from aster_tmpl import container, component
class ASTERComponent(Component):
+ """
+ A :class:`ASTERComponent` instance represents an ASTER SALOME component (special component for Code_Aster that is a mix of
+ Fortran and Python code) with services given as a list of :class:`Service` instances with the parameter *services*.
+ :param name: gives the name of the component.
+ :type name: str
+ :param services: the list of services (:class:`Service`) of the component.
+ :param kind: If it is given and has the value "exe", the component will be built as a standalone
+ component (executable or shell script). The default is to build the component as a dynamic library.
+ :param libs: gives all the libraries options to add when linking the generated component (-L...).
+ :param rlibs: gives all the runtime libraries options to add when linking the generated component (-R...).
+ :param exe_path: is only used when kind is "exe" and gives the path to the standalone component.
+ :param aster_dir: gives the Code_Aster installation directory.
+ :param python_path: If it is given (as a list of paths), all the paths are added to the python path (sys.path).
+ :param argv: is a list of strings that gives the command line parameters for Code_Aster. This parameter is only useful when
+ kind is "lib".
+ For example, the following call defines a Code_Aster component named "mycompo" with one service s1 (it must have been defined before).
+ This standalone component takes some command line arguments::
+ >>> c1 = module_generator.ASTERComponent('mycompo', services=[s1,], kind="exe",
+ exe_path="",
+ argv=["-memjeveux","4"])
+ """
def __init__(self, name, services=None, libs="", rlibs="", aster_dir="",
python_path=None, argv=None, kind="lib", exe_path=None):
"""initialise component attributes"""
from cpp_tmpl import exeCPP, compoEXEMakefile, compoMakefile
class CPPComponent(Component):
+ """
+ A :class:`CPPComponent` instance represents a C++ SALOME component with services given as a list of :class:`Service`
+ instances with the parameter *services*.
+ :param name: gives the name of the component.
+ :type name: str
+ :param services: the list of services (:class:`Service`) of the component.
+ :param kind: If it is given and has the value "exe", the component will be built as a standalone
+ component (executable or shell script). The default is to build the component as a dynamic library.
+ :param libs: gives all the libraries options to add when linking the generated component (-L...).
+ :param rlibs: gives all the runtime libraries options to add when linking the generated component (-R...).
+ :param includes: gives all the include options to add when compiling the generated component (-I...).
+ :param sources: gives all the external source files to add in the compilation step (list of paths).
+ :param exe_path: is only used when kind is "exe" and gives the path to the standalone component.
+ :param compodefs: can be used to add extra definition code in the component for example when using a base class
+ to define the component class by deriving it (see *inheritedclass* parameter)
+ :param inheritedclass: can be used to define a base class for the component. The base class can be defined in external
+ source or with the *compodefs* parameter. The value of the *inheritedclass* parameter is the name of the base class.
+ For example, the following call defines a standalone component named "mycompo" with one service s1 (it must have been defined before)::
+ >>> c1 = module_generator.CPPComponent('mycompo', services=[s1,], kind="exe",
+ exe_path="./")
+ """
def __init__(self, name, services=None, libs="", rlibs="", includes="",
kind="lib", exe_path=None, sources=None, inheritedclass="",
f77Types = {"double":"double *", "long":"long *", "string":"const char *"}
class F77Component(CPPComponent):
+ """
+ A :class:`F77Component` instance represents a Fortran SALOME component with services given as a list of :class:`Service`
+ instances with the parameter *services*.
+ :param name: gives the name of the component.
+ :type name: str
+ :param services: the list of services (:class:`Service`) of the component.
+ :param kind: If it is given and has the value "exe", the component will be built as a standalone
+ component (executable or shell script). The default is to build the component as a dynamic library.
+ :param libs: gives all the libraries options to add when linking the generated component (-L...).
+ :param rlibs: gives all the runtime libraries options to add when linking the generated component (-R...).
+ :param sources: gives all the external source files to add in the compilation step (list of paths).
+ :param exe_path: is only used when kind is "exe" and gives the path to the standalone component.
+ For example, the following call defines a Fortran component named "mycompo" with one service s1 (it must have been defined before).
+ This component is implemented as a dynamic library linked with a user's library "mylib"::
+ >>> c1 = module_generator.F77Component('mycompo', services=[s1,],
+ libs="-lmylib -Lmydir")
+ """
def __init__(self, name, services=None, libs="", rlibs="",
kind="lib", exe_path=None, sources=None):
CPPComponent.__init__(self, name, services, libs=libs, rlibs=rlibs,
class Module(object):
+ """
+ A :class:`Module` instance represents a SALOME module that contains components given as a list of
+ component instances (:class:`CPPComponent` or :class:`PYComponent` or :class:`F77Component` or :class:`ASTERComponent`)
+ with the parameter *components*.
+ :param name: gives the name of the module. The SALOME source module
+ will be located in the <name_SRC> directory.
+ :type name: str
+ :param components: gives the list of components of the module.
+ :param prefix: is the path of the installation directory.
+ :param layout: If given and has the value "monodir", all components
+ will be generated in a single directory. The default is to generate each component in its
+ own directory.
+ :param doc: can be used to add an online documentation to the module. It must be a list of file names (sources, images, ...) that will be
+ used to build a sphinx documentation (see, for more information). If not given, the
+ and the (sphinx configuration) files are generated. In this case, the file name extension of source files must be .rst.
+ See small examples in Examples/pygui1 and Examples/cppgui1.
+ :param gui: can be used to add a GUI to the module. It must be a list of file names (sources, images, qt designer files, ...).
+ If not given, the and SalomeApp.xml are generated. All image files are put in the resources directory of the module.
+ The GUI can be implemented in C++ (file name extension '.cxx') or in Python (file name extension '.py').
+ See small examples in Examples/pygui1 and Examples/cppgui1.
+ For example, the following call defines a module named "mymodule" with 2 components c1 and c2 (they must have been
+ defined before) that will be installed in the "install" directory::
+ >>> m = module_generator.Module('mymodule', components=[c1,c2],
+ prefix="./install")
+ """
def __init__(self, name, components=None, prefix="",layout="multidir", doc=None, gui=None): = name
self.components = components or []
return {}
class Service(object):
+ """
+ A :class:`Service` instance represents a component service with dataflow and datastream ports.
+ :param name: gives the name of the service.
+ :type name: str
+ :param inport: gives the list of input dataflow ports.
+ :param outport: gives the list of output dataflow ports. An input or output dataflow port is defined
+ by a 2-tuple (port name, data type name). The list of supported basic data types is: "double", "long", "string",
+ "dblevec", "stringvec", "intvec", "file" and "pyobj" only for Python services. Depending on the implementation
+ language, it is also possible to use some types from SALOME modules (see :ref:`yacstypes`).
+ :param instream: gives the list of input datastream ports.
+ :param outstream: gives the list of output datastream ports. An input or output datastream port is defined
+ by a 3-tuple (port name, data type name, mode name). The list of possible data types is: "CALCIUM_double", "CALCIUM_integer",
+ "CALCIUM_real", "CALCIUM_string", "CALCIUM_complex", "CALCIUM_logical", "CALCIUM_long". The mode can be "I" (iterative mode)
+ or "T" (temporal mode).
+ :param defs: gives the source code to insert in the definition section of the component. It can be C++ includes
+ or Python imports
+ :type defs: str
+ :param body: gives the source code to insert in the service call. It can be any C++
+ or Python code that fits well in the body of the service method.
+ :type body: str
+ For example, the following call defines a minimal Python service with one input dataflow port (name "a", type double)
+ and one input datastream port::
+ >>> s1 = module_generator.Service('myservice', inport=[("a","double"),],
+ instream=[("aa","CALCIUM_double","I")],
+ body="print a")
+ """
def __init__(self, name, inport=None, outport=None, instream=None,
outstream=None, parallel_instream=None, parallel_outstream=None, body="", defs="", impl_type="sequential"): = name
return name, typ
class Generator(object):
+ """
+ A :class:`Generator` instance take a :class:`Module` instance as its first parameter and can be used to generate the
+ SALOME source module, builds it, installs it and includes it in a SALOME application.
+ :param module: gives the :class:`Module` instance that will be used for the generation.
+ :param context: If given , its content is used to specify the prerequisites
+ environment file (key *"prerequisites"*) and the SALOME KERNEL installation directory (key *"kernel"*).
+ :type context: dict
+ For example, the following call creates a generator for the module m::
+ >>> g = module_generator.Generator(m,context)
+ """
def __init__(self, module, context=None):
self.module = module
self.context = context or {}
raise Invalid("To generate a module with GUI, you need to set the 'gui' parameter in the context dictionnary")
def generate(self):
- """generate SALOME module as described by module attribute"""
+ """Generate a SALOME source module"""
module = self.module
namedir ="_SRC"
force = self.context.get("force")
self.makeFiles(content, filename)
def bootstrap(self):
- """execute module script: execution of libtool, autoconf, automake"""
+ """Execute the first build step (bootstrap autotools with script) : execution of libtool, autoconf, automake"""
ier = os.system("cd %s_SRC;sh" %
if ier != 0:
raise Invalid("bootstrap has ended in error")
def configure(self):
- """execute module configure script with installation prefix (prefix attribute of module)"""
+ """Execute the second build step (configure) with installation prefix as given by the prefix attribute of module"""
prefix = self.module.prefix
paco = self.context.get("paco")
mpi = self.context.get("mpi")
raise Invalid("configure has ended in error")
def make(self):
- """execute module Makefile : make"""
+ """Execute the third build step (compile and link) : make"""
make_command = "make "
if self.makeflags:
make_command += self.makeflags
raise Invalid("make has ended in error")
def install(self):
- """install module: make install """
+ """Execute the installation step : make install """
ier = os.system("cd %s_SRC;make install" %
if ier != 0:
raise Invalid("install has ended in error")
def make_appli(self, appliname, restrict=None, altmodules=None, resources=""):
- """generate SALOME application"""
+ """
+ Create a SALOME application containing the module and preexisting SALOME modules.
+ :param appliname: is a string that gives the name of the application (directory path where the application
+ will be installed).
+ :type appliname: str
+ :param restrict: If given (a list of module names), only those SALOME modules will be included in the
+ application. The default is to include all modules that are located in the same directory as the KERNEL module and have
+ the same suffix (for example, if KERNEL directory is KERNEL_V5 and GEOM directory is GEOM_V5, GEOM module is automatically
+ included, except if restrict is used).
+ :param altmodules: can be used to add SALOME modules that cannot be managed with the precedent rule. This parameter
+ is a dict with a module name as the key and the installation path as the value.
+ :param resources: can be used to define an alternative resources catalog (path of the file).
+ For example, the following calls create a SALOME application with external modules and resources catalog in "appli" directory::
+ >>> g=Generator(m,context)
+ >>> g.generate()
+ >>> g.bootstrap()
+ >>> g.configure()
+ >>> g.make()
+ >>> g.install()
+ >>> g.make_appli("appli", restrict=["KERNEL"], altmodules={"GUI":GUI_ROOT_DIR, "YACS":YACS_ROOT_DIR},
+ resources="myresources.xml")
+ """
rootdir, kerdir = os.path.split(self.kernel)