#include <GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere.h>
+#include <gp_Circ.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>
+#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.hxx>
+#include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol.hxx>
#include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere.hxx>
GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere::GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere(std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> theCenterPoint,
const double theRadius)
+ isRootGeo = false;
myCenterPoint = theCenterPoint;
myRadius = theRadius;
+GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere::GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere(const double theRMin, const double theRMax,
+ const double thePhiMin, const double thePhiMax,
+ const double theThetaMin, const double theThetaMax)
+ isRootGeo = true;
+ myRMin = theRMin;
+ myRMax = theRMax;
+ myPhiMin = thePhiMin;
+ myPhiMax = thePhiMax;
+ myThetaMin = theThetaMin;
+ myThetaMax = theThetaMax;
bool GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere::check()
- if (!myCenterPoint) {
- myError = "Sphere builder :: center is not valid.";
- return false;
- }
- if (myRadius < Precision::Confusion()) {
- myError = "Sphere builder :: radius is negative or null.";
- return false;
+ if (isRootGeo) {
+ // traitement a faire plus tard
+ } else {
+ if (!myCenterPoint) {
+ myError = "Sphere builder :: center is not valid.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (myRadius < Precision::Confusion()) {
+ myError = "Sphere builder :: radius is negative or null.";
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
void GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere::build()
+ if (isRootGeo) {
+ buildRootSphere();
+ } else {
+ const gp_Pnt& aCenterPoint = myCenterPoint->impl<gp_Pnt>();
- const gp_Pnt& aCenterPoint = myCenterPoint->impl<gp_Pnt>();
+ // Construct the sphere
+ BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere *aSphereMaker = new BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(aCenterPoint, myRadius);
- // Construct the sphere
- BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere *aSphereMaker = new BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(aCenterPoint, myRadius);
+ aSphereMaker->Build();
- aSphereMaker->Build();
+ if (!aSphereMaker->IsDone()) {
+ return;
+ }
- if (!aSphereMaker->IsDone()) {
- return;
+ TopoDS_Shape aResult = aSphereMaker->Shape();
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
+ aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
+ setShape(aShape);
+ // Test on the shapes
+ if (!aShape.get() || aShape->isNull()) {
+ myError = "Sphere builder :: resulting shape is null.";
+ return;
+ }
+ setImpl(aSphereMaker);
+ setDone(true);
+void GeomAlgoAPI_Sphere::buildRootSphere()
+ myCreatedFaces.clear();
+ const double aStartPhiRad = myPhiMin * M_PI / 180.;
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWireBuilder;
- TopoDS_Shape aResult = aSphereMaker->Shape();
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShape(new GeomAPI_Shape());
- aShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aResult));
- setShape(aShape);
+ gp_Pnt anOrigin(0., 0., 0.);
+ gp_Dir aNormal(-sin(aStartPhiRad), cos(aStartPhiRad), 0.);
- // Test on the shapes
- if (!aShape.get() || aShape->isNull()) {
- myError = "Sphere builder :: resulting shape is null.";
+ //The section is defined by 4 points and up to 4 wires. In the rmin = 0 case, two of the points will actually be the origin
+ double aX = myRMax*sin(myThetaMin * M_PI/180.);
+ double aZ = myRMax*cos(myThetaMin * M_PI/180.);
+ gp_Pnt aTopOuterStart(aX*cos(aStartPhiRad), aX*sin(aStartPhiRad), aZ);
+ aX = myRMax*sin((myThetaMin+myThetaMax) * M_PI/180.);
+ aZ = myRMax*cos((myThetaMin+myThetaMax) * M_PI/180.);
+ gp_Pnt aBaseOuterEnd(aX*cos(aStartPhiRad), aX*sin(aStartPhiRad), aZ);
+ aX = myRMin*sin(myThetaMin * M_PI/180.);
+ aZ = myRMin*cos(myThetaMin * M_PI/180.);
+ gp_Pnt aTopInnerStart(aX*cos(aStartPhiRad), aX*sin(aStartPhiRad), aZ);
+ aX = myRMin*sin((myThetaMin+myThetaMax) * M_PI/180.);
+ aZ = myRMin*cos((myThetaMin+myThetaMax) * M_PI/180.);
+ gp_Pnt aBaseInnerEnd(aX*cos(aStartPhiRad), aX*sin(aStartPhiRad), aZ);
+ // There will always be the rmax arc since rmax can't be zero
+ gp_Circ anOuterCircle(gp_Ax2(anOrigin, aNormal), myRMax);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anArcOuterBuilder;
+ if (aTopOuterStart.IsEqual(aBaseOuterEnd, Precision::Confusion()))
+ anArcOuterBuilder = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anOuterCircle);
+ else
+ anArcOuterBuilder = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anOuterCircle, aTopOuterStart, aBaseOuterEnd);
+ anArcOuterBuilder.Build();
+ //Two cases : either we need four edges (one being an arc with curvature radius rmin) or we need three (if rmin=0).
+ // In the later case the top and bottom edges intersect at the origin
+ // Add the edges to the wire in consecutive order (very important for the face to make sense topologically)
+ if(myRMin >= Precision::Confusion()){
+ gp_Circ anInnerCircle(gp_Ax2(anOrigin, aNormal), myRMin);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anArcInnerBuilder;
+ if (aTopInnerStart.IsEqual(aBaseInnerEnd, Precision::Confusion()))
+ anArcInnerBuilder = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anInnerCircle);
+ else
+ anArcInnerBuilder = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(anInnerCircle, aTopInnerStart, aBaseInnerEnd);
+ anArcInnerBuilder.Build();
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdgeStartBuilder(aTopInnerStart, aTopOuterStart);
+ anEdgeStartBuilder.Build();
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdgeEndBuilder(aBaseInnerEnd, aBaseOuterEnd);
+ anEdgeEndBuilder.Build();
+ aWireBuilder.Add(anEdgeStartBuilder.Edge());
+ aWireBuilder.Add(anArcOuterBuilder.Edge());
+ aWireBuilder.Add(anEdgeEndBuilder.Edge());
+ aWireBuilder.Add(anArcInnerBuilder.Edge());
+ }
+ else{
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdgeStartBuilder(anOrigin, aTopOuterStart);
+ anEdgeStartBuilder.Build();
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdgeEndBuilder(anOrigin, aBaseOuterEnd);
+ anEdgeEndBuilder.Build();
+ aWireBuilder.Add(anArcOuterBuilder.Edge());
+ aWireBuilder.Add(anEdgeStartBuilder.Edge());
+ aWireBuilder.Add(anEdgeEndBuilder.Edge());
+ }
+ // Make a face from the wire
+ aWireBuilder.Build();
+ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace aFaceBuilder(aWireBuilder.Wire());
+ aFaceBuilder.Build();
+ if (!aFaceBuilder.IsDone()){
+ myError = "GDML sphere builder :: section is not valid";
- setImpl(aSphereMaker);
+ // Mathematical tool objects needed by the revolution builder
+ gp_Dir aZDir(0., 0., 1.);
+ gp_Ax1 aZAxis(anOrigin, aZDir);
+ // Build the solid using the section face we've created and a revolution builder
+ BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol* aRevolBuilder = new BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol(aFaceBuilder.Face(), aZAxis, myPhiMax * M_PI / 180., Standard_True);
+ if(!aRevolBuilder) {
+ return;
+ myError = "GDML Sphere builder :: section revolution did not succeed";
+ }
+ if(!aRevolBuilder->IsDone()) {
+ myError = "GDML Sphere builder :: section revolution did not succeed";
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the shape, verify it, build a GeomAPI_Shape.
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aResultShape = std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape>(new GeomAPI_Shape()) ;
+ aResultShape->setImpl(new TopoDS_Shape(aRevolBuilder->Shape()));
+ setShape(aResultShape);
+ // Test on the shapes
+ if (!(aResultShape).get() || aResultShape->isNull()) {
+ myError = "GDML Sphere builder :: resulting shape is null.";
+ return;
+ }
+ setImpl(aRevolBuilder);
+ setBuilderType(OCCT_BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape);