#include "BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis.hxx"
extern "C"{
-#include "distene/blsurf.h"
#include <distene/api.h>
+#include <distene/precad.h>
+#include <distene/blsurf.h>
#include <structmember.h>
#include <set>
#include <cstdlib>
+// OPENCASCADE includes
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <NCollection_Map.hxx>
-#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
-extern "C"{
-#include "distene/blsurf.h"
-#include <distene/api.h>
#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
#include <Handle_Geom_Surface.hxx>
#include <Handle_Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
#include <Geom_Curve.hxx>
#include <Handle_Geom_Curve.hxx>
+#include <Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
#include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
#include <BRepTools.hxx>
#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger.hxx>
#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
#include <fenv.h>
+#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf.hxx>
#include <gp_XY.hxx>
status_t curv_fun(real t, real *uv, real *dt, real *dtt, void *user_data);
status_t surf_fun(real *uv, real *xyz, real*du, real *dv,
real *duu, real *duv, real *dvv, void *user_data);
-status_t message_callback(message_t *msg, void *user_data);
+status_t message_cb(message_t *msg, void *user_data);
+status_t interrupt_cb(integer *interrupt_status, void *user_data);
- if (aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) {
- MESSAGE(" the shape is a COMPOUND");
- }
- else {
- MESSAGE(" the shape is UNKNOWN");
- };
+// if (aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) {
+// MESSAGE(" the shape is a COMPOUND");
+// }
+// else {
+// MESSAGE(" the shape is UNKNOWN");
+// };
+ /* create a distene context (generic object) */
+ status_t status = STATUS_ERROR;
context_t *ctx = context_new();
- context_set_message_callback(ctx, message_callback, &_comment);
+ /* Set the message callback in the working context */
+ context_set_message_callback(ctx, message_cb, &_comment);
+ context_set_interrupt_callback(ctx, interrupt_cb, NULL);
+ /* create the CAD object we will work on. It is associated to the context ctx. */
cad_t *c = cad_new(ctx);
blsurf_session_t *bls = blsurf_session_new(ctx);
SetParameters(_hypothesis, bls);
MESSAGE("END SetParameters");
- TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape fmap;
- TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape emap;
- TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape pmap;
+ /* Now fill the CAD object with data from your CAD
+ * environement. This is the most complex part of a successfull
+ * integration.
+ */
+ // needed to prevent the opencascade memory managmement from freeing things
vector<Handle(Geom2d_Curve)> curves;
vector<Handle(Geom_Surface)> surfaces;
+ surfaces.resize(0);
+ curves.resize(0);
+ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape fmap;
+ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape emap;
+ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape pmap;
- surfaces.resize(0);
- curves.resize(0);
PyGILState_STATE gstate;
+ /* create an object representing the face for blsurf */
+ /* where face_id is an integer identifying the face.
+ * surf_function is the function that defines the surface
+ * (For this face, it will be called by blsurf with your_face_object_ptr
+ * as last parameter.
+ */
cad_face_t *fce = cad_face_new(c, iface, surf_fun, surfaces.back());
+ /* by default a face has no tag (color). The following call sets it to the same value as the face_id : */
cad_face_set_tag(fce, iface);
+ /* Set face orientation (optional if you want a well oriented output mesh)*/
if(f.Orientation() != TopAbs_FORWARD){
cad_face_set_orientation(fce, CAD_ORIENTATION_REVERSED);
} else {
+ now create the edges associated to this face
int edgeKey = -1;
for (TopExp_Explorer edge_iter(f,TopAbs_EDGE);edge_iter.More();edge_iter.Next()) {
+ /* attach the edge to the current blsurf face */
cad_edge_t *edg = cad_edge_new(fce, ic, tmin, tmax, curv_fun, curves.back());
+ /* by default an edge has no tag (color). The following call sets it to the same value as the edge_id : */
cad_edge_set_tag(edg, ic);
+ /* by default, an edge does not necessalry appear in the resulting mesh,
+ unless the following property is set :
+ */
cad_edge_set_property(edg, EDGE_PROPERTY_SOFT_REQUIRED);
+ /* by default an edge is a boundary edge */
if (e.Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL)
cad_edge_set_property(edg, EDGE_PROPERTY_INTERNAL);
// should not happen
MESSAGE("An edge does not have 2 extremities.");
} else {
- if (d1 < d2)
+ if (d1 < d2) {
+ // This defines the curves extremity connectivity
cad_edge_set_extremities(edg, ip1, ip2);
- else
+ /* set the tag (color) to the same value as the extremity id : */
+ cad_edge_set_extremities_tag(edg, ip1, ip2);
+ }
+ else {
cad_edge_set_extremities(edg, ip2, ip1);
+ cad_edge_set_extremities_tag(edg, ip2, ip1);
+ }
} // for edge
} //for face
- blsurf_data_set_cad(bls, c);
+ // If user requests it, send the CAD through Distene preprocessor : PreCAD
+ cad_t *cleanc = NULL;
+ int topo = 0;
+ if (_hypothesis) {
+ topo = (int) _hypothesis->GetTopology();
+ if (topo > 0) {
+ precad_session_t *pcs = precad_session_new(ctx);
+ precad_data_set_cad(pcs, c);
+ int verb = (int) _hypothesis->GetVerbosity();
+ precad_set_param(pcs, "verbose", to_string(verb).c_str());
+ integer you_want_precad_to_optimize_the_CAD = 1;
+ if(you_want_precad_to_optimize_the_CAD){
+ precad_set_param(pcs, "merge_edges", "1");
+ precad_set_param(pcs, "remove_nano_edges", "1");
+ }
+ // if you want preCAD to compute topology from scratch, without
+ // considering the toplogical information contained in c, you
+ // have to set the folowing option to "1" :
+ // precad_set_param(pcs, "discard_input_topology", "1");
+ /* You can use these 2 options if you want to help PreCAD treat some
+ * very dirty cases :
+ * if the treated object is manifold set "manifold_geometry" to "1"
+ * if the object is also closed (imagine a shell), also set "closed_geometry" to "1"
+ */
+ // precad_set_param(pcs, "manifold_geometry", "1");
+ // precad_set_param(pcs, "closed_geometry", "1");
+ /* Now launch the PreCAD process */
+ status = precad_process(pcs);
+ if(status != STATUS_OK){
+ MESSAGE("PreCAD processing failed with error code " << status);
+ }
+ // retrieve the pre-processed CAD object
+ cleanc = precad_new_cad(pcs);
+ if(!cleanc){
+ MESSAGE("Unable to retrieve PreCAD result");
+ }
+ // Now we can delete the PreCAD session
+ precad_session_delete(pcs);
+ }
+ }
+ if(cleanc){
+ // Give the pre-processed CAD object to the current BLSurf session
+ blsurf_data_set_cad(bls, cleanc);
+ }else{
+ // Use the original one
+ blsurf_data_set_cad(bls, c);
+ }
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Beginning of Surface Mesh generation" << std::endl;
int oldFEFlags = fedisableexcept( FE_ALL_EXCEPT );
- status_t status = STATUS_ERROR;
try {
_comment = "Exception in blsurf_compute_mesh()";
if ( status != STATUS_OK) {
+ // Their was an error while meshing
std::cout << "End of Surface Mesh generation" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
- mesh_t *msh;
+ mesh_t *msh = NULL;
blsurf_data_get_mesh(bls, &msh);
//return false;
+ /* retrieve mesh data (see distene/mesh.h) */
integer nv, ne, nt, nq, vtx[4], tag;
real xyz[3];
SMDS_MeshNode** nodes = new SMDS_MeshNode*[nv+1];
bool* tags = new bool[nv+1];
+ /* enumerated vertices */
for(int iv=1;iv<=nv;iv++) {
mesh_get_vertex_coordinates(msh, iv, xyz);
mesh_get_vertex_tag(msh, iv, &tag);
+ /* enumerate edges */
for(int it=1;it<=ne;it++) {
mesh_get_edge_vertices(msh, it, vtx);
SMDS_MeshEdge* edg = meshDS->AddEdge(nodes[vtx[0]], nodes[vtx[1]]);
+ /* enumerate triangles */
for(int it=1;it<=nt;it++) {
mesh_get_triangle_vertices(msh, it, vtx);
SMDS_MeshFace* tri = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[vtx[0]], nodes[vtx[1]], nodes[vtx[2]]);
+ /* enumerate quadrangles */
for(int it=1;it<=nq;it++) {
mesh_get_quadrangle_vertices(msh, it, vtx);
SMDS_MeshFace* quad = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[vtx[0]], nodes[vtx[1]], nodes[vtx[2]], nodes[vtx[3]]);
return hyp.LoadFrom( load );
+/* Curve definition function See cad_curv_t in file distene/cad.h for
+ * more information.
+ * NOTE : if when your CAD systems evaluates second
+ * order derivatives it also computes first order derivatives and
+ * function evaluation, you can optimize this example by making only
+ * one CAD call and filling the necessary uv, dt, dtt arrays.
+ */
status_t curv_fun(real t, real *uv, real *dt, real *dtt, void *user_data)
+ /* t is given. It contains the t (time) 1D parametric coordintaes
+ of the point PreCAD/BLSurf is querying on the curve */
+ /* user_data identifies the edge PreCAD/BLSurf is querying
+ * (see cad_edge_new later in this example) */
const Geom2d_Curve*pargeo = (const Geom2d_Curve*) user_data;
if (uv){
+ /* BLSurf is querying the function evaluation */
gp_Pnt2d P;
uv[0]=P.X(); uv[1]=P.Y();
if(dt) {
+ /* query for the first order derivatives */
gp_Vec2d V1;
dt[0]=V1.X(); dt[1]=V1.Y();
+ /* query for the second order derivatives */
gp_Vec2d V2;
dtt[0]=V2.X(); dtt[1]=V2.Y();
- return 0;
+ return STATUS_OK;
+/* Surface definition function.
+ * See cad_surf_t in file distene/cad.h for more information.
+ * NOTE : if when your CAD systems evaluates second order derivatives it also
+ * computes first order derivatives and function evaluation, you can optimize
+ * this example by making only one CAD call and filling the necessary xyz, du, dv, etc..
+ * arrays.
+ */
status_t surf_fun(real *uv, real *xyz, real*du, real *dv,
real *duu, real *duv, real *dvv, void *user_data)
+ /* uv[2] is given. It contains the u,v coordinates of the point
+ * PreCAD/BLSurf is querying on the surface */
+ /* user_data identifies the face PreCAD/BLSurf is querying (see
+ * cad_face_new later in this example)*/
const Geom_Surface* geometry = (const Geom_Surface*) user_data;
if(duu && duv && dvv){
gp_Pnt P;
gp_Vec D1U,D1V;
gp_Vec D2U,D2V,D2UV;
dvv[0]=D2V.X(); dvv[1]=D2V.Y(); dvv[2]=D2V.Z();
- return 0;
+// if(duu && duv && dvv){
+// /* query for the second order derivatives */
+// gp_Pnt P;
+// gp_Vec D1U,D1V;
+// gp_Vec D2U,D2V,D2UV;
+// geometry->D2(uv[0],uv[1],P,D1U,D1V,D2U,D2V,D2UV);
+// duu[0]=D2U.X(); duu[1]=D2U.Y(); duu[2]=D2U.Z();
+// duv[0]=D2UV.X(); duv[1]=D2UV.Y(); duv[2]=D2UV.Z();
+// dvv[0]=D2V.X(); dvv[1]=D2V.Y(); dvv[2]=D2V.Z();
+// if(du && dv){
+// geometry->D1(uv[0],uv[1],P,D1U,D1V);
+// du[0]=D1U.X(); du[1]=D1U.Y(); du[2]=D1U.Z();
+// dv[0]=D1V.X(); dv[1]=D1V.Y(); dv[2]=D1V.Z();
+// }
+// if(xyz){
+// P = geometry->Value(uv[0],uv[1]);
+// xyz[0]=P.X(); xyz[1]=P.Y(); xyz[2]=P.Z();
+// }
+// } else if(du && dv){
+// /* query for the first order derivatives */
+// gp_Pnt P;
+// gp_Vec D1U,D1V;
+// geometry->D1(uv[0],uv[1],P,D1U,D1V);
+// du[0]=D1U.X(); du[1]=D1U.Y(); du[2]=D1U.Z();
+// dv[0]=D1V.X(); dv[1]=D1V.Y(); dv[2]=D1V.Z();
+// if(xyz){
+// P = geometry->Value(uv[0],uv[1]);
+// xyz[0]=P.X(); xyz[1]=P.Y(); xyz[2]=P.Z();
+// }
+// } else if(xyz){
+// /* query for the function evaluation */
+// gp_Pnt P;
+// P = geometry->Value(uv[0],uv[1]); // S.D0(U,V,P);
+// xyz[0]=P.X(); xyz[1]=P.Y(); xyz[2]=P.Z();
+// }
+ return STATUS_OK;
return STATUS_OK;
-status_t message_callback(message_t *msg, void *user_data)
+ * The following function will be called for PreCAD/BLSurf message
+ * printing. See context_set_message_callback (later in this
+ * template) for how to set user_data.
+ */
+status_t message_cb(message_t *msg, void *user_data)
integer errnumber = 0;
char *desc;
return STATUS_OK;
+/* This is the interrupt callback. PreCAD/BLSurf will call this
+ * function regularily. See the file distene/interrupt.h
+ */
+status_t interrupt_cb(integer *interrupt_status, void *user_data)
+ integer you_want_to_continue = 1;
+ if(you_want_to_continue)
+ *interrupt_status = INTERRUPT_CONTINUE;
+ else /* you want to stop BLSurf */
+ *interrupt_status = INTERRUPT_STOP;
+ return STATUS_OK;