// This has to be here because it initialized all field datas.
output->CopyStructure( input );
- if(!input->GetNumberOfPoints()){
- vtkErrorMacro(<<"No input data");
- }
// Pass all. (data object's field data is passed by the
// superclass after this method)
vtkPointData *pd=input->GetPointData(), *outPD=output->GetPointData();
vtkCellData *cd=input->GetCellData(), *outCD=output->GetCellData();
output->CopyStructure( input );
- int anIdentity = 0;
- if(SALOME_Transform* aTransform = dynamic_cast<SALOME_Transform*>(this->Transform))
- anIdentity = aTransform->IsIdentity();
- if(!anIdentity && this->Transform != NULL){
+ if(Transform){
+ bool anIsIdentity = true;
+ if(SALOME_Transform* aTransform = dynamic_cast<SALOME_Transform*>(Transform))
+ anIsIdentity = aTransform->IsIdentity();
inPts = input->GetPoints();
- if(!inPts){
- vtkErrorMacro(<<"No input data");
- return;
+ if(!anIsIdentity && inPts){
+ numPts = inPts->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ numCells = input->GetNumberOfCells();
+ newPts = vtkPoints::New();
+ newPts->Allocate(numPts);
+ this->UpdateProgress(.2);
+ this->Transform->TransformPoints(inPts,newPts);
+ this->UpdateProgress(.8);
+ output->SetPoints(newPts);
+ newPts->Delete();
- numPts = inPts->GetNumberOfPoints();
- numCells = input->GetNumberOfCells();
- newPts = vtkPoints::New();
- newPts->Allocate(numPts);
- this->UpdateProgress(.2);
- this->Transform->TransformPoints(inPts,newPts);
- this->UpdateProgress(.8);
- output->SetPoints(newPts);
- newPts->Delete();