Propagation_OT = BLOC( condition = "UncertaintyTool == 'OpenTurns'",
Methode = SIMP( statut = "o", typ = "TXM", max=1, into = ('Taylor', 'MonteCarlo'), defaut='Taylor'),
BlocMonteCarlo1 = BLOC ( condition = "Methode == 'MonteCarlo'",
- SimulationsNumber = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "I", val_min = 1,
- fr = "Nombre de points",
- ang = "Points number",),
+ CritereArret = FACT ( statut = "o", max = 1,
+ regles = (AU_MOINS_UN('SimulationsNumber','MaximumElapsedTime'),),
+ Accuracy = SIMP ( statut = "f", typ = "R",
+ val_min = 0.0, val_max = 1.0, sug = 0.01, #TODO: val_min > 0
+ fr = "Coefficient de variation maximum à atteindre",
+ ang = "Accuracy - the maximum coefficient of variation (CV) for the mean",),
+ SimulationsNumber = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "I", val_min = 1, defaut =10000,
+ fr = "Nombre maximum de réalisations",
+ ang = "maximum sampling size ",),
+ MaximumElapsedTime = SIMP ( statut = "f", typ = "I", val_min = 1, defaut = 60,
+ unite = "secondes",
+ fr = "Temps elapse maximum pour l'exécution globale",
+ ang = "Maximum elapse time for the whole simulation",),
+ ), # FIN FACT CritereArret
+ EvaluationParameter = FACT ( statut = "o", max = 1, #TODO: BlockSize < SimulationsNumber
+ BlockSize = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "I", val_min = 1, defaut = 1,
+ fr = "Nombre d'évaluations en parallèle",
+ ang = "The number of runs launched simultaneously",),
+ ), # FIN FACT EvaluationParameter
+ AdvancedParameter = FACT ( statut = "f", max = 1, #TODO: BlockSize < SimulationsNumber
+ ComputeConfidenceIntervalAt = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "R",
+ val_min = 0, val_max = 0.9999,
+ #TODO: avec statut = "f" && defaut = 0.95,
+ fr = "Demande le calcul de l'interval de confiance au niveau donné",
+ ang = "Require the computation of the confidence interval at a given level",),
+ Seed = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "R", val_min = 0, defaut = 0,
+ fr = "La graine d'initialisation du générateur aléatoire",
+ ang = "The seed of the random generator ",),
+ ), # FIN FACT AdvancedParameter
BlocTaylor = BLOC( condition = "Methode == 'Taylor'",
Result = FACT( statut = "o", min = 1,