throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("getMeasureField on MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE : not implemented yet !");
+bool IsInside3D(const MEDCouplingGaussLocalization& gl, const std::vector<double>& ptsInCell, const double locInReal[3], double locInRef[3])
+ locInRef[0] = 0; locInRef[1] = 0; locInRef[2] = 0;
+ return true;
void MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE::getValueOn(const DataArrayDouble *arr, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh, const double *loc, double *res) const
+ MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> res2( this->getValueOnMulti(arr,mesh,loc,1) );
+ std::copy(res2->begin(),res2->end(),res);
+/*void GetValueOnMulti()
+DataArrayDouble *MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE::getValueOnMulti(const DataArrayDouble *arr, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh, const double *loc, mcIdType nbOfTargetPoints) const
const MEDCouplingUMesh *umesh( dynamic_cast<const MEDCouplingUMesh *>(mesh) );
if( !umesh )
THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("getValueOn : not implemented yet for type != MEDCouplingUMesh !");
if(umesh->getSpaceDimension() != 3 || umesh->getMeshDimension() != 3)
THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("getValueOn : implemented only for meshes with spacedim == 3 and meshdim == 3 !");
- MEDCouplingNormalizedUnstructuredMesh<3,3> mesh_wrapper(umesh);
- BBTreeStandAlone<3,mcIdType> tree( INTERP_KERNEL::BuildBBTree( mesh_wrapper ) );
- std::vector<mcIdType> elems;
- tree.getElementsAroundPoint(loc,elems);
- /*MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> res2(this->getValueOnMulti(arr,mesh,loc,1));
- std::copy(res2->begin(),res2->end(),res);*/
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("getValueOn on MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE : not implemented yet !");
-DataArrayDouble *MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE::getValueOnMulti(const DataArrayDouble *arr, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh, const double *loc, mcIdType nbOfTargetPoints) const
+ umesh->checkConsistency();
if(!arr || !arr->isAllocated())
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE::getValueOnMulti : input array is null or not allocated !");
mcIdType nbOfRows=getNumberOfMeshPlaces(mesh);
THROW_IK_EXCEPTION( "MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE::getValueOnMulti : input array does not have correct number of tuples ! Excepted " << nbOfRows << " having " << arr->getNumberOfTuples() << " !")
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("getValueOnMulti on MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE : not implemented yet !");
- /*mcIdType nbCols(-1);
- std::size_t nbCompo=arr->getNumberOfComponents();
- MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> m(computeEvaluationMatrixOnGivenPts(mesh,loc,nbOfTargetPoints,nbCols));
+ umesh->checkConsistency();
+ std::size_t nbCompo( arr->getNumberOfComponents() );
MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> ret(DataArrayDouble::New());
- INTERP_KERNEL::matrixProduct(m->begin(),nbOfTargetPoints,nbCols,arr->begin(),nbOfRows,ToIdType(nbCompo),ret->getPointer());
- return ret.retn();*/
+ const double *coordsOfMesh( umesh->getCoords()->begin() );
+ MEDCouplingNormalizedUnstructuredMesh<3,3> mesh_wrapper(umesh);
+ BBTreeStandAlone<3,mcIdType> tree( INTERP_KERNEL::BuildBBTree( mesh_wrapper ) );
+ double *res( ret->getPointer() );
+ for(mcIdType iPt = 0 ; iPt < nbOfTargetPoints ; ++iPt, res+=nbCompo )
+ {
+ std::vector<mcIdType> elems;
+ tree.getElementsAroundPoint(loc+3*iPt,elems);
+ bool found(false);
+ for(auto cellId = elems.cbegin() ; cellId != elems.cend() && !found ; ++cellId)
+ {
+ INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType gt( umesh->getTypeOfCell(*cellId) );
+ std::vector<mcIdType> conn;
+ umesh->getNodeIdsOfCell(*cellId,conn);
+ MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> refCoo( MEDCouplingGaussLocalization::GetDefaultReferenceCoordinatesOf(gt) );
+ std::vector<double> refCooCpp(refCoo->begin(),refCoo->end());
+ std::vector<double> gsCoo(loc,loc+3);
+ MEDCouplingGaussLocalization gl(gt,refCooCpp,{0,0,0},{1.});
+ std::vector<double> ptsInCell; ptsInCell.reserve(conn.size()*gl.getDimension());
+ std::for_each( conn.cbegin(), conn.cend(), [coordsOfMesh,&ptsInCell](mcIdType c) { ptsInCell.insert(ptsInCell.end(),coordsOfMesh+c*3,coordsOfMesh+(c+1)*3); } );
+ std::vector<double> locInRef(3);
+ if( IsInside3D(gl,ptsInCell,, )
+ {
+ gl.setGaussCoords(locInRef);
+ MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> resVector( gl.getShapeFunctionValues() );
+ {
+ std::for_each(res,res+nbCompo,[](double& v) { v = 0.0; });
+ for(std::size_t iComp = 0 ; iComp < nbCompo ; ++iComp)
+ for(int iPt = 0 ; iPt < gl.getNumberOfPtsInRefCell(); ++iPt)
+ {
+ {
+ res[iComp] += resVector->getIJ(0,iPt) * arr->getIJ(conn[iPt],iComp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found)
+ THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("getValueOnMulti on MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationOnNodesFE : fail to locate point #" << iPt << " X=" << loc[0] << " Y=" << loc[1] << " Z=" << loc[2] << " !");
+ }
+ return ret.retn();
case 0:
return prepareNotInterpKernelOnlyGaussGauss();
+ case 1:
+ return prepareNotInterpKernelOnlyFEFE();
std::ostringstream oss; oss << "MEDCouplingRemapper::prepareNotInterpKernelOnly : INTERNAL ERROR ! the method \"" << method << "\" declared as managed bu not implemented !";
return 1;
+int MEDCouplingRemapper::prepareNotInterpKernelOnlyFEFE()
+ if(getIntersectionType()!=INTERP_KERNEL::PointLocator)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingRemapper::prepareNotInterpKernelOnlyFEFE : The intersection type is not supported ! Only PointLocator is supported for FE->FE interpolation ! Please invoke setIntersectionType(PointLocator) on the MEDCouplingRemapper instance !");
+ MCAuto<DataArrayDouble> trgLoc=_target_ft->getLocalizationOfDiscr();
+ mcIdType trgSpaceDim=ToIdType(trgLoc->getNumberOfComponents());
+ if(trgSpaceDim!=3)
+ THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("prepareNotInterpKernelOnlyFEFE : only spacedim 3 supported for target !")
+ if(_src_ft->getMesh()->getSpaceDimension() != 3)
+ THROW_IK_EXCEPTION("prepareNotInterpKernelOnlyFEFE : only spacedim 3 supported for source !")
+ declareAsNew();
+ return 1;
* This method checks that the input interpolation \a method is managed by not INTERP_KERNEL only methods.
* If no an INTERP_KERNEL::Exception will be thrown. If yes, a magic number will be returned to switch in the MEDCouplingRemapper::prepareNotInterpKernelOnly method.
return 0;
+ if(method=="FEFE")
+ return 1;
std::ostringstream oss; oss << "MEDCouplingRemapper::CheckInterpolationMethodManageableByNotOnlyInterpKernel : ";
oss << "The method \"" << method << "\" is not manageable by not INTERP_KERNEL only method.";
- oss << " Not only INTERP_KERNEL methods dealed are : GAUSSGAUSS !";
+ oss << " Not only INTERP_KERNEL methods dealed are : GAUSSGAUSS FEFE !";
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());