#CONTEXT.debug = 1
JdC = JDC_CATA ( code = 'PSEN',
execmodul = None,
- regles = ( AU_MOINS_UN ( 'PARAMETRES_PSSE' ),
+ regles = ( AU_MOINS_UN ( 'PSSE_PARAMETERS' ),
+ AU_PLUS_UN ( 'N_1_LINES' ),
+ AU_PLUS_UN ( 'N_1_LOADS' ),
) # Fin JDC_CATA
docu = "",
- COUT_COMBUSTIBLE = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ FUEL_COST = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- COUT_DELESTAGE = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ LOADSHEDDING_COST = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- COUT_MVAR = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ MVAR_COST = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- IMAP = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ I_MAX = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- defaut=False,
+ defaut='RateA',
LOCK_TAPS = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- P_MIN= SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ=bool,
- defaut=True,
- ),
+## P_MIN= SIMP ( statut = "o",
+## typ=bool,
+## defaut=True,
+## ),
-## STUDY = SIMP ( statut = "o",
-## typ = "TXM",
-## into = ( 'N-1', 'Load', 'Wind-1', 'Wind-2', 'PV' ),
-## max=5,
-## fr = "Affichage du niveau de wrapper de la bibliotheque Open TURNS",
-## ang = "Open TURNS library debug level print",
-## ),
+## STUDY = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+## typ = "TXM",
+## into = ( 'N-1', 'Load', 'Wind-1', 'Wind-2', 'PV' ),
+## max=5,
+## fr = "Affichage du niveau de wrapper de la bibliotheque Open TURNS",
+## ang = "Open TURNS library debug level print",
+## ),
+# Definition du modele physique
+ op = None,
+ docu = "",
+ fr = "Correlation entre variables",
+ ang = "Variable correlation",
+#### Copula = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+#### typ = 'TXM',
+#### into = ( "Independent", "Normal" ),
+#### defaut = "Independent",
+#### fr = "Type de la copule",
+#### ang = "Copula kind",
+#### ),
+## # Matrix = BLOC ( condition = "Copula in ( 'Normal', )",
+ CorrelationMatrix = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = Matrice(nbLigs=None,
+ nbCols=None,
+ methodeCalculTaille='NbDeDistributions',
+ structure="symetrique"),
+ fr = "Matrice de correlation entre les variables d'entree",
+ ang = "Correlation matrix for input variables",
+ ),
+## #), # Fin BLOC Matrix
+ op=None,
+ fr = "Chargement des generateurs et des charges",
+ ang = "Physical model wrapper load",
+ sd_prod = opsPSEN.INCLUDE,
+ op_init = opsPSEN.INCLUDE_context,
+ #sd_prod=None,
+ fichier_ini = 1,
+ PSSE_path=SIMP(statut="o",typ='Repertoire',defaut='C:\Program Files\PTI\PSSE33\PSSBIN'),
+ sav_file=SIMP(statut="o", typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.sav);;All Files (*)',),),
+ results_folder=SIMP(statut="o",typ='Repertoire'),
+ #lines_file=SIMP(statut="o" ,typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
+ #groups_file=SIMP(statut="o", typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
+ #generationsystem_file=SIMP(statut="o" ,typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
+# Importation des fichiers csv N-1
+N_1_LINES = PROC( nom="N_1_LINES",
+ op = None,
+ docu = "",
+ fr = "N-1 lignes",
+ ang = "N-1 lines",
+ Activated = SIMP ( statut='o', typ=bool, defaut=True),
+## FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+## typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+## fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts lignes",
+## ang = "csv file path with probabilities of line outages",
+## ),
+ Probability = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Probabilite d'indisponibilite de la ligne",
+ ang = "Probability that the line is not available",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple((sd_ligne,'R')),),
+ )
+ op = None,
+ docu = "",
+ fr = "N-1 transformateurs",
+ ang = "N-1 transformers",
+ Activated = SIMP ( statut='o', typ=bool, defaut=True),
+## FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+## typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+## fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts transformateur",
+## ang = "csv file path with probabilities of transformer outages",
+## ),
+ Probability = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Probabilite d'indisponibilite de la ligne",
+ ang = "Probability that the line is not available",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple((sd_transfo,'R')),),
+ )
+ op = None,
+ docu = "",
+ fr = "N-1 generateurs",
+ ang = "N-1 generators",
+ Activated = SIMP ( statut='o', typ=bool, defaut=True),
+## FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+## typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+## fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts generateurs",
+## ang = "csv file path with probabilities of generator outages",
+## ),
+ Probability = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Probabilite d'indisponibilite du generateur",
+ ang = "Probability that the generator is not available",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple((sd_generateur,'R')),),
+ )
+N_1_LOADS = PROC( nom="N_1_LOADS",
+ op = None,
+ docu = "",
+ fr = "N-1 charges",
+ ang = "N-1 loads",
+ Activated = SIMP ( statut='o', typ=bool, defaut=True),
+## FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+## typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+## fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts charges",
+## ang = "csv file path with probabilities of load outages",
+## ),
+ Probability = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Probabilite d'indisponibilite du generateur",
+ ang = "Probability that the generator is not available",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple((sd_charge,'R')),),
+ )
+# Definition des LOIS
+# Nota : les variables de type OPER doivent etre en majuscules !
+# Nota : les variables de type OPER doivent etre de premier niveau (pas imbriquees dans un autre type)
+ sd_prod = loi,
+ op = 68,
+ fr = "Definitions des lois marginales utilisees par les variables d'entree",
+# Choisir generateur ou charge
+## TypeMachine = SIMP ( statut='o', typ='TXM',
+## into = ('charge','vent1','vent2','pv','N-1',),
+## ),
+ Activated = SIMP ( statut='o', typ=bool, defaut=True),
+ ComponentType = SIMP (statut='o', typ='TXM',
+ into = ('Generator','Load','Line','Transformer'),),
+ b_gener = BLOC (condition = "ComponentType == 'Generator'",
+ Type = SIMP (statut= "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ("Generator Power Level", "Generator Availability"),
+ fr = "Choisir si c'est le niveau de puissance ou la disponibilité du generateur qui sera tiree",
+ ang= "Choose whether the power level or the availability of the generator will be set by the law",
+ defaut = "Generator Power Level",
+ ),
+ Generator = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_generateur,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),
+# Type de distribution
+ Law = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ( "Exponential",
+ "Histogram",
+ "Normal",
+ "Rayleigh",
+ "PDF_from_file",
+ "TruncatedNormal",
+ "TimeSeries_from_file",
+ "Uniform",
+ "UserDefined",
+ "Weibull",
+ ),
+ fr = "Choix du type de la loi marginale",
+ ang = "1D marginal distribution",
+ ),
+# Definition des parametres selon le type de la loi
+ EXPONENTIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Exponential', ) ",
+ Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Lambda | Lambda > 0",
+ ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
+ ),
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ HISTOGRAM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Histogram', ) ",
+ First = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du supoport de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
+ Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Liste de couples : largeur de classe, hauteur de classe",
+ ang = "Class bandwidth, class height couple list",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ ),
+ NORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Normal', ) ",
+ Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+ ang = "Mean value",
+ ),
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+ ang = "Standard deviation",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC NORMAL
+ RAYLEIGH = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Rayleigh', ) ",
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Parametre Sigma de la loi | Sigma > 0",
+ ang = "Sigma parameter | Sigma > 0",
+ ),
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ PDF = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'PDF_from_file', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Nom du modele physique",
+ ang = "Physical model identifier",
+ ),
+ ),
+ TRUNCATEDNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TruncatedNormal', ) ",
+ MuN = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi Normale non tronquée",
+ ang = "Mean value of the associated non truncated normal distribution",
+ ),
+ SigmaN = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart-type de la loi Normale non tronquée",
+ ang = "Standard deviation of the associated non truncated normal distribution",
+ ),
+ A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Lower bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne superieure de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Upper bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ TimeSeries = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TimeSeries_from_file', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Fichier CSV d'une serie temporelle",
+ ang = "CSV file of a time series",
+ ),
+ ),
+ UNIFORM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Uniform', ) ",
+ A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Support lower bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne superieure du support de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Support upper bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ USERDEFINED = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'UserDefined', ) ",
+ # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
+ Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Liste de couples : (valeur, probabilite)",
+ ang = "List of pairs : (value, probability)",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ ),
+ WEIBULL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Weibull', ) ",
+ Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "TXM",
+ max = 1,
+ into = ( "AlphaBeta", "MuSigma" ),
+ defaut = "AlphaBeta",
+ fr = "Parametrage de la loi weibull",
+ ang = "Weibull distribution parameter set",
+ ),
+ AlphaBeta_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'AlphaBeta', ) ",
+ Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Alpha de la loi | Alpha > 0",
+ ang = "Alpha parameter | Alpha > 0",
+ ),
+ Beta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Beta de la loi | Beta > 0",
+ ang = "Beta parameter | Beta > 0",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC AlphaBeta_Parameters
+ MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
+ Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+ ang = "Mean value",
+ ),
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+ ang = "Standard deviation",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ Transfer_Function = FACT(statut='f',
+ Input = SIMP ( statut='o',
+ typ = 'TXM',
+ fr = 'Entrer une fonction de transfert à partir d''un fichier .pow (vitesse de vent - puissance eolienne)\n \
+ ou entrer une liste de tuples (valeur tiree - puissance normalisee)',
+ ang = 'Enter wind speed - turbine production transfer function as a .pow file, \n \
+ or enter a generic list of (law output value, normalized power output) tuples',
+ into = ('.pow file', 'tuples list'),
+ ),
+ b_file = BLOC(condition = "Input == '.pow file'",
+ File_Name = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Pow files (*.pow);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Nom du fichier de transfer .pow",
+ ang = ".pow file name",
+ ),
+ Wind_Speed_Measurement_Height = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = 'Hauteur (en metres) a laquelle les mesures de vitesse du vent ont ete prises',
+ ang = 'Height of wind speed measurements (m)',
+ sug = 10,
+ val_min = 0,
+ ),
+ Hub_Height = SIMP (statut = 'o',
+ typ = "R",
+ fr = 'hauteur de moyeu de l''eolienne',
+ ang = 'wind turbine hub height',
+ sug = 80,
+ val_min = 0,),
+ Alpha = SIMP (statut = 'o',
+ typ = "R",
+ fr = 'l''alpha pour extrapoler les mesures de vitesse du vent a la hauteur du moyeu ',
+ ang = 'alpha used to extrapolate wind speed measurements to hub height',
+ defaut = 1./7,
+ val_min = 0,
+ val_max = 1,
+ ),
+ Percent_Losses = SIMP (statut = 'o',
+ typ = "R",
+ fr = 'pourcentage de pertes entre la sortie theorique d''une turbine et la sortie de la centrale',
+ ang = 'percent losses between theoretical power output of a single turbine and the output of the farm',
+ defaut = 5,
+ val_min = 0,
+ val_max = 100,
+ ),
+ ), #fin du bloc FileName
+ b_tuples = BLOC(condition = "Input == 'tuples list'",
+ Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ min = 2,
+ fr = "Liste de couples : valeur tiree, puissance normalisee sortie",
+ ang = "List of couples : value set by law, normalized power output",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ ),
+ ), #fin du block Tuples List
+ ), #fin du FACT Transfer Function
+ ), #fin du bloc generateur
+ b_charge = BLOC (condition = "ComponentType == 'Load'",
+# Type de distribution
+ Type = SIMP (statut= "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ("Load Level", "Load Availability"),
+ fr = "Choisir si c'est le niveau de charge ou la disponibilité de la charge qui sera tiree",
+ ang= "Choose whether the power level or the availability of the load will be set by the law",
+ defaut = "Load Level",
+ ),
+ Load = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_charge,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon",),
+ Law = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ( "Exponential",
+ "Histogram",
+ "Normal",
+ "Rayleigh",
+ "PDF_from_file",
+ "TruncatedNormal",
+ "TimeSeries_from_file",
+ "Uniform",
+ "UserDefined",
+ "Weibull",
+ ),
+ fr = "Choix du type de la loi marginale",
+ ang = "1D marginal distribution",
+ ),
+# Definition des parametres selon le type de la loi
+ EXPONENTIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Exponential', ) ",
+ Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Lambda | Lambda > 0",
+ ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
+ ),
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ HISTOGRAM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Histogram', ) ",
+ First = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du supoport de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
+ Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Liste de couples : largeur de classe, hauteur de classe",
+ ang = "Class bandwidth, class height couple list",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ ),
+ NORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Normal', ) ",
+ Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+ ang = "Mean value",
+ ),
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+ ang = "Standard deviation",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC NORMAL
+ RAYLEIGH = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Rayleigh', ) ",
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Parametre Sigma de la loi | Sigma > 0",
+ ang = "Sigma parameter | Sigma > 0",
+ ),
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ PDF = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'PDF_from_file', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Nom du modele physique",
+ ang = "Physical model identifier",
+ ),
+ ),
+ TRUNCATEDNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TruncatedNormal', ) ",
+ MuN = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi Normale non tronquée",
+ ang = "Mean value of the associated non truncated normal distribution",
+ ),
+ SigmaN = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart-type de la loi Normale non tronquée",
+ ang = "Standard deviation of the associated non truncated normal distribution",
+ ),
+ A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Lower bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne superieure de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Upper bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ TimeSeries = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TimeSeries_from_file', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Fichier CSV d'une serie temporelle",
+ ang = "CSV file of a time series",
+ ),
+ ),
+ UNIFORM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Uniform', ) ",
+ A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Support lower bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne superieure du support de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Support upper bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ USERDEFINED = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'UserDefined', ) ",
+ # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
+ Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Liste de couples : (valeur, probabilite)",
+ ang = "List of pairs : (value, probability)",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ ),
+ WEIBULL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Weibull', ) ",
+ Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "TXM",
+ max = 1,
+ into = ( "AlphaBeta", "MuSigma" ),
+ defaut = "AlphaBeta",
+ fr = "Parametrage de la loi weibull",
+ ang = "Weibull distribution parameter set",
+ ),
+ AlphaBeta_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'AlphaBeta', ) ",
+ Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Alpha de la loi | Alpha > 0",
+ ang = "Alpha parameter | Alpha > 0",
+ ),
+ Beta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Beta de la loi | Beta > 0",
+ ang = "Beta parameter | Beta > 0",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC AlphaBeta_Parameters
+ MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
+ Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+ ang = "Mean value",
+ ),
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+ ang = "Standard deviation",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ ), #fin du bloc charge
+ b_ligne = BLOC (condition = "ComponentType == 'Line'",
+# Type de distribution
+ Type = SIMP (statut= "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ("Line Availability",),
+ fr = "La disponibilite de la ligne sera tiree",
+ ang= "Line availability will be set by the law",
+ defaut = "Line Availability",
+ ),
+ Line = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_ligne,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),
+ Law = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ( #"Exponential",
+ #"Histogram",
+ #"Normal",
+ #"Rayleigh",
+ #"PDF_from_file",
+ #"TruncatedNormal",
+ #"TimeSeries_from_file",
+ #"Uniform",
+ "UserDefined",
+ #"Weibull",
+ ),
+ defaut = "UserDefined",
+ fr = "Choix du type de la loi marginale",
+ ang = "1D marginal distribution",
+ ),
+# Definition des parametres selon le type de la loi
+ EXPONENTIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Exponential', ) ",
+ Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Lambda | Lambda > 0",
+ ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
+ ),
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ HISTOGRAM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Histogram', ) ",
+ First = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du supoport de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
+ Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Liste de couples : largeur de classe, hauteur de classe",
+ ang = "Class bandwidth, class height couple list",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ ),
+ NORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Normal', ) ",
+ Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+ ang = "Mean value",
+ ),
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+ ang = "Standard deviation",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC NORMAL
+ RAYLEIGH = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Rayleigh', ) ",
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Parametre Sigma de la loi | Sigma > 0",
+ ang = "Sigma parameter | Sigma > 0",
+ ),
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ PDF = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'PDF_from_file', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Nom du modele physique",
+ ang = "Physical model identifier",
+ ),
+ ),
+ TRUNCATEDNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TruncatedNormal', ) ",
+ MuN = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi Normale non tronquée",
+ ang = "Mean value of the associated non truncated normal distribution",
+ ),
+ SigmaN = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart-type de la loi Normale non tronquée",
+ ang = "Standard deviation of the associated non truncated normal distribution",
+ ),
-# Importation des fichiers csv N-1
+ A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Lower bound | A < B",
+ ),
-N_1_LINES = PROC( nom="N_1_LINES",
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- fr = "N-1 lignes",
- ang = "N-1 lines",
+ B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne superieure de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Upper bound | A < B",
+ ),
- FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
- fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts lignes",
- ang = "csv file path with probabilities of line outages",
- ),
- )
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- fr = "N-1 transformateurs",
- ang = "N-1 transformers",
+ TimeSeries = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TimeSeries_from_file', ) ",
FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
- fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts transformateur",
- ang = "csv file path with probabilities of transformer outages",
+ fr = "Fichier CSV d'une serie temporelle",
+ ang = "CSV file of a time series",
- )
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- fr = "N-1 generateurs",
- ang = "N-1 generators",
+ ),
- FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
- fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts generateurs",
- ang = "csv file path with probabilities of generator outages",
- ),
- )
-N_1_LOADS = PROC( nom="N_1_LOADS",
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- fr = "N-1 charges",
- ang = "N-1 loads",
- FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
- fr = "chemin du fichier csv des probabilites des defauts charges",
- ang = "csv file path with probabilities of load outages",
- ),
- )
+ UNIFORM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Uniform', ) ",
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- fr = "PN",
- ang = "PN",
+ A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Support lower bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne superieure du support de la loi | A < B",
+ ang = "Support upper bound | A < B",
+ ),
+ USERDEFINED = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'UserDefined', ) ",
+ # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
typ = Tuple(2),
max = '**',
- fr = "Liste de couples : largeur de classe, hauteur de classe",
- ang = "Class bandwidth, class height couple list",
- validators=VerifTypeTuple((sd_ligne,'R')),
+ fr = "Liste de couples : (valeur, probabilite)",
+ ang = "List of pairs : (value, probability)",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ defaut=((0,0.0),(1,1.0)),
-# Definition des LOIS
-# Nota : les variables de type OPER doivent etre en majuscules !
-# Nota : les variables de type OPER doivent etre de premier niveau (pas imbriquees dans un autre type)
- sd_prod = loi,
- op = 68,
- fr = "Definitions des lois marginales utilisees par les variables d'entree",
-# Choisir generateur ou charge
-## TypeMachine = SIMP ( statut='o', typ='TXM',
-## into = ('charge','vent1','vent2','pv','N-1',),
-## ),
- Activated = SIMP ( statut='o', typ=bool, defaut=True),
- ComponentType = SIMP (statut='o', typ='TXM',
- into = ('Generator','Load','Line','Transformer'),),
- b_gener = BLOC (condition = "ComponentType == 'Generator'",
- Generator = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_generateur,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
- b_charge = BLOC (condition = "ComponentType == 'Load'",
- Load = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_charge,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
- b_ligne = BLOC (condition = "ComponentType == 'Line'",
- Line = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_ligne,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
+ WEIBULL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Weibull', ) ",
+ Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "TXM",
+ max = 1,
+ into = ( "AlphaBeta", "MuSigma" ),
+ defaut = "AlphaBeta",
+ fr = "Parametrage de la loi weibull",
+ ang = "Weibull distribution parameter set",
+ ),
+ AlphaBeta_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'AlphaBeta', ) ",
+ Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Alpha de la loi | Alpha > 0",
+ ang = "Alpha parameter | Alpha > 0",
+ ),
+ Beta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Parametre Beta de la loi | Beta > 0",
+ ang = "Beta parameter | Beta > 0",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC AlphaBeta_Parameters
+ MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
+ Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+ ang = "Mean value",
+ ),
+ Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ val_min = 0.,
+ fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+ ang = "Standard deviation",
+ ),
+ ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
+ Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "R",
+ max = 1,
+ fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+ ang = "Support lower bound",
+ ),
+ ), #fin du bloc ligne
b_transfo = BLOC (condition = "ComponentType == 'Transformer'",
- Transformer = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_transfo,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
-## b_gener = BLOC (condition = "TypeComposant == 'Generateur'",
-## Generateur = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_generateur,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
-## b_charge = BLOC (condition = "TypeComposant == 'Charge'",
-## charge = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_charge,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
# Type de distribution
- Kind = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "TXM",
- into = ( "NonParametrique",
- #"Beta",
- "Exponential",
+ Type = SIMP (statut= "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ("Transformer Availability",),
+ fr = "La disponibilite du transformateur sera tiree",
+ ang= "Transformer availability will be set by the law",
+ defaut = "Transformer Availability"
+ ),
+ Transformer = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_transfo,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),
+ Law = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "TXM",
+ into = ( #"Beta",
+ #"Exponential",
- "Histogram",
+ #"Histogram",
- "Normal",
+ #"Normal",
- "PDF_from_file",
+ #"PDF_from_file",
- "TruncatedNormal",
- "Uniform",
+ #"TruncatedNormal",
+ #"TimeSeries_from_file",
+ #"Uniform",
- "Weibull",
+ #"Weibull",
+ defaut="UserDefined",
fr = "Choix du type de la loi marginale",
ang = "1D marginal distribution",
# Definition des parametres selon le type de la loi
- NONPARAM = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'NonParametrique', ) ",
- FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
- fr = "Nom du modele physique",
- ang = "Physical model identifier",
- ),
- ),
+## NONPARAM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'NonParametrique', ) ",
+## FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+## typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+## fr = "Nom du modele physique",
+## ang = "Physical model identifier",
+## ),
+## ),
-# BETA = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Beta', ) ",
+# BETA = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Beta', ) ",
# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "TXM",
- EXPONENTIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Exponential', ) ",
+ EXPONENTIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Exponential', ) ",
Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = "R",
-# GAMMA = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Gamma', ) ",
+# GAMMA = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Gamma', ) ",
# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "TXM",
-# GEOMETRIC = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Geometric', ) ",
+# GEOMETRIC = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Geometric', ) ",
# P = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
-# GUMBEL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Gumbel', ) ",
+# GUMBEL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Gumbel', ) ",
# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "TXM",
- HISTOGRAM = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Histogram', ) ",
+ HISTOGRAM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Histogram', ) ",
First = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = "R",
-# LAPLACE = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Laplace', ) ",
+# LAPLACE = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Laplace', ) ",
# Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
-# LOGNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'LogNormal', ) ",
+# LOGNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'LogNormal', ) ",
# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "TXM",
-# LOGISTIC = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Logistic', ) ",
+# LOGISTIC = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Logistic', ) ",
# Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
-# MULTINOMIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'MultiNomial', ) ",
+# MULTINOMIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'MultiNomial', ) ",
# N = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "I",
-# NONCENTRALSTUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'NonCentralStudent', ) ",
+# NONCENTRALSTUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'NonCentralStudent', ) ",
# Nu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
- NORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Normal', ) ",
+ NORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Normal', ) ",
Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = "R",
-# POISSON = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Poisson', ) ",
+# POISSON = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Poisson', ) ",
# Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
-# RAYLEIGH = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Rayleigh', ) ",
+# RAYLEIGH = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Rayleigh', ) ",
# Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
# ),
- PDF = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'PDF_from_file', ) ",
+ PDF = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'PDF_from_file', ) ",
FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
-# STUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Student', ) ",
+# STUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Student', ) ",
# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
-# TRIANGULAR = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Triangular', ) ",
+# TRIANGULAR = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Triangular', ) ",
# A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
# typ = "R",
- TRUNCATEDNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'TruncatedNormal', ) ",
+ TRUNCATEDNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TruncatedNormal', ) ",
MuN = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = "R",
+ TimeSeries = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'TimeSeries_from_file', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Fichier CSV d'une serie temporelle",
+ ang = "CSV file of a time series",
+ ),
+ ),
- UNIFORM = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Uniform', ) ",
+ UNIFORM = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Uniform', ) ",
A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = "R",
+ USERDEFINED = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'UserDefined', ) ",
- USERDEFINED = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'UserDefined', ) ",
- # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
- Fichier = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
- typ =( 'Fichier', 'CSV (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
- ),
+ # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
+ Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = "Liste de couples : (valeur, probabilite)",
+ ang = "List of pairs : (value, probability)",
+ validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+ defaut=((0,0.0),(1,1.0)),
+ ),
- WEIBULL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Weibull', ) ",
+ WEIBULL = BLOC ( condition = " Law in ( 'Weibull', ) ",
Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = "TXM",
+ ), #fin du bloc transformer
+Classement_Commandes_Ds_Arbre=('DIRECTORY', 'DISTRIBUTION', 'CORRELATION',)
-# Definition du modele physique
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- fr = "Correlation entre variables",
- ang = "Variable correlation",
-#### Copula = SIMP ( statut = "o",
-#### typ = 'TXM',
-#### into = ( "Independent", "Normal" ),
-#### defaut = "Independent",
-#### fr = "Type de la copule",
-#### ang = "Copula kind",
-#### ),
-## # Matrix = BLOC ( condition = "Copula in ( 'Normal', )",
- CorrelationMatrix = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = Matrice(nbLigs=None,
- nbCols=None,
- methodeCalculTaille='NbDeDistributions',
- structure="symetrique"),
- fr = "Matrice de correlation entre les variables d'entree",
- ang = "Correlation matrix for input variables",
- ),
-## #), # Fin BLOC Matrix
- op=None,
- fr = "Chargement des generateurs et des charges",
- ang = "Physical model wrapper load",
- sd_prod = opsPSEN.INCLUDE,
- op_init = opsPSEN.INCLUDE_context,
- #sd_prod=None,
- fichier_ini = 1,
- sav_file=SIMP(statut="o", typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.sav);;All Files (*)',),),
- results_folder=SIMP(statut="o",typ='Repertoire'),
- #lines_file=SIMP(statut="o" ,typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
- #groups_file=SIMP(statut="o", typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
- #generationsystem_file=SIMP(statut="o" ,typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
- PSSE_path=SIMP(statut="o",typ='Repertoire'),
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+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QFrame" name="frame">
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+ <number>0</number>
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- </property>
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+ <item>
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- <number>0</number>
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+ <enum>QLayout::SetFixedSize</enum>
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- <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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+ <size>
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+ <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Remonte la ligne</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>...</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="icon">
+ <iconset theme="go-up">
+ <normaloff/>
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- <number>0</number>
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- </property>
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- <item>
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- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
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- <size>
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- <height>31</height>
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- <property name="focusPolicy">
- <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="toolTip">
- <string>Remonte la ligne</string>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset theme="go-up">
- <normaloff/>
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- </item>
- <item>
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- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="focusPolicy">
- <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="toolTip">
- <string>Descend la ligne</string>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset theme="go-down">
- <normaloff/>
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- <height>32</height>
- </size>
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- </item>
- <item>
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- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="focusPolicy">
- <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="toolTip">
- <string>supprime une ligne</string>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset>
- <normalon>../Editeur/icons/MoinsBleu2.png</normalon>
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- <size>
- <width>32</width>
- <height>32</height>
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- </item>
- <item>
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- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>21</width>
- <height>31</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="focusPolicy">
- <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="toolTip">
- <string>Ajoute une ligne</string>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon">
- <iconset>
- <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/PlusBleu.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/PlusBleu.png</iconset>
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- <width>32</width>
- <height>32</height>
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- </item>
- <item>
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- <enum>QSizePolicy::Minimum</enum>
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- <width>40</width>
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- <item>
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- <size>
- <width>21</width>
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- </size>
- </property>
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- <size>
- <width>21</width>
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- </property>
- <property name="focusPolicy">
- <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="toolTip">
- <string>Montre l'ensemble des valeurs</string>
- </property>
- <property name="styleSheet">
- <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>...</string>
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- <property name="icon">
- <iconset>
- <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/verre-loupe-icone-6087-64.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/verre-loupe-icone-6087-64.png</iconset>
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- <height>32</height>
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+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>21</width>
+ <height>31</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>21</width>
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+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="focusPolicy">
+ <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Descend la ligne</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>...</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="icon">
+ <iconset theme="go-down">
+ <normaloff/>
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+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QToolButton" name="RBMoins">
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+ <size>
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+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
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+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="focusPolicy">
+ <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>supprime une ligne</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>...</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="icon">
+ <iconset>
+ <normalon>../Editeur/icons/MoinsBleu2.png</normalon>
+ </iconset>
+ </property>
+ <property name="iconSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>32</width>
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+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QToolButton" name="RBPlus">
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+ <size>
+ <width>21</width>
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+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
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+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="focusPolicy">
+ <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Ajoute une ligne</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>...</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="icon">
+ <iconset>
+ <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/PlusBleu.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/PlusBleu.png</iconset>
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+ <size>
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- </layout>
- </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_6">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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+ <property name="sizeType">
+ <enum>QSizePolicy::Minimum</enum>
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+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>40</width>
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+ </size>
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+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QToolButton" name="RBVoisListe">
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+ <size>
+ <width>21</width>
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+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>21</width>
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+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="focusPolicy">
+ <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Montre l'ensemble des valeurs</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">border : 0px</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>...</string>
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+ <iconset>
+ <normaloff>../Editeur/icons/verre-loupe-icone-6087-64.png</normaloff>../Editeur/icons/verre-loupe-icone-6087-64.png</iconset>
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