EGeometrieElement aMGeom = anIter->first;
vtkIdType aNbCells = aNbElem*aNbGauss;
for(TInt anElemId = 0, aNodeId = 0; anElemId < aNbElem; anElemId++){
- TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = aGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
+ MED::TCoordSliceArr aCoordSliceArr = aGaussCoord.GetCoordSliceArr(anElemId);
for(TInt aGaussId = 0; aGaussId < aNbGauss; aGaussId++, aNodeId++){
- VISU::TCoordSlice aSlice = aCoords.GetCoordSlice(aNodeId);
MED::TCoordSlice aCoordSlice = aCoordSliceArr[aGaussId];
+ TCoordSlice aSlice = aCoords.GetCoordSlice(aNodeId);
for(TInt aDimId = 0; aDimId < aDim; aDimId++)
aSlice[aDimId] = aCoordSlice[aDimId];
//Main part of code
const std::string& aMeshName = theMeshOnEntity->myMeshName;
- const PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMesh->myMeshInfo;
- PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theMed->GetPFieldInfo(aMeshInfo,
- theField->myId);
+ const MED::PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMesh->myMeshInfo;
+ MED::PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theMed->GetPFieldInfo(aMeshInfo,
+ theField->myId);
MED::TGeom2Size aGeom2Size;
- EEntiteMaillage aMEntity;
+ MED::EEntiteMaillage aMEntity;
- PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo =
+ MED::PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo =
- TKey2Gauss aKey2Gauss = GetKey2Gauss(*theMed);
- TMKey2Profile aMKey2Profile = GetMKey2Profile(*theMed);
+ MED::TKey2Gauss aKey2Gauss = GetKey2Gauss(*theMed);
+ MED::TMKey2Profile aMKey2Profile = GetMKey2Profile(*theMed);
- PTimeStampVal aTimeStampVal =
+ MED::PTimeStampVal aTimeStampVal =
PMEDProfile aProfile = theValForTime->myProfile;
TGeom2SubProfile& aGeom2SubProfile = aProfile->myGeom2SubProfile;
- const TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo->GetGeom2Gauss();
+ const MED::TGeom2Gauss& aGeom2Gauss = aTimeStampInfo->GetGeom2Gauss();
TInt aNbComp = theField->myNbComp;
"; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<
"; aNbGauss = "<<aNbGauss<<
+ TMeshValue& aVMeshValue = theValForTime->GetMeshValue(aVGeom);
+ aVMeshValue.Init(aNbElem,aNbGauss,aNbComp);
- TValForCellsWithType& anArray = theValForTime->myValForCells[aVGeom];
MED::EGeometrieElement aMGeom = VTKGeomToMED(aVGeom);
- anArray.resize(aNbComp*aNbElem*aNbGauss);
- for(TInt iElem = 0, anId = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
- for(TInt iComp = 0; iComp < aNbComp; iComp++){
- for(TInt iGauss = 0; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++, anId++){
- anArray[anId] = aTimeStampVal->GetVal(aMGeom,iElem,iComp,iGauss);
+ const MED::TMeshValue& aMMeshValue = aTimeStampVal->GetMeshValue(aMGeom);
+ for(TInt iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
+ TValueSliceArr aVValueSliceArr = aVMeshValue.GetGaussValueSliceArr(iElem);
+ MED::TCValueSliceArr aMValueSliceArr = aMMeshValue.GetValueSliceArr(iElem);
+ for(TInt iGauss = 0; iGauss < aNbGauss; iGauss++){
+ TValueSlice& aVValueSlice = aVValueSliceArr[iGauss];
+ const MED::TCValueSlice& aMValueSlice = aMValueSliceArr[iGauss];
+ for(TInt iComp = 0; iComp < aNbComp; iComp++){
+ aVValueSlice[iComp] = aMValueSlice[iComp];