* \param theName The name of the view parameters which will be restored.
boolean RestoreViewParams(in string theName);
+ /*! Get representation type of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to get a representation type of.
+ * \return <VAR>PresentationType</VAR> Representation type of object in this view.
+ */
+ PresentationType GetPresentationType(in ScalarMap thePrs);
+ /*! Set representation type of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to set a representation type of.
+ * \param thePrsType Representation type to be set to the given object.
+ * \return Empty string in case of success, error description in case of failure.
+ */
+ string SetPresentationType(in ScalarMap thePrs, in PresentationType thePrsType);
+ /*! Get shrink state of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to get a shrink state of.
+ * \return TRUE if \a thePrs is shrinked in this view, FALSE overwise.
+ */
+ boolean IsShrinked(in ScalarMap thePrs);
+ /*! Make the given presentation shrinked or not shrinked in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to change a shrink state of.
+ * \param isShrinked Pass TRUE to make \a thePrs shrinked, FALSE overwise.
+ * \return Empty string in case of success, error description in case of failure.
+ */
+ string SetShrinked(in ScalarMap thePrs, in boolean isShrinked);
+ /*! Get shading state of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to get a shading state of.
+ * \return TRUE if \a thePrs is shaded in this view, FALSE overwise.
+ */
+ boolean IsShaded(in ScalarMap thePrs);
+ /*! Make the given presentation shaded or not shaded in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to set a shading state of.
+ * \param isShaded Pass TRUE to make \a thePrs shaded, FALSE overwise.
+ * \return Empty string in case of success, error description in case of failure.
+ */
+ string SetShaded(in ScalarMap thePrs, in boolean isShaded);
+ /*! Get opacity of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to get an opacity of.
+ * \return Opacity value in range [0, 1], 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque.
+ */
+ double GetOpacity(in ScalarMap thePrs);
+ /*! Set opacity of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to set an opacity of.
+ * \param theOpacity Opacity value [0, 1]. 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque.
+ * \return Empty string in case of success, error description in case of failure.
+ */
+ string SetOpacity(in ScalarMap thePrs, in double theOpacity);
+ /*! Get line width of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to get a line width of.
+ * \return Line width of \a thePrs in this view.
+ */
+ double GetLineWidth(in ScalarMap thePrs);
+ /*! Set line width of the given presentation in this view.
+ * \param thePrs Object to set a line width of.
+ * \param theLineWidth Line width value. Recommended values are in range [1, 10].
+ * \return Empty string in case of success, error description in case of failure.
+ */
+ string SetLineWidth(in ScalarMap thePrs, in double theLineWidth);
#include "VISU_Gen_i.hh"
#include "VISU_Prs3d_i.hh"
#include "VISU_Table_i.hh"
+#include "VISU_ScalarMap_i.hh"
#include "VISU_ViewManager_i.hh"
#include "VisuGUI_TableDlg.h"
#include "VISU_Actor.h"
+#include "VISU_ScalarMapAct.h"
#include "SALOME_Event.hxx"
ProcessVoidEvent(new TSet3DViewParamEvent(&SetScaleView,aVW,aScale));
+ //================================================
+ // Certain presentation view parameters management
+ //================================================
+ class TPrsManageEvent: public SALOME_Event
+ {
+ protected:
+ View3D_i* myView3D;
+ ScalarMap_ptr myPrs;
+ string myError;
+ TPrsManageEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs):
+ myView3D(theView3D),
+ myPrs(ScalarMap::_duplicate(thePrs)),
+ myError("Unknown error occured")
+ {}
+ VISU_Actor* GetMyActor()
+ {
+ SUIT_ViewWindow* aVW = myView3D->GetViewWindow();
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* vw = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(aVW);
+ if (!aVW) {
+ myError = "Corrupted view window";
+ } else {
+ ScalarMap_i* aPrs = dynamic_cast<ScalarMap_i*>(VISU::GetServant(myPrs).in());
+ if (!aPrs) {
+ myError = "Corrupted presentation";
+ } else {
+ VISU_Actor* anActor = VISU::GetActor(aPrs, vw);
+ if (!anActor) {
+ myError = "No actor found. Display the presentation at first.";
+ } else {
+ myError = "";
+ return anActor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ };
+ // Get
+ class TGetPrsTypeEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ public:
+ typedef VISU::PresentationType TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TGetPrsTypeEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myResult(VISU::SHRINK) {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor())
+ myResult = (VISU::PresentationType)anActor->GetRepresentation();
+ }
+ };
+ class TGetShrinkedEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ public:
+ typedef bool TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TGetShrinkedEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myResult(false) {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ if (anActor->IsShrunkable())
+ myResult = anActor->IsShrunk();
+ else
+ myResult = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class TGetShadedEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ public:
+ typedef bool TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TGetShadedEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myResult(false) {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor())
+ if (VISU_ScalarMapAct* aScalarMapActor = dynamic_cast<VISU_ScalarMapAct*>(anActor))
+ myResult = aScalarMapActor->IsShading();
+ }
+ };
+ class TGetOpacityEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ public:
+ typedef double TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TGetOpacityEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myResult(-1.0) {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ vtkFloatingPointType oldvalue = anActor->GetOpacity();
+ myResult = (double)oldvalue;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class TGetLineWidthEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ public:
+ typedef double TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TGetLineWidthEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myResult(-1.0) {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ vtkFloatingPointType oldvalue = anActor->GetLineWidth();
+ myResult = (double)oldvalue;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Set
+ class TSetPrsTypeEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ private:
+ PresentationType myPrsType;
+ public:
+ typedef string TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TSetPrsTypeEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, PresentationType thePrsType):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myPrsType(thePrsType),
+ myResult("Unknown error occured")
+ {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ switch (myPrsType) {
+ {
+ VISU::VISUType aType = myPrs->GetType();
+ if (aType != VISU::TSCALARMAP &&
+ myResult = "Insideframe representation is not available for this type of presentations.";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ myResult = "Surfaceframe representation is available only for mesh presentation.";
+ return;
+ case VISU::SHRINK:
+ myResult = "Use SetShrinked() method to shrink/unshrink presentation.";
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ anActor->SetRepresentation((int)myPrsType);
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* vw = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(myView3D->GetViewWindow());
+ vw->Repaint();
+ myResult = "";
+ } else {
+ myResult = myError;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class TSetShrinkedEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ private:
+ bool myIsOn;
+ public:
+ typedef string TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TSetShrinkedEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, bool isOn):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myIsOn(isOn),
+ myResult("Unknown error occured")
+ {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ VISU::VISUType aType = myPrs->GetType();
+ if (aType == VISU::TVECTORS || aType == VISU::TSTREAMLINES) {
+ myResult = "Shrinked representation is not available for this type of presentations.";
+ } else {
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ if (anActor->IsShrunkable()) {
+ if (myIsOn) anActor->SetShrink();
+ else anActor->UnShrink();
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* vw = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(myView3D->GetViewWindow());
+ vw->Repaint();
+ myResult = "";
+ } else {
+ myResult = "This presentation is not shrunkable.";
+ }
+ } else {
+ myResult = myError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class TSetShadedEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ private:
+ bool myIsOn;
+ public:
+ typedef string TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TSetShadedEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, bool isOn):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myIsOn(isOn),
+ myResult("Unknown error occured")
+ {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ if (VISU_ScalarMapAct* aScalarMapActor =
+ dynamic_cast<VISU_ScalarMapAct*>(anActor)) {
+ aScalarMapActor->SetShading(myIsOn);
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* vw = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(myView3D->GetViewWindow());
+ vw->Repaint();
+ myResult = "";
+ } else {
+ myResult = "Corrupted actor";
+ }
+ } else {
+ myResult = myError;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class TSetOpacityEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ private:
+ double myOpacity;
+ public:
+ typedef string TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TSetOpacityEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, double theOpacity):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myOpacity(theOpacity),
+ myResult("Unknown error occured")
+ {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ VISU::VISUType aType = myPrs->GetType();
+ if (aType == VISU::TVECTORS || aType == VISU::TSTREAMLINES) {
+ myResult = "Opacity is meaningless for this type of presentations.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ anActor->SetOpacity((vtkFloatingPointType)myOpacity);
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* vw = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(myView3D->GetViewWindow());
+ vw->Repaint();
+ myResult = "";
+ } else {
+ myResult = myError;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class TSetLineWidthEvent: public TPrsManageEvent {
+ private:
+ double myLineWidth;
+ public:
+ typedef string TResult;
+ TResult myResult;
+ TSetLineWidthEvent(View3D_i* theView3D, ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, double theLineWidth):
+ TPrsManageEvent(theView3D, thePrs), myLineWidth(theLineWidth),
+ myResult("Unknown error occured")
+ {}
+ virtual void Execute() {
+ if (myPrs->GetType() == VISU::TVECTORS) {
+ myResult = "Line Width is meaningless for Vectors presentation.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (VISU_Actor* anActor = GetMyActor()) {
+ anActor->SetLineWidth((vtkFloatingPointType)myLineWidth);
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* vw = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(myView3D->GetViewWindow());
+ vw->Repaint();
+ myResult = "";
+ } else {
+ myResult = myError;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ PresentationType View3D_i::GetPresentationType(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs)
+ {
+ return ProcessEvent(new TGetPrsTypeEvent(this,thePrs));
+ }
+ CORBA::Boolean View3D_i::IsShrinked(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs)
+ {
+ return ProcessEvent(new TGetShrinkedEvent(this,thePrs));
+ }
+ CORBA::Boolean View3D_i::IsShaded(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs)
+ {
+ return ProcessEvent(new TGetShadedEvent(this,thePrs));
+ }
+ CORBA::Double View3D_i::GetOpacity(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs)
+ {
+ return ProcessEvent(new TGetOpacityEvent(this,thePrs));
+ }
+ CORBA::Double View3D_i::GetLineWidth(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs)
+ {
+ return ProcessEvent(new TGetLineWidthEvent(this,thePrs));
+ }
+ char* View3D_i::SetPresentationType(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, PresentationType thePrsType)
+ {
+ string aRet = ProcessEvent(new TSetPrsTypeEvent(this,thePrs,thePrsType));
+ return CORBA::string_dup(aRet.c_str());
+ }
+ char* View3D_i::SetShrinked(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Boolean isShrinked)
+ {
+ string aRet = ProcessEvent(new TSetShrinkedEvent(this,thePrs,isShrinked));
+ return CORBA::string_dup(aRet.c_str());
+ }
+ char* View3D_i::SetShaded(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Boolean isShaded)
+ {
+ string aRet = ProcessEvent(new TSetShadedEvent(this,thePrs,isShaded));
+ return CORBA::string_dup(aRet.c_str());
+ }
+ char* View3D_i::SetOpacity(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Double theOpacity)
+ {
+ string aRet = ProcessEvent(new TSetOpacityEvent(this,thePrs,theOpacity));
+ return CORBA::string_dup(aRet.c_str());
+ }
+ char* View3D_i::SetLineWidth(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Double theLineWidth)
+ {
+ string aRet = ProcessEvent(new TSetLineWidthEvent(this,thePrs,theLineWidth));
+ return CORBA::string_dup(aRet.c_str());
+ }
virtual void Close();
+ // Certain presentation view parameters management
+ virtual PresentationType GetPresentationType(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs);
+ virtual CORBA::Boolean IsShrinked (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs);
+ virtual CORBA::Boolean IsShaded (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs);
+ virtual CORBA::Double GetOpacity (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs);
+ virtual CORBA::Double GetLineWidth (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs);
+ virtual char* SetPresentationType(ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, PresentationType thePrsType);
+ virtual char* SetShrinked (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Boolean isShrinked);
+ virtual char* SetShaded (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Boolean isShaded);
+ virtual char* SetOpacity (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Double theOpacity);
+ virtual char* SetLineWidth (ScalarMap_ptr thePrs, CORBA::Double theLineWidth);
static int myNbViewParams;
visu_med.py visu_view3d.py visu.py visu_gui.py visu_prs_example.py \
visu_table.py visu_big_table.py visu_view.py visu_delete.py \
visu_swig_test.py test_events.py batch_test_events.py visu_split_views.py \
- VISU_Example_01.py VISU_Example_02.py VISU_Example_03.py VISU_Example_04.py VISU_Example_05.py VISU_Example_06.py
+ VISU_Example_01.py VISU_Example_02.py VISU_Example_03.py VISU_Example_04.py \
+ VISU_Example_05.py VISU_Example_06.py VISU_Example_07.py
--- /dev/null
+# Manage view parameters of presentations:
+# Representation Mode, Shrink, Shading, Opacity, Line Width
+import salome
+import VISU
+import visu_gui
+import os
+import time
+datadir = os.getenv("DATA_DIR") + "/MedFiles/"
+myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView()
+sleep_delay = 1
+def AfterSet(error_string, method_name, old_value, new_value):
+ print method_name, "(): old_value = ", old_value, "new_value = ", new_value
+ if error_string == "":
+ time.sleep(sleep_delay)
+ else:
+ print method_name, "() error = ", error_string
+ pass
+ pass
+def ChangeRepresentation(scalarmap,repres,shrink,shading,opacity,linew):
+ if scalarmap is None : print "Error"
+ else : print "OK"
+ myView.DisplayOnly(scalarmap)
+ myView.FitAll()
+ time.sleep(sleep_delay)
+ old_prs_type = myView.GetPresentationType(scalarmap)
+ if old_prs_type != repres:
+ err_str = myView.SetPresentationType(scalarmap, repres)
+ AfterSet(err_str, "SetPresentationType", old_prs_type, repres)
+ pass
+ old_is_shrinked = myView.IsShrinked(scalarmap)
+ if old_is_shrinked != shrink:
+ err_str = myView.SetShrinked(scalarmap, shrink) # 1 - shrinked, 0 - not shrinked
+ AfterSet(err_str, "SetShrinked", old_is_shrinked, shrink)
+ pass
+ old_is_shaded = myView.IsShaded(scalarmap)
+ if old_is_shaded != shading:
+ err_str = myView.SetShaded(scalarmap, shading) # 1 - shaded, 0 - not shaded
+ AfterSet(err_str, "SetShaded", old_is_shaded, shading)
+ pass
+ old_opacity = myView.GetOpacity(scalarmap)
+ if old_opacity != opacity:
+ err_str = myView.SetOpacity(scalarmap, opacity) # double value [0, 1]
+ AfterSet(err_str, "SetOpacity", old_opacity, opacity)
+ pass
+ old_linew = myView.GetLineWidth(scalarmap)
+ if old_linew != linew:
+ err_str = myView.SetLineWidth(scalarmap, linew) # double value, recommended round [1, 10]
+ AfterSet(err_str, "SetLineWidth", old_linew, linew)
+ pass
+ print ""
+ pass
+# ResOK_0000.med
+print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+medFile = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
+myMeshName = 'dom'
+myFieldName = 'vitesse'
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+if myResult is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+scmap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.INSIDEFRAME, 1, 0, 0.3, 5)
+print "Creating Stream Lines.......",
+scmap = myVisu.StreamLinesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.WIREFRAME, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)
+print "Creating Vectors..........",
+scmap = myVisu.VectorsOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.WIREFRAME, 1, 1, 0.7, 2)
+print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+scmap = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.SHADED, 1, 0, 0.4, 8)
+print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+scmap = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.POINT, 0, 0, 0.6, 4)
+# fra.med
+print 'Import "fra.med"...............',
+medFile = datadir + "fra.med"
+myMeshName = 'LE VOLUME'
+myFieldName = 'VITESSE'
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+if myResult is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+scmap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.WIREFRAME, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)
+print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+scmap = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.WIREFRAME, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)
+print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+scmap = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.SHADED, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)
+print "Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape.......",
+scmap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnDeformedShapeOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1);
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.SHADED, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)
+print "Creating Deformed Shape.......",
+scmap = myVisu.DeformedShapeOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1)
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.WIREFRAME, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)
+print "Creating Cut Lines.......",
+scmap = myVisu.CutLinesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1)
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.WIREFRAME, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)
+print "Creating Plot 3D.......",
+scmap = myVisu.Plot3DOnField(myResult,myMeshName,VISU.NODE,myFieldName,1)
+ChangeRepresentation(scmap, VISU.SHADED, 1, 1, 0.5, 3)