return arr->getInfoOnComponents();
+ * This method has one input 'mname'. It can be null if the user is the general case where there is only one meshName lying on 'this'
+ * This method returns two things.
+ * - The absolute dimension of 'this' in first parameter.
+ * - The available ext levels relative to the absolute dimension returned in first parameter. These relative levels are relative
+ * to the first output parameter. The values in 'levs' will be returned in decreasing order.
+ *
+ * This method is designed for MEDFileField1TS instances that have a discritization ON_CELLS, ON_GAUSS_NE and ON_GAUSS.
+ * Only these 3 discretizations will be taken into account here.
+ *
+ * If 'this' is empty this method will throw an INTERP_KERNEL::Exception.
+ * If there is \b only node fields defined in 'this' -1 is returned and 'levs' output parameter will be empty. In this
+ * case the caller has to know the underlying mesh it refers to. By defaut it is the level 0 of the corresponding mesh.
+ *
+ * This method is usefull to make the link between meshDimension of the underlying mesh in 'this' and the levels on 'this'.
+ * It is possible (even if it is not common) that the highest level in 'this' were not equal to the meshDimension of the underlying mesh in 'this'.
+ *
+ * Let's consider the typical following case :
+ * - a mesh 'm1' has a meshDimension 3 and has the following non empty levels
+ * [0,-1,-2] for example 'm1' lies on TETRA4, HEXA8 TRI3 and SEG2
+ * - 'f1' lies on 'm1' and is defined on 3D and 1D cells for example
+ * TETRA4 and SEG2
+ * - 'f2' lies on 'm1' too and is defined on 2D and 1D cells for example TRI3 and SEG2
+ *
+ * In this case f1->getNonEmptyLevelsExt will return (3,[0,-2]) and f2->getNonEmptyLevelsExt will return (2,[0,-1])
+ *
+ * To retrieve the highest level of f1 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,3-3+0);//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ * To retrieve the lowest level of f1 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,3-3+(-2));//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ * To retrieve the highest level of f2 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,2-3+0);//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ * To retrieve the lowest level of f2 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,2-3+(-1));//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ */
+int MEDFileField1TSWithoutDAS::getNonEmptyLevels(const char *mname, std::vector<int>& levs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ levs.clear();
+ int meshId=getMeshIdFromMeshName(mname);
+ std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType> types;
+ std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> > typesF;
+ std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > pfls, locs;
+ _field_per_mesh[meshId]->getFieldSplitedByType(types,typesF,pfls,locs);
+ if(types.empty())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TSWithoutDAS::getNonEmptyLevels : 'this' is empty !");
+ std::set<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType> st(types.begin(),types.end());
+ if(st.size()==1 && (*st.begin())==INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_ERROR)
+ return -1;
+ std::set<int> ret1;
+ for(std::set<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>::const_iterator it=st.begin();it!=st.end();it++)
+ {
+ const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel& cm=INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel::GetCellModel(*it);
+ ret1.insert((int)cm.getDimension());
+ }
+ int ret=*std::max_element(ret1.begin(),ret1.end());
+ std::copy(ret1.rbegin(),ret1.rend(),std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<int> >(levs));
+ std::transform(levs.begin(),levs.end(),levs.begin(),std::bind2nd(std::plus<int>(),-ret));
+ return ret;
std::vector<TypeOfField> MEDFileField1TSWithoutDAS::getTypesOfFieldAvailable() const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
std::vector<TypeOfField> ret;
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileField1TSWithoutDAS::getMeshIdFromMeshName : No field set !");
+ if(mName==0)
+ return 0;
std::string mName2(mName);
int ret=0;
std::vector<std::string> msg;
return ret;
+ * This method has 3 inputs 'iteration' 'order' 'mname'. 'mname' can be null if the user is the general case where there is only one meshName lying on 'this'
+ * This method returns two things.
+ * - The absolute dimension of 'this' in first parameter.
+ * - The available ext levels relative to the absolute dimension returned in first parameter. These relative levels are relative
+ * to the first output parameter. The values in 'levs' will be returned in decreasing order.
+ *
+ * This method is designed for MEDFileFieldMultiTS instances that have a discritization ON_CELLS, ON_GAUSS_NE and ON_GAUSS.
+ * Only these 3 discretizations will be taken into account here.
+ *
+ * If 'this' is empty this method will throw an INTERP_KERNEL::Exception.
+ * If there is \b only node fields defined in 'this' -1 is returned and 'levs' output parameter will be empty. In this
+ * case the caller has to know the underlying mesh it refers to. By defaut it is the level 0 of the corresponding mesh.
+ *
+ * This method is usefull to make the link between meshDimension of the underlying mesh in 'this' and the levels on 'this'.
+ * It is possible (even if it is not common) that the highest level in 'this' were not equal to the meshDimension of the underlying mesh in 'this'.
+ *
+ * Let's consider the typical following case :
+ * - a mesh 'm1' has a meshDimension 3 and has the following non empty levels
+ * [0,-1,-2] for example 'm1' lies on TETRA4, HEXA8 TRI3 and SEG2
+ * - 'f1' lies on 'm1' and is defined on 3D and 1D cells for example
+ * TETRA4 and SEG2
+ * - 'f2' lies on 'm1' too and is defined on 2D and 1D cells for example TRI3 and SEG2
+ *
+ * In this case f1->getNonEmptyLevelsExt will return (3,[0,-2]) and f2->getNonEmptyLevelsExt will return (2,[0,-1])
+ *
+ * To retrieve the highest level of f1 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,3-3+0);//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ * To retrieve the lowest level of f1 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,3-3+(-2));//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ * To retrieve the highest level of f2 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,2-3+0);//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ * To retrieve the lowest level of f2 it should be done, f1->getFieldAtLevel(ON_CELLS,2-3+(-1));//absDim-meshDim+relativeLev
+ */
+int MEDFileFieldMultiTSWithoutDAS::getNonEmptyLevels(int iteration, int order, const char *mname, std::vector<int>& levs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ return getTimeStepEntry(iteration,order).getNonEmptyLevels(mname,levs);
std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> > MEDFileFieldMultiTSWithoutDAS::getTypesOfFieldAvailable() const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
int lgth=_time_steps.size();
void setFieldNoProfileSBT(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble *field, MEDFieldFieldGlobsReal& glob) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
void setFieldProfile(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble *field, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, int meshDimRelToMax, const DataArrayInt *profile, MEDFieldFieldGlobsReal& glob) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
+ int getNonEmptyLevels(const char *mname, std::vector<int>& levs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
std::vector<TypeOfField> getTypesOfFieldAvailable() const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
std::vector< std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > > getFieldSplitedByType(const char *mname, std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> >& typesF, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& pfls, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& locs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
std::vector< std::vector<DataArrayDouble *> > getFieldSplitedByType2(const char *mname, std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> >& typesF, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& pfls, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& locs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
static MEDFileFieldMultiTSWithoutDAS *New(med_idt fid, const char *fieldName, int id, int ft, const std::vector<std::string>& infos, int nbOfStep) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
int getNumberOfTS() const;
std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > getIterations() const;
+ int getNonEmptyLevels(int iteration, int order, const char *mname, std::vector<int>& levs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> > getTypesOfFieldAvailable() const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > > getFieldSplitedByType(int iteration, int order, const char *mname, std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> >& typesF, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& pfls, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& locs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
std::vector< std::vector<DataArrayDouble *> > getFieldSplitedByType2(int iteration, int order, const char *mname, std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>& types, std::vector< std::vector<TypeOfField> >& typesF, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& pfls, std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >& locs) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
return ret2;
+ PyObject *getNonEmptyLevels(const char *mname=0) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ {
+ std::vector<int> ret1;
+ int ret0=self->getNonEmptyLevels(mname,ret1);
+ PyObject *elt=PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(elt,0,SWIG_From_int(ret0));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(elt,1,convertIntArrToPyList2(ret1));
+ return elt;
+ }
PyObject *getFieldSplitedByType(const char *mname=0) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType> types;
return ret2;
+ PyObject *getNonEmptyLevels(int iteration, int order, const char *mname=0) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ {
+ std::vector<int> ret1;
+ int ret0=self->getNonEmptyLevels(iteration,order,mname,ret1);
+ PyObject *elt=PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(elt,0,SWIG_From_int(ret0));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(elt,1,convertIntArrToPyList2(ret1));
+ return elt;
+ }
PyObject *getFieldSplitedByType(int iteration, int order, const char *mname=0) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
std::vector<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType> types;
da=DataArrayInt.New(); da.setValues([1,2,4,5,7,8],6,1) ; da.setName("sup1Node")
+ self.assertEqual(ff1.getNonEmptyLevels(),(-1, []))
vals,pfl=ff1.getFieldWithProfile(ON_NODES,0,mm1) ; vals.setName("")
+ def testMEDLoaderMultiLevelCellField1(self):
+ fname=""
+ m2,m1,m0,f2,f1,f0,p,n2,n1,n0,fns,fids,grpns,famIdsPerGrp=MEDLoaderDataForTest.buildMultiLevelMesh_1()
+ m=MEDFileUMesh.New()
+ m.setCoords(m2.getCoords())
+ m.setMeshAtLevel(0,m2)
+ m.setMeshAtLevel(-1,m1)
+ m.setMeshAtLevel(-2,m0)
+ m.write(fname,2)
+ #
+ FieldName1="Field1"
+ compNames1=["comp1","comp2","comp3"]
+ ff1=MEDFileField1TS.New()
+ da2=DataArrayDouble.New()
+ da2.alloc(m2.getNumberOfCells()*len(compNames1),1)
+ da2.iota(7.)
+ da2.rearrange(len(compNames1))
+ da2.setInfoOnComponents(compNames1)
+ f2=MEDCouplingFieldDouble.New(ON_CELLS,ONE_TIME) ; f2.setName(FieldName1) ; f2.setArray(da2) ; f2.setMesh(m2) ; f2.checkCoherency()
+ ff1.setFieldNoProfileSBT(f2)
+ self.assertEqual(ff1.getNonEmptyLevels(),(2, [0]))
+ da0=DataArrayDouble.New()
+ da0.alloc(m0.getNumberOfCells()*len(compNames1),1)
+ da0.iota(190.)
+ da0.rearrange(len(compNames1))
+ da0.setInfoOnComponents(compNames1)
+ f0=MEDCouplingFieldDouble.New(ON_CELLS,ONE_TIME) ; f0.setName(FieldName1) ; f0.setArray(da0) ; f0.setMesh(m0) ; f0.checkCoherency()
+ ff1.setFieldNoProfileSBT(f0)
+ self.assertEqual(ff1.getNonEmptyLevels(),(2, [0,-2]))
+ da1=DataArrayDouble.New()
+ da1.alloc(m1.getNumberOfCells()*len(compNames1),1)
+ da1.iota(90.)
+ da1.rearrange(len(compNames1))
+ da1.setInfoOnComponents(compNames1)
+ f1=MEDCouplingFieldDouble.New(ON_CELLS,ONE_TIME) ; f1.setName(FieldName1) ; f1.setArray(da1) ; f1.setMesh(m1) ; f1.checkCoherency()
+ ff1.setFieldNoProfileSBT(f1)
+ self.assertEqual(ff1.getNonEmptyLevels(),(2, [0,-1,-2]))
+ #
+ ff1.write(fname,0)
+ #
+ FieldName2="Field2"
+ compNames2=["comp11","comp22"]
+ ff2=MEDFileField1TS.New()
+ da0=DataArrayDouble.New()
+ da0.alloc(m0.getNumberOfCells()*2,1)
+ da0.iota(-190.)
+ da0.rearrange(2)
+ da0.setInfoOnComponents(compNames2)
+ f0=MEDCouplingFieldDouble.New(ON_CELLS,ONE_TIME) ; f0.setName(FieldName2) ; f0.setArray(da0) ; f0.setMesh(m0) ; f0.checkCoherency()
+ ff2.setFieldNoProfileSBT(f0)
+ self.assertEqual(ff2.getNonEmptyLevels(),(0, [0]))
+ da1=DataArrayDouble.New()
+ da1.alloc(m1.getNumberOfCells()*len(compNames2),1)
+ da1.iota(-90.)
+ da1.rearrange(len(compNames2))
+ da1.setInfoOnComponents(compNames2)
+ f1=MEDCouplingFieldDouble.New(ON_CELLS,ONE_TIME) ; f1.setName(FieldName2) ; f1.setArray(da1) ; f1.setMesh(m1) ; f1.checkCoherency()
+ ff2.setFieldNoProfileSBT(f1)
+ self.assertEqual(ff2.getNonEmptyLevels(),(1, [0,-1]))
+ #
+ ff2.write(fname,0)
+ #
+ ff1=MEDFileField1TS.New(fname,FieldName1,-1,-1)
+ self.assertEqual(ff1.getNonEmptyLevels(),(2, [0,-1,-2]))
+ self.assertEqual(ff1.getFieldSplitedByType(),[(0, [(0, (0, 4), '', '')]), (1, [(0, (4, 84), '', '')]), (3, [(0, (84, 148), '', '')]), (4, [(0, (148, 212), '', '')])])
+ ff2=MEDFileField1TS.New(fname,FieldName2,-1,-1)
+ self.assertEqual(ff2.getNonEmptyLevels(),(1, [0,-1]))
+ self.assertEqual(ff2.getFieldSplitedByType(),[(0, [(0, (0, 4), '', '')]), (1, [(0, (4, 84), '', '')])])
+ pass