+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2.1 of the License.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#include "Interpolation3D.hxx"
-#include "MEDFileMesh.hxx"
-#include "MEDCouplingUMesh.hxx"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "VectorUtils.hxx"
-// levels :
-// 1 - titles and volume results
-// 2 - symmetry / diagonal results and intersection matrix output
-// 3 - empty
-// 4 - empty
-// 5 - misc
-#include "Log.hxx"
-using namespace ParaMEDMEM;
-using namespace INTERP_KERNEL;
-double sumVolume(const IntersectionMatrix& m)
- vector<double> volumes;
- for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m.begin() ; iter != m.end() ; ++iter)
- {
- for(std::map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
- {
- volumes.push_back(iter2->second);
- // vol += std::fabs(iter2->second);
- }
- }
- // sum in ascending order to avoid rounding errors
- sort(volumes.begin(), volumes.end());
- const double vol = accumulate(volumes.begin(), volumes.end(), 0.0);
- return vol;
-#if 0
-bool areCompatitable(const IntersectionMatrix& m1, const IntersectionMatrix& m2)
- bool compatitable = true;
- int i = 0;
- for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m1.begin() ; iter != m1.end() ; ++iter)
- {
- for(std::map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
- {
- int j = iter2->first;
- if(m2.at(j-1).count(i+1) == 0)
- {
- if(!epsilonEqual(iter2->second, 0.0, VOL_PREC))
- {
- LOG(2, "V1( " << i << ", " << j << ") exists, but V2( " << j - 1 << ", " << i + 1 << ") " << " does not " );
- LOG(2, "(" << i << ", " << j << ") fails");
- compatitable = false;
- }
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if(!compatitable)
- {
- LOG(1, "*** matrices are not compatitable");
- }
- return compatitable;
-bool testSymmetric(const IntersectionMatrix& m1, const IntersectionMatrix& m2)
- int i = 0;
- bool isSymmetric = true;
- LOG(1, "Checking symmetry src - target" );
- isSymmetric = isSymmetric & areCompatitable(m1, m2) ;
- LOG(1, "Checking symmetry target - src" );
- isSymmetric = isSymmetric & areCompatitable(m2, m1);
- for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m1.begin() ; iter != m1.end() ; ++iter)
- {
- for(std::map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
- {
- int j = iter2->first;
- const double v1 = iter2->second;
- //if(m2[j - 1].count(i+1) > 0)
- // {
- std::map<int, double> theMap = m2.at(j-1);
- const double v2 = theMap[i + 1];
- if(v1 != v2)
- {
- LOG(2, "V1( " << i << ", " << j << ") = " << v1 << " which is different from V2( " << j - 1 << ", " << i + 1 << ") = " << v2 << " | diff = " << v1 - v2 );
- if(!epsilonEqualRelative(v1, v2, VOL_PREC))
- {
- LOG(2, "(" << i << ", " << j << ") fails");
- isSymmetric = false;
- }
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if(!isSymmetric)
- {
- LOG(1, "*** matrices are not symmetric");
- }
- return isSymmetric;
-bool testDiagonal(const IntersectionMatrix& m)
- LOG(1, "Checking if matrix is diagonal" );
- int i = 1;
- bool isDiagonal = true;
- for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m.begin() ; iter != m.end() ; ++iter)
- {
- for(std::map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
- {
- int j = iter2->first;
- const double vol = iter2->second;
- if(vol != 0.0 && (i != j))
- {
- LOG(2, "V( " << i - 1 << ", " << j << ") = " << vol << " which is not zero" );
- if(!epsilonEqual(vol, 0.0, VOL_PREC))
- {
- LOG(2, "(" << i << ", " << j << ") fails");
- isDiagonal = false;
- }
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if(!isDiagonal)
- {
- LOG(1, "*** matrix is not diagonal");
- }
- return isDiagonal;
-void dumpIntersectionMatrix(const IntersectionMatrix& m)
- int i = 0;
- std::cout << "Intersection matrix is " << std::endl;
- for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m.begin() ; iter != m.end() ; ++iter)
- {
- for(std::map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
- {
- std::cout << "V(" << i << ", " << iter2->first << ") = " << iter2->second << std::endl;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- std::cout << "Sum of volumes = " << sumVolume(m) << std::endl;
-std::pair<int,int> countNumberOfMatrixEntries(const IntersectionMatrix& m)
- int numElems = 0;
- int numNonZero = 0;
- for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m.begin() ; iter != m.end() ; ++iter)
- {
- numElems += iter->size();
- for(map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
- {
- if(!epsilonEqual(iter2->second, 0.0, VOL_PREC))
- {
- ++numNonZero;
- }
- }
- }
- return std::make_pair(numElems, numNonZero);
-void calcIntersectionMatrix(const char* mesh1path, const char* mesh1, const char* mesh2path, const char* mesh2, IntersectionMatrix& m)
- const std::string dataBaseDir = getenv("MED_ROOT_DIR");
- const std::string dataDir = dataBaseDir + "/share/salome/resources/med/";
- LOG(1, std::endl << "=== -> intersecting src = " << mesh1 << ", target = " << mesh2 );
- LOG(5, "Loading " << mesh1 << " from " << mesh1path);
- MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDFileUMesh> sMeshML=MEDFileUMesh::New((dataDir+mesh1path).c_str(),mesh1);
- MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDCouplingUMesh> sMesh=sMeshML->getMeshAtLevel(0);
- const int numSrcElems = sMesh->getNumberOfCells();
- LOG(1, "Source mesh has " << numSrcElems << " elements");
- LOG(5, "Loading " << mesh2 << " from " << mesh2path);
- MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDFileUMesh> tMeshML=MEDFileUMesh::New((dataDir+mesh2path).c_str(),mesh2);
- MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDCouplingUMesh> tMesh=tMeshML->getMeshAtLevel(0);
- const int numTargetElems = tMesh->getNumberOfCells();
- LOG(1, "Target mesh has " << numTargetElems << " elements");
- Interpolation3D* interpolator = new Interpolation3D();
- m = interpolator->interpolateMeshes(sMesh, tMesh);
- std::pair<int, int> eff = countNumberOfMatrixEntries(m);
- LOG(1, eff.first << " of " << numTargetElems * numSrcElems << " intersections calculated : ratio = "
- << double(eff.first) / double(numTargetElems * numSrcElems));
- LOG(1, eff.second << " non-zero elements of " << eff.first << " total : filter efficiency = "
- << double(eff.second) / double(eff.first));
- delete interpolator;
- LOG(1, "Intersection calculation done. " << std::endl );
-#if 0
-void intersectMeshes(const char* mesh1path, const char* mesh1, const char* mesh2path, const char* mesh2, const double correctVol, const double prec, bool doubleTest)
- LOG(1, std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" );
- using std::string;
- const string path1 = string(mesh1path) + string(mesh1);
- const string path2 = string(mesh2path) + string(mesh2);
- const bool isTestReflexive = (path1.compare(path2) == 0);
- IntersectionMatrix matrix1;
- calcIntersectionMatrix(mesh1path, mesh1, mesh2path, mesh2, matrix1);
-#if LOG_LEVEL >= 2
- dumpIntersectionMatrix(matrix1);
- std::cout.precision(16);
- const double vol1 = sumVolume(matrix1);
- if(!doubleTest)
- {
- LOG(1, "vol = " << vol1 <<" correctVol = " << correctVol );
- // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(correctVol, vol1, prec * std::max(correctVol, vol1));
- if(isTestReflexive)
- {
- // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Reflexive test failed", true, testDiagonal(matrix1));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- IntersectionMatrix matrix2;
- calcIntersectionMatrix(mesh2path, mesh2, mesh1path, mesh1, matrix2);
-#if LOG_LEVEL >= 2
- dumpIntersectionMatrix(matrix2);
- const double vol2 = sumVolume(matrix2);
- LOG(1, "vol1 = " << vol1 << ", vol2 = " << vol2 << ", correctVol = " << correctVol );
- // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(correctVol, vol1, prec * std::max(vol1, correctVol));
- // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(correctVol, vol2, prec * std::max(vol2, correctVol));
- // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(vol1, vol2, prec * std::max(vol1, vol2));
- // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Symmetry test failed", true, testSymmetric(matrix1, matrix2));
- }